absinthe21 · 1 year
I didn't live up to my parents' expectations. They wanted a cis, but they got a queer. Every day I have to fight not only with my family, but also with the state. My country has long been known for homophobia, but now they want to bring back conversion therapy, they want to refuse treatment to trans people, and this is just the beginning. What my country is doing in domestic and foreign policy is terrible. I want to escape from here, but I don't have the means to do it yet.
For me, as a queer person, writing this post is suicide. If they find me and put me in jail, then I won't survive in prison even for the first year.
I am afraid to publish this post, I am afraid of criminal punishment and prosecution, because my Peaceful opinion (yes, they put us in jail for wanting peace, and we are imprisoned for empty sheets of paper, we rally, but we are beaten, tortured in police stations and imprisoned), my love and my self-identification are outlawed. I must say that despite all this, we must remain strong, we must fight, and I feel sorry for all those who have faced the same or even greater injustice.
Stay strong. Stay safe. Make love, not war.
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absinthe21 · 3 years
I do not know what the quality will be. Just a post.
Later congratulations on February 14. I drew it on February 15th, but..
This is for my friends. Because I don't have a romantic relationship
There probably won't be a color option.
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absinthe21 · 5 years
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Вариант без “теней” и с “тенями”. Так как в цвет я только ещё учусь…. В общем, вот.
Эта валентинка была предназначена для моего особенного друга, но я её уже подарил, так что можно и залить.
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absinthe21 · 5 years
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absinthe21 · 5 years
I gotfa make ththe thing
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absinthe21 · 5 years
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I'm not dead.
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absinthe21 · 5 years
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“Pulling off a clown disguise to reveal he’s still a clown underneath” is hands-down the funniest thing the Joker ever did
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absinthe21 · 5 years
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Now HERES an Instagram account
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absinthe21 · 5 years
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me vs my problems
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absinthe21 · 5 years
I am very tired. I'd returned from the hospital three days ago. I spent two weeks there without stationery. Now it seems to me I forgot how to draw. It sucks.
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if I find strength in myself, I'll draw something.
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absinthe21 · 5 years
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Oh You Know.
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absinthe21 · 5 years
Я совру, если скажу, что никто не пострадал при рисовании этого.
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It was fun.
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absinthe21 · 5 years
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Opposite day Tom.
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absinthe21 · 5 years
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And Tom. Also old sketches.
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absinthe21 · 5 years
Some old sketches.
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Maybe soon I will post more new works.
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absinthe21 · 6 years
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More, moooore dirty sketches.
Maybe later I'll draw Chara's too.
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absinthe21 · 6 years
a quick grass tutorial
I’ve never really wrote a tutorial before so apologies if this is bad
1. okay first thing I do is pick three colors, a mid, dark, and light. I like to check the colors in greyscale to make sure there’s enough contrast between each one.
I then plop down a blob of whatever my middle tone color is.
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2. next, I take my dark color and just sort of randomly place it around. I try to make sure there’s a good amount of both the mid and dark tones spread throughout. I personally like to keep it kinda messy. I also have pen pressure on for both brush size and opacity, so I can have some blending action going on.
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3. for the next step I do the exact same thing as before, except with the light color.
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4. aight this is where we start adding details. see how you just have a bunch of colors and edges where two colors meet? use the eyedropper and go to an area where two colors meet, eyedrop a color, and then use that color to draw in your grass blades. I do this at every point where colors meet. should note I personally like to use a square brush, but you can really just use anything.
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5. you can technically stop at the last step if you’re going for a more simple look, but to add more details I go to the “empty” areas of solid color and just draw in random strokes using a color nearby. it’s just a way to fill up the empty space.
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6. basically more of the same idea of eyedropping and drawing. for more variety so things look interesting, I like to add random plant shapes.
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7. and so the grass doesn’t look too plain, I add random dots of color and pretend it’s flowers and stuff.
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and there you have it, this is how I approach drawing grass.
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