abyssalstories · 1 year
Life with Death
I’m finally being sent on my very first reaping! I’ve been so excited for this day I could barely focus on getting packed up. Although this day came a lot sooner than estimated I can’t wait, I’ve overheard some other reapers saying the humans are really entertaining. Some of these humans actually believe we exist but their guesses on how we look and act are completely off or so I’ve heard I don’t actually know. Thankfully I was able to finish packing my stuff before the big send off. I'm kind of sad to leave but It’s gonna be great in the human realm I just know it! I take one last look around my room, my posters of shadow workers eerily smile at me reminding me all reapers must reach perfection before leaving this realm, on second thought I’m happy to be going.
Taking a step towards the door I remember something, I run to the corner of the room and pull up one of the floorboards and reach into the darkness it reveals, retrieving a small plushie. Its eyes glow bright yellow and its body midnight black with pure white wings and a faded glowing ring floating above its head. I still don’t know how that thing doesn’t fall off but it’s better that way “I could never forget you” I whisper as I hide it in my secret coat pocket. I rush out the door, shutting it behind me.
After a bit of searching I found the door labeled departure room. The sign looks heavily damaged but that’s normal I think, slowly opening the door I step inside “Hello? It’s a little dark in here, is someone here?” I try to look around stepping a little further into the room when the lights suddenly flash on startling me, I quickly realize the five other reapers surrounding me I’m about to say hi but I see they don’t look happy “Welcome little Koral to your great finale” The reaper in front of me announces in a proud voice “We have been chosen to guide you to your purpose” another reaper adds as they all take a step back and start chanting in a low drone “Wait do I get to say goodbye?” I quickly ask but get no response so I stand silently as they continue their chanting but as I listen to what they’re saying unease flows through my heart I don’t understand what the words mean but I know this isn’t the departing spell, I’ve read about this before it’s the banishing spell. Before I can warn them they have the wrong spell I feel a burning sensation ripple through my head. I feel the flames erupt inside my skull like the embers of a dying universe, my vision fades and then there's nothing but dark.
“My child lost and fading, she knows your pain and she is waiting. Heal her soul with our gift long untold, Follow her undying love and we shall meet in the stars above.”
I’m startled awake suddenly by something shaking me. My eyes are greeted by a police officer's stern expression “Hey kid you're freaking everyone out, stop screaming already” He says gesturing to the people walking on a nearby path, most of them aren’t even trying to hide their disgusted glares. “Sorry officer it won’t happen again” I reply sheepishly as I sit up “You’re lucky I haven’t made you sleep elsewhere, you’re not supposed to loiter here” He points to a sign nearby “I was just leaving anyway thank you sir” I stand up and grab my belongings quickly walking away.
As soon as I’m out of sight I rush into a nearby alleyway. Careful not to step on any broken glass, I crouched behind a dumpster “That nightmare again, no something was different this time but what is it all supposed to mean?” I mumble to myself “What am I saying it’s just a stupid nightmare it doesn’t mean anything, it felt so real though” I stare into my dirt covered hands wishing an answer would just appear before me. No, it's hopeless to just stand around feeling sad. I have to keep moving, it’ll be fine I’m thinking when my stomach grumbles “I need food anyways” I step out of the alley and make my way to my favorite spot to look for food.
“This is so boring! Why do I have to make these stupid burgers, it’s the weekend we’re closed today!” I sigh as I pick up the last one of the burger patty’s off the grill with a spatula and place it on a bun. “Mom I’m done with the burgers” I shout through the little ordering window “Thank you sweetie I would do it but I have to restock our supply, just put them in a bag next to the dumpster out back please” she shouts back “Wait what? Why did I make them then?” I ask, getting no response I groan and head to the back door. Mom usually has a reason for what she does. I hope this time isn’t an exception. Stepping outside I pause for a second to take in the beautiful night. The sudden rustling of plastic startles me, I run back inside slamming the door behind me “Sweetie are you okay?” mom asks, peeking through the window “Mom there’s something in the garbage can!” I squeal in response but she just smiles at me “Oh he’s early today, that’s fine just go give him the bag then, I’m sure he’ll be happy” she disappears again before I can respond. I get it now she’s just feeding another stray cat, she really has got to stop before they start coming inside for food.
When I arrive back outside I hear the cat still digging through the dumpster, I slowly step to the edge of the overhead spotlights shine “Hey cat I got some food for you, I hope you’re hungry it’s burgers” As soon as I speak the rustling stops, I see it’s silhouette hop out of the dumpster. It’s a little big for a cat though, probably one of those fat ones “It’s kinda weird to give burgers to a-” the last word catches in my throat as a figure that is in fact not a cat steps into the light but quickly takes a step back “Who are you? Where is the other lady?” The figure questions me
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abyssalstories · 1 year
The good pills
“Come along now Rose follow me” my mother Amy says holding my hand “Every child growing up is required to learn about emotions before the age of fifteen so they can fulfill their duty and help keep the city up and running” she leads me to a rundown building with a huge multi colored pill on the front, right as we enter I realize the inside is way more pristine and put together. They're is a guy sitting at a desk “Welcome back maam how may I help you?” he asks in a monotone voice as we approach the desk “I’m just giving my daughter the tour” she replies and we continue through a set of red double doors. The room we enter is overrun by conveyor belts going in every direction and a giant glass globe filled with thousands of different colored capsules “Mom what do the colors mean?” I ask pointing at the globe she turns to me “Those are what let us feel a special thing called emotions. A great man named Max Hartwell invented it. Without them we wouldn’t be able to feel things like happiness, anger, sadness or anything else” she continues a little further down the walkway only stopping when she realizes I’m not following she says something but I can’t understand what it is. Then why am I able to… feel?
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abyssalstories · 1 year
Midnight the shadow
“Ok let’s test the basic information, state your name and species” The shadow maker orders 
“My name is Midnight Everburn I am a shadow” I reply unconsciously “Very good, now state directive” He orders once again “I watch over a human by the name of Rose I am to ensure the survival and safety of Rose I will not reveal myself to any humans and will not be seen or thought of by humans, if I am seen by a human I am to report to you immediately, I will not abuse my shapeshifting abilities for anything other than hiding and the protection of Rose” He makes a final check in his notepad “Very well, Kala deliver Midnight to Sparks Hollow and don’t forget to activate this one” He says glancing to a small black cloud with one crimson eye “I told you that wasn’t my fault” Kala mumbles while floating over to me “I expect good results Midnight the world depends on the survival of this human” The shadow maker says before Kala expands around me fading my vision into darkness.
I’m awoken by a loud ringing, it’s a device used to signal humans to wake up from sleeping. It is not a danger to Rose…how do I know that? I’ve never even heard a sound like that before. Well then again all of the sounds around me are new, I’m so lost in thought I fail to notice Rose getting up and leaving the room. “Mom, the shower is cold again!” Rose shouts from another room pulling me out of my thoughts “I should probably refrain from getting distracted for Rose's safety” I mumble to myself “since I somehow know she’s safe wherever she is, I guess I’ll use this time to study the environment since I’m living here now.” Taking a quick glance around I realize Rose’s room isn’t very suitable for a shadow, it's way too bright! I realize she could come back any time now I frantically search for a dark corner or closet, anywhere to hide. Eventually coming to the conclusion that the only option is…under the bed which I’ve been told is a common place for what the humans call monsters to live and if my creator's description of the monsters is correct I’m doomed! I rush across the floor into the darkness under the bed just as Rose opens the door phew that was a close one I sigh silently peeking out. What’s she doing to her hair!? I’m not getting anything telling me that ritual is safe. I have to stop her! But how? Maybe if I distract her I look around and locate a word brick holder at the end of the bed. The creator told me humans are really protective of them. I float over and give it a slight nudge which sends the whole thing toppling over oh too much force? She emits a squeaking sound levitating off the ground for a few seconds. She can float too but not for long I guess she never finished her training. Where do humans train their abilities? “How the heck did this happen!” Rose exclaims now next to the holder she pulls the contraption upright “Dang a shelf broke well I do have to go shopping anyways” She gets lower to the floor and stacks the word bricks in a tower next to the holder, instinctively I back further into the darkness. Geez now I feel bad I can’t really repair it can I?
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abyssalstories · 1 year
Candy Blood: part one
I’m very well known at my shopping mart, everyone knows who I am and what I do. Not a single soul in this establishment is unaware of my social allure and what I offer, what I bring to the table. They enjoy my structure and how it keeps on running no matter what. I am Plasmis Sweet but they all know me as Candy Blood, and I’m a renowned black market dealer of a variety of flavored bloods.
I was honestly blown away by my luck when I moved to Shatter Bright city and saw that there is a private school solely for vampires. I knew immediately I had to set up shop there, it’s easy to get in since I’m long past old enough to be a student there. The slightly difficult piece of my extravagant plan is that I’m not a vampire, but I’ve accounted for that from the second I arose from my sleep, for I am also a very powerful overlord where I come from, so I can manipulate my appearance.
I can be nearly anything I want, unfortunately it does come at a price. Anything other than my natural form has a bit of an odor. Did I present that as though it’s an issue? Well it is not, only a creature of seduction can smell the odors whereas vampires and other creatures can not, and said creatures of seduction are rather foolish. This is going to be magnificent!
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abyssalstories · 1 year
My name is Vincent. I'm the youngest of three children in the Kaos family. It's actually pronounced chaos but I guess my parents thought It would be unique to change it a bit. The order of kids from oldest to youngest goes like so: Amber who is nineteen, Lilly seventeen then me I’m fifteen. My family is in a good spot currently seeing as dad got a new job that pays significantly better than his last one, while mom stays home with me, Amber moved out recently to live with her girlfriend Poppy. I like Poppy a lot. She's always really nice to me and brings me a lollipop when her and Amber visit. It’s just me and mom during the weekdays since Lilly goes to school.
“Vincent sweetie we need to go grocery shopping” Mom says from the living room I hop off my bed immediately, I love when we go grocery shopping since it means I get to help decide dinner. I grab my hoodie off the coat rack and slip it on “Sweetie it’s warm out you’ll overheat in that” She pauses in front of the door “It’s ok I’ll be fine” I smile which she responds to with a hesitant “Just take it off if it gets too hot.” The drive there is filled with an awkward silence. I can tell she wants to say something and I’m sure I know what it is, “How are you doing mom?” I ask looking out the window there’s an awful lot of green cars around today which is different than usual “Sweetie I just…I really think we should talk about it” She puts each word into the car's dull atmosphere with a delicacy I’m all too familiar with.
The it she’s referring to is the death of my best friend Everest. I don't know how he died nor do I want to know, I realize now this isn’t a shopping trip at all. It happened a month ago, that night I was going to have a sleepover at his house I was beyond excited because when I had stayed over previously he said when I come back he would finally have the newest release in our favorite video game series Untold legends, three hours before we were going to leave there was a knock on the front door I got up to go downstairs but I stopped when I heard crying, it sounded like Everest’s parents, soon they started whispering I overheard one thing “He wasn’t breathing, the doctors said he’s gone.”
Everyone keeps asking about how I’m feeling. I know they're expecting me to just break down and cry but I’m not sad. I'm not happy or angry either. I have other more concerning feelings to worry about. “I’m good mom I really am” I smile as sincere as possible and she seems to believe it.
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abyssalstories · 1 year
If I could? part two
I remember it like it just happened, but it was twenty years ago.
I wake to the glow spilling through the vent on the farthest wall of my bare cement room telling me the furnace is preparing to fulfill its duties for the day, they must have found her this time. I get up and slip on my gas mask and my hazmat suit with no hood, the lenses on the other one are hard to clean so I avoid using it whenever I can. I make my way to the exit pausing at a pillar a few feet away from the door with a single intercom on it “Did you do it right this time?” I ask, pushing down the little red button “Yes we’re sure this is the one my queen” a static voice replies “Let’s hope so, you wouldn’t want a repeat of last time would you?” I release the button just as a light above the exit turns green indicating the subject is properly restrained.
I make my way through the door into the main room that’s decorated with only a pivoting surgical table facing towards the front of the furnace which has a chair next to it. As soon as I entered the deformed shadow creatures that were surrounding the girl strapped to the aforementioned surgical table back away. She’s squirming around trying to break free from the restraints but she doesn’t make a sound, they never do, they’re too scared to scream but not enough to stay still. She looks towards me, not at me, there’s not a single bit of recognition in her eyes but it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other she’s just a little disoriented that’s all.
She has the red hair, the blue eyes. Everything I remember her having it’s her, it has to be. “What do you want with me, who are you?” she demands still struggling against the straps that hold her in place I walk over to one of the shadows “Darling tell me the details please” I say gently petting its decaying head, it leans into my hand before I stop returning my hand to my side “yes my queen, her name is Cirrus Evelyn and we found her watching television in a apartment on Lilac street, we had to make her get dressed though but we did not invade her privacy, which did complicate things a bit whereas in her privacy she tried to run but we caught her and transported her here with utmost delicacy” the creature relays sounding proud of itself.
I pull a remote with a single fingerprint scanner that upon scanning my thumb a sliding door opens, next to the door is an engraving that says reward room the creatures release a faint shriek as they shove and claw their way through the door. The door closes behind them leaving me and Cirrus alone. “Why am I here?” She cries as tears begin dripping down her cheeks. I rush over to her and reach my hand out to wipe the tears from her face but she turns her head away “Don’t touch me!” she yells crying even more I just stand there looking deep into her eyes “it’s not you, you’re not my delicate cloud are you?” I sigh as I walk over to the chair by the furnace and sit down “I’ll never find her, I guess I should’ve known by now” I give a weak smile that quickly fades away.
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abyssalstories · 1 year
If I could?
“Hey Rose wanna come over to my house? I got one of those movies you like” I say holding my phone between my cheek and my shoulder as I pour a smoothie from a blender to a water bottle. “Oooh Cirrus I thought those movies were weird?” she whispers back her voice sending a wave of warmth through my body “Whatever babe, so are coming or not?” I reply to avoid the question “Of course I will my delicate cloud” I tense up when she says that, I’m not sure why but I do “Don’t call me that” I snap back aggressively “Oh sweetie I’m sorry I didn’t me-” She starts but I cut her off “Just come over whenever you can” I hang up and put the phone face down on the counter in front of me. Why did I get mad at that? She was just being affectionate, it’s not a bad thing to say, I put it out of my mind and continued on with my routine. After I finished my smoothie and put the bottle in the sink I made my way down a short hallway to my bedroom.
When I first moved into this apartment I asked the landlord if I could paint one of the rooms. They were very kind and allowed me to, so I chose the biggest room which at the time was a sad grayish yellow, a very ugly color if you ask me, and I painted little clouds on every wall, even the ceiling. I’m not sure if it’s because of my name or just how they look but clouds have always been comforting to look at, not any clouds though I only liked the wispy and thinner ones.
I remember just watching her whenever she would buy us ice cream, her red hair flowing in the gentle breeze and as she walked back her eyes I could only describe as warm blue ice sparkled in the sunlight, she was taller than me and since she was strong after we finished our treat she would pick me up and carry me around pretty much like a baby. The view was always better when she would carry me. She always had the coolest outfit on too, there was one time she wore this jacket she said was made out of flowers and it had little badges all over it. She never said what the badges meant but I’m sure it was for something amazing. One night we had a sleepover at my house, we watched our favorite shows and played games then told scary stories before we went to bed. When I woke up the next morning I was excited to be able to see her right away but she wasn’t there, I found a note on the kitchen counter saying:
“I’m sorry, it’s hard for me to do this but I have to. We belong together this I know but I also know this isn’t our time yet. You are destined for things I can’t comprehend at this time, please do not look for me for our day will come when it is meant to. I have left you a gift I’ve been told will be of use to you, I await our reunion -Your delicate cloud”
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