Don’t get LOST in the PAST !
Connor Mcgregor is a professional mixed martial arts artist who is the current lightweight champion and also has the first fighter in UFC history to maintain the weight divisions of the titles, MCGregor has competed as featherweight, lightweight and weight welter He talks a bit about his past as MCGregor had a very difficult past and is now in the top ten of the best paid fighters in the UFC, and what he wants to understand is that he has achieved his goals and continues to do so, you have to work day by day to achieve the objectives as they are improving so you can get ahead in the purposes and not leave them alone as goals if you do not achieve them, always love your work is something that the video wants us to reflect only so you can achieve what you want and that your day is not rubbish if not that your work is what you love and you do not see it as work but as your lifestyle.
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Don’t wait for others to tell you yes!
Emma Stone have 10 rules of success:
1.    Keep making your own stuff
2.    Make sacrifices
3.    Keep going
4.    Be prepared to compromise
5.    Always give your all
6.    Embrace your past
7.    Fight for what you want
8.    Take on challenges
9.    Find your drive
10. Have fun
Emma told us about her experiences, she had rejections when her career began, even with her parents, who at first didn’t support her when she was interested in being an actress and being in a theater.
She speaks of sacrifices, that in everything there must be sacrifices in life, work and relationships. She also says that he wouldn’t change anything that happened to him because thanks to all that, she is who she’s now ... and I really like her films!
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7 ways to have ENERGY all day!
This video talks about to how some entrepreneur having energy all day:
1)   Enjoy your job: This way is the most important because when you love your job, it is not a job, and is only something that you enjoy do and you win money to do it
2)   Take care of yourself: Drink a lot of water, eat healthy and do exercise.
3)   Start you day of rigth: Be optimistic
4)   Set up triggers: Use something to increase your energy and your self esteem
5)   Be around energetic people: Lookin for people who adds good things to your life
6)   Work to your needs: Work in good conditions for you.
7)   Work on important things: Work on things that are meaningful to you.
And my conclusión is.. work  in something that you dont take as work, take care of yoour health and don’t forget the important things in life
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Whatever you want...
Simon Sinek shared with us the number one advice to achieve everything we want, and said there are two ways to see the world, some people see what they want and some people see it only prevent them from getting what they want. and we just have to see the things we want and fight for them! Sometimes it's so hard to fight something you want or need, and you just say "it's impossible" or something.. but we can do it, we can invent how to do it... I can't think how my life would be if I just follow strict rules, I can't live that way because I love being free and deciding how I want to live my life and this has never make me a bad person because as a person you know your freedoms but also your responsibilities, it´s a good person because freedom with values is good, is a good way to see things and make your way.
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I really liked the video, it’s about Ed Sheeran who is a amazing singer and composer, and he share with us, 10 tips for success: 
Aim at the top
Don´t be afraid to fail
Ignore the little man
Pace yourself
Express yourself
Step out of your comfort zone
Keep going
Find the time to make it happen
Make people happy
Support other
His advices are so important, and I think the people who feel this way, are very empathetic people.. because we all go through things like the selfishness of other people, we feel that we do not have time and we must do it, I think it is something very important because that has told me my father, that for everything there is time in this life .. and always we need grow in different aspects, but we should never forget the important things… I really love his songs and now I understand why they are so beautiful, because he said that he writes songs from the heart.. and this is my favorite Ed's song...
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Impossible is nothing..
Some celebrities told us about their life experiences and said "nothing is impossible" ... sometimes we think dreams are impossible, but we do not realize that all we need is to believe in yourself. many successful companies started with a small project and with preservation they grew and managed to be multimillionaires ... David Beckham told us about his experience at a football game, when he forgot to believe in himself and was motivated to get ahead and achieve his dream ... a few days ago, Mexico suffered a heavy blow with an earthquake and what was believed impossible happened, all Mexicans came together to help those who lost everything ... Everything is possible, you just need believe in God, be positive, smile and everything will be better ... Everything you can imagine you can do
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People always think they can do all things for themselves, but that’s not true, sometimes we need help or inspiration from other people. Robert Kiyosaky told us that he was looking for mentors or teachers and they became his model and took the most important part of your successful life ... It is very important to have a model, mentor or friend to help you in difficult times, nobody can do everything and everything is better with help, so leave your pride and ask for help. .
But I have a complementary idea ...
One day I found this image that says you have to be strong because you never know who you are inspiring, you have to be inspired and inspire, maybe this way we can achieve great changes ..
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FIND the WORK You Were BORN to DO!
This time we talked about Beyonce, who is the most nominated woman on the Grammy ... She said "we are all stars" and speaks of perseverance and discipline. She says that a key to success is to get to know each other's work every day. If Beyonce had not worked and fought for each of her dreams, she probably wouldn’t be the super star that she is now ... and we need to find our dream and work every day. moment to find something we are good at beyonce level...
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Make your mark on the world!
I like this video, Michelle Obama, talks about how you change the world, how you can put your mark.. and she doesn´t talk about the all world, sometimes you can start whit your little world, with yourself First… Ask yourself… Who do you want to be? This question is very very important, because is your future, you need choose your way, not your parents, not your family, not your friends, it's only your decisión.. Choose the career that you like, not the one your parents or the people want .. do what your mind and your heart tell you...Just do what you want and that will make you happy. And when you choose your way, you need to take responsibility and as you grow, you can leave more marks in the world, marks on other people. Just do it, just be happy, just choose your way, believe and follow your dreams And that will be your legacy..
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Oprah Winfrey talks about the spets to success..
In this video, she said that in her life nothing is lucky, she always had to prepared to every moment and I believe it is the most important point, because always you need to reach tha maturity and whith that, learn the other points.
Understand the next right move - Never stop, always going another step.
Seize your opportunity - Nothing is lucky, prepare for every moment.
Everyone makes mistakes - Never forget taht everyone has past mistakes.
Work on yourself
Run the race as hard as you can - You need to give it everything you have got all the time for yourself.
Believe - Believe and follow your life plan.
We are all seeking the same thing - Be whatever you want.
Find your purpose - Follow your dreams
Stay grounded - Be humble.
Relax. it`s going to be okay.
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Follow your heart...
Lilian Bob say “I believe that every human being is capable of doing extraordinary things”... And I think the same, its very important to help people who have depression.. I think that you can make the difference..
This video its about Dwayne Johnson, he talks about a difficult stage in his life when he was young.. He was in deep depression, because he was speld from his fighting team. In spite of whats his father said, he was able to rejoin his team one and half month later. He followed his heart and won a championship belt and now its a very important actor and he stands out for his great body and his great strength...
He said “You are not alone”... If you feel alone and sad or you touch background , you remember, always will someone help you and save you. 
Always believe in yourself, follow your heart and your dreams... 
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English class
Welcome to my blog, in this blog I will write about a youtuber and I hope you like it (: #EnglishClass #ImLearningEnglish 
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