Thoughts on doomerism? I agree with it but what do you think?
gurl, i hope you know that i have no fucking idea what you're talking about!
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As a gaybian xenogender kinnie, queer discourse is stupid!
I use to participate in being super anti all that stuff, until i realized its stupid and its making me and everyone else unhappy.
that's true, and a good point, but also not my thesis! debate about controversial topics rarely leaves any person content. the three core aspects that intra-queer discourse have that make it specifically bad are the individuality, the effect, and the unity. firstly, most arguments about queer identity solely revolve around definition and inclusion to a specific community. one can see this with pansexual vs. bisexual discourse, arguments about neopronouns, defining what a lesbian is, and etc. a person is trying to set these lines in the sand about a person's identity by, often times, policing their language and inclusion. a person's identity, by definition, is a deeply personal thing. it even falls into being a natural right due to inherently deriving from this idea of "autonomy", both in body and thought. secondly, the effect an identity has on the queer community is misrepresented. the autonomy may be countered by weighing a person's natural rights against the common good. the effect an individual's identity has on the common good is often overstated or the entity acting against the common good is often misidentified. this can be seen with the argument of "not being taken seriously" against any number of things related to identity. even if a person would be the cause of the queer community "being taken less seriously", it is improper to point to them as the actor in this scenario. the people who are "taking the queer community less seriously" (or doing any number of things) are the ones to blame because it is their harmful perceptions, not another person's actions, being the ethically incorrect actors. finally, these debates disrupt and harm the unity within the queer community. in these debates, both sides often have very immutable viewpoints. when one disagrees with another, they can see it as a personal attack, due to the association with "harming the community" one side has made. this leads to factions forming within the queer community that refuse to interact, and even villainize the other. they put their energy into vehemently decrying each other which detracts from the efforts of fighting the oppression of the queer community as a whole. discourse and discussion about queer identity is not bad in toto. having one's views challenged is a valuable tool in growing and solidifying why one has those beliefs, yet, these debates do not have the necessary circumstances to currently accomplish that. due to their questioning of one's autonomy, misrepresentation of the effects of one's identity, and disruption of queer unity, queer discourse is often not only ineffective, but actively harmful, and should be widely disregarded in the status quo.
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i clicked anon it was a bone ridden error mb
let this be a monument to your sins!
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i wanna make a stew with my bones on a bunsen burner. rattle em around and watch my broth congeal
sure! sure i guess! we're doing this now! this is what we're doing!
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im such a fan. i just love enjoying things.
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i wrote a really super awesome paper about the fundamental flaws of a free market (with corporacapitalist socialisation), and, i must be honest, magnum opus type beat! at least for this year. i'll have to summarize it some time, but also a lot of it would have to just be "dude trust me the market works like this" because the paper is so source based! also definitely relies heavily on the idea of a corporacapitalist socialisation, because you can't really make any solid statements about human nature, especially when it's so mired by the systems in the status quo.
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wow i was really posting last night! wow!
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thanks for more homed stuck. i have no idea why. i do not watch/read the thing!!! gurl i am confused!!!
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my political theory is like fanfic
see it's like i'm in fandom, but i'm actually a radical leftist commie intent on violent revolution!
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see it's like i'm in fandom, but i'm actually a radical leftist commie intent on violent revolution!
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wow, gang, call me butter, cus' i'm on a roll tonight!
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this is also super "dude trust me", but i promise i have sources for the claims i'm making; i am just quite tired!
i wrote a really super awesome paper about the fundamental flaws of a free market (with corporacapitalist socialisation), and, i must be honest, magnum opus type beat! at least for this year. i'll have to summarize it some time, but also a lot of it would have to just be "dude trust me the market works like this" because the paper is so source based! also definitely relies heavily on the idea of a corporacapitalist socialisation, because you can't really make any solid statements about human nature, especially when it's so mired by the systems in the status quo.
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gotta be tbh, any political theory that relies solely off of "human nature" is pretty foundationally flawed. to completely discount the socialisations we have from ideology in the status quo does a massive disservice to the effect it has on all aspects of our identity and culture. if the socialisation is not acknowledged and remedied, then it will carry on, even in indirect ways, into the new system as it's so normalized for people.
i wrote a really super awesome paper about the fundamental flaws of a free market (with corporacapitalist socialisation), and, i must be honest, magnum opus type beat! at least for this year. i'll have to summarize it some time, but also a lot of it would have to just be "dude trust me the market works like this" because the paper is so source based! also definitely relies heavily on the idea of a corporacapitalist socialisation, because you can't really make any solid statements about human nature, especially when it's so mired by the systems in the status quo.
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i wrote a really super awesome paper about the fundamental flaws of a free market (with corporacapitalist socialisation), and, i must be honest, magnum opus type beat! at least for this year. i'll have to summarize it some time, but also a lot of it would have to just be "dude trust me the market works like this" because the paper is so source based! also definitely relies heavily on the idea of a corporacapitalist socialisation, because you can't really make any solid statements about human nature, especially when it's so mired by the systems in the status quo.
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engaging in queer discourse means that you have already lost. the enemy does not want us to have unity within our community, and debating identity is just another mechanism to achieve that disruption.
queer discourse is so stupid. they're literally all just words that we made up. it's subjective! no matter what anyone says, the right will always find something to scapegoat. it doesn't change a damn thing! i don't give a fuck if a person uses neopronouns or if they call themself pansexual or if they're trans and don't experience dysphoria! it's their own individual identity.
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queer discourse is so stupid. they're literally all just words that we made up. it's subjective! no matter what anyone says, the right will always find something to scapegoat. it doesn't change a damn thing! i don't give a fuck if a person uses neopronouns or if they call themself pansexual or if they're trans and don't experience dysphoria! it's their own individual identity.
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me when life is volatile and dynamic and nothing will be be static and rigid.
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