Gentleman thief who REFUSES to get into combat with women but it isnt because of any idea of honor or misogyny its because he's gay and doesn't get a homoerotic thrill out of life-or-death swordplay if he's having to fight a chick
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I see. I’m personally not inclined to think that is the entire truth coming from, but what do I know.
I’m very…confused
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Sorry for pressing a previous point, but do you know who told you Scott said those things? It couldn’t be that hard to find them, South Park is small. Maybe they have a record for lying. 
I'm very...confused
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I honestly do not think he said that. For as vile as he may get, I don’t think he would do something like that, he’s been hurt like that too many times. My brother can also probably say something but he only bites and drools.
I'm very...confused
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Scott said you disgust him?
I'm very...confused
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How is that gaslighting? If I have the right man in mind, there is no reason for him to be lying to you and trying to fuck you over.
I'm very...confused
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What do you think he’s gaslighting you about?
I'm very...confused
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Really? From who? What happened, what did they say?
I'm very...confused
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I'm very...confused
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Send a 🎧 and I will put my music on shuffle, then write a starter based on a lyric from the first song that plays
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Under the surface I hide my nerves, and it worsens, I worry something is gonna hurt us
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You're my lab assistant and I ask you for a specific vile of glowing liquid. You keep picking up the wrong vile and so I say "no silly, it's this one" and we both go to grab it at the same time. We touch hands and fall in love a bit (as all gay mad scientists should)
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Cooking and baking starters
Feel Free to edit however you see fit!
Sentence Starters
“Hey, can you taste test this for me?”
“Taste testing time? My favorite part!”
“This is delicious! You always make the best foods.”
“I think it could use a little more _.”
“This recipe is from my_.”
“There’s flour everywhere.. except for inside the bowl.”
“Are you trying to set the house on fire?”
“I think you might have forgotten a few ingredients..”
“Don’t touch that! That’s hot!”
“Ow! That pan is hot!”
“Oh my gosh! You made cookies! My favorite!”
“Oh no, it’s burning!”
“I think we missed a few steps in that recipe..”
“Just channel your inner Gordon Ramsay.”
“Uh… _, did you accidentally add salt instead of sugar?”
“You’re apart of the family now. It’s time I teach the family recipe. You cannot say a word about this to ANYONE, got it?”
“Trust me, you don’t want me near a stove.”
“Do you really have to follow the steps in order while baking?”
“Don’t eat the brownie mix! It has raw eggs!”
“This is sooo good.”
“If you keep taste testing, there’s not going to be anything left by the time we’re supposed to be done.”
“Cooking for a gathering as big as this is much more work than I thought.”
“Ah shit! Get the fire extinguisher!”
“This is delicious!”
“Oh no, this tastes awful!”
“We did it! We made a whole feast!”
“Ugh, now we have to clean the kitchen. It never ends!”
[DANCE] - for both muses to end up slow dancing in the kitchen when a slow song begins to play
[FOOD FIGHT] - for both muses to get distracted from cooking and use the ingredients for a food fight
[SECRET] - for receiver’s muse to share their secret recipe with sender’s muse
[CONTEST] - for both muses to compete in a cooking or baking contest
[ASSIST] - sender’s muse has been assigned as receiver’s assistant chef
[TRAIN] - receiver’s muse is a highly experienced chef and is assigned to train sender’s muse for the job
[ENJOY] - For both muses to sit down and enjoy a meal/snack they made together.
[SURPRISE] - For sender’s muse to surprise receiver’s muse with their favorite food.
[TEACH] - For sender’s muse to offer to give receiver’s muse cooking or baking lessons.
[TASTE TEST] - For sender’s muse to give receiver’s a bit of what they’re making for them to taste test.
[BURN] - For receiver’s muse to notice something burning
[ACTION] + reverse for the roles to be reversed!
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They turn me down, now I live my nightmare Gotta be seen by someone out there
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