acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
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acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
>>Initiate Mun Monday
Send me a symbol and I’ll respond accordingly;;
♫ - Show your face ♣ - Sexuality ♦ - Relationship Status ↕ - State/Country you’re from ≡ - Most recent game played. ∞ - How did you get into Tumblr? Ω - Got any Tumblr “Senpai’s” and if so who? ♥ - Top Celebrity crush ☻ - Favorite Blog I follow/Rp with ◘ - Random Fact about Mun • - Random Fact about Muse ► - Asker gives a question
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acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
Well, you finally made up your mind; you were going to tell Karkat about your mutant blood. Grabbing your jacket from the floor, you toss it on. Then you put your eyepatch and go outside, sending a message in advance for the ceruleanblood to see.
-- acidaemiaGonoph [AG] began pestering conqueringGuidance [CG] --
AG: Yo, I'm heading over. AG: I go7 some really impor7an7 shi7 7o 7ell you.
-- acidaemiaGonoph [AG] ceased pestering conqueringGuidance [CG] --
Huffing, you slide your phone into your back pocket and start walking. The path to Karkat's hive was long and boring as hell. Not to mention it was cold as balls out. You pull your jacket closer to you, muttering under your breath. That's when you slide your phone out again and send a quick message to your matesprit:
-- acidaemiaGonoph [AG] began pestering cataclysmicAmbition [CA] --
AG: Hey, so, I'm going over 7o 7ell Karka7 abou7 my blood. AG: I'll message you if 7hings ge7 ugly.
-- acidaemiaGonoph [AG] ceased pestering cataclysmicAmbition [CA] --
Better safe than sorry, right?
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acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
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(( I suddenly don't want to finish this...ever. :| ))
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acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
Everyone loves AUs!
Arranged: Our muses will be in an arranged marriage. The thread will begin a few days before their wedding in order to allow them to interact before.
Vegas: Muses will wake up after a wild night, not remembering what happened and only knowing that they are in bed together. (if you want to do the full Vegas experience of horror, they can be married)
Little Mermaid/Merman: Muses will follow the CLASSIC plot of the Little Mermaid. Means no happy ending... sorry.
Cinderella: Once again, muses will follow the CLASSIC plot.
War: Muses will be on the same or opposite sides of a war (i.e. Revolutionary -French or Amercian-, Civil, or the World Wars). If the same, they must rely on each other during a situation where they are pinned down. If opposite, P.O.W. situation or spying.
Underworld: Vampires vs. Lycans. Specify which side you would like your muse to be on and I will pick opposite. Either set before the "war" in the movies, or in the future when everything is done underground to avoid detection by the humans.
Spartacus: Muses will be gladiators or freed slaves against the roman army. This can even go a little before that to where the muses are in bounds and before they get free.
Child: Our characters suddenly find themselves responsible for an infant and attempt to look after it until they can find who the child belongs to with little luck
Coffee Shop: One of our characters works in a coffee shop and the other has a crush on them. They come in all the time for coffee even though they don’t drink it. One day they are approached by their crush and they get talking.
College: Our characters meet while attending university and end up sharing a dorm room. Awkwardness ensues after a drunk one night stand after a night of partying
Criminal: Our characters are criminals on the run from the police, doing whatever they can to remain free. They take on various disguises and aliases as they travel from country to country. (Can involve multiple FCs)
Haunted: One of our characters dies and comes back to visit the other, they cannot pass over until they’ve told the other person their feelings for them, which they cannot bring themselves to do. In the meantime the other person begins to fall in love with the ghost.
Highschool: Our characters attend high school together and hate each other. They avoid each other at all costs until they end up in detention together or are forced to work on a project together. They begin to become friends although neither of them will admit it.
Hostage: One of our characters is a criminal, that takes refuge in the other characters house, essentially keeping them hostage. The hostage begins to develop feelings for their capture and helps them evade the police.
Magic: One of our characters gains magical powers but has no idea how to control them. With the other characters help they try to figure out how to use them correctly but not without some mishaps along the way.
Possessed: One of our characters is possessed by a demon and the other must figure out a way of saving them before its too late.
Road Trip; Our characters go on a road trip, there’s a lot of laughter and fun and sightseeing and also a lot of trouble along the way.
Royalty: One of our characters is royalty and the other is their servant. The servant has feelings for the Royalty but knows nothing can happen as they (Royalty) are engaged to marry and it is frowned upon. Little do they know that their feelings are returned.
Sanatorium: One of our characters is a long time resident in a sanatorium and the other is the new staff member assigned to care for them.
Serial Killer: Our characters are a pair of serial killers who have teamed up and began a killing spree, targeting the weak and vulnerable.
Victim: One of our characters is a victim of a terrible crime and is found by the other character, who tries to help them through there ordeal but falls in love with them along the way.
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acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
(( ))
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acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
Reblog and see if you get a color.
PURPLE: We near never speak, but I do enjoy your presence on my dashboard.
FUCHSIA: I wish I could become your best friend through the internet.
GREY: You leave me with jumbled words.
RED: I'm in love with you.
PINK: I have a crush on you.
TURQUOISE: You're hot.
CHARTREUSE: I sincerely wish you would notice me.
TEAL: We have quite a lot in common.
BLUE: You are my Tumblr crush.
ORANGE: I dislike your page.
GREEN: I find you cute.
BLACK: I would date you.
BROWN: I dislike you.
CHAR RED: I'll teach you that a Mobile Suit has its limits, my friend.
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acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
Too much booze, Vriska?
Nos!! I mean, no!
*stumbles over*
I din'7 have any freakin' boze- booze!I7 wad 7hose s7ipid gray faced nonnies...stupid anonnies.
0 notes
acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
Drunk for an hour! Includes slurring, drunk texts, and the rest of the funny stuff. c:
I don7 wa7n 7o be durnk. ...I mean drank...durkn. Fuck. Drunk!
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acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
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53K notes · View notes
acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
◊ c:))
[ ◊: Your muse comes to mine, crying, how does my muse react?]
It wasn't like Kanaya to show up at your hive out of the blue, especially if she was crying. "Maryam, what's wrong?" You pull hands away from her face, watching the translucent tyrian tears run down her flushed face. All you heard escape her lips was heavy breathing and jumbled words mixed with sobs. Sighing, you pull the Virgo into a hug, letting her rest her head on your shoulder. "Take it easy... Just...tell me once you're ready."
0 notes
acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
UwU ▣ ))
[ ▣ - My character will tell you the last thing they’d say before having to kill yours ]
Shit, why did Karkat assign you to this task? Why not Terezi? Or, or Kanaya?! You look down at your best friend, who was lying on a bright orange stone slab with a sun symbol on it. He had his eyes closed, obviously waiting for you to kill him and let him ascend. Red-tinted tears began to blur your vision, causing you to wipe your eyes with your jacket sleeves. An impatient grunt came from Karkat. "I... I'm sorry to do this Karkat, even if it is for a good reason... C-can't wait to see you again..." Voice cracking, you grab one of your knives and lean over to hold it above the ceruleanblood's throat. This was reminding you of your nightmare on Prospit... The orange questbed was a haunting reminder of the moon... With a shaking hand, you quickly slit Karkat's throat and turn away, tears running down your face.
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acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
[ ◊: Your muse comes to mine, crying, how does my muse react? ]
Whoa, what the hell?! Karkat was suddenly hugging your tightly, crying his eyes out onto your shirt. All you could really do was stare at him in disbelief; this was Karkat. The troll who always seems to one-up someone and have a shitty insult for everyone. Seeing him so...vulnerable...was shocking. "Whoa, hey, Karkat, are you okay?" You wrap your arms around him, rubbing his back in a comforting fashion. "Dude, what happened?" You give him a few minutes so he can piece himself together and explain what happened.
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acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
[ ❂: My muse is clumsy and crashes into yours. ]
Just a casual midnight walk to blow off steam and get some air. The last thing you expected was for a Rust Eridan to crash into you. ...Wait. Rust Eridan? That wasn't right. "Whoa, hey, get off me!" You shove him back a bit, stumbling back yourself. This was weird on a whole new level. "Why the hell- How the hell- ...Fuck, you know, I'm not even going to question it."  You were probably hallucinating anyways; you haven't been sleeping very much. "Let's just forget this happened." That was the last thing you said to the rust Eridan before turning around and walking back to your hive to finally get some sleep.
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acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
You there… (■_■) FREEZE! You’re under arrest for being so nice and cute. Copy this message to 10 other beautiful blogs who you think deserve this message! Keep the game going and make everyone feel beautiful ♥
(( Eeeeeee, thank mew!
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acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
Send me a Symbol
✉: For a regular text message from my muse.
♣: Here, have a not so regular (maybe even a dirty one) text message.
✍: For what my muse has written about yours in their diary.
✎: For an unsent letter from my muse (May be AU if you want, just let me know what kind of AU you want).
☎: For a drunk phone call.
☏: How about a voice message from my muse?
♥: The favorites of my muse- can be anything from music to sex positions, you're allowed to specify what you want.
∞: A random headcanon about my muse and yours.
☯: Here, have a hug from my muse.
☮: An argument I think my muse would have with yours.
♪: I've put all of my songs on shuffle- now I have to write a drabble involving our muses with the next song that comes on.
♬: Would you care to dance? My muse has to dance with yours.
♛: My muse is royalty for a day and you are their loyal subject- wait, what? What would my muse's reaction be to this idea?
♚: You are my master- hold on. What if my muse was the loyal subject, how would this go?
❂: My muse is clumsy and crashes into yours.
☢: It's too hot outside, how does my muse suggest our muses cool down?
ϟ: There's a storm going on and our muses are stuck together in a house- how will this go?
☂: It's pouring down and your muse forgot their umbrella, will my muse offer up theirs?
★: The stars are shining beautifully and my muse wants you to see them.
☾: It's in the middle of the night and my muse had a nightmare about yours- what does my muse do?
☼: The sun is shining bright and your muse got the bright idea of going out, does my muse agree with this?
☄: My muse is lost, luckily there is cellphone reception- does my muse dare to call yours for help?
♤: Our muses are playing a game, which kind and who is winning?
♒: Our muses are at the beach together, by accident or not, and yours was a bit too close to the waves- will my muse laugh or perhaps be helpful?
◊: Your muse comes to mine, crying, how does my muse react?
✘: Scars aren't very pretty- my muse has to show you theirs.
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acidaemiagonoph · 11 years
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(( Dammit, Karkat, put on a fucking shirt. :T ))
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