ackingackingack · 3 months
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Alright, now lose it (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah) Just lose it (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah) Go crazy (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah)
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ackingackingack · 3 months
clone commando gaming
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ackingackingack · 3 months
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The youtuber alpharad made a video today ranking his mains in ever applicable video game, and I felt compelled to do the same, so yeah this is it.
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ackingackingack · 7 months
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ackingackingack · 8 months
elf yuri except one of them is high fantasy and the other is one of santa's
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ackingackingack · 8 months
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my little brother & i are having a scholarly debate about mornings
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ackingackingack · 1 year
i have to share with you all my favorite totk video ever
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ackingackingack · 1 year
grrrrrr NUANCE. yes I believe in donating to ao3 to support a non-profit archive designed to protect fandom and support creativity and to fund the legal team that makes sure you're allowed to make your fanworks at all and yes I believe that the site hosting explicit child bullshittery is inherently awful and should be stopped and yes I believe people are allowed to write and express themselves however they want and that censorship is inherently bad and it's good that there's a system of tags to protect the people who will be harmed and I think it's disgusting that people try to defend the production of fictional stories that romanticize and glorify pedophilic behavior by saying it doesn't affect anyone when it is literally starting a real conversation between real people as they defend it and yes I believe they're entitled to their opinion and to be upset that people are trying to censor them and yes I believe that they are the most un-self aware people out there who are sticking their heads in the sand and yes I believe that censorship is horrible because we live in a world where everything queer is stamped as pedophilic by those who wish to stamp us out and yes I believe it's absurd that people are at this point just calling one short small individual shipped with a broad tall individual "loli" and pedophilic and yes I believe there is nuance in the world BUT the problem is that most of these opinions are very very one-or-the-other so if I reblog a post talking about how sexuality is good to be expressed and the consequences of constant censorship of any expression of sexuality is that people, usually queer ones, are painted in a bad light by conservatives and right-wing folks, then there's like a 90% chance that whoever I'm about to reblog it from is someone who's preaching about fiction not affecting reality on the side and IM SICK OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ackingackingack · 2 years
Trying my hardest to do homework, but I keep getting distracted by how much I love existing right now. I tried putting on the8bitdrummer as background noise and just got absorbed by how passionate he is with what he does, and I have now put on omori music and I cannot think past how hauntingly beautiful this game is to me. I’m seeing thumbnails of recommended songs that mean more to me than I can ever express and here I am writing to you, who means so much more. I feel more and more as I live that I won’t be able to make it. I’m listening to a soft piano piece and I’m thinking about how nice it would be to be with you in a safe home with ample time to rest and no deep impending fears of the future haunting us.
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ackingackingack · 2 years
The frantic united screaming of everyone trying to live is really fueling me at this time
Just a rancid cacophony and I’m here for it
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ackingackingack · 2 years
The point of no return from the phantom of the opera is SO good , I actually cannot fathom its existence
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ackingackingack · 2 years
Oh I’m so scared
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ackingackingack · 2 years
A moment of silence for the moments of my personal history that lie lost, that were naught to be recorded despite the ever-present want to be known. May the past rest at least in the knowledge that I cared.
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ackingackingack · 2 years
Projecting so hard, but I think talulah and mephisto arknights deserve to be happy. I need for after all trauma of trying to survive, breaking apart under the strain and making mistakes, but coming out the other end alive that they can finally just have a semblance of a family with each other. I think after finding out each other are still alive that they could live on rhodes island together as mom and son and they could sit across from each other reading ursus literature by a fireplace, and mephisto would sing and talulah would listen
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ackingackingack · 3 years
Very early build demo here: https://twitter.com/AKEndfield/status/1504654070979563524
Alright so for those who can’t check out the link, here’s the quick details on Arknights: Endfield
Third person gameplay in the demo, but both the trailer and the website details promises a base building mode and what definitely looks like an RTS screen
It’s not set in Terra, but in a new planet called Talos-II, once an alien civilization but now abandoned and in ruins.
The Terrans of various nations and factions have arrived to colonize the planet with their originium engines.
Talos-II suffers from a mega supernatural catastrophe that was given its own name: The Corruption. it appears to warp the surroundings and manifest as various physical phenomena. (Possibly a display of Originium’s interdimensional powers hinted in Originium Dust?)
You play as the Protocol Field Recovery Department, part of the company called Endfield Industries that specializes in exploring old ruins and reverse-engineering ancient alien technology found in Talos-II.
A certain conflict happened that destroyed the PFRD headquarters and killed most of its staff (Rhodes Island TWO!!!!)
Various factions suddenly started to reinvest into exploring Talos-II, which made Endfield Industries interested in reviving the PFRD.
Engineering creates the obvious RTS base builder in the Automated Industrial Complex, a building teleporter that offers to teleport generators, production facilities, etc into its location.
You are the Endministrator, someone tasked with using the AIC to build a base on Valley IV, the most inhospitable and poorest region of the planet. The admin thinks if you can make it there, they’ll make it anywhere.
Everyone else decides they don’t like you and are coming to kick your ass.
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ackingackingack · 3 years
jevil and seam are for real some of the characters ever it drives me crazy
the way its implied they only had each other when they were serving as the court jester and magician. and then seam locked jevil away despite his clearly deteriorating mental state. and it ripped seam apart, not just because of the world-shattering knowledge jevil spilled. theyre killing each other but they need the other to feel sane. they are the only ones that can understand and match each other’s little games. you can only free jevil because seam wishes it so. jevil avoids even mentioning seam’s hand in imprisoning him. seam says,
“Reflecting on these old memories, I think, perhaps - I miss playing games with him. / And I wonder, if I hadn’t been asked to lock him up… / Would I have found a little more purpose in my life…?”
and finishes with a smile
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ackingackingack · 3 years
Who are your favorite Arknights characters? (story/character-wise, not gameplay. Or gameplay too if you're inclined to)
I like a lot of the characters in the story, but I would say the two I ended up most fascinated with are Buldrokkas'tee and Wei Yenwu.
Patriot's cutscene with Hellagur in Operational intelligence was the first time I actually thought of taking Arknights' story seriously. At the time I had no expectations of getting anything good and was only playing for tower defense and funny animal people, but their conversation about how war can often be the only tool for the oppressed to liberate themselves and yet at the same time war is always horrific and erodes the soul no matter how just, how strict, and how disciplined you wage it took me by complete surprise. I didn't expect Arknights to actually write difficult stories. I think all the time about Hellagur admitting that even if he's an infected himself, a powerful warrior, and someone that also believes that infected rebellion is just, he can't join it because he's not strong enough to face the violent upending of the status quo, and Patriot only responds with "I know. That is why. I fight for you."
Patriot acknowledges that no matter how disciplined his soldiers are and how carefully he wages this rebellion and how justified this war is, innocent lives will be caught in the crossfire. The families of the dead will hate him, and if their rebellion doesn't win he will be go down in history as a terrorist rather than a liberator, and the guilt of knowing that those innocents really did die because of his actions will haunt him, but he'll do it anyway. He'll fight for as long as the infected are in chains, and he will bear that burden because others cannot, and he is the strongest in the world.
Then the rest of his backstory came out and ouuuuuggghh. The angst! The drama! The infected sees their invincible savior, the tyrants see an unstoppable monster, but Buldrokkas'tee only sees himself in the mirror; a broken shell of a man and an utter failure of a father. Buldrokkas'tee's whole crusade was him chasing after the ghost of his son, who stood up to the Ursus government's tyranny while he told him not to rock the boat, because they lived comfortably in the status quo. The child was the true patriot, and the parent a coward. Fate gave him a second chance when he found Yelena in the tundra, and yet again, he outlived his child. His fury at the world's injustice was fed by his self-loathing, his unstoppable might existed because he was powerless to protect what really mattered.
Even when his body was more rock than flesh and his brain had been pierced through over and over, Buldrokkas'tee could will his corpse to keep marching, keep fighting, because the visions told him that Amiya would bring the end of life on Terra. It was only when he thought about how Yelena had let Amiya live, had entrusted to the smaller rabbit her own dreams of a better life, that Patriot allowed himself to die. He chose his daughter's last wish over the fate of the entire world, because before he was a hero, he was a father, and his final act would not be failing his children one last time.
Wei Yenwu on the other hand, is the establishment. He represents the tyrannical structures that oppress and disenfranchise, how even supposedly "liberal and open-minded" leaders partake of the same cruelty as their rivals, the only difference is their PR.
Seeing Wei Yenwu be introduced as the head of the "free and inclusive" Lungmen only to have it peeled off bit by bit over time to reveal a dictator willing to order the genocide of their own citizens was great, but I think what really made Wei stick in my mind was the info we were given piecemeal about his past.
Before he was the establishment, Wei Yenwu was the rebel, fighting to free Lungmen from the clutches of the evil Kaschey. He gathered up a squad of unlikely allies like some JRPG party, found and wielded a legendary dragon-slaying sword, became a swordmaster unrivalled in all of Yan, fought a tragic battle where the enemy forced him to kill his sworn brother, then kicked the bad guy to the curb and established a new government built on the ideals of freedom and inclusivity. In any other story, that's your happily ever after.
Instead, we see how years in power and the paranoia stirred by Kaschey's machinations wormed their way into Wei's mind, turning a hero into the very thing he fought against.
He lost his sworn brother Edward in their fight to defeat Kaschey, but not before Edward had gotten his sister pregnant. Now forced to have his sister be married off or else lose their dignity over their family having a bastard, he trapped her in a loveless marriage to a noble, and she fled into Ursus after the birth of her second child only to get infected and die.
His sister and his sworn brother now dead by his own hands, the now-paranoid Wei Yenwu raised his two nieces Talulah and Ch'en as his own children, so of course, that's who Kaschey targeted next.
And it's so sad. We see in the later chapters that when Talulah is taken, Wei sent everything he had to get her back, as Talulah and Ch'en are the only family he has left. Surrounded by his shadow guard and wielding his legendary sword Chi Xiao, you could almost see the image of the great hero Wei once was, but it was also the moment we see that hero die in him. Kaschey made it to the border with Talulah, and if Wei so much as touched him, that would be a Yan government official striking an Ursus Duke, starting a war between Yan and the unstoppable Ursus war machine. If he killed Kaschey right there and rescued Talulah, he would lose Lungmen in the coming war where the city is on the frontline. It was the city (and possibly much more) or his family.
And we see from that where he differed from Patriot.
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