acnh-taskforce · 4 years
Those of you that have your tools on your person...
How do you organize them?
Adi's are all across the top row in no particular order.
Mine are on the 8 leftmost spots in a particular order (Fishing rod, Net, Axe, Shovel, Vaulting Pole, Ladder, Slingshot, Watering Can) but I also re-sort them in the tool ring so they show up, starting from the top and going clockwise, Axe, Rod, Net, Shovel, Slingshot, Ladder, Pole, and Can.
Am I the only one this particular about their tools?
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acnh-taskforce · 4 years
It's been a hot minute since we've posted but uh.
Does anyone have Leif and have him selling Camila (Camilla??) bush starts. I need like.
A fuckton.
Also ISO hibiscus starts. Need a load of them too.
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acnh-taskforce · 4 years
We're back on being on our indecisive shit again bois.
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acnh-taskforce · 4 years
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The current vibe...
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acnh-taskforce · 4 years
Catalogging party on my island is going fantastic so far. This’ll help offset the price for moving everyone and building the inclines = A=‘’
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acnh-taskforce · 4 years
"IF I seE anYoNE mIsSiNG I wiLL eND thE ToUR" You sound like a headache to play with.
I sound like someone asking people to be respectful and not to go MIA, plucking my flowers and stealing my hard work (and ensuring this by asking people to remain within sight).
You sound like a bitter brat who doesn’t play nice. Feelsbadman.
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acnh-taskforce · 4 years
Did you know that every mystery island has at least one wasp tree? This tree is usually on the lowest level of land, for islands with cliffs and waterfalls!
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acnh-taskforce · 4 years
I got a rock.
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acnh-taskforce · 4 years
Fun Fact
Shoes have different sounds depending on the type you’re wearing!
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acnh-taskforce · 4 years
I’ve officially found a mystery island with no river/pond/any water bar the ocean.
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acnh-taskforce · 4 years
There are now, confirmed, two hybrid islands! This one seems to have koi and only koi though; pretty weird.
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acnh-taskforce · 4 years
Progress Update
While I have the fish posted, I’ve been floating around islands and making a spreadsheet of the Critterpedia and Nook Miles+ goals. If anyone could send me images of these (so I can see what I am missing), Adi and I would super appreciate it!
- Kismet
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acnh-taskforce · 4 years
Did you know there’s mystery islands with just trash, fin fish, hybrids, and all sorts of other nifty maps?
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acnh-taskforce · 5 years
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Name: Coelacanth
Location: Sea
Months: Northern - All Year | Southern - ???
Time: All Day
Weather: Raining
Sell Price: ???
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acnh-taskforce · 5 years
[No Image]
Name: ???
Location: ???
Months: Northern - ??? | Southern - ???
Time: ???
Weather: ???
Sell Price: ???
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acnh-taskforce · 5 years
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Name: Oarfish
Location: Sea
Months: Northern - December - May | Southern - ???
Time: All Day
Weather: N/A
Sell Price: ???
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acnh-taskforce · 5 years
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Name: Football Fish
Location: Sea
Months: Northern - November - March | Southern - ???
Time: 4PM - 9AM / 12AM - 9AM, 4PM - 12AM
Weather: N/A
Sell Price: ???
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