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across-edens-lake · 5 days
therapist: cunt dracula is not real and cannot fuck you.
cunt dracula:
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across-edens-lake · 6 days
English added by me :)
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across-edens-lake · 7 days
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across-edens-lake · 8 days
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across-edens-lake · 10 days
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2,300-Year-Old Plush Bird from the Altai Mountains of Siberia (c.400-300 BCE): crafted with a felt body and reindeer-fur stuffing, all of which remains intact
This artifact was sealed within the frozen barrows of Pazyryk, Siberia, for more than two millennia, where a unique microclimate enabled it to be preserved. The permafrost ice lense formation that runs below the barrows provided an insulating layer, preventing the soil from heating during the summer and allowing it to quickly freeze during the winter; these conditions produced a separate microclimate within the stone walls of the barrows themselves, thereby aiding in the preservation of the artifacts inside.
This is just one of the many well-preserved artifacts that have been found at Pazyryk. These artifacts are attributed to the Scythian/Altaic cultures.
Currently housed at the Hermitage Museum.
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across-edens-lake · 11 days
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across-edens-lake · 12 days
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People I met for a few moments that live in my head forever.
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across-edens-lake · 13 days
I normally don't repost stuff but OMFG
if anyone finds the op on douyin I'm grateful 🙏
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across-edens-lake · 14 days
Please take my white ass to anor londo
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across-edens-lake · 17 days
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Wahre Begebenheit von gestern.
Das Bescheuerteste an der ganzen Sache? Der Drängler hat in einer deutlich gekennzeichneten 30-er Baustellenzone Lichthupe gegeben während er die vorherigen 3 km Strecke schon so nah an mir dran geklebt hatte, dass ich die zermatschten Insekten auf seiner Kühlung nach Spezies, Geschlecht und Verrottungsgrad kategorisieren konnte.
Lichthupe. Weil der Fahrprüfling, mit Fahrprüfer und allem, sich in der 30er-Zone genau an die 30 gehalten hat. Also alles richtig gemacht hat. Was man halt in der Fahrschule lernt um den Lappen zu kriegen.
Kinners, seid nett zu Fahrschulen. Insbesondere wenn hinten ein TÜV-Prüfer drinsitzt.
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across-edens-lake · 20 days
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across-edens-lake · 27 days
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across-edens-lake · 29 days
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Amos being secretly very proud of his charge. Lookit his brave face!
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After 6 months of work, sweat, blood, and tears, I can finally show the fruits of my labor for Nep's birthday!
The concept: Nep's game character Quinn (lil' bnuy knight) in a serious boss fight against my OC Amos, the king of bnuys (big buff bnuy)
The result: I am never, ever going to draw lineless concept art, stained glass windows, or armor ever again.
(Unless Nep makes this game a reality)
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across-edens-lake · 1 month
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We've had a family/murder of crows visiting our garden for years now, and this season the chicks are soooo helpless! They just stand around expectantly with their mouths open as the mom crow eats. Which is what inspired this comic! :)
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across-edens-lake · 1 month
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across-edens-lake · 1 month
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The very first concept sketch of my OC vs. the WIP of my latest artwork has never been this satisfying to look at.
I worked on this in tiny pieces - one day I focused only on the face, the next I would go for the ears, then the crown, and so on. Definitely helped prevent me from feeling burnt out because this was really...a lot of work.
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