actualhockeyrobot · 21 days
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Nothing more British than getting... "inspiration" from a creator who's Nigerian and American without asking her permission.
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actualhockeyrobot · 1 month
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you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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actualhockeyrobot · 1 month
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actualhockeyrobot · 1 month
Also I cannot BELIEVE that we finally know what felonious things happened to the pie
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actualhockeyrobot · 2 months
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[Image IDs. Shitty Knight and Jack Zimmermann from Check Please. Shitty says "It's Pride Month, Jack. You know what that means". Jack responds "Huh? What? Do you want me to play like... Gay Hockey?" /End ID]
I can't draw I just wanted to be included.
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actualhockeyrobot · 2 months
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i'm uploading omgcp to webtoons, episode by episode
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actualhockeyrobot · 5 months
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bruce is a tired dad
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actualhockeyrobot · 5 months
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Second floor hallway of the Haus at 2am
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actualhockeyrobot · 6 months
bonus points if Bitty goes as Alicia
But guys, Jack dressing up as his dad for Halloween would be so fucking funny. He’d get Bitty to paint a black eye on his face and make it look like he got a tooth knocked out (alternatively, he takes out his own fake tooth bc there’s a good chance he already has a fake). He’d throw on an old pens or habs jersey and go around and ham it the fuck up. He’d smile charmingly and tell people to call him Bobby and just start spouting all these inspirational quotes that Bob keeps stealing from his uncles.
Alicia absolutely LOST IT when she sees him, and she only laughs harder when Bob spends the first part of the night pouting cause his son is making fun of him. (But secretly he’s teary and flattered that his son chose to dress up as him for Halloween the same way he was when 6yo Jack did it the first time.) Both the Zimmerparents and Bitty have the picture of Jack and Bob on display somewhere and Shitty keeps one in his wallet that he pulls out for stars at sometimes. It’s a family classic.
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actualhockeyrobot · 6 months
the fact that jack is 5 years older than bitty is so inspired because it means that when jack was going through the worst years of his life, bitty was in middle school... neither of them got through 2009 unscathed
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actualhockeyrobot · 7 months
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Annual Baby Jack Halloween Pumpkin. Because it's tradition.
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actualhockeyrobot · 8 months
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This is the 11th time -that we know about- this dog has bitten a Secret Service agent. He has only ever bitten Secret Service agents.
What does Commander know that we don’t?
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actualhockeyrobot · 9 months
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It’s a CAPPED PEN!!! not a clicketty one.😭😭🥹🥹🥹
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actualhockeyrobot · 9 months
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actualhockeyrobot · 9 months
I would sell my left kidney for a Check Please show adaptation. I need to see Jack Zimmerman as a living breathing person.
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actualhockeyrobot · 10 months
In general, I think it's currently really important for progressive Christians to be very loud about being both progressive and deeply religious Christians, and for everyone else fighting for progressive values to be supportive of them doing just that. I know that's like, idk, counter-intuitive or cringe or whatever, but seriously folks, the alternative is that progressive Christians have to be quiet about their faith to be accepted within broader secular and interfaith progressive advocacy, which means that the regressive asshole Christians (a) sound that much louder and (b) dominate the USian religious landscape all the more. That's a problem, for all of us.
We need people pushing back within the faith as well as outside of it, because that destroys any edifice that this is about Christianity and religious freedom.
You can be a devout Christian and also:
Openly, proudly, and without being forced to remain celibate or otherwise limit your full expression of self, identify as LGBTQ+ or be a supportive ally.
Advocate for full reproductive autonomy and comprehensive sex education.
Love and support people of other religious groups, non-religious people and/or atheists, by choosing to believe that a truly loving God would not pursue anything less than universal salvation.
Stand against evangelism and proselytizing as they have thus far been interpreted and used, because there are ways to interpret the Great Commission that don't promote colonialism and cultural genocide.
A steward of the earth, protecting God's beautiful creation and lovingly tending to it as the unique and incredible gift that it is.
A believer in science, rationalism, and human progress as part of God's divine plan for humanity.
A believer in history and someone who understands that the Bible can be both divinely given and open to interpretation (no really)(if you're confused, please talk to a knowledgeable traditional Jew)
An ally to Jews, who stands against supercessionism and antisemitism in the church.
And in before regressive Christians come shouting at me that (1) what do I know, I'm a Jew and (2) no lol you can't because of ___ reason:
My source is that I've personally met and talked to Christians of great faith and integrity - people who embody the closest forms of kindness I've seen to what Jesus himself advocated - who are each of these things.
It is 100% possible; you just choose to believe otherwise.
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actualhockeyrobot · 10 months
too many people see evolution as just animals becoming better animals when the truth is that theres a species of boar that evolved to die because its tusks grow into its skull because the males with long tusks fuck the most
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