acura1ntegurl · 1 year
Algo En Español
This is actually me playing around with my Spanish more than anything, I try and think in Spanish more often because I need to be able to claim that I deserve my degree in it. Will feature the text below for those who need it translated. Todo el amor en mi vida  Ha llegado con el dolor  Amor y dolor ¿pero como? Pues, el dolor venía en formas diferentes. La falta de comprendido, La falta de…
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acura1ntegurl · 1 year
It's been a while. Whilst you're here, go check out my Ugly Betty article cause apparently been blowing up 😂
I can never stay away too long My heart calls to you. Several seas part us But late at night My fingers find your name. I have to say hello, Which is my way of saying I miss you so.
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acura1ntegurl · 1 year
Always On My Mind
Some people stand out no matter what.
We kissed in the ocean as the tide washed away, Splashing around with you was the highlight of my day. You held me on the beach as the sun went down, You hugged me tight, kissing the back of my crown. We amused bystanders so enamoured on the train, I fell in love as they looked on in disdain. We danced all night in my favourite hilly city, You made me feel like I was more than just…
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acura1ntegurl · 1 year
Christine’s Guide to Finding the Ideal Stay
Just some advice for the solo travellers out there, take it on board if you wish
Location, Location, Location If you’re willing to spend a bit more, it’s worthwhile staying close to your points of interest. It very much allows your travel time to be cut short and you won’t have to figure out the transportation systems in any given place or faff with Ubers. If you’re planning on just walking around to roam, then stay close to what you want to see. However, this does mean you…
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acura1ntegurl · 1 year
To The Friends Who Provided Me Shelter, Thank You
Short and sweet for my sweets abroad
Traveller life is pretty exciting, and it opens you up in many ways, but it can be a little exhausting after a while, so that’s why I’m grateful that after a month on the road, I was able to take a break from the revolving door of unfamiliar and new faces. I had the opportunity to visit Amsterdam and Antwerp, where I had friends university and my year abroad, and this was lovely. For the first…
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acura1ntegurl · 1 year
Dream Stays vs Nightmares Series
Places that should be shut down – Part Three Now I’m not expert but not everyone should manage a business like this if they can’t provide basic comfort and safety to the people that stay in their places. But to take some accountability, I wasn’t really using my own system when I booked some of these stays and I paid the price for trying to be cost-effective. For this particular section I’m…
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acura1ntegurl · 1 year
Text Again Soon
Words are easy when I think of you
Somewhere in the Middle East  He stumbles in late from a night out, He texts you because you’re on his mind, He’s also hungry and indecisive. He’s a chef so nothing typical will suffice, No easy ready-to-eat meal will do, He’s throwing around the idea of a chicken Alfredo, His mannerisms sweetens you. It’s almost midnight here So it’s almost three there. You wonder if he’s lonely, If…
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acura1ntegurl · 1 year
Dream Stays vs Nightmares Series
Somewhere in the middle – Part Two Zadar – Tequila Bar Hostel Living about a tequila bar has it’s pros and cons. The cons are pretty straight forward, it’s always busy at night, there’s a lot of noise, so sleep is hard to come by. The pros similarly aren’t hard to spot, you have plenty of entertainment, you know a good inexpensive place to suggest for drinks when you make new friends, and the…
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acura1ntegurl · 1 year
Dream Stays vs Nightmares Series
Dream Stays – Part One Split Part 2 When in Split, I split my stay into two parts. A regular shared hostel room and a private stay so I’d have extra comfort and privacy for the days surrounding my birthday. It was the right choice, not only because the first stay had been disastrous and strange, but because I was hosted by the loveliest pair of elderly sisters who had a cute puppy called…
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acura1ntegurl · 1 year
An Ode To The Weary
Keep going dream chasers, this one is for you.
Sleepy baby, Tired baby, She’s almost out for the count. All this work, Just enough play, One day will amount. She’s tired, But she’s chasing dreams Really, there’s no doubt. Keep going girl, I believe in you, Don’t tap out.
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acura1ntegurl · 1 year
Train To Swindon - A Short Film
As a writer I like to explore other mediums of storytelling and this was my first attempt at a screenplay. train-to-swindon-draft-2Download train-to-swindon-short-film-aesthetics-1Download
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acura1ntegurl · 2 years
Ready To Die: A Short Story
A short story to cover what a crisis can look like.
TW: Topic of S**cidal Thoughts If there was one thing Priscilla believed, it was that luck was never on her side. She’d reached twenty-five on a high, but the come down was mightier. Slapped back into reality, she realised that she had never been more alone and everything she had been striving for since she was five didn’t exist. Two decades, she’d spend being the ‘good girl’, doing things…
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acura1ntegurl · 2 years
Changing my self-care in a crisis
An honest deep dive into how I have adapted my self-care. Hope it can help anyone else who struggles.
I am probably a very existential person who constantly ponders existence and thinks about the ease of not being here, despite how much I enjoy living. Often I go through crises as someone who struggles with their mental health, and I have had to figure out how to balance my existence in a healthy way. My history includes having been on antidepressants when I was at breaking point and going…
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acura1ntegurl · 2 years
Shopping My Fit: A Battle With Insecurities
Sometimes it just needs to be said out loud. The numbers don't matter, your health and comfort does.
I have a love hate relationship with shopping. Having grown up on the bigger side, I always found it daunting being dragged around places, trying on clothes that wouldn’t fit from the women’s section when I was still a child and finding clothes to look different on me than they did the models in the catalogue pictures. I’d like to say that after losing weight and having a more ideal body image…
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acura1ntegurl · 2 years
Decision, Decision: A Short Story
Tackling some deeper issues to stretch out my storytelling abilities. The story isn't perfect, but I'm overcoming my fears of limitation.
I stared blankly at the plastic stick as the result of a cross appeared. It was positive. I wasn’t. It was at that point the morning sickness hit and I regurgitated the cornflakes I’d had breakfast into the sink a few feet ahead. The messes I was required to clean up had doubled all within a minute. It’d been eight weeks since root cause of my major dilemma. His name was Dhillon, we were a part…
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acura1ntegurl · 2 years
My last poem for a while, unless the pen moves me that's of course.
It started with my car About 8 minutes from my destination  I broke down towards the end of the A404 And how do I know it was the end? I could see the roundabout about 50 yards away. Two hours on the roadside With a trusted friend who came to help But in the end after causing so much traffic It was the police who closed the lane And pushed my car onto a slip road. The app for my…
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acura1ntegurl · 2 years
Growing Out Of Friendship
Back to weekly postings, the schedule is too busy to spoil you guys for longer 😂
The moment you realise you want a friendship to end is gut wrenching. Before you saw a life where this person would be there for future birthdays, celebrate the various milestones and be a part of your community, but a sudden moment makes you realise you can no longer see this person fitting into your life. Sometimes a reassessment of people’s actions and words after you go through a series of…
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