adambash · 10 months
I'm so late to this discourse, but it's a particle physics joke 😬
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There's an episode where SAYER is listing some recreational activities, and one of them is "monopole dancing".
SAYER. Sweetie. You can just say pole dancing
Oh no now I can't stop thinking about SAYER teaching pole dancing...oh noo...it is plaguing my mind...I can't stop thinking about it...
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adambash · 4 years
After a lot of thought, I've decided to postpone the final 6 episodes of SAYER for a couple months. In short, I do not feel this is the time to tell a story featuring a global pandemic. There is so much uncertainty right now, I feel obligated not to contribute to our collective anxiety.
In the meantime, I'm going to turn my attention back to the Season 1 remasters. I hope they provide some consolation in light of this brief hiatus.
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adambash · 4 years
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One more #throwbackthursday Thumbnail set. These for the most recent SAYER poster I was lucky enough to get to design. Especially with SAYER S6 being the shows final season I'm so happy I got to be a small part of it.
I've just binged a bunch of the episodes to catch up. My emotions are doing somersaults and I can't wait to see how the rest of the story plays out.
I haven't included the full final design in this one, 'cuz it was a S6 kickstarter reward and still feels pretty recent but we've got the little cropped version currently being used as the season cover artwork :)
Also people in the SAYER community have said some really nice things about my work in comments or in tags and I never know how to thank them. You are all super kind and make me very proud to be a fan of SAYER, and I'm sorry I'm not great at interacting, but thank you, I really do appreciate it.
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adambash · 4 years
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happy Valentine’s Day pt. 2. I’m aware it’s a day late
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adambash · 4 years
Lucy is such a great artist to work with and my only complaint is that she consistently makes the narrowing process unbeleivably difficult because all of her concepts are too good from the get-go.
The real struggle of working with her is seeing a dozen potential designs and knowing you're stuck choosing three.
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Throwbackthursday thumbnails!
Oooh I do love how sets of thumbnails look when put all together!
Here we have the designs I made for the SAYER season 5 poster. As well as the three chosen designs all finished up. Loved working with the retro recruitment poster vibe.
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adambash · 4 years
Damn, this could have saved so many hours of writing.
Please listen to SAYER
It's basically this
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adambash · 4 years
SAYER - Episode 81 - This Cave
SAYER - Episode 81 - This Cave
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We cannot know. We cannot confront the cold logic of the situation because it is locked away from our sight. All of our perception is viewed through this lens, and thus it is impossible to trust any reasoning either of us might generate.
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adambash · 4 years
Hi Mr. Bash, today I presented my astrophysics research wearing an Aerolith Dynamics shirt. No one noticed. It made me feel very powerful. I thought you would like to know this, and I hope you're having a good day!
Congratulations and also wow that's pretty surreal from my end.
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adambash · 4 years
following up on the last persons question, does that same thing apply to OCEAN, FUTURE, SPEAKER (though assumedly, pitching up for speaker), etc? or do those characters have further filters
Except SPEAKER, who is shifted up 1 instead of down 2, the other AI's mostly only vary in delivery. But there are some subtle tweaks.
FUTURE has an analog delay that makes it tinnier and some subtle mastering to make it sound a little more dreamlike and less concrete.
OCEAN also has a very tight echo applied constantly, which makes its voice less soothing and more on edge.
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adambash · 5 years
hey adam! i was wondering how you did the voice filter for sayer? i happened to start binging the show while taking a sound design class for fun and ive been driving myself nuts trying to figure it out, before it occurred to me that i could just ask. i would appreciate this in that it would assist me in a quest for mayhem, and by that i mean leaving horrible prank voice mails for my friend, who introduced me to sayer. thanks for making a great show, i just started season 5 and its awesome!
Really the only thing I'm doing for most of the SAYER broadcast stuff is pitch shifting my voice down two steps. Sometimes I shift it further, sometimes I add a tinny delay, sometimes I throw a reverb in there. I used to use some different layers, but I simplified it somewhat in the past two seasons and I think it sounds perfect right now.
That being said, unless your voice is pretty similar to mine already, it will sound not a lot like SAYER if you do this yourself. It'll be closer-ish though!
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adambash · 5 years
I've consolidated the Discords for SAYER and Brute Force, so jump on in if you want to talk with other fans about the shows, see killer fanart, and digitally hang with me and my fellow Brute Force cast members.
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adambash · 5 years
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i am a very serious fan artist. 
[ID 1: hollis, an excited shark lady, saying “party rockers in the house tonight!”
ID 2: a text box that says “knows that it’s ‘party rock is’ but don’t want to ruin her fun”, pointing to cammy, a short kitsune, and mort, a brown man with burn scars. next to them is the text box “was in a tomb for 200 years” pointing to leland, a stylish mummy. End IDs] 
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adambash · 5 years
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I finally did some Brute Force art! It’s seriously one of my favorite RPG podcasts — I recommend it highly :D Jasper is a bard after my own heart aknsbsjsnks
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adambash · 5 years
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DID SOMEONE SAY NEW SQUAD (i did. i said it. im excited.)
[IMAGE ONE ID: a wanted poster with the text “WANTED: 50,000 SPARKLES” at the top. at the left is a mummy wearing a brown hat, brown coat, green shirt with two pockets, and light brown pants that are worn off above the knee. he is covered in bandages everywhere except his eyes, one of which is a red gemstone, and the other is covered with an eyepatch with his initials embroidered on it. his shoes are tan and brown saddle oxfords. he has the name “Leland” next to him. to his right is a shorter brown man with short messy black hair and burn scars covering his face and hands. he’s wearing a long black cloak over a purple shirt and gray pants, and knee-high brown boots. he is holding a longbow in his left hand and has text saying “Mort” to his left. to his right is a short tan kitsune with light spots on her paws, tail tips, face, and ears. she has 4 tails which are slightly obscured by the other figures. she has a pink bow and navy blue shirt on, as well as a bright blue backpack. her eyes are dark purple and she has text next to her saying “Cammy”. to her right, at the far right, is a tall shark lady cracking her knuckles. she has the head of a hammerhead shark, and appears to be shiny with water or oil. she is very muscular and shirtless. she has a teal flannel tied around her waist, ripped light blue jeans, and big green boots. her label is “Hollis”
IMAGE TWO ID: the same image, but without the text or wanted poster elements, just the characters on a transparent background. END IDS]
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adambash · 5 years
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i got into brute force and then found out theres like 3 fanart for it in the entire world and in a fit of sorrow drew this! love this goofy found family
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adambash · 5 years
Lola from the Brute Force Podcast!
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adambash · 5 years
This episode requires no knowledge of any previous episodes, spoils nothing, and is a great first-timer option for giving the show a test drive. Let's see if our show is a good fit for your ears.
Brute Force - Episode 89 - Deacon's Sugarmines
Brute Force - Episode 89 - Deacon’s Sugarmines
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Hundreds of years ago, a young Leland Deacon matches wits against his twin sister in a bid to takeover his father’s company.
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