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Me flying into 2021 like ....
Happy New Year, everyone! :D
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Now the really serious question is do you like Home Alone 2 just as much as the first or do you think they should’ve only did one? It’s insane how smart that kid actually was. Also slightly insane how his family left him behind that much. You’d think they’d be hyper-aware of it the next time they go somewhere. You had ice cream for dinner because you’re a grown adult that can make that decisions. Something Kevin can’t do! You don’t seem all that annoying to me. I’m Natalia. It’s nice to meet you. 
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Oh, no. I absolutely love the second one too. They’re a package deal! Home Alone 3 and beyond can go like, jump off a movie cliff. But 1 and 2 remain magical, must watch Christmas movies! And right?? I bet on their third family vacation, she must have had Kevin like, sellotaped around her body to make sure he didn’t go anywhere. Either that, or she just retired from family holidays for good. Which is probably sensible. They never woke up on time. Like, get yourselves together, McCallister’s! Thank you for putting that positive spin on my ice cream habits, I like you already! And thank you, that’s very nice. It’s lovely to meet you too, Natalia. I hope you have a great New Years! 
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Hey, if you ever figure it out, definitely let me know, I would love to know those kind of things.  I would use the money to make donations to charities that have a special place in my heart.  I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for you though.  Those are really good resolutions and sound ones honestly.  Thank you, that means a lot.  Who is in Good Place?  I am definitely adding it to my list after that golden review from you.  
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Well that’s very sweet and generous of you. I too, would make donations to charities. But also, you know .... maybe buy myself a nice TV, or a pet dragon. Or maybe a jetpack! But also, definitely the charity stuff too. Kristen Bell and Ted Danson are in it. It’s really beautiful. It’s set in the after life, and it’s just a really hilarious show that preaches about how we should always try to be better to one another. Can’t recommend enough! Also, hope you have a wonderful New Years night!
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Have you ever come across the theory that Kevin grew up to be Jigsaw in the Saw movies? I know it seems like a stretch but they do make great points, the internet is such a scary place, mate. I’m Ben, nice to meet you!
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That’d explain so much. He definitely took sick pleasure out of torturing those bandits. Not that I’ve actually watched Saw, because I’m a̶ ̶t̶o̶t̶a̶l̶ ̶c̶o̶w̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶t̶e̶r̶r̶i̶f̶i̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶h̶o̶r̶r̶o̶r̶ ̶f̶i̶l̶m̶s̶.̶ ̶ always just too busy to get around to watching these films that definitely would not terrify me, because I definitely don’t scare easily! But it’s very nice to meet you too, Ben! Hope you’re enjoying your New Years! 
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Oh, absolutely. My philosophy’s that there’s no point in reserving it all for when the numbers on the end of the calendar change — if you wanna do something about your life, just do it. Like that one Vine of Shia Lebouf said. I know, no one’s more disappointed in myself than me. I really had something good going for me and then I just let it all go. The mice told you they were threatened by bows, arrows, and girls with braids firing said arrows? Or d’you think if I just came over and yelled literal threats out loud, it would do the trick? Lemme guess, the mice aren’t forking over their part of the rent. Whether or not I can still turn blue is a nationally guarded secret. Sanctity of secret identities and all that. Hey, sounds like a kickass plan to me. 2020 has been fucking exhausting. I dunno yet! Maybe sit at home, maybe go out; I’ll be wine drunk either way. 
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That’s exactly it. If you really want to accomplish something, you don’t need the incentive of a new year to get you going! Just do it! That Shia LaBeouf was really onto something. They did, yes. I have an open dialogue with mice. It started when I was seven and I met Mickey Mouse at Disney World, and we just clicked, you know? Really hit it off. Now they all just talk to me. I don’t think they’re intimidated by loud voices. I sing all the time to myself, and it never seems to scare them away. And my singing voice is so bad, it’s definitely more threatening than my intimidating voice. You’re spot on. They’re like four months behind in rent payments. I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, one of the mice had been laid off at work. But enough is enough, you know? I like your style though, enjoy your wine! And your New Year! And eventually enjoy revealing your top secret, nationally guarded secrets to me when we inevitably become the best of pals.
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I'm watching Home Alone for the six millionth time. I know it's after Christmas, but the holiday season lasts until the end of December for me. Kevin's a little demon, isn't he? By the time he was 10 years old, he'd already successfully defended his house from home invaders, using precisely planned and brilliantly executed booby traps. He wandered the city of New York on his own, prevented a massive crime, and once again thwarted the same criminals! All by the time he was 10! I'm 31 years old, and I just had ice cream for dinner, because I didn't feel bothered getting up to make something, and this kids out here stopping crimes. Do I need to re-asses my life? Probably not, the ice cream's really good. Hi, by the way. I'm Adam. I'm painfully annoying and my ego's only about 1/5th of the size it appears to be on television. @hfrpstarters
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I’m excited to see your upcoming movies. Also, do you have a secret to this whole never ageing thing you seem to be a master at? I feel like I’ve aged 20 years in the last two months, and you’re still looking the same? Is there a skin cream? Do you have access to like, magical de-ageing powers? Can I buy those powers on eBay? Clearly my New Years plans are going to be spent trying to figure this out. You?
No matter how many movies I do I always feel like a kid on the first day of school when we’ve had a break and it’s the first day back of shooting. Everybody have a good Christmas? It feels like forever ago now, even if it was only a few days ago. Anybody got some cool New Years Eve plans? @hfrpstarters​
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In fairness, the idea of one specific point of the year being dedicated to self improvement is a bit silly, isn’t it? Shouldn’t we be striving towards that throughout the year? Also, genuinely disappointed about the bow and arrow. I was really hoping I could ask you to intimidate a bunch of mice that keep sneaking into my house. I hear they respond really well to bow and arrow threats. I assume you can at least still turn blue, like in the X-Men Films? That’s gotta be real, right?? I don’t have any New Years plans though. I’ll probably fall asleep before midnight, because I’m perpetually tired. How about you? 
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Have we as a society progressed beyond the need for New Year’s resolutions, or are we still clinging to those dying dreams? I’ve been given plenty of suggestions by my loving family, ranging from becoming an art snob and putting something other than paint on my walls, moving to France and learning how to make crepes right from the source, and doing the whole newly-divorced woman thing by chopping all my hair off or going red. Quite frankly, I think it’ll be a miracle if I get the tree down before February. How about you all? Got any big plans for the New Year, or are we still coming down off the holidays to even entertain thoughts of 2021? Also, hi, I’m Jennifer, and no, I can’t fire the bow and arrow anymore. I’ve really let myself go. Disappointing, I know. ( @hfrpstarters​ )
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I’m hoping to make some resolutions, myself. Really hard hitting one’s too. Like learning how to grow money on the trees out my back garden. I’ve tried clipping $50 bills onto the branches with washing line pegs, to see if it’ll trigger it, but we’ll have to wait and see. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Other than that though, I guess the usual, try be more optimistic and less self deprecating? My Christmas was nice though, I spent it watching Wonder Woman 1984 on HBO Max. Great film! You should check it out, I know I recognise that lead actress from somewhere, but I can’t put my finger on it! ..... I don’t know about new, but if you haven’t watched the Good Place, you should. That show’s beautiful. 
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So I have to ask am I the only one whom has decided not to make any resolutions for 2021?  I decided after such a confusing 2020 I was going to make it easier on me by not making any resolutions.  So how was your Christmas and the holidays this year?  Do you have any new movies and shows I should be watching now that my girls are with their Dad for the rest of 2020?  I am Gal, by the way.  You might know me as Diana Prince.  How are you?  
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I don’t see anything in there that was rude towards you! 
excuse me, sir? i think you forget these receipts “I’m thinking ‘wow, this free hour glass will look great in my garbage bin right next to Karrion Kross’ career’ (:”
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I was not! I accepted it graciously, not my fault someone else came in and smashed it! 
you were mean about the hourglass! anyway, i wasn’t being rude about the title i was just being truthful. 
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I’ve never been rude to you! You were rude to me, telling me you were gonna steal my title! I’ve only ever been super nice.
@adamsystemshockercole hey, look who’s here! you can be rude to kevin now instead of me <3 
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Adam Cole is trying to be optimistic, okay? He’s trying! HE’S JUST TRYING TO KEEP HIS SHIT TOGETHER, OKAY?
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I’m being unfairly accused here. I was just staring at it. I’d kept it safe all week. Then Keith Lee came in and shattered it without my permission, so. I feel like all your resentment should be aimed towards him, and you should take his title instead!
maybe if i pull a sad face and explain how a bunch of meanies smashed it then i could probably get my money back, a title would be nicer though. 
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Get you a girlfriend that defies all logic by still being absolutely perfect through her murder phases and hot garbage moments. 
Oh, hold on. I think there’s only one person who can do it. And I have it on good authority that she’s already taken.  😇
Get you a boyfriend that stans you at your murder phase and sticks around through your hot garbage moments. 
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