adaptive-radiation · 1 year
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adaptive-radiation · 1 year
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skies collide ✨ shop / wallpapers / twitter / instagram 
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adaptive-radiation · 1 year
and very, very often, self care is not plants and ice rollers and fluffy blankets of peace.
it’s standing over your kitchen sink and crying while doing the dishes because you just want to go back to bed but the dishes need done. and you don’t know why you’re crying but you're trusting you need it. and you aren’t listening to the music that pulls you into a spiral; you’re listening to some cheerful shit your friend sent you. it’s getting up and staring at your fridge and closing your eyes and then cooking yourself food even though you hate it and it’s miserable. because you know that you’d cook for your friend, and you are trying to befriend yourself. it’s dragging yourself into the shower because you know you’ll feel better afterwards. it’s doing mundane tasks with patience, cursing under your breath, trying desperately to give yourself grace. grace is the beginning of care. care is the beginning of love.
we think it’s supposed to be peace and yet the most powerful self care moments are when we hate everything but especially ourselves. and life does not feel worth the loving. to look into that pain and yet choose to care for yourself in however many pieces you are — that is care. love. grace. trust. belief. it hurts because it’s love where there was no love before. it heals because it believes there will be love, one day, soon.
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adaptive-radiation · 1 year
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I've developed this digital smile to post across social media platforms to let your followers/mutuals know that you are smiling
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adaptive-radiation · 1 year
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adaptive-radiation · 1 year
reblog ifyou love her and she makes you smile the coelacanth
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adaptive-radiation · 1 year
The thing about public transportation is that it often operates at a loss or at least pretty thin profit margins no matter how much the ticket prices get raised. In a lot of places, service is bad, operator pays get cut while they're overworked, wait times are ridiculous, no one can get places in a timely manner most places, if you can get places at all, and a profit still isn't being turned
But the money and human suffering and indignity that public transport saves can't be quantified by profits from ticket sales. "Can people get places in your city easily to work, to school, for leisure, for socializing? How much money do you save when your workers get to their jobs on time? When people can access healthcare and government buildings easily? How much pain and suffering and human life do you save when people know they'll never be stranded in your city or town no matter the time, day, or how much pocket change they have?" these aren't questions answered by "it makes profit" and the necessity of infrastructure can't be measured by profit, you have to think long term, you have to look at benefits in more abstract ways, and all Business Models are deeply bad at that kind of planning. It isn't a mystery why a machine that exists to make profit right now isn't a machine that's good at making a robust system that focuses on long term benefits, fiscal or ethical. the fact that people are still struggling futilely to turn something with benefits that abstract and that vital into a dispenser of narrow, short-term return is fucking infuriating
Public transportation should be free and well-funded because a place where no one can get anywhere is a place no one can exist in public, and that's bad for the economy but it's also bad for human fucking dignity
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adaptive-radiation · 1 year
Come love, make me better than I was.
Come teach me a kinder way               to say my own name.
— Andrea Gibson, from “Good Light,” Lord of the Butterflies
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adaptive-radiation · 1 year
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adaptive-radiation · 1 year
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it's been three years, but gordon b. freeman is doing fine
happy third anniversary, y2kvr!
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adaptive-radiation · 1 year
knowing enough about ships to be able to tell when a movie tall ship set is Bad is so distracting like when they're all standing on a deck that's way too big & empty and there aren't nearly enough ropes or curves or anything. like unfortunately ships are characters to me so it's like the same uncanniness as if they put a cardboard cutout instead of a guy
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adaptive-radiation · 1 year
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adaptive-radiation · 1 year
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This a Moonmelon, scientifically knows as asidus. This fruit grows in some parts of Japan, and is known for its vibrant blue color. What you probably don’t know about this fruit is that it can switch flavors after you eat it. Everything sour will taste sweet, everything salty will taste bitter, and it gives water a strong orange-like taste. It’s also very expensive…costing about ¥16000 JPY (which is about 200 dollars).
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adaptive-radiation · 1 year
having a crush as an adult is so embarrassing i’m literally too old for this. i should be busy with my blacksmith apprenticeship or something
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adaptive-radiation · 1 year
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adaptive-radiation · 1 year
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i just
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adaptive-radiation · 1 year
so eye-opening to understand that self-love and self-sufficiency are inherently different concepts. if you enjoy going to places alone, cooking alone, taking a walk by yourself, you’re self-sufficient—able to both rely on and luxuriate in your own company in instances where you’re on your own. but self-love has more to do with how compassionate you are to yourself when you make mistakes: with understanding that failure is human, that it’s unavoidable at times, and that you should be kind to yourself when it happens rather than critical of your shortcomings. this is why the whole adage that “you can’t truly be loved by someone else until you love yourself” kind of falls flat for me. finding someone else who’s emotionally secure & available has been proven to help you become more compassionate/kind/patient to yourself (self-love), even if you already know how to spend time alone (self-sufficiency). confusing these two things has led people to mistakenly believe that wanting human connection means that you can’t rely on yourself, when in reality it’s perfectly valid to want a bond that strengthens your self-esteem and encourages you to pursue life the way you want to
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