addyangelis · 2 years
Tired of my own incompetency
Angry at my non-existent diligency
Bones are hurting from all of the days i couldn't move
This chest pain eats a hole inside me and I can't no longer breathe
But there are still things I need to prove
To you mainly, but I can't even move my teeth.
So I'm getting up from the grave i decorated
With all of these confessions i always fucking hated
I don't need any love donated, cause I always feel baited in these spiderwebs of confusion you put up on me unknowingly
And the labels and words you couldn't really see
They're living rent free in my head
Can't kick them out, I love them too much
The perfect film scenes of what we could be
They're swimming in my stomach
Cause I still hope, I STILL HOPE
I could be the coolest man, your crush
But there's no way my glasses are clean
I can't see any leaf, but yesterday you did leave one for me to read
But that was when my glasses could see.
Messy looks became my statement
Cause I can't simply put up with what nature created
If the numbers are right this time
And the clock is working smoothly
Is it waste if i cry
The last drops of water
my dehydrated body has to offer?
If yes, I can compromise, and whisper you the secret to your ears soothly
But instead I'm here
Screaming in whispers
Cause not knowing
Is deadly for my brain
But it would be too scary
To share these thoughts with you
So I'm doing it with song, honey
that's what I always do.
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addyangelis · 2 years
Close enough
Your eyes are piercing the way to my heart
I find the color familiar
like the stars I'm under
You're the most interesting piece of art
Even if their shine is not close enough
It feels like I've known them for ages
And been through all of their stages
Of change
It's strange and tough
Grab a knife and carve it into my soul if i lie
You're the one I think of when looking at the sky
For your smile and all the butterflies I could die
I can reach you even if I'm not close enough
I wonder if the sensations you hold for him
Will ever fade away
I wonder if your phrases have been meant in the same way
You pumped my heart back to life this May
When my life fell apart , I was just a stray
I want to become one with every particle of yours in the most beautiful way I can think of
I'm just waiting for the signal from the heavens above
If I don't receive a certificate about making it into your heart
I'll repeat the process, hope it won't tear me apart
Tell me if I'm being strange, it won't surprise me
every shadow and molecule of you I want to see
I can't switch this off anymore, it's a feeling I can't leave
You're arriving in my head before I try to sleep
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addyangelis · 2 years
I thought people would never surprise me in this way again, and if they would, i wouldn't be really surprised.
But people can be such a complicated creatures, hiding undercover as a friend, being there for you, giving you everything they can, just to destroy it later and breaking your heart so much, you don't trust people again. And you must start all over again, if you're able to try. Again and again.
I can't accept this sick thoughts you have of me. For how many years, i ask you, did you have these in your head?
If you think you're worth to be an expection, that's a terrible thought process you have going on inside.
Maybe it would make some sense, if you were dropped on your head, but your words speaks volumes, and i simply can't mute them and pretend they don't scream inside my delicate brain.
It's not all in my head, when the red colors flashes right to my eyes. I would even raise a flag for you, if I had one. But in a very negative way.
This is making me so unwell. If i smoked, I'd be smoking dozens of cheap cigarettes. If i had some money. Don't mind me, I just crave living of monster beverages and the medication that's totally making me paranoid, right? Like, your not gaslighting me or something, it's 100% only in my head, man.
Maybe you think it's rough. Pointless. Evil.
But I shouldn't be sorry for someone who admitted to being it true.
I had you in my contacts as a "family member", because i try to have a better relationship with the word "family", since my parents destroyed and distorted my perception of what it means to be a family.
What a shame you're just like them.
What a shame.
If you don't want to be perceived as a wolf in a sheep's clothing by me, then why you're feeding on me?
Am i just a stupid sheep who didn't realized sooner? Or did i just refused to see it?
Why all of these nice things, when in the end, you knew it's gonna end bad?
I won't fall for this again. I lived many years with wolves under one roof, yes. But you can't break me, you can't tame this sheep, to be a silly puppet to play with.
No, no, no...
I don't want this anymore. I don't.
I want this fucking circle to be over already. It's following me everywhere I go.
Why you people just can't be decent?
It's scary to befriend someone, only to realize they have a mask. And under the mask, is maybe a traumatized person, who decided to be just like their abuser.
But doing something to someone, because of what someone else has done to you, doesn't excuse you.
It's dire, my time today.
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addyangelis · 3 years
At least I have my pusheen plushie.
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addyangelis · 3 years
I'm so scared I don't know where I'm going, hopefully it's the right direction.
My stomach hurts so much I might throw up. I have a heart palpitations and trouble breathing.
I don't know it here, where am i going?
I'm weak and hungry too.
Why wait six hours when I can eat all three of them, right? Wrong.
Creepy guys around here.
I'm so scared, i hate traveling alone!
This day should be beautiful and bright
It was, but it became ugly and nightmarish fast.
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addyangelis · 3 years
Suddenly I can't understand many things
Why am I here alone?
Where is.. Where am i, where is my teddy bear when I need him the most?
Why is my tummy in pain, I don't want to throw up. It's my nightmare.
Where am I supposed to go?
Where is my home?
Do I have a mommy?
What those words mean?
Is this a bus or tram?
Why is everyone so loud and why everyone looks at me?
Am I supposed to meet somebody here?
Did i lost my parents?
Should I call an ambulance?
I'm incapable of doing anything
I'm lost, I don't know anybody and I definitely have some memory issues.
I'm so confused. I don't know how to get home. I don't know where my home is.
Oh no, the sun is vanishing.
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addyangelis · 3 years
Worst May of Child's life.
So much has changed.
I just got lost, and i don't know the way home.
Actually I know the way
But I'm not allowed to go there.
I can't go on my own
I'm literally paralyzed
My body is in agony
The ticks had me hypnotized
So much I would jump of off my balcony
I need your assistance
Like it has always been
But I wouldn't stand your presence now
Because I could disappoint you again
So I'm sitting, scared and lonely
Hiding under my glasses
Waiting what new could life possibly show me
I'm actually very ashamed
So sick, I began to write a letter
Another bus, and I'm late
How someone like me, can get better?
So I'm sitting, writing "poems" and shits
And I have a few hours to fill
Keeping my emotions hidden under the lids
And I'm paying that bill.
Lost in a very loud world
Creepy people looking at me
Sitting, my neck bend and curled
They don't like what they see
Can someone help?
Maybe someone could, but I have a hard shell.
Not really saying that someone actually would.
The worst May of my life.
The smell of pollen is actually good.
May can't be the time of love.
It isn't as nice as it looks.
Three hours passed by the pain of ticks
I can't really stand on my feet
In my stomach I can feel the disgusting kicks
By the inner child in me.
Dreams can't be forever
But today, we should arrive home together.
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addyangelis · 4 years
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addyangelis · 5 years
and all i felt was cold tears on my warm body. sweating, under the blanket, i cried, holding my teddy bear to soften the pain inside me, and the physical one too.
what happened, you ask? well...
often i'm misunderstood.
and i'll always get very emotional and hurt.
Hurt to the point i physically feel it and just can't breathe, can't move, because every inch of me is burning and hurting. so i just lay there like a corpse, not moving a single muscle, and i just cry till i collapse.
i didn't, yet.
07:07, morning.
oh yeah, i did...
so you wake up, and you realize, you got a lot better, you're not shaking anymore, you're just pretty much calm.
but then you truly realize what had happened. you can't believe that...so you go and convince yourself...not only that...you see, that it's gotten worse and turned against you and your feelings.
so what am i supposed to do, you may ask?
well, i'll do what every normal person should do in these situations...
cry and collapse.
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addyangelis · 5 years
"they don't know how angel truly feels
they cry glitter tears
dealing with their own fears
while still fighting for peace"
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but they do
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addyangelis · 5 years
star shopping.
Look at the sky tonight, all of the stars have a reason
A reason to shine, a reason like mine and I'm fallin' to pieces.
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addyangelis · 5 years
porcelánová panenka v domě ze skla.
Připadám si jako porcelánová panenka.
Křehká. Na některých částech těla je už znát nenávratné poškození materiálu. I přes to všechno jsem se upravila, učesala, oblékla, poslední tři kapky parfému jsem použila a lehla jsem si zpátky do postele, protože tam prý patřím. Stejně jako panenky do vitríny.
Jsem porcelánová panenka a žiju v domě ze skla. Mezi čtyřmi stěnami, je tu všechno bílé, prázdné, tiché a hlavně křehké. Stejně tak i krabice ve které si mě koupili a ve které mě také brzy odvezou pryč. Jsem sice kvalitní, ale rok výroby už neodpovídá době.
Panuje tady totiž jedna zvláštní "hra". Pravdila se často mění, součástí hry je, přijít na to, jaká jsou. Ale dneska jsou víc než jasná. Tvářím se zdravě, se svazkem květin v ruce, nedávám najevo ani jednu sebemenší změnu. Porušíš jedno z pravidel, sklo praskne a může ti ublížit.
Ani zdi mi nezabrání. Sedmikrásky, kopretiny, slunečnice, a samozřejmě, vlčí mák, pevně svírám v dlani, doufajíc, že tohle všechno brzo skončí.
Snažím se to ticho přehlušit. Dnes už se neposlouchá Joy division a stránky deníčků se prý také už nepopisují. Jde vidět, že úplně nezapadám mezi dnešní barbies. Neukážu svůj prázdný vzhled, když mám stovky lepších emoji k nabídnutí. Pravdou je, že jsem jen rozbitá porcelánová panenka, s cotardovým syndromem.
Přemýšlí někdo vůbec? nebo jsou všichni na levlu robotických panenek? A do které kategorie vlastně patřím já?
Je jen otázkou času, kdy se mě někdo opět dotkne, a moje drahá krása se celá rozpadne a zboří se mnou i celý skleněný domek.
Je jen otázkou času, kdy se mě někdo opět dotkne a zanechá to šrám na porcelánové duši.
Nikdy jsem na sobě neměla obal s nápisem "try me".
Nejsem na hraní, ani na ozdobu. Jsem jedna z těch panenek, jedna z mála, které mají srdce.
Tak mi prosím, neubliž.
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addyangelis · 5 years
❤ please don't cry
you're wasting your time ❤
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addyangelis · 5 years
jsem nic.
jsem nic.
a nikdy nebudu víc.
jen ty dobré věci jsou vidět
a ty špatné přehlíženy jsou
život je pomíjivý
máme málo času
nechceš se přidat
k mému hlasu.
chceš se přidat
k těm hezkým chvilkám
čím víc si blíž tomu špatnému
tím vzdálenější jsi
vzdálenější k jiným holkám.
k jiným lidem
k jiným zvykům
s jiným cílem
jsem tvé publikum.
tiše sleduju ten film
když se ocitnu ve stavu šumu
ale hlasitě obdivuji
výsledky tvého talentu a umu
ona nebo já?
je lepší?
naplňuje tě víc?
já jsem nic.
a nikdy nebudu víc.
odebírám se do temných ulic
slyším zvuky ze silnic.
slyším vrzání železnic.
ráda bych ti setřela slzy z líc
ale odebere se za jinou.
ta mé slzy
ta mé ruce prodře
ta mi způsoby úzkostí v břiše.
akorát trochu jinak.
a tebe to taky čeká.
ta má mě udělá rychleji.
ta tvá pomaleji.
sežere ti vnitřnosti zažíva.
přesto se ti z ní podlamují kolena.
je víc
a já jsem nic.
jsem jen tělo bez duše
nabodaná na kuše
tam kde nikdo nechodí
tam kde se duše narodí.
tam kde je plno smutku
tam kde se lidé oddávají zármutku.
ale byla jsem víc.
nebyla jsem nic.
už je příliš pozdě
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addyangelis · 5 years
glitter tears.
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they see me as an angel.
perfect non-human entity
they say
"i'm their only flash of color"
though i'm just a stranger
with no identity
they say
"without you, life would be much duller!"
they don't know how angel truly feels
they cry glitter tears.
dealing with their own fears.
while still fighting for peace.
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addyangelis · 5 years
my cure.
"you need to fall in love in order to be happy"
The green dot became my euphoric sensation.
"in order to grew your wings"
How can a simple green dot make you smile, you may ask ?
"in order to fly again"
it's the person who is behind the green dot.
"and not to fall from the bridge"
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addyangelis · 5 years
Suicide season.
It makes sense.
Everything is dying, flowers are drying out, hair and skin of trees are falling down, only their skeletons are doing great in this blue cold state.
But only few of the most strongest flowers and trees are surviving this season. Some of them will give up, some of them, well, they carry on.
Some of them will make it.
And some of them will die, but rise again from their infinite energies to live again.
It's a cycle. But nobody ever truly dies.
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