adelia-adelia · 2 years
if i were a drink i’d be cherry vanilla coke
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adelia-adelia · 4 years
things younger me wrote in her diary
2017 , July 8th
I don’t think anyone really cares you know? Like when you really think about it we’re all too busy. Like sure we care about other people but from my point of view , from the ways people have treated , talked , just acted around me I don’t think they really care. I could just be over thinking it and be acting really selfish right now but I don’t know I just feel very insignificant. I think it’s time I stop trying. I’m always trying to make people laugh to make them happy to please them, I barely get anything in return. It’s okay , I don’t blame them , I don’t blame anyone for what happens to me. I blame no one except for myself. I don’t have a lot of people. I don’t have a lot of close friends. The ones I have now I think I’m driving away. I get mad at myself and I ignore everyone. I think it’s funny because I’ll say that they don’t want me around but they can’t help but not reach out because each time they do they fail. They fail to reach me because I’m so selfish that I refuse to take their hands and accept their help , their love. Their care. I refuse it , and I torture myself because eventually they stop trying because I’m unresponsive. Idk maybe I’m just dumb
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adelia-adelia · 4 years
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adelia-adelia · 4 years
If you find the military has left out pamphlets, you take them all and throw them away.
did this at a local comic book store once! Fuck that comic book store, it’s a creepy and bad place
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adelia-adelia · 4 years
Not Afraid Anymore
Warnings: Language,Smut
Words: 2.3k
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Summary: A little Sinday Drabble. There is a reason Nick Fury assigned you to Steve Rogers. You’ll tell him one day.  
Song: Not Afraid Anymore by Halsey.
And touch me like you never.
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You were there the day he was thawed out.
Watching as Agent Coulson fanboyed out over the life-size Ken doll.
Fury rolling his one good eye makes you hide a smirk.
You bet Coulson fifty bucks that he wouldn’t fall for the elaborate set-up S.H.I.E.L.D. had created to try and convince him it was still 1945.
Phil took the bet.
There is no hiding the smug smile from your face when Coulson’s beloved Captain America goes feral, knocking out agents, busting through the wall, and running out of the facility.
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adelia-adelia · 4 years
doctor: you only have 4 minutes and 43 seconds to live. How will you spend them?
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adelia-adelia · 4 years
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Let me just spread this gospel truth🙏
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adelia-adelia · 4 years
Whole Lot of Red ✧ Draco x Reader
Summary: Sneaky meet ups with Draco where nobody knows the two of you have a thing for the other until the day he sees someone flirting with you and lets his jealousy get the best of him. AU where its around seventh year and Voldermort never existed so Draco never got traumatized !
Warnings: light smut/hinted smut, jealous/possessive-ish Draco, a little more mature themes 
Words: 1.8K
A/N: aging him UP for this one ! and making draco a tad rude bc the way i picture it is just WOW also i like to try to change up the way i write him sometimes :) also couldn’t find this gif anywhere so if it looks low quality its bc i made it >:( i want so badly for him to walk up to me like thaaaat anyways I HOPE THIS IS GOOD
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It was a funny thing, feelings, and the way they blossomed in places they had no business being in. Those very specific stomach churning butterflies and skipped heartbeats were unmistakably there every time you found yourself in the Slytherin Prince’s presence. It was a shame really, you had never even given him the time of day prior to the time you were forced to work on a Charms project together but now here you were; completely and undeniably entranced by him. 
Your group of y/h friends and you were gathered in the foyer outside the Great Hall, the doors wide open and welcoming students for the lunch that was going to be served in just a few minutes. Your friends were lost in conversation and you couldn’t be happier as your focus darted around the room hoping to spot the platinum mop of hair.
Out of sheer coincidence, a boisterous group of Slytherins had entered the foyer from the direction of the dungeons, all talking loudly and jokingly pushing each other as they came into view. Your eyes landed on the laughing blond in the middle, his toothy grin almost twinkling under the sunlight that streamed in through the large medieval windows. His gaze wandered around the room for a moment before stopping on you, the smile on his face morphing into a smug knowing smirk. 
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adelia-adelia · 4 years
Vine references: Harry Potter Characters
Harry: Well I’m doing just fine…I lied I’m dying inside
Ron: i don’t have enough money for chicken nuggets
Hermione: that is not correct. Because according to the encyclopaedia of pl-pl-pl-pl-pl-
Neville: Hurricane Katrina? More like Hurricane tortilla
Luna: he needs some milk
Ginny: Go back to sleep, and starve.
Draco: hey loser, say kid backwards! [dik?] Ha ha, that’s gay…
Dumbledore: [HoW dO yOu kNoW wHaT’s gOoD fOr mE?] THAT’S MY OPINIONNN!!!..
Snape: *to the ghostbusters theme song* I’m an adult virgin
Lily: oh my god why can’t you just take the freaking compliMEEEENTT
James: People constantly ask me what’s it like to be a sexy-
Sirius: All I wanna tell you is school’s not important… Be whatever you wanna be. If you wanna be a dog…RUFF. You know?
Remus: [dad, look! it’s the good kush…] This is the dollar store how good can it be?
Peter: I brought you Myrrh [thank you] Mur-dur! [huh…Judas..no]
McGonagall: smack that bitch
Flitwick: I said whoever threw that paper, your moms a hoe!
Hagrid: look at all those chickens
Arthur: road work ahead? Yeah I sure hope it does
Molly: every time you don’t yell at your kids, put a quarter in your sock and soon you’ll have a weapon to beat-
Bill: wOw
Charlie: So no head?
Percy: Hey everybody, today my brother pushed me, so I’m starting a kickstarter to put him down. The benefits of killing him would be: I would get pushed way less.
Fred: can I get a waffle? Can I please get a waffle?
George: I’m John Cena!
Tonks: This bitch empty, YEET!
Moody: I wanna be a cowboy baby
Colin: That was legitness
Cho: Chris is that a weed?
Cedric: Oh my god they were roommates
Fleur: hi, I’m Renata Bliss and I’m your freestyle dance teacher
Victor: *slides in* Good evening
Dudley: Whaddup my name is Jared, I’m 19, and I never fucking learnt how to read
Petunia: I saw you hanging out with caitlin yesterday!! [r-rebecca, it’s not what you think!] i won’t hesitate, bitch! * pew pew *
Vernon: the cheese of truth *puts cheese on newspaper* immigrants cause cancer
Dobby: Hi welcome to chilli’s
Hedwig: Bitch I hope the fuck you do! You’ll be a dead son of a bitch I tell you
Narcissa: two shots of vodka *pours in half a bottle of vodka*
Bellatrix: I love you bitch. I ain’t never gonna stop loving you….bitch.
Voldemort: I’m a bad bitch you can’t kill me
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adelia-adelia · 4 years
James: What, what the hell?
Sirius: I was uhhh kissing the homie goodnight
James: You call sticking a tongue down Remus’ throat kissing a homie  goodnight?
Sirius: … yes
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adelia-adelia · 4 years
“I was trying to keep Sirius alive,” said Dumbledore quietly
“People don’t like being locked up” Harry said furiously.
This. This line from Order Of The Phoenix hit me so hard. Sirius spent 12 years locked up and spent the last year of his life locked up in his abusive childhood home. He had his youth wasted away in a prison cell for a crime he didn’t commit. And the sad part of it is, that Harry relates completely. People don’t like being locked up and he knows that because he spent 11 years locked into a cupboard instead of having a room. While Sirius was locked in a cell, Harry was locked under the stairs. Both punished for something they didn’t do.
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adelia-adelia · 4 years
sirius: so. i like boys. and you like boys. right
regulus: yeah
sirius: badass
sirius: let’s end this fucking bloodline
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adelia-adelia · 4 years
Sirius: Dueling is definitely in my top 5 favorite activities.
James: What are the others?
Sirius: Eating things. Shutting stupid people down verbally. Bubble baths. Masturbating.
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adelia-adelia · 4 years
sirius: you know that thing about how real friends don't bail you out of jail, they're in jail with you laughing about it
james: yeah
sirius: ...really wish we'd left one of us out of grand theft mandrake
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adelia-adelia · 4 years
James: Do you want to talk about your trauma?
Sirius: Trauma? You mean the reason I’m so fucking hilarious?
James: No.
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adelia-adelia · 4 years
Sirius: I hate when people are like “so tell me about yourself.”
Sirius: What do you want? Like, my trauma or my favourite colour? Let’s be specific.
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adelia-adelia · 4 years
Sirius: i just think that we’re perfect for each other. Whenever i look into your eyes i think, i want to continue every second of my life with this man. You’re always there for me and your mere presence lights up my entire world. So im asking you now, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?
11 years old remus on hogwarts express for the first time: i- hello my name is remus lupin
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