aderyndouglas · 5 years
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Eyes are carefully raking up and down her frame, almost trying to see if she was a threat. But she was here and she asked for him, so that must’ve meant he left some good impression on her if she came by. ‘’–Hm?’’ Dimitri asks with a confused look, brows furrowing as he pushes the hair out of his eyes. ‘’Can’t I do both? Teach you to hit the bag and check you out?’’
“Men are not usually known to be multitasking,” Aderyn teased him before she pulled her hands near her chest, fists — which were almost half as big as his — clenched. “Show me,” she said, turning to face the bag, standing just a couple of inches away from the Italian. Aderyn was good with a gun, she was extremely good with a car, but her fistfight skills were really lacking. Blue hues looking up at the taller man after a moment, she waited for him to move with a small but genuine smile. The same she had the last time they saw each other.
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aderyndouglas · 5 years
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‘‘Who says I’m mad? This is how I regularly look and act in the world.’‘ Dimitri almost says with a grumble, lips curling up slightly as he looks her over. ‘‘No, no. Hey, I enjoy the company so it’s all good. Stay for a little bit, yeah?’‘ Dimitri said with a hand extended out to her, wanting to stop her but he whistles innocently and lets his hand drop to his side almost trying to play it off. ‘‘But.. yeah. You should stay.’‘
Aderyn stopped when she heard his words. She didn’t even try to hide the large victory smile on her lips as she turned around to face him again. She observed him for a little while then stepped forward and approached him. “Alright,” She said, taking off her coat and placing it on a bench near them, as well as her handbag, revealing the gun tucked into her skirt. She didn’t try to hide that either. “So? Will you show me how to hit that bag or will you stay there, eyeing me up?” She questioned, playfully nudging his shoulder when she was close enough.
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aderyndouglas · 5 years
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Hearing the shouts of Italian from his father indicating he had a guest, he didn’t think much of it– still hitting the bag. It wasn’t until he saw her, he took the time to stop and catch his breath, eyes looking her over slowly. ‘’Well.. howdy. What brings you by?’’
Aderyn felt adventurous and it was never a good thing for her safety. She realized that when Dimitri’s father opened the door to her, looking her over and not moving for what felt like ages. They weighted each other up for a good amount of time when she broke the silence asked for the young man. The older man hesitated even more but eventually stepped aside and let her in, pointing in the direction of his son with a light movement of head and he announced her presence... loudly. She smirked when she saw Dimitri stopping his activity to look her over, the only sound in the room was her heels and his breath. “Why are you so mad? Poor bag,” She said, her smile only growing larger. “I was bored. And since you didn’t call me back... I thought I would check on you. But I can leave if you want.” She wouldn’t, and she knew he wouldn’t want that either, but she pretended. She shrugged and turned on her heels, ready to leave.
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aderyndouglas · 5 years
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           turning her head to the woman , she couldn’t help but chuckle at the comment that was handed towards her. leaning down to grab hold of the cigarette butt , she raised it to her lips to take the last drag of it , watching the smoke circulate around her face before disappearing above them. ‘‘ that’s the best you got ? i’d take offense or at least try to fake it , but the orgasm i just had is still taking over my happy side. ’’ she stated. comments about her looks never bothered andrea , especially with her ability to know she was hot. it was probably one of the reason that she was hated around town , how confident she was with herself. she wasn’t the type of girl to pretend that she didn’t know she was attractive to get the compliments. ‘‘ you’ve stayed long enough. please go back to wherever the fuck you came from. you’re useless existence is an extreme buzzkill. ’’
The sarcastic smile didn’t leave her lips as the other grabbed what she left of her cigarette. “I’m not wasting my energy on you,” Aderyn shrugged, glancing in her rear-view mirror now and then. She would usually have a lot of fun with this kind of conversation -- if you could call it that, but attracting attention wasn’t why she was there in the first place. “You want a good star because you had an orgasm? Is it that rare that you have to mention it?” She laughed, focusing her attention back on the brunette. She tilted her head to the side and placed her forearm on the border of the door as if she was going to tell her something confidential. “Make me go,” She dared her, the same amused smirk plastered on her face.
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aderyndouglas · 5 years
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             despite the southside being known as the ‘bad side’ of town , it managed to have lots of loyal families within their community. bonfires were almost regular , no matter what weather was necessary & they were all aware of how much each other struggled , andrea even bringing cigarettes & cheap meals to the homeless that took over the alleys by her home. body sinking into the beaten up couch , bottle of beer in her hand while eyes reflecting the flames that were licking the sides of the tin barricade it was designated in. she could almost feel her presence before she made herself into andrea’s eye view , the latina female lifting the beer to lips. god knew she needed a drink to handle this encounter. ‘‘ lost ? ’’ / @aderyndouglas​
Aderyn never really cared much about southside and northside. Of course, she had grown in the northside and that made her privileged. She was happy and proud of it, but she was never one to belittle other people. Or at least not random people. She was there today for her own business, nothing to do with the Anarchy -- even if in the end, it had always something to do with them. Parked in her expensive blue Mercedes GLC 43-AMG Coupe, waiting for her counterfeiters to deliver her package, she spotted her childhood friend not so far away. Friend, that was a long time ago. She knew it wouldn’t end up in a nice way, and she would definitely need a drink too. “Oh please,” She let out a humourless chuckle, throwing a cigarette butt at Andrea’s feet without even getting out of the car. “That couch is less wrinkle than you, you should do something about it. Working for the Santos doesn’t pay that well these days.”
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aderyndouglas · 5 years
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‘‘I mean y’can consider me amazed. Lil’ bit though.’‘ Dimitri says with a laugh, rubbing his hands together when she suggests for him to go first. ‘‘Yeah? It wouldn’t be that bad of a view to look at, Ade.’‘ He mumbles, hopping out of the window and starting his climb up to the roof. Once he’s there, he makes himself comfortable at the edge to wait for her. ‘‘Sure you’re not the in bed at six type? You gotta prove me wrong.’‘
Aderyn chuckled but didn’t comment. He was a flirt, that was for sure. She couldn’t tell if he was honest or not, and somehow, she didn’t want to figure it out. She didn’t comment on the fact that he called her by her nickname either. Usually, only the close people around her could call her that, but it was a special day, wasn’t it? She watched him hop out of the window. She waited for him to get out of the way, to see if it was stable, not too dangerous -- even if the enemy was up there. She climbed on the chair, then onto the roof carefully, as elegantly as possible. Hopefully, the window wasn’t that high. “Well, it’s already long past six, which is something,” she said, sitting next to Dimitri, her legs hanging. “But I have nothing to prove to anyone, Moretti. When you try to prove something to someone, you’ll always end up hurting yourself. Either take what I have to give you or...” She motioned towards the window with an amused smile, then placed her hands behind her, leaning on them. “I didn’t think it would be this... Cool.” It was cold for someone wearing a tore dress, but she would not completely admit it. “It’s a nice night still.”
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aderyndouglas · 5 years
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Eleanor’s not drinking?!
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aderyndouglas · 5 years
bold all that applies to your muse.
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• EYES:   blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other • HAIR:   blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other • BODY TYPE:   skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight
• SKIN:   pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored • GENDER:   male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels | don’t have any
• SEXUALITY:   heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | unsure | doesn’t like labels
• ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:   homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic| aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
• SPECIES:   human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | android
• EDUCATION:   high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other
• i’ve been:  in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot
• POSITIVE TRAITS:  affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm
• NEGATIVE TRAITS:  aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin-skinned | overly-dramatic | argumentative
• LIVING SITUATION:   lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other
• PARENTS/GUARDIANS:   mother | father | adoptive ( paternal aunt ) | foster | grandmother | grandfather
• SIBLING(S): sister | brother | none | other
• RELATIONSHIP:   single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated
• I HAVE A(N):   learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability | other
• THINGS I’VE DONE BEFORE:   had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital | gone to jail (police station) | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
0 notes
aderyndouglas · 5 years
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‘‘I’m good.’‘ He waves it off immediately not wanting her to be worried about him till her next words make him pause, a brow raising almost playfully. ‘‘You want me to be amazed by your beauty?’‘ Dimitri questions as his lips curl up to reveal that wide grin of his, being sure to follow closely behind her. After a bad trip that would’ve.. no it should’ve ended his night, he found himself up here? With her? Maybe this night wasn’t turning out so bad as he thought it would. ‘‘Eh, I thought you were the more ‘in bed at six type.’ ‘‘
Aderyn nodded ever so slightly and smiled at him. “Everyone should be amazed by my beauty,” She joked and took one last drag of her cigarette before throwing it to the ground, putting it out with her foot. She pushed an old skylight open, shaking off a couple of spider’s webs then turned around, frowning. “How rude. I can party all night. I don’t sleep much actually...” She rolled her eyes playfully then waved at the open window. “Okay, you go first. Wouldn’t want you to see under my skirt.” She chuckled and brought a dusty chair to make climbing easier. 
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aderyndouglas · 5 years
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“My mom says that people that stay this late out are either in finals or avoiding to go home for whatever reason…”.
Knox was checking everything in the other tables was ready for whatever client decided to arrive either later that night or early tomorrow. ‘The Petite Garden’ coffee shop was open 24hrs during this time of the year, so it wasn’t very weird to receive clients after most businesses had closed, but it was certainly weird to have people in here after midnight.
                       “…so which one are you?”
Aderyn smirked at his question as she grabbed her large cup of coffee and took a long sip of the hot drink. Maybe she didn’t want to go home. And maybe she wanted to enjoy some peace and quiet in a familiar place. Or she wanted to check on Knox. Somehow, she had a soft spot for him. When it was late, there were fewer chances they would be disturbed and people would not listen to them. “I’m the one who wanted a good coffee. It’s getting harder and harder to find one,” She smirked, pointing at the seat in front of her. “Are you not tired? What do you do if no one’s coming?”
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aderyndouglas · 5 years
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‘‘I get my hands dirty every now and then. If you want me to kill you as a dyin’ request, now that is something I may oblige.’‘ He makes a face as if he’s considering the idea before shrugging, taking the opportunity to really look at her. Brows furrow as he finds himself leaning against the railing, starting to get lost in thought he.. almost didn’t hear her voice. ‘‘Hm? Roof? Look at you gettin’ all adventurous on me.’‘
“Let’s just stop talking about killing each other, yeah? At least for the next couple of hours,” Aderyn chuckled. They were not here for that -- at least it wasn’t her case. She frowned when she saw him not really paying attention and crossed her arms on her chest, keeping the cigarette between her fingers. “You alright?” She asked genuinely concerned. She didn’t want to sound like that, but she didn’t particularly like seeing people suffer or being upset. “Are you amazed by my beauty?” She asked to lighten up the mood, then smirked at his comment, tilting her head to the side. “Maybe I was from the start,” She winked and started walking towards the room that would lead them to the roof.
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aderyndouglas · 5 years
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‘‘Ouch.’‘ It was a little dangerous, yeah. The Moretti name apparently struck fear into the hearts of people in rosewick, but.. why not mix a little bit of the fear with pleasure? ‘‘I wouldn’t shoot you. I got people for that, Aderyn.’‘ Dimitri says with a chuckle, hand running along the railing of the steps till his head tilts up at her question. ‘‘I don’t get scared. Not ever. Are you scared?’‘
“I’m sad now, you don’t consider me enough to kill me yourself,” Cleo stopped on the last stair and turned around to look at him, one eyebrow raised, amused. “Do I look scared?” She replied, pulling a cigarette out of her cleavage. She lit it, taking a long drag on it. She wasn’t scared. She never was. Sometimes, she had her moments, where she was sad, insecure. But she was never scared. “Let’s go on the roof.”
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aderyndouglas · 5 years
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‘‘Ah, I’m not– fooled for one damn second.’‘ Dimitri says with a laugh, his hand running and down her back. ‘‘Oh I’m hurt.. Because of my name, y’think I’d go as far as shooting you?’‘ The gesture makes his brow raise, because she caught him off guard with it. ‘‘I mean.. it did a little bit. After the nasty trip and all, I’m still here and enjoying the party.’‘ He shrugged, following closely behind her.
“As if it wasn’t true,” They weren’t friend, they were probably playing with fire. It was exciting. She smirked and made her way out of the room, towards a darker hallway. There were already fewer people, which felt nice. They could feel almost hear each other clearly. Everyone knew this place, especially if they lived in Rosewick most of their lives like the brunette. But it was still a haunted place, scary, and exploring it was still a lot of fun. She looked at Dimitri above her shoulder and giggled, walking up the stairs. “Are you scared yet?”
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aderyndouglas · 5 years
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‘‘Yeah?’‘ It’s like his tone is now amused, brows raising slightly because her body is pressed to his again, lips curling up into a smirk. ‘‘You wanna come explorin’ with me or somethin’? Hey, if y’wanted to get me alone, all y’had to do was ask. I wasn’t goin’ to shoot y’down or anythin’.’‘ Dimitri chuckles, a hand running along his face as he pauses. ‘‘Not yet though. Was waitin’ to explore to see if my night got interesting.’‘
“What do you mean? For once, I wasn’t planning anything, believe it or not,” It was hard to believe coming from someone who planned everything and anything, who didn’t like surprises. She just wanted to have fun tonight, and somehow, Dimitri seemed to be down for it. “You weren’t planning on shooting me? Do you now? Cause I’m not just gonna let you,” She said with an amused smile on her face as she reached up to pull a small strand of his hair back in place. “Did it get interesting enough?” She asked, pulling away and walking backwards into the crowd towards the main exit of the room, a daring smirk on her lips.
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aderyndouglas · 5 years
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would i? by maggie lindemann.
82 notes · View notes
aderyndouglas · 5 years
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‘‘Maybe all three?’‘ A brow raises as they sway to the music, only shrugging his shoulders at thought of it being all three. Because damn,  he wasn’t having any fun. The punch was spiked and after a dangerously bad trip, he found his mood plummeting rather quickly and it was hard to enjoy the party. Till the.. well, this happened. ‘‘Ouch. I only have one other friend at this party,gimme a break.’‘ He says with a grumble, hand raising up to twirl her around. ‘‘Guess I have to make some good choices then, hm?’‘
Aderyn’s smile didn’t fade as he twirled her around, visibly surprised in a good way. For someone who said he didn’t know how to dance, he was pretty impressive. “Oh no, that’s sad. But indeed, I’d rather you take the right decision to make this evening interesting.” She said as she pressed her body against his again, her blue eyes looking up to meet his. “Did you explore the mansion yet? Or did you stick to the places where people were, too afraid of what you might found?”
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aderyndouglas · 5 years
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Sure, it probably wouldn’t be the only time he’d be out here but this would be okay. An arm slips around her waist, his own lips curling up after the uncertain smile fades. ‘’You say that now till some shit happens where the DJ switches it up and plays a slow song. We’ll see who’s steppin’ on the feet an all that.’’ He mumbles, only shrugging his shoulders. ‘’Maybe. Night is still young, we’ll see. How about you?’’
Aderyn chuckled and shook her head, both eyebrows raised at his words. “If that happens, I’ll definitely be the one walking on your feet. And it would also mean the DJ’s way too drunk. Or, it’s a shitty party, you choose,” She wasn’t sure why, but she was in a good mood tonight. She wanted to make the most of it as long as it would last. “True, but since the night is still young, it means you’ll have plenty of time to dance with me,” She winked playfully, “Unless there’s someone else you’d rather be with,” She pouted childishly, looking at him with doe eyes. “If you stay, I wouldn’t complain about my night. See, my future is in your hands.”
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