adiosbyealoha · 3 years
soooo if i dunno made a side blog for sarah cushing (lana lang’s daughter from superman & lois) would anyone be interested??
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adiosbyealoha · 3 years
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Lol it’s me
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adiosbyealoha · 3 years
let’s also laugh at this icon i made because dinah’s relationship status with technology? COMPLICATED
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adiosbyealoha · 3 years
Send 💬  for me to make you a starter with a random line of dialogue from this generator.
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adiosbyealoha · 3 years
​❝ good morning. no, don’t get up, it’s raining, let’s stay in bed a little longer… ❞
April showers usually didn’t bring May flowers in Star City. The showers continued on at the closing of Spring and straight on through the Summer. That morning, and for what felt like half the week, was a bit on the stormy side. No wonder Dinah didn’t want to get up. The bed was comfortable and her apartment was cozy. Still working at the diner made the dream of some day being a home owner a bit unreachable. Either way, it was home. One that their daughter was growing up in.
“Ooh. Would you listen to that?” It was pouring outside, making the rain sound like her complex was under a waterfall. Her own eyes were wide as she stared up at the ceiling for a second, before bringing her body to its side, facing him with a long leg thrown over his. “Don’t think for a second you’re charming me over,” she mumbled, smiling as she snuggled entirely against his side. He felt like a human pillow to her within that moment, using his arm to rest her head on as she nuzzled her cheek against his shoulder like a cat.
“Morning. Were you watching me sleep? Because that’s kinda creepy, Ollie.”
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adiosbyealoha · 3 years
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Lili Reinhart photographed by Sasha Samsonova
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adiosbyealoha · 3 years
character skills that don’t actually matter, but give your character depth & facilitate interesting open or closed starters.
accents.   they can literally mimic any accent they’ve ever heard, and it’s a little terrifying to be honest. where are they even from, anyway?
green thumb.   they live in a high-rise with two tiny ass windows, but somehow manage to keep their indoor garden alive and thriving.
hearing.   don’t bother whispering around them. or anywhere near them, for that matter. they can hear through walls, basically.
measurement.   they know how far 6 feet is just by looking, and never bother with measuring cups or scales.
organization.   nothing in their house, office or car is ever, ever out of place. even their junk drawer is arranged by color.
mental calculation.   it’s not just adding and subtracting — they can tell you what 20% off $24.99 is in eight seconds flat.
the perfect cup of coffee.   it’s the reason most people stay the night at their place. word gets around, y’know?
perfect pitch.   not a professional singer by any means, and they don’t wanna be — singing is just a joy, and damn are they good.
predicting the ending.   yeah, they’re that person. they know exactly how the movie is going to end, five minutes into it.
quick reflexes.    something’s falling off the counter? no problem. they won’t let it hit the ground. and they sure as hell have never spilled their truly in the pool.
sense of direction.   they’re never lost. literally ever. also your personal gps.
storytelling.   they’re always telling you about something that happened on the train that morning or making up something for bedtime, they just make it look so easy.
thrift shopping.   they literally walk into any thrift store and find the nicest fucking stuff. it’s insane. but they also give the best birthday presents, so it’s fine.
throwing accuracy.    they can throw a crumpled peach & pear la croix can across the room and right into the garbage can, every time.
touch-typing.   they’ve consistently hit 95+ wpm since they were 10. it’s on their resume, but employers always think they’re exaggerating. nope.
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adiosbyealoha · 3 years
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#that t-shirt and that leather jacket are so good
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adiosbyealoha · 3 years
*chucking canon out the door* AND STAY OUT
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adiosbyealoha · 3 years
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adiosbyealoha · 3 years
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adiosbyealoha · 3 years
adult themes / language tw.   customize  as  you  need / wish !
Oh, one question. Where am I ? Who are you, and what’s going on ?
You are now in the next phase of your existence in the universe.
Cool. Cool. I have some questions.
Are you sure you want to hear it ?
You dropped a bottle of something called, “Lonely Gal Margarita Mix for One.”
Hey, what do you think happens after we die ?
I mean, we couldn’t believe what we were hearing.
Well, it’s not the heaven-or-hell idea that you were raised on.
There’s a lot of frozen yogurt places.
People love frozen yogurt. I don’t know what to tell you.
Ah, who cares ? No one is watching.
We were watching. Surprise !
What happens to everyone else, you ask ? Don’t worry about it.
Your true soulmate is here too.
That’s right. Soulmates are real.
You know the way you feel when see a picture of two otters holding hands ?
That’s how you are going to feel every day.
Wow, all those amazing people down there, it just seems so hard to believe.
Most people don’t make it here.
You’re special, ________.
Oh, oh, and, uh, of course, you love clowns, so…
I do love clowns.
________ ? I’m ________, and you are my soulmate.
Cool ! Bring it in, man.
This place just translates whatever you say into a language the other person can understand.
I have spent my entire life in pursuit of fundamental truths about the universe.
Now we can learn about them together, as soulmates.
It’s overwhelming.
________. You’ll stand by my side no matter what, right ?
Of course I will.
Promise me. Say, “I promise to never betray you for any reason.”
________, I swear that I will never say or do anything to cause you any harm.
There’s been a big mistake. I’m not supposed to be here.
Wait, what ?
They got my name right, but nothing else.
I mean, somebody royally forked up.
Why can’t I say “fork” ?
If you’re trying to curse, you can’t here.
So, if you’re not this person, then who are you ?
But I was very good at it.
You do get how that’s worse, right ?
Okay, well, maybe it’s not actually, like, all that bad.
Let’s just get some information first.
She’s like this walking database.
I guess (s)he just didn’t want to have sex with me.
Well, that’s fine, I wasn’t that into him/her anyway.
Oh, sorry, that’s the one topic I’m not allowed to tell you about.
Well, it doesn’t sound awesome.
All right, we need a plan.
I say we just lie low and hope that they don’t notice me.
I’m sorry, I don’t think I can help you.
I just don’t like being dishonest, and I can’t advise you to be dishonest either.
Come on, I’m just asking you to fudge a little bit.
I’m getting a stomachache.
It’s just so tiny and cute. It’s like a little child’s plaything, like for a family of mice or for a very fancy little dog.
I love it. It’s just so sweet and teensy.
You booped me. That’s fun.
My entire house could fit in this room.
I might not have been a saint, but it’s not like I killed anybody. I wasn’t an arsonist.
All I’m saying is these people might be “good,” but are they really that much better than me ?
Oh, forget it. Heading to the bar !
Oh, okay. Okay. I think it’s time to go home.
Wait, wait, wait. I just have to go upstairs real quick and steal a bunch of gold stuff.
Okay, don’t do that.
Did you fill your bra with shrimp ?
Whatever, it is freakin’ heaven.
At least I can still say “butthead”.
I’m sorry that you had to deal with this.
Maybe they are being used to torture each other. It would work.
‘Cause you’re a nice person. You’re a nice person, ________.
Well, that’s terrifying.
That can’t be good.
I have no idea why any of this is happening or how to control it.
Should we run away then ?
Why is everyone wearing blue and yellow ?
________, this is all happening because of you.
We don’t know this is because of me.
Actually, you’re a hammer, just smashing the gears into dust.
Oh, hang on. Not everybody here is perfect, okay ?
I’m not the only one with flaws.
Okay, fine, turns out there are many ways to know that it was me.
Let’s just face it, ________, you don’t belong here.
Well, then this system sucks.
I was a medium person.
Look, apparently it doesn’t work that way.
There is something we can do. Unless you could teach me.
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adiosbyealoha · 3 years
His puppy dog look faded into a big grin at her reaction to him.  She was cute whenever she got worked up over him, and now was definitely no exception.  Sure, it seemed weird.  Oliver Queen was never one to find an interest in girls–at least, not a serious interest.  Physically, sure, they were interesting as hell to him.  But, the idea of actually staying in for a night and not having any sort of physical activity?  It was absolutely unheard of.
At least, until now.  He blamed it entirely on Dinah and how she looked whenever she was happy, or in pain, or upset, or mad, or…. well, just about any sort of way, it seemed she was cute.  As she pouted, Oliver couldn’t help but keep the smile on his face as he leaned over to kiss her forehead.  “Of course we can stay in tonight, babe,” he agreed.  Then, his smile changed to one of feigned surprise.  “No studying?  Really?  Wow, Dinah, better be careful there.  You never know what saying that sort of thing just might do to me,” he teased.
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She could never keep from blushing whenever he kissed her forehead. It made her feel warm and loved. Not that she was lacking those feelings with him, or back at home, but she couldn’t help the longing she felt for the peace that was settling within her whenever he held her this way.
At his jokingly sly comment, a snort escaped her, covering her mouth to suppress the laughter while turning over carefully to place her hands on his chest and chin on top of her hands. “Yeah? That kind of talk does it for you?” Unable to keep a straight face with that question, giggles overcame her once more, laying her head down on his chest until they subsided. Content for a little while as she hummed a soft tune.
“You know what I’m in the mood for? Food.” No surprise there, she usually was. In fact, he could always tell when something was wrong when she would claim to not be hungry. She looked up at him with pleading eyes, bringing a hand up to comb her fingers through his locks of hair. “Could you make us something?”
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adiosbyealoha · 3 years
​❝ you sound sick. are you sick? ❞
NO WAY was he getting out of taking her to their Senior Prom! Though, she could understand why he was worried about her well being. Competitive cheerleading had its moments of taking a toll on her body, especially during the cold months.
“You better hope not, mister. We only have one shot at this. Prom reenactments can’t exactly capture all of the, uh... required experience?” She giggled, making a face at her own confusing words to rest her case on her health. Her voice was sounding a little froggy. Nothing that couldn’t be fixed with a cup of warm tea with lemon and honey.
“This is something I’ve been looking forward to, Ollie. I mean, come on, do you think I wake up looking like a Princess?” She asked, smiling as she reached up to smooth out the front of his tux, gently gripping the fold. “Also? Brace yourself. My mom has been collecting every camera on the planet to capture this moment, so enjoy your 20/20 vision before it’s destroyed.”
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adiosbyealoha · 3 years
He seemed to start off so positive.  She wouldn’t say no to free food almost sounded like she accepted his dinner invite, even though he wasn’t entirely sure he was actually offering that.  More just a quip that now seemed to make for an intriguing idea.  After all, the girl was pretty.  And a cheerleader.  No doubt she was flexible.  The cheerleaders at his school were pretty flexible, after all.  But they were all so boring and just got old after going out with them a few times.
Then again, the idea of a cop somehow being on his tail because of any sort of fraternizing with his daughter… definitely not the most appealing of options.  “Well, um, your dad did a great job,” Oliver tried.  Granted, his parents went to dozens of galas every few months and most of them they roped Oliver into going with them.  He couldn’t quite remember if he came with them to the one in Gotham or not.  Most of them tended to bleed one into the next.  “Ah, so you’re one of Bruce’s girls, then,” he said with a nod.  “Good to know.”
Still, despite everything telling Oliver it was probably a bad idea, he couldn’t help but be amused at the way she spoke, as well as the way she toyed at her uniform.  “You too, Dinah,” he started.  “Would you mind if I got your number?  You know, so that the next time we play you guys, you can tell me where your guys are waiting to jump us so we don’t have this sort of interaction again?”  He said, pointing to where she had wrapped him up.
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You’re one of Bruce’s girls. Something about the way he worded it - she didn’t like it. Which was clear to see from how her nose scrunched with a light laugh, shaking her head in protest. “No, no. I’m not anyone’s girl.” It was bizarre to feel any sort of embarrassment attached to the statement, but first time for everything, right?
Sure, it was normal to become nervous over a cute guy, but this was completely new for her. Probably not new for him, and his confident demeaner made it apparent. “Umm,” she hesitated. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind, but...” Her parents would. Something she would use to her advantage whenever she found herself in a situation like this. 
“You have to promise not to text or call every hour.” She was teasing, of course. Also trying to save herself from sounding too Miss-Always-Does-What-She’s-Told. Whether he planned on actually using it, would be a whole other story to see.
Without wasting any time, she eagerly reached for her planner, not caring if it looked like a goat or a dog chewed off the corner of a page. Let alone, ruin the page entirely. She was also careful not to dot the I in ‘Dinah’ with a heart, like she normally did when signing notes, or other. “Here you go,” she smiled bright, trying her best to not have their hands touch when she handed over her neatly scribbled number.
“And, I was just teasing earlier. About promising to not text or call every hour,” she laughed, tucking a strand of hair that came loose from her ponytail. “You can use my number for anything. Any time. It doesn’t have to be for me to come to your rescue.”
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adiosbyealoha · 3 years
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adiosbyealoha · 3 years
"Throw me a bone. Today is not the day for moderation." -Selina
Ooh, there was a dog joke waiting to be told at the tip of Dinah’s tongue. However, it was clear to see that Selina wasn’t having it at all. She got caught. Plain and simple as that. Only, it was not as simple. Nothing ever was in this town, or with Selina, for that matter.
“Would you rather be prosecuted then, Miss Kyle?”
The only one who was standing in Dinah’s way was the Batman. You see, she had been studying the on and off again lovers for some time. It was always the ones who kept to themselves that you sometimes needed to watch out for. 
“Look. I’m only trying to help. What you’re doing.. no matter the benefit - it’s still wrong.”
ALL of this was wrong. It wasn’t as though Dinah got off on this in any way. She had the better interest in mind for the citizens of Gotham. It was in her blood. Completely genetic. Her heart, however, it was always on the biased side of those she cared about.
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