I started my last journal with how the group and I met, ‘cause all my stuff got taken by this asshole called Abbas, and we met right after. And I guess it’s a good place to start, right? If I go back to telling you stories from when I was a kid, I’m going to have to buy another one of these pretty fast. So I guess I’ll leave the kid stories for another time and start with Abbas. Again.
About five months back, I had the shitty luck of running into some of Abbas’ friends near this dig site I was helping with. I got knocked out and hauled to his slaver camp just south of Durbin. That’s where I met the group. Turns out we’d all been snatched up by Abbas. Gnoll bastard was just taking what he could get, I think. Elves like Kaen are valuable, apparently, but I dunno why he thought Ibrahim or I were worth his time. I guess it worked out, though, ‘cause instead of being sold off to who-knows-where I had my cuffs picked by Tuum and we all snuck out when a sandstorm hit.
I think we were all going to split up, at first. No reason for five random strangers - well, technically, six, but I'll save that for another time - to stick together, especially since Ibrahim's little bitch boy behaviour was already starting to show. Thing is, we all met the same lady a week before any of this happened, and she gave everyone a prophecy that basically said we had to stick together or, like, die, I guess. Here's mine:
I see in your future a time of uncertainty and terror. I see a sun outlined in black, its light withering all that falls under its gaze. I see you tied to a table with twelve shadowy figures surrounding you, each with claws ready to rend your soul. I see a grinning night sky and a void devoid of stars lurking over your shoulder. I see a net of obsidian seeking to entrap you, yet it is held back by five blazing, luminous stars. I see a lion, a thorn in its paw as it gazes with menace at a mouse wearing your face. My vision ends here - you must find these stars and avoid the embrace of the dark, my child.
I've never been super into the whole prophecy future-reading wand-waving magic trick shit, but some of that has actually happened. So. Yeah. I guess sticking together might have been the right call. Anyway, once we snuck out, we went to Durbin, and then from there we got moving. Oh, and we started a caravan - but that's gonna have to be a story for later, 'cause my hand is cramping and I'm really, really hungry all of a sudden. I'm blaming it on the demon possession.
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So. Yeah. Introductions.
I’m Libby. I’m an intermediate archaeology student at the University of Krondor, which is also where I’m from. My thesis is on the Twelve Blades of Gargos. If you’ve never heard of them, number one, you have shitty taste, and number two, they’re these mythical blades that got lost a really long time ago. They’re supposed to have connections to demons or something, and some people get really pissy with you if you talk about them.
Anyway. I have one - or, two now, I guess - and I won’t say a ton ‘cause it’ll ruin the thesis but the demon shit is real!!! Like, REAL real. Mine is called Zurithra and she’s a bitch. The axe I get from her is cool, though, I gotta admit. Here’s a picture of me with it.
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I’m currently stuck with a group of total fucking idiots, so I guess I should bring them up too. So, from least stupid to most, we have:
- Kaen, our resident moredhel. For people living under a rock, being a moredhel is the ultimate bad thing to be - we’re both elves (well, he’s a full one and I’m, like, 8% eledhel) but he’d get killed for it if anyone found out he was one of the scary ones. He stays disguised a lot for obvious reasons. He’s also pretty fucking good with a hand crossbow, likes poison maybe a little too much, and answers most questions with “mm”. Oh - and he’s my fiancé. I’ll draw a picture of us together.
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- Rollie, who is the cutest gnome you’ll ever meet. I actually don’t know if you’ll meet a cuter gnome ‘cause I haven’t met any others, but she’s really cute either way. She really likes hunting for mushrooms and also turns into a giant hyena sometimes, which is cool as fuck.
- Tuum, who honestly needs to learn to stick his red scaly nose into less of my business, is our lockpicking guy. He has a serious case of kleptomania... so... yeah, that's been a problem a few times. Past that, though, he is actually a nice guy. He’s surprisingly honest and has kept our group together through a lot of crazy shit. Also he saved my life two weeks ago, which counts for something, I guess.
- And Ibrahim, the stupidest, most stuck-up guy on the team. He thinks he’s some kinda genius for coming up with plans that none of us thought of, but they’re actually just really, really fucking dumb. Plus, he’s supposed to be a good upstanding cleric of Astalon, but Kaen and I think he’s wayyy too shady for that. He can’t even hit his little lightning bolt spells reliably. He’s weirdly good at talking, though, and he heals, and I think Tuum has a crush on him, so we keep him around.
As of this entry, we’re all holed up in a tavern in the Far Reaches, on our way to a dig site I have to get to ASAP in the High Fastness mountain range. My old journal got fucking soaked by the rain on the way here, so I think I’ll move some of those entries over to this one.
Good enough for an introduction? Awesome. Let’s get into the good stuff.
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Fuck. Okay. New journal, I guess. Gotta be formal and shit about it, introduce myself, that whole thing. Y’know, I don’t think anyone will ever read this (because if I’m not dead and I catch you doing that shit, you’re going to be heading that way pretty fucking fast) but I have a headache, Kaen is asleep, and I want to bitch about something, so there.
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