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some delicious food we ate. we miss all of it. 
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Some of the hostels we stayed in!
1. Bruges
2. Paris
3. Venice
4. Munich
5. Bormes Les Mimosas
6. Bad Homburg
7. Berlin
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1. Munich
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The night train from Venice to Munich
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Somewhere in Altstadt
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The monster fish circling their prey
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The Nymphenburg Palace
We took a night train from Venice to Munich. It was a bit uncomfortable because we weren't in a sleeper car. And there was a lady with three kids that took all the space. We arrived at 6 am, and since the check-in time at our hostel was at 2 pm, we just put our backpacks in lockers and explored the area around the train station. After we got in to our hostel room, we took the subway to Englischer Garten, a huge park. It was full of people, so it's a great place to meet new people. At least we assume it is. 
The next day we decided to visit Schloss Nymphenburg (Nymphenburg Palace). It was a really beautiful place, worth visiting! The ticket was 6 €. On our way there we saw the most terrifying fish ever. Huge. ENORMOUS. Never going to get over it. In the evening we returned to the Altstadt area (near the train station). It was full of people... but we aren't sure what was going on. Maybe it was just a normal saturday night in Munich. 
While visiting the palace the battery of our camera died, so we decided to return there on the last day and snap a few photos. After that we headed to the train station to catch the train that would take us to Bad Homburg!
2. Bad Homburg (vor der Höhe)
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A nice house
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A nice street
We spent three nights in this small-ish town (52 000 inhabitants). It's a pretty place, full of old and expensive-looking houses and nice parks. The Altstadt area was really nice. Very cute. We walked in the parks and gardens and generally just relaxed. There was a small castle/palace that had a beautiful park (and a garden)  next to it. We stayed in a youth hostel (Jugendherberge) that was really nice. The room was clean (and the needs of disabled people had been kept in mind while designing the place), and once again the breakfast was great. 
3. Berlin
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We decided that in Berlin we wanted to see more without more effort (you know what we mean...). So for the first time in our lives... we bought tickets to a two-day bus tour. We felt like proper tourists then. During the first day we hopped on a bus that took us to all the main sights (churches, statues, important buildings and so on). On the second day we took the bus that focused on the east side of the city. After getting back to the starting point we grabbed something to eat... and then decided to step on the bus again. Our plan was to get off the bus in an interesting looking area in East Berlin, but at this time the guide was a really funny man who told interesting facts about the city and its history, so we just had to sit through the whole tour. Again. 
Berlin was a really nice place, a lovely city. The only weird thing was that the main train station wasn't connected to the main subway network. By using both the S-Bahn (tram) and U-Bahn (subway) it's pretty easy to get from one place to another, though. 
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You might not be canon, but I ship you two... *creeps on*
Pffffthh! We are actually quite touched. Touched and very amused. We just hope the fanfiction you write never finds its way to us ;D
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Your blog is so cute! I'm going interrailing in 3 weeks, you guys are getting me really excited :) hope you're having a great time.
Aww thank you! =) Have a great trip, we're sure you'll have fun! We definitely did. 
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just a quick update! we are back in Finland now. we couldn't post from Germany because TUMBLR WAS BLOCKED in many places. anyway, just be patient, we will make a post about Germany and other things soon =)
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We arrived around midnight. We didn't have a map and Venice is full of tiny streets and alleys. We asked for help from several people and they were all very eager to help, but couldn't really offer any helpful information. Eventually we found our hostel (the hostel lady wasn't happy about us arriving after 1 am).
Venice is really beautiful, with it's old houses and streets and squares. Sanni thinks it smells like an old attick everywhere (and it's a good thing). The weather's been nice, people are nice and... everything is nice! We adore this city. It isn't a huge place (we've ran into the same people many times) and there aren't cars so it's not very noisy either. We've been in Italy once before, in Rome. Venice is completely different, and we like it better here.
Tonight at 9 we'll take a night train to Munich, Germany. We'll arrive at 6 am. We've already booked a hostel, which was incredibly challenging because every place seemed to be full. Actually every single hotel IN GERMANY seemed to be booked full. Anyway, we'll post from somewhere in Germany next!
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From Paris we took a train to Toulon (it was about 4 hours) and from there we took a bus to our final destination. We were there after 11 pm, and the reception had closed at 10… fortunately the staff was still there and we got our room. Which was very nice! It was clean and cute. We had our own shower and a big balcony.
In the morning we had breakfast at the hotel (it was 4 euros, we think, and it was EXCELLENT) and then went out to explore the place. Later we came back, put on our bikinis and headed for the beach. We spent the day at the beach, swimming and desperately trying to get a tan. We didn’t do anything special in the evening, we just relaxed, watched the sun go down and ate cookies.
Bormes Les Mimosas is an amazingly beautiful place. It’s a small place too, so it’s not about sight seeing or anything like that, it’s basically for relaxing. The weather there was hot, a bit windy towards the night but that’s obvious since it’s by the sea. Clear blue water, several beaches, palm trees, flowers and small houses.
We would’ve enjoyed spending more time there, but only stayed for two nights. 
We had to get to Venice next. Some googling revealed that it would take AT LEAST 10 hours. Could be 14. With several changes. So, we woke up at 6 and were ready to catch the 7:40 am bus to Toulon. We didn't have a map so we had a quick look at Google Maps and draw some lines on a paper. Well, in Bormes Les Mimosas they haven't bothered with street signs. The bus stop was about 3 kilometers away, so we started to walk and at some point tried to hitchhike. (No one stopped). It was so f***ing hot, mainly uphill, and we had our heavy backpacks (the previous night we had picked up some pretty stones from the beach...) After an eternity we arrived at some kind of roadblock that separated a private area. Turns out we had walked to a completely wrong direction. We were in the middle of cornfields and forest. We were exhausted and probably looked like shit, so a nice man there gave us a lift to a nearby town. It took us some time to find the bus stop in that place, but eventually we got in the bus. We were in Toulon a bit before 11 am.
It took 5 different trains and a lot of waiting to get to Venice, but we did it. We'll tell you about Venice in a separate post!
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We both liked Paris. The atmosphere was nice, it was beautiful, people were friendly (and could speak English just fine), and luckily the weather was quite good.
In the last evening we visited the Eiffel Tower (we didn't climb up though because Sanni is afraid of heights... and the queue was enormous). The tower looked really beautiful when the lights came on. We were lucky and didn't see too many kissing couples. Before going to the tower we decided to eat in a restaurant. It wasn't that enjoyable. We were seated in the middle of the place (we always want a corner!!) and the waiter had a too nice butt and he was too friendly and the food wasn't that great. The biggest problem for us was that since we were in the middle of the place and in view, we had to be clean and behave like normal people. It was so hard.
So, a few tips for anyone going to Paris. Get a good tourist map, one that shows the bus and subway routes. Also keep in mind that some of the buses stop going around surprisingly early. Because of this it was a bit difficult to make any plans for evenings. (We didn't want to use to subway very late in the night). If you want a baguette, buy it from a bakery ("boulangerie"), not a grocery store. They are cheap and freshly baked. (We got a huge one for 90 cents). Be prepared to spend some time in queues, the longest wait we had was about 2 hours. Just have something to drink!
Paris was cool, we recommend it!
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It's our last day in Paris, we are taking the 4 pm train to Southern France; to Bormes Les Mimosas. One (two if we are lucky) night there, after that we go to Venice. We just canceled our hostel reservation there because it was so far away from everything. Luckily we got a new one that wasn't terribly expensive.
Now we'll google internet cafes in Venice: hopefully we'll be able to write again so we can write a summary of France.
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Paris II
On wednesday we decided to climb to the top of Notre Dame. The queue was extremely long but we thought WHAT THE HELL, we are here, we have to do it. We stood in the line almost two hours. And after that we climbed hunderds of steps. But it was worth it, the view was breathtaking. Europeans under the age of 26 get in for free, IF THEY HAVE THEIR ID's with them. We didn't have them, so we paid 5,50 € for it.
Later on that day we tried to get to the Eiffel Tower, but couldn't find the bus stop. So then we just hung out at a beautiful fountain (Place Saint-Sulpice). We took pictures but unfortunately we can't upload them now. We've now figured out how to get to the Eiffel tower and will go there tonight. While we were looking for the bus stop, we found an interesting looking castle called Palais Du Luxembourg. We are going to visit it as well (at least the park around it, if not the castle itself).
Yesterday we woke up at 7 to go to Louvre. It opens at 9 and we wanted to be there early enough so we wouldn't have to stand in line for very long. We were there around half past 8, and there was a small queue, but it didn't take too long to get in. Unfortunately Taika's been sick and yesterday happened to be one of the worst days, so eventually she just sat on a bench and Sanni tried (in vain) to find the painting's of Vermeer. (The map was stupid). We both did see Mona Lisa and some other da Vinci paintings. We didn't see all the paintings we wanted, but we'll visit again some other time.
Now that Taika has slept for about 15 hours, eaten medicine and drank coffee, she's back on track again. Now we are going to reserve seats for the train that will take us (tomorrow) from Paris to Toulon. ATTENTION! Important information about trains in France: seat reservations are compulsory in some of the trains. If you don't have a reservation, you will get fined. We almost did, but the Train Man was kind and only warned us. From Toulon we'll take a bus to Bormes les Mimosas.
Our hostel here in Paris is called Hotel Victoria and it's cheap and quite cute. Also the staff is very nice. It's quite far away from everything but you can easily get everywhere by bus. The ticket is only 1,90€.
In Brugge we stayed in St Christopher's Inn. They have hostels in many countries and rooms are cheap and comfy. The beds have curtains, which is nice if you sleep in a mixed dorm like we did. Also there is free breakfast.
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We are in Paris! It's hot! So great not to be cold all the time. We woke up today around 7, after a not so great night that included our roommates (we were in a dorm) having sex. Anyway, we were here around 12. Our hostel room is small but quite cute.
We've checked out Moulin Rouge and Sacre Coeur, and now we are going to get something to eat. Tomorrow we will do touristy things, like visit Notre Dame and The Eiffel Tower. In the evening we'll probably drink some wine and see what happens in Paris during the night.
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Bruges (Brugge)
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We came here this morning, around 11 am. The scenery on the way here was pretty and belgium looks interesting. Bruges is lovely city, super beautiful. (These photos don't show half of it). Unfortunately we only have one day to spend here. Tomorrow morning we will head for Paris, and we'll stay there for four nights.
Ps. if you come to Bruges, eat the waffles. Do it.
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we just had to share this. our breakfast in Amsterdam. glorious. god bless this breakfast.
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A summary of Amsterdam
We decided that one day in Amsterdam was enough for us. We spent the day by walking around and visiting a few museums, one of them being Van Gogh Museum. We liked it, obviously, because we both like van Gogh’s work. Nothing special happened during the day, we walked quite a lot, saw street performers, bought postcards and eventually found ourselves at the Red Light District. We didn't spend that much time there, though.
We had a great plan. To stay awake until 5 am, then take the train to Bruges and sleep there. We did stay awake until 5 am. We are still awake. We haven't slept at all. It's been 28 hours. We do not recommend this. We were also without food for about 12 hours. We visited four different pubs and after that we sat at the cold train station for hours and hours. We also had a midnight walk.
How exciting does all this sound?
Personally we didn't like Amsterdam very much. It was an ok city during daytime, but it just wasn't for us. We recommend it for a person who really really likes to party in a large crowd. And doesn't mind drugs. We don't want to give a negative picture of Amsterdam, though, it's not a terrible place at all.The people were really nice and everyone spoke English very well!
Here, have some photos!
The man at the station made it very difficult for us to get this damn ticket
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A pretty house
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Do not take the train that leaves at 5 am.
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We did have some great moments in Amsterdam (including an amazing breakfast... and the cutest gay couple ever) so please don't think we hated it!
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We came here last night, it was late and we were exhausted and in pain and couldn't find a hostel that had free rooms. FINALLY we found one. It was totally overpriced. But there was a bed and a shower so we took it. 
Our first impression of Amsterdam... well. We were tired, angry, hurting, hungry and desperate, and the streets were filled with partying, noisy people. We just wanted to sleep. Thank god we had earplugs. 
In the morning, after showering and eating AN AMAZING BREAKFAST at a nearby cafe, everything seemed better. Our plan is to check out a few museums and buy postcards. Nothing too heavy. The weather is a bit rainy, but it's not too cold. We plan to be awake until 5 am. That's when our train leaves for Brugge (Belgium). 
Taika is a little sick (has been since day 1) and has lost her voice almost completely. She can't talk. Taika thinks it sucks, Sanni is glad. (No she isn't). 
It's time to go out and explore Amsterdam. The adventure continues!
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Have fun on your trip! Me and my friend will start on Monday! SO EXCITED!
yes we will! awesome, see you around ;D have a great trip. 
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