adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
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Finally picked up this game!
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adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
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I didn't expect to get into this game as much as I did but I would up doing everything!
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adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
I started playing Valkyria Revolution about 2.5 hours ago and there's been only about 10 minutes of gameplay so far. This is my kind of game.
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adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
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Last night I beat the main story of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord.  I played it very briefly when it came out and then forgot about it for almost a decade before starting it over last week, so I wanted to give some of my thoughts on it. 
My Life as a Darklord is a fun little game.  I feel like its not the kind of game that SE would make anymore, both because the Crystal Chronicles series seems to be done now and because a tower defense game would be a smartphone game not a digital only console game.  Thats not to say that this game wouldnt work as a smartphone game but I still like having a controller when I play.  In any case, MLaaD is a tower defense game about a young Darklord named Mira who wants to take over the world.  It is a sequel/sister game to FFCC My life as a King.  In My Life as a King you build up a town and send out adventurers and in MLaaD you play as the monsters defending against those pesky adventurers.  The story is cute and simple, theres not much to say other than its a perfectly fine, if forgettable vehicle to carry you from level to level.  Its really all about the gameplay here, and the gameplay is mostly good.  Its basic tower defense gameplay but with enough unique aspects to make it feel unique.  Every map starts with a tower with no floors, adventurers on their way, and a crystal at the top of your tower that you need to protect.  To protect it you add on floors to your tower and then summon monsters to your floors.  The floors have a variety of effects, from attacking or giving ailments to the adventurers to protecting your monsters.  The monsters and adventurers all fall into a weapon triangle: magic beats melee, melee beats ranged, ranged beats magic, and there are also neutral monsters/adventurers.  One thing that makes this triangle interesting compared to other weapon triangles in RPGs is that two same type enemies do the worst damage to each other.  This means that, for instance, an enemy mage should preferably be fought by a ranged unit but if thats not possible a melee unit is often a better choice to fight them than another mage because even though it will take more damage it will also deal a bit more damage than a mage would. 
Floors stay the same but as you win battles you do get the ability to level up your monsters as well as raise the limit for how many floors you can build on your tower.  The first chapter was pretty easy but for the middle few chapters I lost as many times on my first try as I won them and it was generally pretty satisfying every time I won.  As the game went on it unfortunately got a case of dominant strategy.  Maybe it was like this the whole time and I just didnt figure out the secret until a little over halfway through, but regardless there eventually came a point where I used the same 3 monsters and 2 floors in mostly the same way for every fight in the game.  Still, the way I deployed those floors did keep me constantly engaged all the way until the end, so I cant complain too terribly much.  The only other complaint about the game I had is that there was no speed up button.  Thats a feature in many tower defense games because the very beginning and sometimes end of maps are usually a bit dull as was the case here as well.
This game also has a fair bit of DLC.  I cant speak too much to it, I only bought Palom because I had 200 wii points laying around.  I might try out the extra chapters that are DLC, but for now I am satisfied with the length of the game for the price ($10 for about a 15 hour game.)  It got me interested in picking My Life as a King back up (I played more of that game in the past but never beat it) so expect a post about that game one of these days.  Maybe eventually I will play one of the non-wiiware Crystal Chronicles games too.
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adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
My blogs!
As promised, here are my new blogs, and an explanation as to what they each are:
adrammelechthewroth.tumblr.com My blog for all things Final Fantasy.
burgermiesters100percentrealbeef.tumblr.com My personal and miscellaneous blog.  So everything from asoiaf and mount and blade to anime, weather, and wedding planning.  The kind of stuff that used to clutter up my FE blog.
http://burgermiester.tumblr.com Not a new blog but this is my blog for everything FE related.  On Semi Hiatus at the moment.
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adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
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Its got a cute art too, nice
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adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
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It was one hell of an afternoon but after almost 6 hours I finally finished the 100 trials! Next on the list: actually finish the story!
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adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
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Today has been my lucky day. I got the last corn Best Buy had (and it’s the only store around me that gets new amiibos in), I pulled a 5 star delthea and olwen from free orbs in heroes, and when I went to GameStop to pick up splatoon 2 for chloe they were about to throw away this xii promo so they gave it to me instead! And most importantly I went to the dentist and had no cavities!
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adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
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Sketch. 「FINAL FANTASY XII」- アーシェ・バナルガン・ダルマスカ (Ashe B'Nargin Dalmasca)
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adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
There’s a Type 0 Event in Record Keeper and I can barely bring myself to play it because this amazing cover of my favorite song plays in the level select screen. Who would have guessed an acoustic guitar would fit so well in the Beginning of the End?
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adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
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She kicked my ass half a dozen times but I finally did it. Aranea Highwind was already one of the coolest Final Fantasy characters ever in my book but now I like her even more. I’m so pleased she got to have such a big part in this DLC story!
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adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
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Cast of Crisis Core | セイ
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adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
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adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
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adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
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please do not repost without permission.
Noel and Serah, the heroes of FFXIII-2
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adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
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advent children memes
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adrammelechthewroth · 7 years
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I love this game
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