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Jemma Redgrave sleeping in Dream Demon (Harley Cokeliss, 1988)
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no smoking
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Frankie S01E06
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rhinoceros beetle
I’m not normally an admirer of tattoos.
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“Let me guess, I should ‘see the other guy’?” - Elly
That prompted a smile that quickly dissolved into a pained grimace as the movement stretched the rather nasty looking bruise on Baron's cheekbone. "Should've ducked when I weaved..." She teased lightheartedly before tacking on in a more genuine tone, "It's not as bad as it looks really."
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“Yeah. No, that one’s on me. Should have seen that coming really.” Baron crooned with a wry smile, gaze diverted off to the side.
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ₓ ˚ .   ୭   ˚ ○ ◦ ˚     as always, some triggering content may be present! change any pronouns to better suit your muse(s) needs!     ˚ ◦ ○ ˚   ୧   . ˚ ₓ
be careful.
that looks like it hurts.
we move on three, got it?
i’ll give you a boost.
found you some ammo.
don’t you ever point a gun at someone you’re not going to shoot.
get ready to run!
you’re bleeding!
we’re a team.
you saved my life back there.
can you show me how?
grab my hand!
you saved my life…
we need a backup plan.
wake up!
where did they come from?
what’s your status?
i’ll be back in ten minutes.
stop! think about what you’re doing!
where are we going?
did you find anything useful?
take it easy, you blacked out.
it’s my shoulder, i think it’s dislocated.
you’re not a bad shot.
why don’t you let me handle this one?
we’re gonna have to jump!
i need you to focus.
you need a break?
it’s alright. you’re okay.
careful where you aim that thing.
can you hear anything?
you look tired.
i’m gonna need to to be quiet.
do you know how to shoot?
did the bullet go through?
don’t come out until i say so.
come here, let me see the wound.
it’s my job to protect you.
i’m not going to let anything happen to you.
find cover!
put your weapons on the ground, now!
you owe me for this.
i thought i lost you!
i’m in charge!
that was a hell of a shot.
i’m low on ammo!
i’m on your side.
are we clear?
this better be important.
cover your ears.
you’ve looked better.
i think it’s broken.
quick! find a weapon!
can i trust you?
careful, it could be a trap.
sorry, that took longer than i thought.
watch your fire!
i need you to be strong.
are you hurt?
i thought they’d never leave.
you didn’t have to do that for me.
can you stand?
take all the time you need.
between the two of us, i’m the better driver.
here, have some water.
when i call out to you, you’re supposed to respond!
whatever happens, i got your back.
don’t aim that at me.
it’s not too late to do the right thing.
i’ll take first watch.
let me carry you.
did you do that?
don’t shoot!
where are you?
sit down!
look out!
i’ll look after you.
now’s not the time to be scared.
why did you do that?
alright, my turn.
cover your eyes.
you’re leaving me? here?
take a deep breath, squeeze the trigger.
that’s a long way down…
i’m not your enemy!
you need to slow down.
we should cover our tracks.
are we almost there?
how’re you holding up?
we need to get some sleep.
promise me you’ll come back.
here, eat this.
my head is pounding.
you have no idea how good it is to see you.
i won’t forget what you did for me.
please don’t do this to me.
where did you come from?
put that down!
what’s taking so long?
we’re going the wrong way.
that doesn’t sound very safe.
i don’t have a clear shot.
let’s finish the job first.
what does the map say?
i believe in you.
i appreciate what you’ve done for me.
i’m not a medic!
don’t touch anything. i mean it.
take the shot!
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Bruises and Bruising
“Where did you get those?”
“Is that…. somebody’s hand?”
“Is that… a bootprint?”
“It’ll look worse before it looks better.”
“Come on. Let’s get it wrapped up.”
“Do you want some painkillers?”
“Let me guess, I should ‘see the other guy’?”
“How’d you get a black eye?”
“I know you don’t do it on purpose, but I wish you’d stop coming home bruised.”
“I like the new look. It suits you.”
“Ouch, that looks like it hurts.”
“Talk to me.”
“You shouldn’t end up with bruises because you disagree with them. You know that, right?”
“Will you tell me how it happened?”
“Come and sit with me.”
(send ‘+reverse’ to reverse the roles, or specify which muse is which!)
[sit] – sender comes and sits next to a bruised receiver. no words, just warmth.
[care] – sender provides physical care for receiver’s bruises (ice pack, wrapping them up, etc)
[shower] – sender takes one look at a bruised and bloody receiver, and goes to run them a shower. hot showers fix everything.
[offer] – sender has something they know receiver will want, and because receiver has had a bad enough day as it is, sender gives it to them. it’s the little things.
[stay] – sender offers receiver a place to stay, so that – wherever they got these bruises – they don’t have to go back.
[concussion] – sender checks receiver for a concussion, because it’s very possible receiver has one.
[home] – sender has no physical way of helping receiver out of this situation, but they offer out their hand anyway. just to hold onto (and to not let go).
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2K notes · View notes
Sick as a Dog:Muse is ill for 24 hours (Anon specifies symptoms).
Darkness:Muse is blind for 24 hours.
Silence:Muse is deaf for 24 hours.
Lean On Me:With the help of ___ (anon’s choice) your muse will get through something that scared them (the anon can specify or leave it up to the mun) for 3 hours.
Cough Syrup:(tw) Muse becomes extremely depressed and is not in a good mindset and begins to have thoughts of suicide. (Anon decides duration)
Memories:Muse has amnesia. (Anon decides duration)
Injury:Muse will be injured somehow (anon decides severity and injury) for ____
Basket:Muse finds a baby in a basket and has to take care of it for ___
Age:Muse will be turned into a child.
Answer:Muse will have to answer anything that is asked of him/her truthfully.
Switch:Muse has to switch bodies with (Anon decides, but muns have to agree) for (Anon decides how long)
Power:Muse gains _______ (Anon specifies) as a power for 17 hours
Confess:Muse has to confess something they think of or feel toward anyone they speak to each time they speak to them for the next 5 hours
Dream:Muse is able to trespass in the dreams and nightmares of others for 48 hours
Nightmare:Muse is plagued with horrific images and scenes both in sleeping and in waking for 3 days
Paranoia:Muse becomes extremely paranoid about (Anon specifies what and for how long)
Thin Ice:Muse strays onto thin ice and falls through unless saved. (Mun chooses whether they live or die)
High Tide:Muse is trapped in a cave with water that will fill it in 4 hours.
Afraid of Your Own Shadow:Muse is unnaturally skittish and afraid of everything around them for 24 hours.
Broken:Muse is convinced they've lost someone/something dear to them, and are completely brokenhearted over it. Lasts 12 hours.
Chained up:For 10 hours, your muse will find themselves bound by chains. They can either have a savior or a torturer.
Jack the Ripper:Muse has been attacked by something that obviously has no sense of mercy. They are beaten, bloody, and left for dead someplace abandoned. Lasts until someone comes to the rescue... Or finishes the job.
Brainwashed:You will be brainwashed by the next person to say your name. Lasts for _____.
I'm Melting!:Muse cannot stop bleeding from the mouth, nose, or eyes (anon's choice). Muse cannot pass out from blood loss.
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They're in love (≖ ‿ ≖)
895 notes · View notes
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jemma redgrave | that photoshoot with the chair (source)
50 notes · View notes
Send me a ¥ and a command and my muse has to obey.
Take advantage of this…….
48K notes · View notes
adrenalineascending · 2 years
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Charlotte couldn’t help but internalize the offer. Did Baron actually want her there, or was it just a courtesy invite? Charlotte thought back to their shared kiss that drunken night, but pushed the thought away. “I think I might actually be able to swing that later this week, if you’re serious.”
“Dead serious...and no reneging when the lure of your comfy bed tries to talk you out of it. I know the perfect place. Just give me a heads up for which morning you want to do and I’ll save the date.” Baron felt a flutter in her chest. It wasn’t anything serious: she was still keeping to her own rules. (Even if the invite was more excuse to see Charlotte than actual desire to have a walking buddy.)
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adrenalineascending · 2 years
After getting over the sadness, Briar had been angry for a while. But with time came introspection, and she had been able to look back on things and see that whatever it was keeping Baron away, it was something serious to the other woman. So, when Baron said that she never meant to hurt Briar, the blonde believed her. “And who protects you?”
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"Me?" Baron turned startled eyes back towards Briar. Looking away it took her a few seconds to close her mouth as she deliberated her answer. “I can take care of myself...besides, there are...friends I can turn to if I need to.” Honestly, the thought of having someone else looking out for her hadn’t crossed her mind. She took every precaution she could to stay safe but for the most part the only support she had were other hunters.
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Safer to Walk Away
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