adrienaugust · 1 month
A twisted Fairytale
Marinette once thought that dating Adrien Agreste was like a fairytale, but now it's become dark.
Part 3 of the death of Adrien Agreste
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my entry for day 12: fairytale
Being with Adrien was like living a fairytale. He was sweet and kind and patient. He didn't mind gove her space when she needed it snd support when she didn't. He worked around all her problems, which Marinette knew she had many. He was beautiful, sexy, and perfect.
The only problem was his control freak of a father. Except, he was worse than a cranky, CEO. HE WAS HAWKMOTH. It shouldn't have felt as good as it did to beat the snot out of her boyfriend's father, but with each hit, Marinette thought of London, and Adrien, and all the akumas he'd unleashed. It felt good , giving into that anger, that rage.
Then, she remembered Chat Noir. Sweet, silly Chat Noir, who'd never hurt a fly. He'd never approve of Ladybug acting like that, giving into her rage. So Ladybug stepped back and gave Gabriel the chance to do the right thing. Gabriel decided to venom her and make the wish so he could die.
Looking back, Marinette could understand why. If Gabriel hadn't done that, Nathalie would've died too, and Adrien would've been forced to move to London regardless. In a way, Gabriel was trying to make up for everything he'd done by letting Adrien stay in Paris with her.
Then, Gabriel had requested that Marinette let Adrien remember the good things he'd done, and Gabriel had done good things, especially before...
Well, that was in the past. Now, Marinette was going to help Adrien remember the good things, like all the compliments he'd paid to Adrien, or the breakfasts he'd made for him, and...well, Marinette wasn't sure what elde there was, but Gabriel wasn't her dad. Even though he'd been strict, Adrien had loved him and Marinette wasn't going to take that away from him.
Besides, Gabriel was dead. What good would come from telling everyone that Adrien’s dad was Hawkmoth?
Ladybug had enough experience with bad press to know what would happen. People would all line up, looking for someone to blame, and they'd twist Ladybug’s words to hurt her sweet Adrien, who hadn't done anything wrong.
Ladybug couldn't tell anyone that Gabriel was Hawkmoth. Not without disrespecting his last request, but she couldn't let Adrien believe that Gabriel was missing either. Dhe knew how much his mother going missing had hurt him. No, Adrien had to know that Gabriel was dead...even though the Miraculous Ladybug should've resurrected him.
So, Marinette told another eensy weensy lie. That Gabriel had sacrificed himself to stop Hawkmoth. It was the only way that Ladybug could see to explain his death without ruining everything.
That was, until Adrien found out the truth. Not only did he find out that Gabriel was Hawkmoth, but also that he was a senti-monster. Marinette had never wanted that. She knew how badly that had messed up Felix. Who knew what it would do to her sweet Adrien?
Besides, Felix was currently the one with the Peacock, and while Marinette didn't trust him, she didn't want to take the Peacock away from the poor guy either, especially since he knew her secret identity. Anyways, from what she knew about Adrien and Felix, they didn't get along as much as they should, and there'd almost certainly be a fight once Adrien realized the cousin he didnt trust held his life in his hands.
Except, Adrien hadn't broken down like Marinette had expected. Instead Adrien had come back and did the interview. Marinette had begged him not to. She'd pleaded for him to delay it, just for a little, until Marinette could confirm it with Felix, but Adrien wasn’t having it.
It didn't matter how crazy it sounded or how much it contradicted what Felix had told her, Adrien had enough proof for himself. So he'd conducted the interviews, and threw Marinette under the bus.
Then, as if to make it worse, after the interview, he'd started pulling away, giving her the silent treatment or making little comments behind her back. Sometimes, he'd even stay the night at Nino's without telling her.
Then, he went to the funeral. Without her, but with Nino and Chloe.
Marinette didnt know what happened next, but she only remembered lying on the bed drunkenly clutching her bottle of wine as she cried into her phone, asking Alya where it all went wrong.
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adrienaugust · 1 month
For day 12 of Adrien AUGreste - fairytales
Fairytales have always made Adrien feel safe, no matter how dark they get.
Ao3 link
Warnings: child neglect, references to panic attacks
There are certain things that children require as they grown up, beyond basic human needs such as water and food and shelter. There are certain things that children need in order to be healthy, in order to enjoy the best quality of life possible. 
There are certain things that Adrien was not given. Any semblance of freedom, mostly. Emotional validity. Actual interest. There are other things that Adrien was given too much of. Clothes. Money. Space. 
It seems contradictory to have too much space and not any freedom but his parents diligently managed. There were eyes on his every step and yet there was no warmth in them, no care. Adrien has spent much of his life being cold.
He used to hunch under the sheets and shiver, despite his room being the optimal temperature. It was almost every night before he found a cure. From then on, he would curl up under the covers, weak torch on, and thumb through the pages of his fairytales. 
His mother had smiled indulgently when she saw his recent order, seeing no problem in allowing her son to have a book or two. It wouldn't teach him enough about outside for him to want to go there, after all.
It hadn't taught Adrien about outside. His first book of fairytales had taught him about humans instead. When he ordered his second, his mother had barely blinked. By the fourth, she'd stopped paying attention. And so it was, that his materials grew darker and darker, shifting from fairies and unicorns to selkies and sirens. Adrien himself grew less outwardly emotional, immersed further and further into his fairytales.
His mother went missing.
Adrien fell deeper into another world, sunk into the gaps between the letters of the fairytales he never stopped reading and let his mind whisper of tragedies and bargains and sacrifices and kidnappings and spells that backfired. He watched his father with narrowed eyes, waiting for the grief to manifest itself. His father no longer ate dinner with him. Nathalie offered to but he turned her down, taking the opportunity to read at the table too.
Somehow, just as his mother faded from visible to obscured, his fairy tale books went from obscured to visible. If his father noticed, he did not care. His father never cared what Adrien was up to as long as he didn't stray from the path he had set out.
Then Adrien did stray.
He'd become desperate to gain his freedom from his tower, his six months in the Aboveworld, his own grand adventure. In exchange for his failed attempt, his father took his books. He didn't truly look at Adrien as he did so, despite the antics of his son catching his attention. He took Adrien's books and didn't even have the decency to look at him.
Plagg had entered Adrien's life before he could truly begin to despair and Adrian had considered it a fair bargain. His books for the chance of a real-life fairytale.
One of delicate flutters and bloody smiles and vibrant gashes and harsh giggles. One of predators and prey and glowing, green, poisonous eyes and lazy smirks and jagged wounds.
Ladybug and Chat Noir won most battles but Adrien was never sure whether or not they'd win the war. Fairytales become easier to predict the more of them you read but how could he be sure which one this was? There are consequences to thinking yourself on the wrong fairytale. Too much haste can lead to the mongoose losing its life for saving another’s. Too little can lead to avoidable carnage.
Adrien doesn't know which fairytale he's in. He doesn't know much really, other than academics and awkward moments with friends. He especially doesn't know what to do with a kwami. Feeding Plagg is natural, as is putting up with his laziness and general inconvenience. 
What isn't natural is the way he bites his lip and glances over at Plagg after a particular bad alums that leaves the kwami exhausted. What isn't natural is the skittish way he approached the god, hands tightly clutching the sole book to survive his father's purge. (Adrien suspects his father has forgotten about the whole thing. He could be punish him still, of course, but that's less likely.)
What isn't natural is the way he cracks open the book and starts to read, his voice uneven and stuttering. What isn't natural is the way that Plagg eyes him speculatively the next morning. ("Fairytales, huh? I can work with this.")
What isn't natural at first but swiftly becomes so if Plagg's voice in his ear as he struggles to breathe, to fight back against the choking weight of anxiety. The kwami reads him fairytales as Adrien struggles to focus on his voice and when those run out, he starts to make up his own.
Plagg is a horrible storyteller, all disorganised and full of both rapid passages and long pauses but it's good. It's good to have these spaces to lift Adrien up, to anchor him back to firm ground. Fairytales have always been something for Adrien, something he keeps to himself. They are safe in a way that people are not. Plagg is certainly not safe.
And yet, when the kwami tells him fairytales, Adrien can pretend, might even believe that he can one day be both loved and free.
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adrienaugust · 2 months
Banana Splits
Felix takes Adrien and Chloe out for ice cream Ao3 link Adrien AUGreste day 05: Ice cream
t was a hot day in the summer when Felix first introduced Adrien and Chloe to ice cream. Adrien's chefs were too strict and watched over Adrien's diet far too closely for him to ever get the chance for such a sweet treat, and Chloe was too busy trying to impress her mom to ever try one, since it was just fat on a stick. Chloe was a good girl after all. She was watching her figure just like her mom.
But Felix had gotten them to sneak out on a dare, and he'd taken them to a local ice cream shop to celebrate their clever escape. It had basically just amounted to climbing down the trellis of Felix's house, but they hadn't been spotted, and Felix was proud.
Felix had done the ordering, since he was the brains of the operation, and ordered them a banana split, an American favorite he'd once seen in a movie. The shop owner had thought it was cute: a tiny blond boy coming in with a brown sweater vest like he was dressed up as a grown up for halloween, being tagged along by his shy, meek twin brother, and their somewhat bossy little sister. The only thing cuter was when Felix had imperiously ordered ice cream in his best grown up impression for a banana split.
They were too young to read of course, and even if they were, they were too young to understand the concept of money, so they didn't understand that a banana split was off the table, but the shop keeper didn't mind.
She gave them a bowl with 3 ice cream scoops, chococlate, vanilla, and strawberry and watched as the pretenious little boy ordered his siblings to try a bite of each, and then hoarded the chocolate after his two siblings had decided to split the strawberry very, very carefully between them, the look of utmost concentration as they did so, ignoring the vanilla, at least until the meeker boy realized he could swirl his strawberry with the vanilla and caused another small squabble.
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adrienaugust · 2 months
Ice cream break - Adrien AUGreste Day 5
This ended up shorter than I realised but oh well. This chapter is set during the Passion chapter in Wish come true, when they're in the middle of their cosplay photo shoot. @adrienaugust Ice Cream
Adrien couldn’t help but giggle as Luka spoke to a little girl, convinced that his cosplay of male Hanno in idol form meant he was a prince. The guitar player created a story of being a secret prince from the ocean but he couldn’t say more ‘because I’d turn into seafoam and it would make my partner very sad’. Adrien waved to the little girl who stared at him in fascination, or it could have been his blue hair.
Honestly, not double checking before he bought the hair spray was his own fault, but he couldn’t complain.
“Bye.” Luka said, standing up and pushing the fabric of his jeans down. “I swear we didn’t get this much attention when we did Naruto.”
“You clearly didn’t notice the group of preteens staring at us from across the park. I have one more idea for couple photos before we can go change.” Adrien said, picking up the tripod with the camera on the top. “You just need to be careful to not spill anything.”
Luka picked up his own bag, tucking the E-Mic inside and followed Adrien to a nearby ice cream cart.
“No Andre but I’m sure it’ll be good.” Adrien pulls out his phone and leans over to share his screen. “You’re not there yet, but in season 2, there’s a scene of all the girls going on a date with their boyfriends and Hannon and her boyfriend go get ice cream. They kiss and you first see their ice creams pressed together. I thought we could do something like that. It can be our last photo before we had back to the house.”
Luka looks relieved at that statement. “I’m starting to overheat slightly in the tailcoat.”
“Take it off, just careful with the bow. That took way too long to get into position.” They had joined the line and Adrien set the tripod down to push up his own sleeves before taking Luka’s bag so he could slip the jacket off. “Are you having fun regardless?”
Luka smiled down at his boyfriend. “I am. I kinda like it just being us.”
“So does this mean I can do another one with you?”
“Just tell me if I need to dye my hair. I’ve been debating changing the colour as a break from blue. Not red though, don’t want to look like a strawberry.” Luka said.
The ice cream was only 3 euro for both cones and it was good, except for a slight flaw. It wasn’t that hot, despite their complaints about getting hot, but the ice cream was melting quicker than expected. Thankfully they were able to get the final pictures in costume and seated themselves on a bench to finish eating their ice cream. Adrien had produced a towel for Luka to not stain his pants and had to help the rocker push his sleeves up to help from catching the dripping dessert.
“You know,” Adrien said, relishing at the taste of passion fruit in his mouth. The ice cream was actually really good, even with it melting so quickly. “I don’t think we’ve gotten a lovers ice cream from Andre.”
Luka looked at him surprised. “Really? We’ve been together for a few months now. We really haven’t?”
Adrien shook his head, pulling out his phone and snapping a quick selfie of the two. He did still have to update his food Instagram. “We’ve gotten separate cups that we’ve shared but never a lovers ice cream. I didn’t think it was possible to somehow become a couple and not get one.”
“Huh,” Luka said. “I wonder what our combination would be. Passion fruit and mint?”
Adrien scrunched up his nose in disgust. “that sounds like the worst toothpaste. I really can’t understand why you like that flavour.”
Luka laughed at Adrien’s disgust. “Ok, fine. then what flavour do you think represents you?”
Adrien thought, biting into the cone and flinching slightly as the cold bit through his teeth. “Maybe peppermint, if only to go with my eyes. Passion fruit would be too obvious, so maybe peach? You’d be blueberry and…pistachio.”
“Pistachio? But I don’t like nuts.”
“its an unexpected flavour that a lot of people like. You prefer music to words and you captivate everyone you meet. Certainly, did it with me.” Adrien teased.
Luka gave him a look before pressing a kiss to his lips, giggling when Adrien gagged at the taste of the mint chocolate chip still on his mouth. “Ok, so a lovers ice cream for us would be, peach, blueberry and…lavender? It’s a calm flavour and I think it something that is similar to us.”
Adrien popped the last of his cone in his mouth, trying to imagine the mix of flavours. All subtle flavours, didn’t overpower each other, kinda like them. “We’ll have to ask Andre what he thinks when we see him next.”
“I can’t wait.” Luka said, eating his last bite and leaning to kiss Adrien again. The blonde pulled back, knowing what would greet him but when Luka pouted, Adrien sucked it up and kissed his boyfriend.
“Thank you for your sacrifice.” Luka teased. “Come on. let’s get back and change. We can explore a little before we have to head back for our train. We can even see if they have gelato.”
“Oh no,” Adrien said, picking the tripod back up, the camera safely stowed away in the bag he brought for it, “If we’re eating gelato, it’s going to be in Italy and none of those overly fluffed places that have them on display. We’re getting them from the places that have them in the containers with lids.”
Luka listened to Adrien explain the proper way to find gelato in Italy and grabbed his hand. While gelato was sounding good, he really couldn’t wait to try their lovers ice cream. He had a feeling they were pretty spot on.
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adrienaugust · 2 months
Flowers and a hug - Adrien AUGreste Day 3
So wasn't orignally planning on doing the event but I needed something to break up this fic I'm redoing. If I spend too long staring at it, it was going to drive me up a wall, so, here we are. Since I've done most of the @adrienaugust prompts for my Wish series, I'm just going to do the ones I haven't done. Who knows, maybe I'll finally do 'Switched', the one prompt I skipped in the first Wish story.
If you don't know what I mean, the Wish series is a fic series I did exploring the idea of Lila winning and wishing for Adrien's life and Adrien's new life as the kid of an Italian diplomat who has the freedom to be completely himself. These fics are going to be part of that series and the timeline will bounce around.
This fic is based after the events of the last chapter of the second story. Enjoy
Piano, he learned from his dad. English and French, his mom taught him that. Sewing was learned at the feet of his nonna. But plants, specifically flowers, his hardened, silent nonno taught him that. Whenever Adrien was with his grandparents, he’d always spend at least 15 minutes in their garden, helping his nonno with whatever task he was doing. The man was always in the garden, even on days were his body made it hard to move, he’d sit on the swinging chair he’d put together after Adrien begged for one, with his espresso or tea and just take his work in. He didn’t speak much, preferring to show his words in actions but he’d tell Adrien about the stories behind the meaning of flowers. He would have him help make bouquets that he’d silently pass to his wife, the only reaction of her thanks being the blush that came to his face like clockwork when she’d press a kiss to her husband’s cheek.
The bouquets had no rhyme or reason behind them, but Adrien did notice whenever his nonna was upset, flowers would end up in her kitchen. They weren’t an immediate fix, but it always brought a smile to her face.
So that’s why Adrien left his apartment early in the morning, met up with Marinette outside the bakery and took the train to the flower market near the Notre-Dame. Luka had told him he loved him and also that because of his grandfather, he’d be busy with something he couldn’t talk about. He and Juleka were feeling the affects of whatever it was, looking exhausted, but Luka seemed to be having a harder time with whatever it was. Adrien was dying to poke and ask more questions but with a ring on his finger and a new constant hitchhiker, Adrien knew it would be wrong to ask for answers Luka wasn’t ready to give. It could see it was bothering him, whenever Luka couldn’t give him a clear answer. Luka’s brow would furrow, he’d tug at his earrings and he’d apologise like it was no one’s business. Adrien just wanted him to be reminded that even though they had to keep a few secrets, that wasn’t going to break them up. Marinette, after hearing his idea in class, offered to show him the best stalls at the flower market.
“Thanks again for doing this.” Adrien thanked.
“Of course. Luka’s been looking so exhausted. I think he was actually going to fall asleep standing up at rehearsal. I’m surprised he didn’t cancel.”
“Not Luka. If he can’t play music, he feels like there’s no point.” It had been that sometimes it was the only time he’d see Luka relax, unburdened by whatever was bothering him.
He just hoped this was another way to make him relaxed.
The market was huge. Thanks to Marinette’s suggestion, it wasn’t quite as packed as it could have been and the blonde Italian followed the baker’s daughter to the different stalls. He didn’t buy from every one, but he pulled some with meanings he hoped to convey. Roses in colours that meant happiness, worthy of them, salvias in blue to let Luka know he was always on Adrien’s mind and hydrangeas to tell Luka thank you for at least trying to give some context, little as it was, along with dahlias to remind him of how kind he was. Cellophane and tissue paper in hand, Adrien tightened his grip on his spoils. His nonno made smiles appear out of thin air with his nonna and her moods. Luka wasn’t in so much of a mood, but Adrien still wanted to make Luka smile.
Here went seeing what stuck from the lessons.
Sleeping sounded good. Great even, but he had a whole understanding of a Kwami Box to understand first. Said Kwami had tons of energy, but the slightest glimpse of being overstimulated and they thankfully calmed down and went back in the box. They were a help in helping his mother find her missing things. They were like genies. Who didn’t know their own history. The monks behind the Temple did tell their students much, so the little Fu did write down for him left a lot of gaps. Not even the translated Grimoire gave much help in understanding it. with his classes, patrol and trying to be a present person with the people he cared about, Luka felt like he was going to explode. He had Juleka, but she was approaching finals before she graduated collége and headed to lycée. He still needed to take his university exams, if he was even going to do in person university. Another decision he needed to make.
Fu fucking owed him for throwing this responsibility onto a teenager. And the monks, for choosing a kid who didn’t want to do said job which caused all of this in the first place. Also, where the fuck where they? Fu swore they were close but he had yet to have some old person come and demand the Miraculous back. He’d like to have the chance to convince them to help, like Jessica managed to do. He wished he could talk to her more, but he knew her parents were still trying to find them and they wanted answers about the American Miraculous that Jess couldn’t give. He was in a better position than her, having a whole team instead of just his sister, but it wasn’t going to do much now. He couldn’t tell his team what was going on, not until they had more information. Not even his own boyfriend.
Which was another thing. he missed Adrien. Any time they hung out turned into a mess of him being exhausted and distant. Adrien was the best thing ever, not looking upset, just asking if everything was ok. How was it he had the pair the more powerful Miraculous and he wasn’t allowed to tell him anything?
God, he needed a fucking nap.
He shoved the box into the chest they’d chosen for the hiding spot, the Kwami taking a hint and ducking into the mini figure collection Rose had been growing on Juleka’s side of the room. He flopped onto his bed, trying to get his body to relax.
“Luka?” Tikki questioned, letting out a sad hum when he turned to face the wall and away from her.
“Just five minutes please Tikki. I just want five minutes.”
He heard footsteps, but assumed it was his mother. Juleka was spending the night with Rose. The tiny blonde had taken a look at her exhausted looking girlfriend and dragged her home, according to Juleka’s text. But…his mom wasn’t in town. She was charting a yacht across the water for the week. So, who…?
A knock on the post leading to his room made him open his eyes and look towards the doorway.
“Hi. I thought Juleka was here but I didn’t see her and I didn’t see your mom either. I didn’t want come in without permission. I know how much your mom loves that.”
He stared at Adrien, dressed rather like a punk for a change, like he wasn’t real. Luka got up and started to walk over to him, ready to grab him into a hug when he was stopped by a face full of flowers. Adrien looked embarrassed.
“I had them behind my back and you were gonna hug me. I wanted to surprise you with them first.”
Luka felt a small smile grow. “You got me flowers?” he asked, taking them from Adrien.
“I made you flowers. A bouquet of flowers I mean.” Adrien stuttered a little, the smile on Luka’s face getting bigger. “My nonno would give my nonna flowers whenever she was upset or just because and I know you’ve have to keep secrets and I can see it’s been upsetting you so I wanted to give you something that reminded you I was here, for whatever you need. Even if it’s just a hug.” Adrien spread his arms out, letting out a small noise when Luka wrapped his arms around him. “Do you like them?”
“I love them. thank you. I like the hug too.”
Adrien laughed, adjusting his grip so he could hug him tighter.
“Of course, you know how to make bouquets. Is there anything you don’t know how to do?” Luka asked, rocking the two of them back and forth. Finally, just for a little bit, he felt calm.
“A number of things, I just learn to fake a lot of it.”
“So, you know the meanings? Is that post on making a ‘fuck you’ bouquet true then?”
Adrien giggled. “Yes, it is. I can tell you what these flowers mean.”
“In a bit.” Luka said, looking at the blossoms he held. He wanted to tell Adrien everything, but for now, these were proof that while things were stressful and insane, he had a person he could go to, even if it was for a hug and a smile. the minute he got permission, Adrien would know. but for right now, he could take a hug. And the flowers, definitely, the flowers.
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adrienaugust · 2 months
Day 4 & 5 of @adrienaugust: Piano and Ice Cream
Both chapters are up on AO3! It's Rated E!
Songs I wrote Chapter 4 to:
Song I wrote Chapter 5 to:
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adrienaugust · 2 months
Day 3 of @adrienaugust: Flowers
You can read the new chapter and the rest before it here on AO3!
It's Rated E!
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adrienaugust · 2 months
Adrien Augreste Entry 1: Memories
Adrien has fond memories of Kagami
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Andre's Sweetheart Ice Cream was a popular hangout for couples, and it wasn't hard to see why. It was fun, solving a scavenger hunt together with your sweetheart, touring the most romantic and scenic places for a chance at a sweet, sweet custom ice-cream perfectly designed for your love. And while Andre's was also nice to hang out with friends, especially with Andre's friendliness and poems, the love celebrated there was solely the romantic kind-as Adrien had sadly discovered when he'd tried to bring both Marinette and Kagami. It was the place where Adrien finally got a clue and realized that if Ladybug would never love him, he could be happy with Kagami. Kagami, who was strong, independent, and knew what she wanted. Kagami, who loved him, wanted him, and would never abandon him. Kagami, whose strength was beautiful, even as her heart was so tender. Adrien had kissed her there, and with it, he sealed a vow to her that he would never leave her.
Anyone who called Kagami was an Ice Queen clearly wasn't paying attention. They didn't see how she threw herself into fencing with her whole body and soul. They didnt see how she held his hand, always so strong and firm, but also with a purpose, à need to make sure Adrien was moving towards the next, new exciting thing, and so ready to stop at a moment's notice for him. Adrien had never had someone so attentive towards him, like he mattered. Like he was all that mattered. Oh, but everything paled compared to when Kagami was talking about her latest romantic manga. How her eyes would shine, and shed discuss the most ridiculous plots with the utmost sincerity, like it was the most serious thing in the world. Every time Kagami talked about them, Adrien was torn with one of the most difficult choices in all of history: Did he let her talk uninterrupted with all of her passion or did he kiss her silly for being so cute?
Although Kagami reminded Adrien of Ladybug-a lot- sometimes they were exactly the opposite. Case in point, before the first match against each other, Kagami cornered him in the locker rooms. "You've performed poorly in our practice matches," she informed him. "You need to fight this time." Adrien winced. With Ladybug, he'd always avoided fighting her, and even in the few rimes they'd sparred, Chat Noir had always gone easy on her, afraid to hurt her or her self-confidence. But Kagami was different. She wanted Adrien to give her his all. She was disappointed when he didn't, and she'd made that clear before, but it was hard to fight he woman he loved. Adrien wanted to hold Kagami, cherish her, but Kagami was too tough for coddling. She didn't just want a challenge from him, she expected it. "I'm sorry," Adrien said. "Don't be sorry," Kagami scolded. "Be better." Yet, despite her cold words, Adrien could hear the warm message underneath. "I know you're better. I know you're my equal." Her equal. God, Adrien loved that. Kagami thought he was her equal and she wanted him to be. She challenged him to be. Despite her annoyance, Adrien kissed her, watching in pleasure as a deep, dark blush spread across Kagami's face in surprise. "I will", he promised. "For you."
Adrien huffed as Kagami rejected yet another pose. She sounded just like Vincent as she scolded him for using model poses, and not being "real enough". "I'm a model," Adrien complained. "Every pose I do is a model pose." "You know what I mean," Kagami grumped, even as Adrien leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek. "I want this drawing of you to be perfect." "Everything you draw is perfect," Adrien muttered, and they were. The same way the sky was blue and the sun set in the west. "You don't get it," Kagami said, pushing Adrien away. Adrien frowned and then decided to hold Kagami, wrapping loosely around her so she could easily push him off. "Then explain it to me," he whispered to her, making sure he was close enough to her ear to tickle her with his breath. "Tell me what's going on in your gorgeous mind." Kagami sighed. "My mother started losing her eyesight around my age. It's from a disorder. One that's hereditary." Kagami stared at Adrien in his eyes. "I respect my mother greatly, and her strength is no less than if she could see, but I'm afraid..." "Of going blind?" Adrien asked. Kagami shook her head. "Of forgetting what you look like. The things I draw, I pour hours of work into them. I know every line, I know every Shadow because I made them myself. I studied them. Drawing them, it only makes them more beautiful, and harder to forget. Like I etched them in my mind." Kagami took Adrien by the hand. "I want to do that with you. I want to remember you, the real you, not some fake ad people made up. I know this sounds ridiculous. I'm not going to wake up blind one day-" Adrien hugged her. "It's not," he said, kissing her shoulder. "I know how you feel." Kagami glared at him, pulling away. "No, you do not. Your father is not blind. You know nothing of that kind of dread." "But my mother was sick," Adrien told her, and Kagami froze. Adrien never talked about his mother. He said it was too painful. "No one knows why, or what she was sick with. One day, she just started having these...these dizzy spells and coughing. A lot. Eventually, she couldn't walk, and," Adrien swallowed, "I'm scared that one day, that'll happen to me. I'll end up like her, unable to walk, and no one will even notice. Or care." "I'd notice," Kagami promised loyally. "If that ever happens, I'll ensure that all necessary preparations are taken for you." "And I'll do that for you," Adrien told her. "Not that you're not as strong as capable as your mom, but I'll fight for you. You'll have everything you need, and you'll never forget what I look like, cause I'll remind you every day." Kagami smiled, and Adrien-quick as a flash- took a picture of them cuddled together and sent it to Kagami. "This is one moment I'd hate to forget", he told her, before kissing her on her cheek again.
Adrien stared forlornly at the wallpaper on his phone, a picture of him and Kagami together. They were just memories with a girl who didn't love him, who didn't even want to be friends with him anymore. It was for the best that he forgot about it and left his pain behind before it consumed him. So, with a heavy heart, he deleted his photos of Kagami, and that terrible ache deepened like a hungry maw.
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adrienaugust · 2 months
Day 2 of @adrienaugust: In the Rain
The day Marinette stepped off the plane, dark and billowy clouds filled the sky. The air was thick and smelled of rain, and the lighting made everything look muted and gorgeous. She had never been to this city in New York, but it was nothing an Uber couldn’t fix.
Waiting to be picked up, she ordered an Uber and gave them the address as soon as they pulled up. Climbing in, she stared out the window and wondered what Adrien was going to say to her. How was he going to react upon seeing her? Would he be happy? Would he be mad? Would he be grateful she had come back into his life? Did he even want her back? This whole thing could have been a massive mistake.
“What brings you to this small town?” The Uber driver peered into her rearview mirror.
“Seeing an old friend.” Marinette smiled and played with her hands in her lap. She was beyond nervous to see him again.
“That’s nice,” the driver smiled and focused back on the road.
Marinette watched as small businesses turned into a tree line. The driver turned onto a dirt road and headed down it. It winded from side to side and by the time she was faced with an old wooden cabin and a mud-splashed, black, car, she wondered what she was going to be met with.
A pair of chairs sat out on an old porch with a screen door, which had seen better days. It reminded her of one she had seen in a movie once, but she tried to push that out of her mind.
“Thank you.” She thanked the driver after grabbing her bag from the back and heard her peel away back down the road, leaving her alone with the cabin.
There was a light on above the old front door, and she took a deep breath before walking towards the front porch. To her left sat a huge tree stump with an axe leaned against it. A massive stack of firewood sat along a side of the cabin, and it was hard for her to imagine him doing all of this. He had fixed a few odds and ends around their apartment, when they had lived together, but not like this. This was a huge endeavor compared to a leaky faucet or a new coat of paint.
With each step up the stairs, they creaked beneath her black, ballet, flats, and she wondered how old this place really was. Reaching up, she knocked on the screen door and waited with her heart in her throat. What if he really didn’t want to see her? What if she was overstepping a boundary by pushing this too fast?
She went to head back down the stairs, feeling like she was being ridiculous. A word that only sounded like Chloe in her head. God, she hadn’t seen Chloe in ages since she moved to New York, but maybe Adrien had.
She turned around on the rickety stairs with a hand on the old railing. Another light came on in the window beside the front door and the curtains rustled before she heard a few locks come undone. The door squealed open as thunder rolled, and she was met with a bearded man as lightening flashed and rain poured down.
Her soft pink lips parted, as she stared into familiar emerald eyes hidden behind long golden hair. She took in his shocked expression. Neither of them said anything, as she looked him over. He looked older now, in his thirties, and wore a green plaid button-down shirt and dark fitted jeans. His undershirt was black and had a deep v-neckline, showing off his collar bones and sculpted pecs. He wore brown work boots, and she had a moment of trying to recognize him behind his exterior, until he opened his mouth.
“Princess?” He swallowed hard, leaning against the doorway with a muscular forearm. “What are you doing here?”
Read more on AO3. It's rated E!
Song I wrote to:
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adrienaugust · 2 months
Day 1 of @adrienaugust: Memories
“Adrien might be there.” Alya Cesaire, Marinette’s best friend, tried to ring her in with a common phrase that would have worked in the past. However, now the only feeling his name brought about was pain.
“Are you sure he’s going to be there? He used to be at every fashion show put on in Milan and Paris, Als, but now I’m not so sure.” Marinette threw her hands up into the air with frustration. “His father was one of Paris’ top fashion designers, but you know.”
“Well, I figured I would warn you if you didn’t want to see him, that’s all.” Alya sighed and picked up her coffee to take a sip of it. “I just don’t want to see my girl hurt anymore. It was so long ago, but you’re still hurting like it was yesterday, and so is he.”
“I’m trying. He left me.” Marinette tried to bite back the tears burning her eyes.
“I know, girl, damn.” Alya raised her hands to admit defeat. “Nino has given him shit for years for leaving you.”
“That’s not right either, Alya. He was allowed to walk out the door if he wanted to.” Marinette sighed, being honest with herself. She didn’t blame him for walking out the door, but she did miss him. It wasn’t like she could blame him when he had learned so much about his family and himself. “He had wanted a break to find out who he truly was, Alya. I can’t blame him for that.”
“He should have stayed. You would have been one of the best things in his life, you know?” Alya gestured towards her with her cup of coffee. “Just saying.”
“He didn’t need me. He needed a moment to fully comprehend who he was and what he was.” Marinette swallowed hard and peered into her own cup of coffee. “Sometimes that’s what someone needs. They need a moment alone to breathe and contemplate their lives. He’s been through a lot, Als.”
“I know. We know. I just wish he had kept you in it.” Alya sighed and finished her coffee before her phone went off. She pulled it out and looked over a text from her IT guy at the online magazine she ran. “I have to go. Max needs to ask me about some stupid issue that is causing us to have a problem paying out our employees on the Lady Blog. Text me.”
“Okay. Hope it goes well.” Marinette gave her the best smile she could, watching her best friend leave her alone at the table.
They had dated for a long time during, and for some time after, lycée. But, when he had found out about his parents and what they had done, he no longer knew who he was. No matter what she had told him, he had never felt adequate or like a real person. A part of her wondered if it stemmed from years of being treated like a mannequin as an ambassador of his father’s fashion brand, but she really didn’t know. He never fully opened up to her about it, but she knew he had nightmares and had begun to not sleep much. And in the end of all of the chaos, he ended it and moved out of their apartment to try and find himself.
Last she heard, he had moved to New York, away from the city, and in a remote cabin in the woods. At least, that was what Nino had told Alya, and Alya had told her. 
Read more on AO3! IT'S RATED E!
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adrienaugust · 2 months
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Welcome to Adrien AUG-reste, or Adrien August, 2024!
The prompts for this year are a mixture of the past years calendars since we weren't sure people would participate. ^-^ We hope you do! We love and miss seeing and sharing everyone's amazing creations! ^-^
With that said, same rules apply. The only rule is showing how amazing sunshine boy is. You can do NSFW or SFW. IF you choose to do NSFW just be sure to put it Beneath the Cut (Keep Reading) and tag #passionfruit. So we know, and others know, what to expect. ;) XD
You can do ANY version of Adrien and ANY AU and ANY relationship. The options are limitless. We just ask that you tag the relationship in the post. ^-^
MAKE SURE TO TAG #adrienaugust, #adrienaugreste IN YOUR POSTS SO WE CAN SEE IT AND MAKE SURE WE SHARE IT! We've missed some in the past because it hasn't been done, and it makes us sad. XD
If you have any questions, feel free to DM this blog, or @minetteenfers (Quantum Chickpea), or @chimpukampu. ^-^ We'll try to answer you all. Life is crazy though, so be patient with us, please. Thank you, and we hope you all have fun!! <3
Prompts are:
In the Rain
Ice Cream
Bad Day
Who Am I?
Risk Taker
New Beginnings
Best Friend
Stay Peachy!
Luck Charm!
My Prince
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adrienaugust · 2 months
Are you doing Adrien Augreste this year?
We just posted it. ^-^ Thank you for asking and taking interest in seeing it this year! <3
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adrienaugust · 2 months
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Welcome to Adrien AUG-reste, or Adrien August, 2024!
The prompts for this year are a mixture of the past years calendars since we weren't sure people would participate. ^-^ We hope you do! We love and miss seeing and sharing everyone's amazing creations! ^-^
With that said, same rules apply. The only rule is showing how amazing sunshine boy is. You can do NSFW or SFW. IF you choose to do NSFW just be sure to put it Beneath the Cut (Keep Reading) and tag #passionfruit. So we know, and others know, what to expect. ;) XD
You can do ANY version of Adrien and ANY AU and ANY relationship. The options are limitless. We just ask that you tag the relationship in the post. ^-^
MAKE SURE TO TAG #adrienaugust, #adrienaugreste IN YOUR POSTS SO WE CAN SEE IT AND MAKE SURE WE SHARE IT! We've missed some in the past because it hasn't been done, and it makes us sad. XD
If you have any questions, feel free to DM this blog, or @minetteenfers (Quantum Chickpea), or @chimpukampu. ^-^ We'll try to answer you all. Life is crazy though, so be patient with us, please. Thank you, and we hope you all have fun!! <3
Prompts are:
In the Rain
Ice Cream
Bad Day
Who Am I?
Risk Taker
New Beginnings
Best Friend
Stay Peachy!
Luck Charm!
My Prince
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adrienaugust · 11 months
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She just loves grabbing him to kiss him silly💕
it is I posting at 1:30 am because I have no control of the blorbos
(you can support my art with a KoFi💋)
Live Adrien reaction:
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He's such a simp
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adrienaugust · 1 year
Wish come True - Adrien AUGreste Day 29, 30 + 31
We’re here, at the end! I can’t believe we’re actually here. First, a massive thank you to @etherealxgenie who took time out of her day to edit my mess of chapters. Seriously, I would of ended up with a lot of comments pointing out my mistakes without you. You guys should definitly go check out her blog, as she’s an amazing artists and if you love Monster High, Yugioh, Bettlejuice and the like, you’ll get along great. Also thanks to all of you who have followed the story along. I do have the urge to do a side story following Luka and Juleka around during their first years as Scarlet Bug and Catseye, so if you’re interested, be on the lookout. New Beginning 
Staring up at the stars, Adrien’s tail curled up tall behind him. After apologizing for another round when Scarlet Bug got up, the older hero invited him to take a moment and relax.
“That way, you don’t get distracted again and go crashing into something else.” He teased.
“So, night patrols are normal?” Adrien asked to fill the calm silence.
“Yeah. Not every night though. My life would be fine with a late start but not Cats’. huh, guess I’m going to need to figure out another nickname for her.” Scarlet mused. “Until you and the other holders are used to this, we’ll do it in groups and then later we’ll split up into pairs. Right now, it’s just 6 of us as the main group and others will be back up. I’ll give you all the whole breakdown next patrol. Plagg will let you know the date. You’ll meet the others then.”
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adrienaugust · 1 year
We hope you feel better! ^-^
Fragile Ties That Bind Us (New Beginnings)
Alright, last entry for Adrien AUGreste. A bit late, but I got sick. Because of its length, you guys will only get the summary this time. Sorry. Ladybug and Chat Noir adjust to their new lives, but a fight between Catwalker and Chat Noir inadvertantly reveals some insecurities and the cracks in their relationships. Ao3. Full Jekyll/Hyde Series.
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adrienaugust · 1 year
Wish come true - Adrien AUGreste Day 26, 27 + 28
Yes, late for a second day but this was the prompt that made me realise I wanted to extend the story. And background context was needed. I do wonder if I took a quick and easy route with how this chapter ends for Luka but it seemed like a better reason for Adrien to be given the Cat Miraculous. Also, you could pull Chloe redemption from my cold dead hands. Anyway, a massive thank you to @etherealxgenie for taking the time to beta this. She’s been a godsend. Freedom
Adrien tried not to fidget. Regardless of Lady Tomoe’s ability to see, she was still incredibly intimidating. Marinette had mentioned it felt like ice was running down her spine when Kagami skipped practice to participate in the city-wide scavenger hunt, with a private Clara Nightingale performance waiting at the end. It did cause the woman to be akumatized but in the end she gave in and Kagami promised the relaxing time gave her an edge on actually landing a hit on her mother. Adrien wasn’t sure how much he believed that with the bruises on her legs from her mother’s shinai.
“You fence?”
“Um, I know how to. I don’t really do it much anymore.” Adrien replied.
She let out a hum and Adrien couldn’t help but glance at Kagami. What did that even mean?
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