adventsys · 3 days
wait wait wait hold on
bonus: tell me how you learnt chess, if you DO know how to play it. i learnt from my older sister, who was in chess club in fifth grade and forced me to play against her.
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adventsys · 16 days
Something that helps
If you blurt out something that you thought would be funny but it comes across as insensitive, just quickly say, “I’m sorry, that was rude, what I meant was…”
If you say something in anger or frustration, take a breath and say, “I’m sorry, that was hurtful, let me rephrase…”
If you say something heartfelt, but it comes across as insincere or ironic, say “That sounds like I’m just saying it, but I’m being truly honest…”
If you accidentally tell the waiter “enjoy your meal” just laugh and say a quick “so sorry, my brain isn’t working today!” and you will most likely get a commiserating chuckle in return.
Most of the time, the other person will accept your apology with no harm done. Sometimes they even insist they understood what you meant the first time and clarification was not needed. At times, maybe they have a right to be upset, but it never hurts to apologize again so they know that you’re taking their feelings into account.
Repeat after me. It’s okay to be bad at conversation. Knowing how to apologize makes it easier.
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adventsys · 16 days
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adventsys · 16 days
Four things that are 100% true and you should think about if you haven't already:
You don't have to be a boy if you don't want to
You don't have to be a girl if you don't want to
You can be a boy if you want to
You can be a girl if you want to
This isn't a joke. This is reality. Have you considered these facts? If not, maybe take a moment to think about it. How's your gender doing? If you don't like it, it can be changed. Hell, even if you do like it, maybe you'd like something else more?
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adventsys · 16 days
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adventsys · 17 days
ive also come to the conclusion that "laziness" is probably the stupidest, most hurtful, least useful, deliberately cruel concept in the world
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adventsys · 23 days
*Smacking perisex people with a "respect intersex people" stick*
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adventsys · 24 days
completed and depleted rhyme, this could be a decent lyric
the feast is only finished when the dr pepper has been depleted
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adventsys · 24 days
“Queer people need to get weirder-” you can’t handle like. A lesbian.
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adventsys · 26 days
I think people gotta understand when you're plural is that the majority of the time you can't control your/alters sources. they just happen sometimes. nothing to be upset about or ashamed of, hope this makes other systems feel better.
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adventsys · 26 days
Dunno if it's been done already, but out of curiosity, plural origins and do you experience identity confusion? Like blurriness, blendiness, etc. From "I have no clue who I am right now" to "well, there's two of us here but we can't really tell where one ends and the other begins". All of it, we're counting it.
To shed some light on the unknown/unsure/questioning. Unknown and unsure are for folks who don't know their origins, simply, and questioning are for folks who are...well, trying to figure out if they're plural. As for why I grouped them together... Ehh, I didn't put much thought in it tbh. As always, reblog for reach and stuff. Our first poll too.
— signed, there's definitely people at front but there's too much to be able to tell who exactly.
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adventsys · 26 days
We are not a "good system". We are mentally ill, dissociative, traumatized, fragmented, angry and scared. We don't bow to singlets, we don't play their games and take their commands on what we should be. We're a bad system. We have problematic headmates, fictives, littles. We have sex in our system, we have abuse in our system. We're not "good" and docile. We will yell and scream and fight if you disrespect us, we won't dip our head down and let you tell us that we don't deserve to exist. We accept other systems, we don't gatekeep and harass endogenic systems or willogenic systems or "fake" systems. We accept ALL plurals. We will not let you sway us on this fact. We're not "good" to people who want to attack our siblings and cousins. Our persecutors and protectors will not make exceptions for YOU. Our littles are not YOUR kids. Our fictives are not YOUR blorbos. They are not going to be "good" for you. We're a "bad" system. We're not your study project, your fascination, your pets, your way to talk to your blorbos, your toys. We're alive and we deserve respect.
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adventsys · 28 days
my immediate thought when reading this is, “oh, median system things”
do you feel like you’re controlling the sides of the conversation because the other speakers are you? partially you, i mean? like “that voice is mine but…” kind of thing.
(trying to explain as a multiple system who don’t experience this is difficult, sorry)
i know i already know the answer i'll get but is it normal to constantly have 3 people talking to each other in your head but be controlling every side of the conversation
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adventsys · 28 days
nobody deserves to hurt, including you
do you want to talk about it?
i deserved it
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adventsys · 1 month
a raven father (i call him "pants") I've been feeding sometimes likes to sit outside my window and either wait for more food or just listen to the stuff I'm watching while I draw. Today's a colder day so he likes to fluff up a bit, and I kid you not :
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this is an accurate representation of my view
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adventsys · 1 month
“You are not done yet”
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adventsys · 1 month
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