just want to know what’s your opinion lmao I saw you saying solangelo is one of your notps and you didn’t explain so I was just wondering
i guess that’s fine. for me, and that’s been my opinion ever since i first read the books, solangelo is an ableist ship at its core that portrays a really unhealthy dynamic and power imbalance that’s very harmful especially if you take the books’ audience (marginalized children, in that case especially disabled/neurodivergent children and children living in abusive households [not calling the ship abusive. don’t take it that way.]) in mind.
there are a lot of issues with the ship, i do understand it’s “harder” to notice/grasp them if it doesn’t affect you directly. you just can’t deny will is written as a savior character in canon (i’ll get to fanon later). will is repeatedly portrayed to ignore nico’s agency/own choices in regards of his medical needs, is very forceful on nico when he pushes him away in that same context. his phrase or whatever “doctor’s orders” is distasteful and has,, weird and ableist connotations to it. their is an inherent power imbalance that comes with the ship because dating someone who’s ‘responsible’ to provide you with professional medical care is a brinch in power balance and poses a dynamic that makes it look like someone is in some aspect dependent on the other. furthermore, will is shown to cross nico’s boundaries (especially in tho, if i recall well) and like. reading this as a kid who was living in an abusive household (and still is) was very painful and triggering [again, not calling the ship abusive]. plus, will blamed nico for his alienation and made him feel like it’s something that he made up in his own head or whatever which is,, very patronizing to say the least. i am aware of how some people interpreted that particular point in fanon but i see it as... very questionable and just weird. i mean let’s pretend yeah nico imagined his alienation and being pushed away by everyone. wouldn’t that be due to, as his autistic coding in canon implies, his blindness to social cues? it doesn’t matter if it happened or not (it did.) it matters that nico felt the consequences of it and severely suffered through it mentally. dismissing it otherwise is very patronizing and straight up invalidating nico’s trauma which is,, i don’t have to tell you,, bad. nico’s been fending for his own since he was a ten year old child he really doesn’t need someone to hold his hand and kiss his scar after getting a shot or whatever. yeah he shouldn’t have HAD to fend for himself but denying his autonomy in favor of making a ship look like caretaker with a weird savior complex x character with literal and figurative scars to fix is plain ableist idk what to say. also, i just think the implications and connotations of making your first canon gay character, who suffered canonically through heavy internalized homophobia and felt like he had to fix himself somehow, date a healer is... let’s just keep it at distasteful instead of messed up. again, imagine the young gay people you wrote nico FOR reading that. is that the gay rep you praise and want to be given? i am aware tower of nero tried to mend some of those points but it,, just didn’t feel genuine and like the book itself isn’t free of some issues regarding it. imo.
fanon is a whole other story lol. still bad though. most fan content is based on will being a savior and fixing nico or whatever, infantilizing him in favor of highlighting will as a savior hero that cured him completely or whatever. also in those pieces it always features blaming nico for his trauma and everything else and painting him as someone who’s a threat to themself and cannot be left alone to take care of themself like. it’s just disgusting imo. nico is not a child i don’t know what to do to make you all understand that. will is not responsible for nico’s recovery it’s not his job to constantly repeatedly make sure he ate and slept nico didn’t sign up for having will as a nurse but for a boyfriend. nico is responsible for his own healing process he sets the pace you can’t force someone to do something in regards of their medical needs if they don’t agree with it that’s just stepping over boundaries. nico is in charge of his own needs and agency please understand that. personally, i would go as far as to say that i think that making any kind of fan content for the ship is... questionable because how do you acknowledge that the ship is ableist at its core and still feel comfortable catering for it content-wise? maybe it’s just my brain but i just couldn’t do it myself and couldn’t live with myself if i did, it’s just when it comes to consistency with what i believe in and defend and call out. as i said that last point was personal.
i am well aware you can blame most of this on bad writing or ‘out of character’-ness but like. come on lol. you can blame it all on richard if you want to you can’t ignore it completely and it also caused the creation of fan content that is very ableist like idek what to say anymore. anyway that’s very long lol i hope it’s understandable and i was able to get my point across.
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today in underage antis are fucking stupid "don't post smut on ao3 because there's minors on ao3 and they might accidentally click on a fic that's clearly marked explicit and/or mature and tagged properly and accidentally explicitly agree to consent to seeing adult material"
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Minors: AO3 is disgusting.
Adults: Okay, then don’t read properly tagged explicit or dark fics. Or perhaps don’t lie to the website that you are 18 or over and are mature enough to view that content when you’re clearly not.
Minor: Nah, AO3 is disgusting and needs to go.
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Isn't pro shipping insect? 🤢
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I’m not even much of a fan of genderbends but goddamn am I even less of a fan of getting ordered around about what I should enjoy and how I should enjoy it and being lectured about how ‘problematic’ it is, when the real problem is that they’ve cast the thing in question in black and white and refuse to admit that there’s anything but their narrow framing.
Changing a character to the ‘opposite’ cis gender is a very different thing than making them trans or nonbinary. Insisting that people only change characters to trans is also really damn invalidating, because it implies that being trans is interchangable with being cis. Whoopsie doodle!
I think the real issue here is that a lot of people want to see more trans headcanons, but for some reason think that using sj words while being bossy and rude is the way to go about it. Dress it up in progressive language all you like; at the end of the day you’re still being bossy and rude to get what you want, regardless of anyone else’s valid feelings.
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having kinks isnt valid 🥺💕💖💞💗💘💖💝
porn rewired your brain and maybe you should stop consuming it 💓❤️❣️💟💕💖💗💝
bdsm is inherently abusive ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💌
it isn't natural for minors to be in kink and this only happens due to excessive grooming 💝💗❤️💖❣️💓💕
instead of trying to blindly defend your daddy kink read the statistics 🥰💘💟💕💌💓💖
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i know op is deactivated but whew,,, blocklist in the notes! i'm just... the blatant homophobia and equating ddlg to kink as a whole and just. for example- i have a music kink, not bdsm at all. this is male violence clearly! and the way radfems immediately assume that a woman is the lower one like 🤨 great feminism there huh
“the kink community” “the ddlg community” “the bdsm community” yeah i am not calling it that.
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proshippers and those similar, tell me what your favorite additional tags on ao3 are, it's for science
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I wish more people understood that you can have hard limits and boundaries when it comes to fictional content you enjoy without insinuating that anyone who doesn't share similar opinions is some kind of freak/pervert/monster.
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"Writing/consuming this type of content is wrong!" Have you considered I simply don't fucking care
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It’s actually really important to be able to entertain an idea without accepting it.
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People really need to know what the word pedophile means
They keep watering down the word and making their own definition of it
This word is serious and it should be taking seriously
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I think more and more people are starting to forget that the fun of liking fictional characters is that they’re fictional and your morality should never be judged by the actions of your favorite fictional characters.
“Oh my god you like (x) ???!!!!! They killed people in the movie they’re in. How could you like them? You’re a murderer too because you like a fictional character who killed people!!!”
“What do you mean (x) is your favorite fictional character??!! They EAT people!!!! Holy shit you’re a cannibal in real life!!!”
Like…. No? It doesn’t work that way. And if you (general you) harass real people over their favorite fictional characters in hope to make yourself look righteous, then I don’t know, maybe instead of making yourself look righteous, it just makes you a bully?
“So this person’s favorite fictional character is (x) and (x) is a fictional villain who does bad things in the movie they’re in, so I’m gonna bully this person in real life because how dare they like (x)!” — if this is your logic and if you think defending fictional characters who were wronged by another fictional characters gives you the right to harass real people in real life, then please be aware that you’re a real-life bully.
No, you don’t have to like a fictional character who does bad things, but that doesn’t mean you can be a real-life villain by harassing real people who like said fictional character.
Liking a fictional character who eats people doesn’t make you a real-life cannibal, and if there’re people who think you are one, because your favorite fictional character is, then that is their problem.
Stan whichever fictional characters you like, and if you see something you don’t enjoy, instead of being a troll, you can just ignore and keep on scrolling.
Fandoms should be people’s safe place where they can have fun talking and making content — fan art, fanfics — about their favorite fictional characters. Fandoms are not and should never be a courtroom where a person’s morality is being judged based on the actions of their favorite fictional characters.
Sometimes people can just like fictional villains without being ones in real life, it’s called having enough brain cells to separate fiction from reality.
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Hello! I'm thinking of making a video about proship and anti talking points from an unbiased point of view as possible (I think there's some arguments on both sides that have merit) so to allow people to come to their own conclusions, and I was wondering if you know of any posts or sites or whatever that have proship (and/or anti!) arguments that you would consider sound to source? Or just have any general ideas/recommendations? I'm not super invested in either community so I'm still figuring out where to start researching. (I'm on anon because this is... really just an infant idea percolating in my brain at this point)
@fiction-is-not-reality2 is the place to start.
This is a fool’s errand though. The fact that you’ve presented it this way means you haven’t actually dug deep enough to be competent to make this video.
“Community”? They aren’t communities. They’re philosophical standpoints.
Some people who hold these views group together into communities, and I hear proship twitter is full of hypocrites who betray their own stated values all the time, but for the most part, these are two deeply unequal camps of thought.
Antis operate on appeals to emotion and junk science of the type behind anti-video game panics of the 1980s. They prioritize “protecting” fictional characters over protecting real people. They treat thought crimes as serious business. They condone bullying. They push the same kind of conservative agenda as anti-porn Christian groups and as TERFs.
Proship arguments are that fiction does not affect reality in a 1:1 direct and clear fashion. Thought crimes are not real. Bullying is not acceptable. Other people’s fiction tastes are none of your business.
These are not equivalent sides.
Any superficially sensible argument antis make is either disingenuous or involves strawmanning the opposition and stating something everyone agrees with.
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People talk about the whole leathermouth FBI thing a lot but nobody ever brings up the even funnier part of it where he just said "if someone's gonna kill the president they're gonna do it anyway 🤷‍♀️"
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“Come out, darling! I’m not in the mood for hide and seek.”
Whumpee stays silent, clutching their hands to their mouth and staying in the bushes. The thorns dig into their skin, but they’d much rather have that than Whumper waiting for them.
“You know,” Whumper continues, “I was really starting to grow fond of you. I was even thinking about letting you go. It’s a shame your own stupidity got in the way.” 
Whumper lets out a breathy chuckle as their footsteps get even closer. 
“It’s also that stupidity that made you think there wasn’t a tracker in the collar.” 
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