adventurecalls · 19 hours
"what does a TARDIS malfunction sound like?"
"idk just dump the entire goofy sound effects library in the span of 10 seconds. That should do it"
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adventurecalls · 19 hours
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We’d all be doing plume hunts constantly.
It actually bums me out that astrology has persisted through the years as the standard BS divinatory practice that people really buy into, when it so easily could have been ornithomancy instead.
We could’ve had hipster girls trying to predict the minutiae of your life using an intricate chart that details how many herons or crows you’ve seen in the past year. Instead of asking what’s your sign on dating apps people would be like how many birds did you see on your way to work today. I cannot stop thinking about what could have been.
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adventurecalls · 19 hours
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adventurecalls · 19 hours
in primary school we had a creative writing assignment where we had to ‘write about a character in a new, strange situation!’ and i wrote about a squid that was somehow teleported from the ocean to the forest floor and slowly choked to death for two pages and i’ll never quite forget my teacher’s face because it turns out she wanted ‘this new school is scary, i hope i make friends!’ and not a graphic description of a squid dying
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adventurecalls · 21 hours
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adventurecalls · 21 hours
google search Beautiful rocks near me
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adventurecalls · 21 hours
the 10th doctor is so fucking dramatic..."everyone's got someone else," "I need no one," you could be having brunch with sarah jane right now you dumb cunt...
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adventurecalls · 21 hours
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I used to reference this tweet all the time. I did it for years. I misremembered "kramer gets addicted to virtual yogurt" being a meme so I gave people shit for not remembering it
and then one day I looked it up and realized it was from a failed 2013 gimmick account that tweeted 6 times before being abandoned and got like. 2 retweets ever.
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adventurecalls · 21 hours
genuinely, i think watching live theatre can improve your media literacy so much
like people who look at doctor who and are like 'lol the effects are so rubbish'
maybe watch a stage play where there's no backdrops and half the characters are played by the same three guys in different hats and maybe you will calm down
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adventurecalls · 21 hours
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adventurecalls · 1 day
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MAKE SOME NOISE 3.03 - two guys from brooklyn’s fight turned meet-cute
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adventurecalls · 1 day
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adventurecalls · 1 day
being a vampire is about penetrating someone but it's also about being filled up with their fluids. in this way vampirism confuses the top/bottom dichotomy
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adventurecalls · 2 days
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i wish he would come down from heaven & kill every instagram fitness liquid diet ozempic green juice low calorie food blogger
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adventurecalls · 2 days
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adventurecalls · 6 days
Being kink positive makes it really hard to be a hater of media rip. I used to love watching “the WORST book I’ve read this year” booktube videos but now its like I hear them ask, “Who is this werewolf smut even for?” Omegaverse fans, next question. “Why would you write this?” Because they find it sexy, can we stop focusing on the ewie yucky kink part and focus on the fact that the author used the word knot five times in a single scene? It’s bad werewolf erotica, but it’s not bad because it’s werewolf erotica like come on
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adventurecalls · 6 days
must-have accessories
visible nipples thru shirt
leg bruises
armpit hair
undereye dark circles
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