omg all jinharem shippers go search the url seokjinharem and go to their page its the funniest thing i’ve ever seen
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Kissed by the Baddest Bidder AU Route 1- TaeJin Part 1
Okay so hear me out but a TaeJin/Jin-Harem AU based on the otome game, Kissed by the Baddest Bidder where Jin is a maid at one of the biggest, finest, and most esteemed hotels in South Korea and honestly the world, and finds himself in a predicament when he accidentally gets himself sold in the underground auction that takes place at said hotel.
Jin was in desperate need of money to support his family after his father left his mother and took all their money. He doesn’t think he has a chance, but applies anyway to work in the TreSpades hotel that’s owned by Jeon Jungkook from the Jeon Family Incorporation. He gets in and gets hired! He starts off at a low status, having to work under the head maid, Kim Namjoon, who hates his guts for literally no reason besides the mere fact Seokjin breathes (*coughs* like solo and OT6 stans *coughs*). Seokjin for the most part, keeps to himself and does what he’s supposed to do so all is good….until one day he’s asked to cater a “tea party” which is an actual rich people party that takes place in the hotel’s casino….or at least that’s how it appears to everyone else. No,as Seokjin discovers when he decides to be nosy and follow two workers into the underground basement, this party is just a guise for an auction where items are sold to the highest bidders……stolen, heavily priced items to be very exact. And the next thing on the list? A Mr. Kim Seokjin who got so anxious when he was caught, accidentally backed up into a very expensive sculpture and broke it. And he has to have someway to repay for what he’s cost the auctioneers right? But he has no money, how can he pay? Selling himself and his body to the highest bidder of course!
Just imagine our poor Jinnie kicking and screaming at this point as he’s manhandled and put inside a cage and rolled towards the center the center of the stage to be gawked at by literally thousands of people donning masks. He’s in literal tears as the host, who’s also dressed as the Mad Hatter, starts him off at a high price and it only keeps getting higher. Right now, it’s at 10 billion won, and the lucky man who it seems may be taking Seokjin home is nothing more than a sleezeball that has the unpurest of intentions as he eyes Seokjin like a piece of meat. Seokjin wants to be anywhere but here right now, but if he had a choice, he would like to at least be bidded on by literally anyone else except the older guy who looks at him like he’s his next dessert. He almost doesn’t believe his horrendous luck when at the last minute, the bid goes to 20 billion won and Seokjin doesn’t belong now to just one, but five different men. Of all the shitty things that could happen to him, this has to take the cake. What was Seokjin going to do with five different men?!?! He was scared out of his wits as he was rolled off the stage and having to wait patiently till the auction was over. After what seems like an eternity, Seokjin is let out of the cage. He wants to run away and forget this night has ever happened but he’s stopped when five men stand in front of him. The same five men that really bidded 20 billion won just for his presence. Before he even knows what to do, he’s being escorted by said five men up to the penthouse suite located at the very top of the hotel. Seokjin’s stomach just wants to drop at this point. What were they going to do to him? Each man takes off his masks and just stares Seokjin down.
What stuns Seokjin the most, is that one of the guys……is HIS BOSS….Jeon Jungkook, owner of the hotel he works in. What in the actual fuck? Was his boss some type of perv that got off on buying people and using them as toys? If so, there was no way in hell he was going to let himself be used in such way, family obligations or not, he had more self respect than that; but the way everyone else was looking at him, it was beginning to look like he didn’t have much of a choice, but he’d be glad? Relieved? Slightly offended? At the fact that none of them really had the intention of touching him as some of them ever so nicely (read: very rudely) assured him.
They just didn’t want the trouble of dealing with what could have happened since it was the first ever human sale. But to work off his debt, Seokjin must choose one of his bidders to do something for. Does he choose his boss Jeon Jungkook? Who’s cold and impassive? Does he choose Jung Hoseok? Who’s a thief (literal art thief) and is super flirtatious, throwing lane and/or too sexual pick up lines Seokjin’s way every 2 minutes? Does he choose Park Jimin? A crude, confident, and fearsome mob leader? How about Min Yoongi? Often described as lazy and lethargic who’s actually smart and reliable although still very irresponsible? Good choices (Author-nim smirks) but no. Seokjin chooses Kim Taehyung, who seems friendly at first but is actually really unlikeable, cunning, and sort of sadistic. (Great choice Seokjin, I see we have a type).
Taehyung, as Seokjin finds out, is fucking insane. At least that’s what Seokjin thinks. When he’s not making suggestive comments about how he should whip Seokjin for being naughty, he treats Seokjin like his dog….Yeotan. He even calls him Yeotan instead of by his name and pets him! How degrading. So they can keep a close we on him and to make sure Seokjin stays out of anymore trouble, Seokjin is moved to the VIP status and gets to clean mainly the VIP rooms AKA only the rooms of the five men that brought him for 20 billion won….which just pisses head maid Namjoon, who’s been there for a lot longer, off. How could a low life incompetent being get VIP position over a loyal, hard working, and very efficient maid?! There’s just no way. Something’s up. Seokjin is sleeping around with someone or something to get his way. This just cannot be. Oh Namjoon, if only you knew, Seokjin is suffering and doesn’t even want this job. Not so he can be treated like a maid, a servant, a chief, and a pet!!! He’s a human for dammit, why is Taehyung doing things from blow drying his hair at night and petting to getting a collar that says Yeotan on it to threatening to make him eat from a bowl like an actual dog?! Ugh it’s enough the other guys either act like he doesn’t exist, insult him by calling him a lowly servant, or trying to get into his pants (looking at you Hoseok) but Taehyung not even treating like an actual human being just takes the cake.
Taehyung isn’t totally all bad, Seokjin guesses. When he’s not making Seokjin miserable, he’s actually a very talented and passionate artist who unveils his art anonymously and uses his profits to donate to charities. He’s super skilled, in that he helps Hoseok with his various disguises for his heist and can appraise the authenticity of nearly any art piece, which is one reason Jungkook keeps him around for auctions. He hates to say it, but Seokjin actually really admires Taehyung. He’s even grown use to their nightly pettings. Taehyung running his hands through his damp hair is actually really soothing and his deft long fingers massage his scalp so well, but still a part of Seokjin just really wants Taehyung to look at him more than just a pet. He wants to feel like a person to Taehyung. An equal? A man?
Little does Seokjin know just how attached Taehyung has grown to him. At first Taehyung really doesn’t think of Seokjin as anything more as something cute, like his dog Yeotan, and fun to tease. But Taehyung started growing comfortable with Seokjin. He doesn’t know quite when he started seeing Seokjin under a different light. He still thinks he’s something cute and fun to tease at times, but he notices other things such as how Seokjin’s cheeks puffs out when he’s eating and it makes him look like a little hamster or how his eyes light up when his hard work and dedication is seen. What really scares him since he didn’t notice, is that Seokjin is the very first person, even considering his own friends, that he let into his home. His private sanctuary. And it didn’t feel weird at all. It felt comfortable and good to be able to let someone in and see where his art and passion takes place. Maybe that’s why he lets himself get a little too carried away with Seokjin and makes love to him before he even admits that love out loud.
Which confuses Seokjin because right after it happens, Taehyung practically ghosts him and even if he does go back to acknowledging Seokjin’s presence, it’s like they’re first meeting all over again. Did Seokjin do something wrong? Did Taehyung figure out that maybe Seokjin has feelings for him and is disgusted at the fact that a lowly maid could ever like someone so amazing and talented as him? Seokjin doesn’t know what to do, but keeps to himself and does his job as best he can do. The other guys have had enough and stage their intervention with Seokjin, but Seokjin refuses to do anything because what’s the point if Taehyung hates him? All he wants to do is work off his debt. Taehyung (a whole idiot sandwich a certain Min Yoongi says with his whole chest), finally pulls his head out of his ass when he realizes his next and actually most art popular piece is based on Seokjin. A beautiful majestic bird trapped in a cage with colors too vibrant and bright for this world just like Seokjin is to him. When others see what the mysterious angelic artist has done, they’re stunned. How could someone capture such beauty in a painting? But to Taehyung, the painting isn’t as beautiful as the person who actually inspired it and when he works up the courage to, he finally tells that person that. And Seokjin….Seokjin is just happy when the person he realizes he’s come to love, tells him he loves him too.
“If I ask you not to leave, will you stay?”
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“Why can’t you see me?”
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(*whispers* Should I turn this into a series and do all the Jin Ships? I want to 👀)
(KBTBB Part 2)
(KBTBB Part 3)
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The Inner Circle As Doggos
Need I say more
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Throne of Glass
Imagine Dorian and Aelin competing for their kingdom to have the biggest library in the world.
During a meeting:
Aelin staring(intensely) at Dorian: I bought 50 new books this week! Beat that !!!
Dorian staring at Aelin: *slowly starts smirking* I BOUGHT 51!! HA
Aelin: *staring angrily* *wants start spewing fire everybody**wants delares war* *through gritted teeth* I still have a bigger library than you
Dorian: *now staring intensely* *also wants to start war* Hmph 😒
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Throne of Glass
Willy Wonka (while giving tour): Go ahead and eat anything. Enjoy
Aelin: (2 hours later) (has eaten the entire room)
Willy Wanka: ...
Aelin: You said enjoy!!
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Inner Circle on Instagram
Cassian: Always posting selfies and picture of him working out
Feyre: Posts aesthetics and art stuff
Mor: Always posts pictures of her in the best clothes
Azriel: Only got Instagram to spy on people and didn’t want to be left alone [never posts anything]
Amren: Posting videos of the Inner Circle doing stupid things and making fun of them
Rhysand: Always posts pictures of Feyre and fangirling over her, occasional selfie
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Book Club
Imagine Aelin and Dorian starting a book club and forcing all their friends and the cadre to join. Then the first book they read is ACOTAR.
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