aeonct · 3 years
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Part of the Seasons series
Pairing: Mark x female reader
Compass: pt.7 | pt.8 | pt.9
↪ He didn’t believe in love at first sight until it happened to him. Needless to say, you’re an emotional Army just trying to graduate so you can finally leave your toxic family.
tag list: @nct-js @hannahdinse8 @mcrkzen
Updates done at random. Lmk if you want to be added^
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aeonct · 3 years
I'm new at tumblr. How to... is this how Jisung and Mark feel with tech bc same
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aeonct · 3 years
☾ ✐
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Reading over the street name once again, Mark turned a right at the upcoming intersection and wow y/n wasn’t lying when she said she lived close to the skate park. Does that mean she witnessed his embarrassing skate fails and even more embarrassing dance covers?? “Okay you can do this.” He gives himself a pep talk before approaching her house. It’s late at night and he should’ve caught the last train but he decided he’d pester his brother into picking him up. He pulls his bag’s strap back on his shoulder wondering if he forgot his shirt again. His mom would kill him. He’s getting closer to knocking when he stops himself thinking over how inappropriate her parents might find him. A guy visiting their daughter this late could get her in trouble. He’s about to book it when he hears a loud shout coming from inside. “I didn’t give you permission to go anywhere!” “Since when do you care anyways?” “Since there’s nothing washed. What am I supposed to cook with?” “You clearly said we should all wash our own dishes. I did mine.” “You’re such an ungrateful brat. It’s your job to keep it clean around here.” “No my job is to attend school and get out of here.” “You wanna get out of here that badly? Okay get out right now. Out of my house and don’t come back!” Mark looks at the scene with his jaw dropped. What the flying fuck is your mom doing kicking you out? “How I wish I never gave birth to you.” The door slamming shut brought Mark back to reality and that’s when he noticed you took a seat on the front steps with a bag by your side. He couldn’t see you clearly but it was obvious you were crying with how you positioned yourself, hiding your face between your knees. He wanted to run over to you and embrace you and tell you it’ll be alright. He could probably even take you home with him, his mom is such a sweet woman and wouldn’t hesitate to kick him out of his room to have you stay in it. But you’re barely getting to know each other and he doesn’t know if he’d be creeping you out. The last thing he wants to do is loose what he’s been building with you. God, how he longs to have you in his arms, crying into his shoulder instead. He feels his phone buzz and he looks down, retrieving it from his pocket.
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You could’ve sworn you heard the nearest bush to you rustle but you took it as a stray cat roaming around. You saw your friends coming up to your house, the street light illuminating them and you felt so grateful you had them in your life. These past few weeks have been amazing and you look forward to every hang out with them. They’ve brought some light into your dull life that you can’t help but smile when they reach you and pull you into a hug. “You okay bub?” Scen asks wiping your tears and even your snot with her sleeve. “Eww” you laugh lightly seeing the bit of snot on her sleeve. She shrugs “Its just snot, I don’t mind.” “C'mon let’s get out of here.” Snow grabs your hand while your other friend grabs your bag from the ground. You guys end up at the park first because you didn’t really want to go anywhere else. You motion the girls to join you on the swings and they each take a swing with you in the middle. “My family,” you start. “Wasn’t always like that.” Snow sees you inhale and hesitate and she grabs your hand, reassuring you that it’s okay to go on. You squeeze her hand once before continuing. “We were a really happy fam, rainbows and roses yada yada. One day though, when I was eleven it all changed. It was when my “dad” and I got into a car accident.” You say, quotes around the parental word. “I had lost so much blood, doc didn’t think I’d make it and my dad was adamant on a blood transfusion and that’s when he found out we’re not really related. That day my mom got busted.” You scuffled your feet against the sand, making your shoes dirty “Turns out she cheated on my dad during one of her business trips. I was fighting for my life while they were- they were there fighting about it in my hospital room. I had never seen my mom cry that hard and my dad that angry. He disowned me right on the spot and my mom started being so cold towards me.” You felt your eyes burn at the memory of it, the tears spilling out as easily as they always do. “Oh bub!” Scen jumped out of her swing and crouched in front of you “That’s horrible but it’s not your fault at all. It seems like they have unresolved feelings and issues and they take it out on you but it’s not fair to you at all.” She gets up and wraps your arms around her waist so you’d cry against her covered stomach. Scen was one of a kind. “She’s right y/n. It makes my blood boil thinking about how- pardon my language but how can they be such assholes to a child?” She doesn’t let go of your hand, only squeezing when she hears your sobs. “My mom claims I ruined the family while my dad doesn’t even speak to me anymore. My brother pushes me around all the time and it’s such a toxic environment. The only times I feel like I can breathe are whenever I step out. Seriously it’s like I don’t exist and when I do it’s to be put down and treated like shit.” You forgot how great it felt to be hugged, the last time being that same fateful day when your mom sent you both off with a hug. “The worst part is that not only did I lose my mom but my dad too that day. It’s hard to look at them and not think about what we used to have you know? That’s what keeps me coming back. Hope.” You sniff out. You feel your friend’s arms tightening around you. “What do you want to do?” Snow asks standing up and detaching scen away from you with force because she wouldn’t let up. It’s finally her turn to hug you. “You can stay at my place if you’d like. It’s just my mom and I so it’s small but we can make it work?” You shake your head, not wanting to be an inconvenience. “It’s fine. My mom will blow up my phone about going back home anyways. She doesn’t want to get in trouble with social services and shit. Our neighbors are very nosy.” “Hey I used to do this with an old friend when we were little,” Scen sat back down on the swing and began to swing herself back and forth, the high altitude she was taking making you nervous. “I call it ‘In the moment’ shout out what you really want right now. Like this,” She took a deep breath in “I WANT TO FIND CRIMSON AND THANK THEM!”
Snow rolled her eyes at the obvious exclamation. She sat back down on her swing and copied her best friend nonetheless. “I WANT TO FIND OUT WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH MY LIFE BEFORE GRADUATION!” Encouraged by your friends, you scrap your shoes against the sand and bend your knees then unfold them to gain height. “I WANT TO SAVE UP AND BUY A PLANE TICKET TO MEET MY REAL DAD!” You didn’t mean to surprise your friends and you squeal when scen jumps from her swing at your words, making you worry. Snow halts her swinging slowly as opposed to the other who gives you the okay sign signaling she’s fine when she sees your worried expression. “You mean you know who it is?” “No.” You reply. “Well kind of? I know he’s Japanese and he works for the Japanese branch of the company my mom works at.” You know it’s a reckless plan but ever since you found your mother’s hidden stash of souvenirs while cleaning up her room, you’ve been obsessed with the idea of finding out who your real dad is. “There’s just so much I want to ask him and I want to see if he’d be different from them.” You wonder who he is all the time and how he’d be like as a father to you. “Is that why you’re working? To save up?” You nod at scen’s words “I have a piggy bank- well it’s not a piggy it’s actually a sloth but I can break it for you and pitch in!” She sounded eager to do that for you but you couldn’t accept that. “Wow to break your precious sloth huh.” Snow giggled “I’ve been wanting to work too but I have no need because my dad pays for all my stuff. Hey I have a reason to now.” You wanted to cry again. How’d you get so lucky to have these amazing girls as your friends. “There’s no need guys, please.” You tackle them in a hug that almost sends the three of you tumbling to the ground. “You know, I never really wanted to get close to anyone because I always thought I’d graduate and leave to Japan, on this grand journey to find my dad. But I’m glad I got close to you guys. Thank you.” “No thank you for letting us in.”
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Part of the Seasons series
Pairing: Mark x female reader
Compass: pt.6 | pt.7 | pt.8
↪ He didn’t believe in love at first sight until it happened to him. Needless to say, you’re an emotional Army just trying to graduate so you can finally leave your toxic family.
tag list: @nct-js @hannahdinse8 @mcrkzen @chimmysomemochi
a/n: I can't seem to tag you I'm sorry ;-;
Updates done at random
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aeonct · 3 years
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Pairing: Mark x female reader
Compass: pt.5 | pt.6 | pt.7
↪ He didn’t believe in love at first sight until it happened to him. Needless to say, you’re an emotional Army just trying to graduate so you can finally leave your toxic family.
a/n: reminder that the other y/n characters are basically you with another member.. also lmk if you want to be added to the tag list
tag list: @nct-js @hannahdinse8
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aeonct · 3 years
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Pairing: Mark x female reader
Compass: pt.4 | pt.5 | pt.6
↪ He didn’t believe in love at first sight until it happened to him. Needless to say, you’re an emotional Army just trying to graduate so you can finally leave your toxic family.
a/n: just wanted to point out that the other y/n characters are basically you with another member
tag list: @nct-js @hannahdinse8
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aeonct · 3 years
☾ ✐
You didn’t really have any friends growing up but that wasn’t because you couldn’t make any. It was because you would close yourself off to anyone that approached you. You preferred keeping to yourself, thinking you’d save others from your emotional baggage. The first time someone confessed to you it came as a shock and you politely rejected him. The confession came out of nowhere and the guy was cute but you couldn’t do dating. The second time it was expected. You had heard there was a bet of some sort going on to break the “ice queen” and the walls around her (you). That one was a harsh rejection you had to give out because you knew you were simply a challenge, a bet to the guy. So when Mark asked you out it was totally unexpected. Of course you knew who Mark was. He was that one loud guy during lunch who seemed to laugh at everything his friends would say. A player in the hockey team and you had also heard he was a sweet guy to the point of almost being a pushover. You were on your way out of school, looking down at your phone to check the time when you looked up to see Mark Lee coming over to you, a hand inside his uniform pants while the other scratched at his messy hair. He was taller than you but the way he bent down to look you in the eyes was sweet. He cleared his throat and stuttered out a few words you couldn’t make sense of but caught onto his name in that one sentence. It was a bit silly how he couldn’t really talk to you without getting shy but he managed to get his point across and you felt so bad for rejecting him but you had to. You didn’t really know the guy and you also didn’t think you were ready to start dating. Not with how unstable your household was ever since that day. Mark was a great dude, you were sure of it but you were juggling work, school, and family matters, you couldn’t add a relationship to the list. Even so he didn’t give up. A few days after he confessed to you he asked you out again. This time with a little more confidence and you turned him down once more. You were assigned a project with this girl you had never spoken to and she wasn’t judgmental or cared about the rumors surrounding you. She spoke to you kindly and even worked around your schedule to finish up said project. She was so understanding that you were dreading the project coming to an end because you feared you wouldn’t hang out anymore. You both decided to work on the final piece for the project at her house the night before it was due but she had to cancel due to her family being out and her forgetting her keys. You both decided it was better to do it at your house although you were dreading it. When you came home you were ignored as always and it wasn’t until your mom checked the washer in the hallway after coming home to find the clothes not drying like they should be that the shouting started. You heard her shouting your name and you started to feel anxious and embarrassed with the company you had over. Knowing your mother, she wouldn’t care if even the president was inside. She would scold you no matter what and that’s what she did. She grabbed you by the hand and dragged you to the washing machine telling you how irresponsible you are and how you can’t even do one single thing right. You don’t know what came over you but you snapped. Maybe it was the frustration bottled up and the embarrassment of having a classmate witness this but you spoke back to your mother like you had many times only this time it was with anger and not sass. Your mother didn’t like that tone one bit and she pushed you out of the house with a few of your belongings. You were used to this. It wasn’t the first time she kicked you out but it hurt more and you felt ashamed because you had your own company over. Your new friend could only stare in shock as you both got kicked out of the house. You couldn’t stop the tears from flowing down your face as she held you close albeit awkwardly at first just in case you were uncomfortable with the unfamiliar action. You didn’t know how much you needed that hug until you felt it. You broke down
and sobbed on your way to the station, grateful it was night outside. You were grateful your friend hadn’t question the whole ordeal, giving you some time to calm down before she took you by the hand and led you to the station. You don’t remember how you got there but you reached her house and her parents were nice enough to let you stay.
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Pairing: Mark x female reader
Compass: pt.3 | pt.4 | pt.5
↪ He didn’t believe in love at first sight until it happened to him. Needless to say, you’re an emotional Army just trying to graduate so you can finally leave your toxic family.
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aeonct · 3 years
I made a few changes to my sns series to make it easier for me. I decided to have them all share a youtube channel instead of them having different ones.
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aeonct · 3 years
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Genres:  ♡ fluff  | ❃ angst  | ➼ smut  | ☾ sns
Key:   ✧ one shots  | ☉ drabbles  | ♫ song fics
Status:  ♦ complete  | ♢ ongoing  | ☆ hiatus
Disclaimer: I don't own any pictures used in these fics.
For the sake of story progress the dreamies will all be the same age. Chapters will also be written out (✐) sometimes. Time stamps don't matter.
Mark: Compass ♡ ❃ ☾ ✐
↪ He didn’t believe in love at first sight until it happened to him. Needless to say, you’re an emotional Army just trying to graduate so you can finally leave your toxic family.
Renjun: ♡ ☾
↪ No one knows who crimson is and neither do you but you can’t help but admire their creative pieces specially when they’re out there making statements and being a whole inspiration to your photography, loving self.
Haechan: ♡ ☾
↪ One of the youngest pro players to be scouted, Hyuck spends most of his hours playing for OW’s young division team. Meanwhile, you play to distress so what happens when he catches feelings for you who not only lives miles away but also has a boyfriend?
Jeno: ♡ ☾
↪ You and Jeno have been best friends since you can remember therefor you can’t jeopardize what you have by confessing thinking he won’t feel the same, so you drown in your studies and council pres duties until you start receiving anonymous letters from a secret admirer.
Jaemin: ♡ ☾
↪ You and Jaemin are known as the biggest flirts around school. Funnily enough, you both have never been in relationships but rumor has it you and Jaemin have a past together...
Chenle: ♡ ❃ ☾
↪ You’re an adventure vlogger just trying to find your path in this world by trying new things and Chenle so happens to be a fan of yours. He totally doesn’t have a crush on you it’s just pure admiration.
Jisung: ♡ ☾
↪ Barely surviving middle school, Jisung is trying to breeze through his last two years of high school. Too bad you came into his view and all he can think about is the cute, social butterfly that won’t let him live. Alternatively, Jisung makes a fool of himself whenever you're around.
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aeonct · 3 years
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Pairing: Mark x female reader
Compass: pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4
↪ He didn’t believe in love at first sight until it happened to him. Needless to say, you’re an emotional Army just trying to graduate so you can finally leave your toxic family.
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aeonct · 3 years
I just read the one that got away its sooooo good yo,, BUT I WANT AN APOLOGY BRUH😡😡😡,, I ENDED UP CRYING,, keep writing bestie its so good🧎🧎
(i will be waiting on that apology)
lmao listen I was debating on the ending and lowkey glad it ended angsty. I do apologize for the water works though x) I'm also debating whether to do Jeno's happy ending of that universe
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aeonct · 3 years
AHHH MY FIRST ANON!! Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far :')
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aeonct · 3 years
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Pairing: Mark x female reader
Compass: pt. 1 | pt.2 | pt.3
↪ He didn't believe in love at first sight until it happened to him. Needless to say, you're an emotional Army just trying to graduate so you can finally leave your toxic family.
a/n: the UN in one of the chats was supposed to be Hyuck lmao sorry
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aeonct · 3 years
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Pairing: Mark x female reader
Compass: intro | pt.1
↪ He didn't believe in love at first sight until it happened to him. Needless to say, you're an emotional Army just trying to graduate so you can finally leave your toxic family.
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aeonct · 3 years
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Part of the Seasons series
Pairing: Mark x female reader
Genre/ Type: fluff, angst, sns, written
↪ Synopsis: He didn't believe in love at first sight until it happened to him. Needless to say, you're an emotional Army just trying to graduate so you can finally leave your toxic family.
intro | pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4 | pt.5 | pt.6 | pt.7 | pt.8 | pt.9
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aeonct · 3 years
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Pairing: Mark x female reader
Compass: intro | pt.1 | pt.2
↪ He didn't believe in love at first sight until it happened to him. Needless to say, you're an emotional Army just trying to graduate so you can finally leave your toxic family.
Time stamps aren't important
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aeonct · 3 years
we’ve all heard of the NSFW alphabet, but what about a SOULMATE AU ALPHABET??
a...ging stops at 18 until you find your soulmate so the two of you can grow old together.
b...ody art (doodles that a person draws on themselves appear on their soulmate’s skin).
c...olors (aka the standard soulmate au where the world is black and white until you meet your soulmate and see colors).
d...amage done to a person also translates into their soulmate’s body (cuts, bruises and all).
e...sp (soulmates can sense one another’s presence and feel each other’s exact emotions even when miles away).
f...irst words/thoughts your soulmate says/thinks when seeing you are written on your skin.
g...uardian (it is said that the person who saves you from a near-death experience is your soulmate—drowning, car crash, etc.)
h...eartbeats (the soulmates share the same heartbeat—when one feels panicked, shocked, etc, the other can feel it too).
i...dentifier (a word or symbol which is imputed to your soulmate is somewhere on your body).
j...uxtaposition (your soulmate is the exact opposite of you, yet you find yourselves complementing one another).
k...eys and locks are randomly dispersed to soulmates on chains when they are born. when in proximity, the lock and key will act as magnets and bring the two soulmates closer together until the key is placed in the lock and a gratifying click is heard, unlocking the chain.
l...ast words your soulmate says are written on your skin, so you do not know it is them until they are gone.
m...arks or stains of the color black are somewhere on your body (palm of your hand, knuckles, knee) until you and your soulmate finally make physical contact. once the mark is touched, it fades to be consistent with the person’s skin color.
n...urse (the touch of a soulmate can heal you from affliction and vice versa).
o...pportune outfit (soulmates will eternally color coordinate, even if they have not met one another yet, and often times have similar patterns in their clothing).
p...assionflower (a type of flower soulmates have planted somewhere beneath their skin. Upon meeting their soulmate it will sprout through the skinand fully blossom as they reach the furthest point of their relationship. when a soulmate passes, the flower blooming from the other person does also).
q...uizzes revolving around one’s personal aspects, skills and ambitions are given to every person once they turn 18, and the results read who your soulmate is based off of your collective answers.
r...ed string bonds two soulmates together for a lifetime and all come in varying lengths—imagine the trouble of only being able to walk certain distances or having to sleep on the edge of your bed.
s...ongbird (any songs a person sings will get stuck in their soulmate’s head for the duration they decide to sing it).
t...imers are set on the wrist of every person once they are a certain age, slowly counting down until the day they meet their soulmate.
u...ndying (you and your soulmate must meet in order to end life—die—together. as long as you have not met them, you will continue aging yet remain immortal).
v...eiled (you and your soulmate must walk through life blind until running into one another by fate and finally gaining sight—those with no soulmate act as guides and help those in search of theirs).
w...riter’s choice (author can pick any au from the list to write).
x...FREE SPACE, the person who sent the prompt has the choice to make up an au or choose one from the list!
y...ellow fellow (colors of your vision changes depending on your soulmates mood. yellow is optimistic, green is envious, blue is upset, etc. and natural colors become present once the soulmates meet).
z...zz (in which soulmates first meet each other and share memories in their dreams before meeting each other in person—sometimes difficult to accomplish as dreams are hard to remember).
any writers on tumblr feel free to reblog so followers can send a certain letter to your inbox :) or just for ideas!
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aeonct · 3 years
a shit ton of angsty prompts
kissing your lover’s forehead as they’re dying in your arms
being forced to watch the love of your life move on with someone else, you’ve gathered enough courage to tell them you want to be with them, only to catch them holding hands with someone else 
our family won’t approve of our relationship but we have to stick together, until one day you question if the relationship is even worth all this secrecy and i can’t believe that you’d doubt us even for a second
i’m finally ready to be with you, but you’ve finally moved on from me, and i’m too late
we can’t be together but let’s make the most of the night before we have to go our separate ways, maybe watch the stars as we talk about how we would have gotten married, how many kids we would have had, if the odds had been in our favor
coming home to find your lover cheating on you, throwing all their things out the window and cursing them out of your life, wondering how they could do this to you ‘’you can’t claim to love someone, and then go and do what you just did.’’ 
being forced to kill your lover, because only one of you are going to survive, and your lover insists they couldn’t live in this life without you ‘’just promise me you’ll be happy. promise me you will be.’’ 
it’s been months since we broke up and i just found one of your old sweatshirts in my wardrobe and it’s making me miss you 
we haven’t seen each other in years but reunite at a mutual friend’s wedding, things ended badly between us and we both know it’s better to avoid each other but of course we’re seated at the same table, opposite each other 
we’re broken up, you’re over at my house to pick some of your stuff up, and neither of us know how to act, so i just let you inside, you grab your things, and leave as quickly as you came
you’re over at my house to pick some of your stuff up, and as you load the last of your things into your car, you head back to my front door to say goodbye, and somehow… we wind up in bed 
being forced to kill your lover, but you can’t do it, so they take your hand, and help you press the knife into their chest, while the antagonist watches your every move, making sure neither of you try to run 
having to watch your lover die, as you’re restrained by the antagonist, unable to fight your way out of their grip, yet your eyes are glued on your lover’s 
having to say goodbye to your lover, who’s moving across the world, kissing them goodbye one last time before they board the plane. during your last kiss, your lover says they didn’t think you would make it to the airport but ‘’i couldn’t let you leave without saying goodbye.’’ 
two character’s dying together, laying outside in the cold, rain, holding hands 
a love triangle in which, lover #2 recognizes how toxic lover #1 is for the main character ‘’one of you will end up killing the other. whether that’s physically or emotionally, one of you will end up killing the other. there’s no dimension in this world where the two of you end up happy.’’
accidentally catching your ex or the person you’re in love with getting frisky with someone else, and having to pretend like it doesn’t bother you
going to your lover’s house to apologize for something you did, but instead of being let in, you get the door slammed in your face ‘‘why are you here?’‘ ‘‘i’m here because i love you, and because i want to make things right.’‘ ‘‘well, i don’t want you here, so go away.’‘
one character, with trust issues, gets drunk one night and spills how insecure they are in the relationship ‘’you don’t. you don’t love me. you only love me when it’s beneficial.’’ or the partner is caught cheating and the character drops those words
your lover telling you that they don’t love you anymore, or that they’ve found someone else, and as you pack your things, you find a photo of the two of you together, from a time when you were happily in love
unrequited love, in which i just poured my heart out to you, telling you i love you and you said that you don’t feel the same way, and then you leave, and i’m standing here, not sure what to do, i can’t even cry that’s how shocked and heartbroken i am
‘‘you’re the worst thing that has ever happened to me. no, listen to me. you’ve destroyed me.’‘ 
a break up in which, one person doesn’t have any feelings for the other anymore, while the other one is still head over heels in love with them ‘’but that doesn’t mean that our love wasn’t real. doesn’t mean that you didn’t love me enough, or that you weren’t loved. you were. you’ll always be.’’ ‘’just not in the way i love you.’’ ‘’no.’’ 
promising your lover that you’ll make it home in time for your anniversary, but something comes up and you’re late, which screws up all your plans for the evening, and instead of celebrating your anniversary, your lover goes to bed, and barely utters one word to you the next morning
it’s toxic, and we’re not good for each other, and ‘’i love you so much it’s killing me.’’
begging your lover to open the door so you can talk things through ‘’i know you’re in there. [character], please, open up.’’ but as they won’t, ‘’at least let me say goodbye.’’ 
a character using their last bit of strength to kiss you goodbye, before they close their eyes for the last time 
two characters are about to kiss, but pulls away last second when one character says ‘’this isn’t right.’’ and the other replies with ‘’you wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t.’’ 
‘’you said you wouldn’t break my heart, and then that’s exactly what you did.’’ 
‘’i don’t want to listen to a single word coming out of your mouth.’’
‘‘we can’t be together. it’s too dangerous. you understand that, right?’‘
one character, who’s either been brainwashed or cursed by the antagonist into trying to kill their lover, has their lover pressed up against the wall, a knife to their throat, having tried to convince their lover to kill them instead, before they hurt them, in which their lover says ‘’go ahead. do it. if you’re telling the truth, if you’re so convinced you’ll kill me, do it.’’ and the character stares at their lover, who then says ‘’if you weren’t in control, you would have done it a long time ago.’’ and it then leads to the character slowly gaining back control, breaking the curse or whatever. alternatively, if you’re related to the devil himself, you could have the character kill their lover, and then right after they’ve killed them, they snap out of it, dropping the knife to the ground, in pure shock as they watch their lover’s dead body fall to the ground ? you guys wanted angsty prompts it’s not my fault also i’ve done this to my own character welcome to hell
i might make a part two
update: part two can be found here
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