aesthetickallura · 2 years
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these two would totally cosplay them
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aesthetickallura · 2 years
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90s anime style Romelle <3
protect her
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aesthetickallura · 2 years
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sometimes I do like my drawing huhhhh…
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aesthetickallura · 2 years
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kallura for the soul 💕
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aesthetickallura · 3 years
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Future Kallura
From our Instagram @/bravepaladins
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aesthetickallura · 3 years
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More Kallura!
From our Instagram @/bravepaladins
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aesthetickallura · 3 years
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A Kallura edit as requested
From our Instagram @/bravepaladins
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aesthetickallura · 3 years
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A Kallura edit as requested 💕
From our Instagram @/bravepaladins
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aesthetickallura · 3 years
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aesthetickallura · 4 years
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aliens are real 👽👽
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aesthetickallura · 4 years
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here have this self indulgent garbage 
(first comic inspired by this post)
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aesthetickallura · 4 years
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rare pear
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aesthetickallura · 4 years
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allura and keith go on an adventure
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aesthetickallura · 4 years
this is my favorite kallura fanfic i’ve read and i was trying to find it since it wasn’t on kalluraicedcoffee’s ao3 and she deleted her tumblr account :(. i’m so glad i found it because this makes me so happy and it will live with me forever.
read between the lines
A/N: based on @aareysollen‘s post: “an au in which Allura owns a flower shop and Keith works in a bookstore across the road. They steal glances through the windows, make faces at each other and blow kisses.”
It was too cute of a concept to pass up!
Working at Marmora Books had many perks.
Infinite access to books, quiet peaceful environment, air conditioning, great lunch spots just up the street, chill albeit a little scary boss, gorgeous woman across the street blowing kisses at him through the window…
Keith nearly poked his own eye out with his drink straw, suddenly so distracted he missed his mouth entirely.
Marmora Books resided on a tiny cobblestone side street in a part of downtown that had “Olde” in the name and the major selling point was nostalgia of a quaint forgotten time. Across from said street was a flower shop, Junip & Berry, owned by a young woman who had taken over the business after her father passed.
He’d never had a full conversation with her beyond a “hello” with a wave as they opened or a “goodbye” with a wave as they closed up shop at the end of the day. She stopped by the store once, bright and bubbly and gorgeous with eyes like the ocean. She had on a yellow blouse with overalls and her hair in slightly messy milkmaid braids. She bought a book on botany and introduced herself.
It fell off her lips in the most charming British accent.
On days when business was slow she’d water the plants in the window and he’d take the opportunity to clean the window of the shop, spraying and wiping the same spots over and over just to have an excuse to look at her. She’d wave. He’d wave back. An exchange of smiles. Then the funny faces. A stuck out tongue from her. Puffy chipmunk cheeks and crossed eyes from him. Then she’d pretend the hanging ivy had come to life and was attacking her. He’d pretend to walk down non-existent stairs until he disappeared out of view. She’d erupt into a fit of giggles that he would have killed to hear in person.
“Impressive. I almost believed you were descending a staircase.” Kolivan said dryly with his arms crossed.
“Sorry sir!” Keith whipped around, cheeks flushed.
“I think it’s clean enough Kogane. Stock the new shipment we just got in when you get a chance” his boss said with a knowing smirk.
“Yes sir!” Keith hurriedly ran to the back room.
After weeks of this shameless…flirting? Was it flirting? Keith hoped it was flirting. Hell she blew him a kiss in the window and he pretended to be knocked out by it. That HAD to mean something right? Anyway, after weeks of this shameless whatever this was, he gathered his courage with his heart in his throat and walked across the street after his shift.
Allura could see him approaching and in the mere moments she had to spare before he’d be in her store she quickly checked her hair and her breath and her lipstick and her clothes. The bell above the door jingled as it opened and Allura’s eyes lit up as she slyly flung her compact behind her.
“Hello! Welcome to Junip & Berry!” she recited cheerily.
They stood there in awkward silence.
“Is-is there something I can get for you?”
“Actually…uh…yes. I’d like some flowers.”
“You’ve come to the right place! What can I get for you?”
“A dozen peonies please.” He smiled, hands in his pockets.
Allura beamed and began arranging the bouquet, a mixture of light and deep pinks, including some greenery and Baby’s Breath. She bound the stems with twine and then wrapped all of it in a pretty cream paper with gold stripes.
“Would you like to include a message? I don’t mean to brag but my penmanship is sort of a big deal.” She shrugged playfully.
She pulled out a note card and pen from under the counter.
“Ready when you are!”
“Um…I’d like it to say ‘Been thinking about you, love to get dinner some time.’”
Her face fell, but she quickly attempted to cover it up with a weak tight lipped smile. She tapped the pen on the counter top while biting her quivering lip before scribbling out his message as dictated. Perhaps she had completely misinterpreted their interactions.
“Name of the recipient?” she asked after clearing her throat.
“Uh, Allura, two L’s.” He tapped the card with his finger.
Allura started to actually write it and then stopped and looked up to be greeted with his warm smile. She blushed, a mixture of embarrassment and elation.
“So,” Keith continued, “about that dinner…”
Allura came around the counter and walked to the front door, flipping the sign so it read “CLOSED” to the public. She sauntered toward him while untying and removing her apron. Standing in front of him, she tossed it on the counter before picking up the flowers and inhaling slowly as she dipped her nose into the blooms.
“I’m free tonight if you are.”
Keith smirked and held out his arm for her to take.
“What a coincidence, my schedule just opened up.”
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aesthetickallura · 4 years
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Break of dawn
[commissions open]
[buy me a coffee!]
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aesthetickallura · 4 years
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I’m so tired of stereotypes that come along every Black women. And the fact that they were created by the white media really pisses me off! I am very proud of all Black girls and I admire all their accomplishments despite the hate of the modern society. 
#BlackGirlMagic is not just a hashtag, it strengthens our self-respect and emphasizes our importance!
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aesthetickallura · 4 years
“But where is our audio compilation of Keith saying Allura’s name?”
Edit: Companion to Allura.
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