afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 4 days
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Godesses of night in paintings
Auguste Raynaud (French, 1854ā€“1937)
Auguste-Alexandre Hirsch (French, 1833-1912)
FranƧois-LƩon BƩnouville (French, 1821-1859)
Americo Pedro (Brazilian, 1843-1905)
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afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 4 days
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The Three Fates by Alexander Rothaug (1910)
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afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 4 days
oh my god this is so prettyyy
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Hades and Persephone
Recent commission! The details on this one were crazy fun to paint, I spent a lot of time on it but I'm really happy with the result :)
If you'd like to make an inquiry or get more information about commissions, feel free to email [email protected].
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afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 4 days
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Hypnos & Thanatos by ofensky
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afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 4 days
helpols for palestine. the gods love all of their children, including those in gaza, and they would never approve of the genocide going on there right now. may lord apollon protect and help heal the injured victims of this genocide. may lady aphrodite, king zeus, queen hera, all of them extend their strength and their protection to those in palestine.
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afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 19 days
Lady Sekhmet, Lord Maahes, I pray to you to end this slaughter of Palestine's children, to let them safely pass into Egypt
Lord Zeus, Lord Tyr, I pray to you to bring justice to those killed and who's homes were stripped from them
Lord Ares, Lord Thor, I pray to you to give strength to those protesting bravely against this corrupt government funding this genocide
Lord Njordr, Lady Hathor, Lady Aphrodite, Lady Demeter, I pray to you to bring abundance and love and comfort to Palestine's children, for mercy upon the land that has been destroyed, for life to be salvaged and to flourish
I pray to all the gods for this genocide to end and for the corrupt system that feeds this genocide gets the justice they deserve.
From the river to the sea
Free Palestine
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afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 19 days
Happy Thargelia, for those who celebrate! (And to those who celebrate later this month) šŸ¹ā˜€ļøšŸŗ
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afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 19 days
Feeling so loved by the gods and feeling so loved by all the people I love, I just sat on the floor staring at nothing saying ā€œI love youā€ over and over again and nearly crying realizing how being so loved is helping me slowly learn to trust that I am worthy of that love. Realizing how love really is contagious and somehow Iā€™ve been given all these gifts in the form of feeling loved, and how theyā€™ve shaped my confidence in myself and the things that I do.
Realizing that Iā€™ve been here on the floor murmuring about love and feeling overwhelmed with emotion for nearly an hour now.
Considering for a small second that maybe Lady Aphrodite is here with me,
Considering she is trying to tell me something.
I ask for a sign and have to correct myself because Iā€™m actually asking for a sign other than this. Something in my head wonders why that is, and I answer:
ā€œIā€™m still struggling to trust myself. I donā€™t always think Iā€™m worthy of being taken seriously.ā€
And I realize that if she is reaching out, this is the reason. I realize she would want me to put faith in my own feelings, that she might not be willing to lay external clues. That if Iā€™m truly ready to work with her, Iā€™ll take a leap and trust myself just this once.
Whatā€™s the worst that could happen if Iā€™m wrong? Iā€™d realize eventually, and she would never be angry with me for making a mistake.
So I donā€™t ask for external signs, I donā€™t ask for tokens of good will or animal sightings. I ask for feelings that I canā€™t ignore.
I didnā€™t expect anything immediate, maybe just another bought of feeling loved or feeling so in love with everything within the next day or two. Maybe a sudden impulse to tell a person Iā€™m with that I love them. Something like that.
Instead I feel a slight pain in my chest, and I worry I shouldnā€™t be hunched on the floor like this, until I remember when Iā€™ve felt that pain before. I wrote a whole damn poem about that pain when I first realized I was in love with one of the people who love me the most to this day. The good kind of heartache.
The first time I felt it was when I couldnā€™t ignore my feelings for this person any longer.
A feeling I canā€™t ignore.
Thank you, Lady Aphrodite for being patient with me while I learn to love myself enough to trust my feelings just this once. If you are calling I am ready. If I am wrong, then I can live with that. I love you, I love you, I love you and I feel so loved.
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afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 19 days
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art by me :))))
I sing of Artemis, whose shafts are of gold, who cheers on the hounds, the pure maiden, shooter of stags, who delights in archery, own sister to Apollo with the golden sword. Over the shadowy hills and windy peaks [5] she draws her golden bow, rejoicing in the chase, and sends out grievous shafts. The tops of the high mountains tremble and the tangled wood echoes awesomely with the outcry of beasts: earth quakes and the sea also where fishes shoal. But the goddess with a bold heart [10] turns every way destroying the race of wild beasts: and when she is satisfied and has cheered her heart, this huntress who delights in arrows slackens her supple bow and goes to the great house of her dear brother Phoebus Apollo, to the rich land of Delphi, [15] there to order the lovely dance of the Muses and Graces. There she hangs up her curved bow and her arrows, and heads and leads the dances, gracefully arrayed, while all they utter their heavenly voice, singing how neat-ankled Leto bare children [20] supreme among the immortals both in thought and in deed.
Hail to you, children of Zeus and rich-haired Leto! And now I will remember you and another song also.
-Homeric Hymn To Artemis
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afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 19 days
Offerings and their Removal
Disclosure, this may not apply to everyone! Cherry pick it if that works for you, or take none at all. Just no hate or arguments in the comments!
Definition- Offering - Something given to an entity or deity to show appreciation. This can also be something done or said to show appreciation.
~~~~~Types of Offerings~~~~~
Food- In ancient tradition, specifically Greek, the first bites of food were thrown into the fire to be sent through the gods by smoke. However, this isn't an option for many people these days. Alternative methods are favored.
Fire - The old methods are still applicable if available. If one has a bon fire or fire-place/hearth, the first bite of food can still be "smoked" , per-say.
Prayer - A small prayer can be said over food before the first bite is taken. Just a simple "Entity/spirit, please accept this offering, Blessed Be" or something similar can suffice. This, for some deities like Hestia can be done at the end too. This is more convenient for a hidden practice and for those who can't afford to waste food.
Altar- If you have an altar, or ever a small bowl, they can place the first bite of food there for the deity entity too.
Objects and Trinkets- Just like us, deities/entities love little trinkets. Whether it be a few coins you find nice to a statue or an engraved candle. Whatever it my be, it can be given to an entity with a prayer and/or on an altar in their honor.
Removables - There are some things that can be placed on altar and taken off. I like to call them removables. When placed on an altar, one could say "Entity/Deity, bless this object, with your energy and blessings." let it sit for a moment or cleanse with incense. If a clothing item, accessory, or perfume, you can take it off and use/wear it. Just remember to put it back to refresh the energy and discuss before taking it off for the first time.
Actions - There are also things that one can do in offer of a deity or entity. They can be small things, like prayers, to full-on rituals.
Prayer- This is probably the easiest in my opinion. It can be a small "Hey entity/deity, I appreciate you." on the go, or reciting a hymn or a prayer by the altar. It's incredibly diverse and can meld to any practice.
Chores - This can apply more to some deities than others, but just Keeping your room and house tidy can be done in honor of a deity. Altars specifically can be cleaned or re-arranged as an offering
Art-In ancient times, arts of every kind were offered to deities ant spirits. And it can fit most anyone's style.
Music- written specifically or just a song you think reminds you of them. Drawings/Paintings- try thing that reminds you of the deity or how you see them can be drawn or painted. Others- Pottery, Dance, Crocheting or handy crafts, or even more. All can be done in offering to a deity. Specifics - If you have done research into who you're offering to, you can offer specific things. Sleep for Hypnos, Baking bread for Hestia, Rehearsing if in the arts for Dionysus, etc. Self Care- This not a lot of people think applies, however the gas most want you to be kind to your self. whether it be a bath with oils, flower petals, and all the works to just brushing your teeth at night. All would make the gods/entities very proud of you!!
This is something a bit more difficult; You did the thing, you think it's time, now what do you do? A decent chunk of this section was taken from @khaire-traveler. Obviously, actions cannot be "removed" Once the action is complete, the offering is sent.
Food- khaire narrowed it into 4 options that I really like. Just remember, when on an alter, don't let it sit too long for health concerns (rotting, bugs, etc.)
Consume - After praying aver the food like I had mentioned before.
Bum - Also mentioned before, but can be done after sitting at an altar for awhile.
Bury- Food offerings. if safe for local wildlife, can be buried. "My logic in burying them (only if environmentally safe) is returning the offering to the earth in a sense." (khair-3) (Yes its MLA cited, AP capstone has rotted my brain) If that fits Your practice, it is a good option.
Dispose, - This, like everything else here, must be done with respect. Clarify with the entity/deity that you aren't doing so out of disrespect, rather because this is your preferred disposal style or your only option
Objects/Art Pieces- If you have this ability, talk to your entity/deity about it, clarify there is no disrespect in the removal, and give the deity some time to de-attach to it. Slowly, the energy will fade from the object when kept away from the altar. This doesn't need to a ritual, but can be if that's what you prefer
Thank you for reading! This is my first fore into the pagan-sphere, so if this is something a lot of people like, I'll continue! Blessed Be, Alyssa the Witch!
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afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 19 days
Afrodite armada, da lanƧa entre os dedos A Deusa amada de todos gracejos BerƧo de espuma, cabelo violĆ”ceo Insigne figura, semblante esbelto. SaĆŗde-a Ć³ Musa, entendida dos amores, Adocicada senhora, Deusa dos esplendores. Que desprende a raiva em cĆ”lida doƧura Que compreende a tristeza e afasta amargura.
A MĆ£e dos Desejos com mĆ£os gentis Voz calmante que incita o sorrir. Venha Ć³ Donzela, sobre ondas caminhas Meu coraĆ§Ć£o acalenta e seus braƧos aninha.
Armed Aphrodite, spear between fingers The beloved Goddess of all jests Of foam she was born, violet hair Remarkable figure, slender appearance.
Salute her, O Muse, she-who-knows of love, Sweet lady, Goddess of splendours. Who releases anger in warm sweetness Who understands sadness and drives away bitterness.
The Mother of Desires with gentlest hands Calming voice that encourages smile most grand Come, O Maiden, walking over the waves Warm my heart, nesting it in thy very arms.
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afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 19 days
The calendar I use (Hellenion attic calendar) says that the thargelia begins tomorrow on May 14th, however some other sources say it doesnā€™t occur until the end of the month? Just wondering when most Hellenists are celebrating?
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afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 19 days
Devoting things to Lady Aphrodite
Devoting my skin care to Lady Aphrodite,
Devoting taking care of myself to Lady Aphrodite,
Devoting doing my hair and makeup to Lady Aphrodite,
Devoting taking care of my body to Lady Aphrodite,
Devoting painting my nails to Lady Aphrodite.
Devoting things to Lady Aphrodite has helped me care for myself more, because I know she'd want me to take care of myself, because she cares for me.
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afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 20 days
I love the Minoans bro, a possibly (debated) matriarchal society obsessed with bulls and titty-out dresses? Come on thatā€™s so coollll
(Thatā€™s a gross simplification of Minoan culture but in general itā€™s such a cool civilization from antiquity)
Minoans šŸŗāš±
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afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 20 days
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sing, sing, oh i sing to aphrodite who isĀ  most beautiful! she who stirs the passion of men & god alike! o, to she ā€” i sing! golden goddess with soft lashes, golden goddess with soft arms, i spin and sing and delight inĀ  the bright rose that is you. may i dance withĀ  your grace, lifted up as the foam from the seaĀ  as you were ā€” may my smile be blessed withĀ  delight. golden-haired goddess, bless my tongue to be sweet as honey, bless my fingers to beĀ  delicate and swift, bless my steps so they mayĀ  bound forth in soft beauty. glory to she ā€” praiseĀ  to she! goddess of ever golden smiles, of fierceĀ  beauty, of spilling laughter and delight. o! may iĀ  love as you love ā€” may i delight as you delight! goddess, fill me with your beauty ā€” may i shine & rise above the wrathful waters of those around meĀ  and delight, delight, delight in the glory that youĀ  have given to me!Ā 
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afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 20 days
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Oh, Hermaphroditus, a Holy One.
1. Hermaphroditus statue from Imperial Rome, around 70-100 AD, at "Lady Lever Art Gallery" in Europe England 2. Hermaphroditus statue from Imperial Rome in the 2nd century AD, at "Louvre" in Paris, Europe France
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afroditi-anadyomene Ā· 20 days
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Statue of Apollo
Found at Temple of Apollo (Cyrene)
Currently at British Museum
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