agglxmerate-blog · 5 years
Ah well. This has been a carcass rotting in the bare sunlight for far too long. If anyone here is still following and wants to keep tabs, I’m at @dinosaurana these days. Ya got about a day before the bones wither away to dust. 
Been a pleasure though. 
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agglxmerate-blog · 8 years
Hiatus Announcement
I’m going on hiatus. Dunno how long, dunno when I’ll be back. I just need to get off, disconnect, and reconsider things a bit. Until next time my lovely followers. Until next time.
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agglxmerate-blog · 8 years
Poll Here
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“I n a surprising turn of events, there was a sudden spring of votes. Ash is in the lead with 5, but Reinheardt has taken the second spot at 4. The Deathclaw and Chernabog are at three, with the Alien taking a single vote.”
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“We may have a more different result than what we were predicting earlier, which can change the outcome. We might have a giant warrior robot rather than a sarcastic monster killer.”
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agglxmerate-blog · 8 years
Poll here
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“Seems that Ashley Williams has taken the lead, with four votes total, and Reinheardt, Chernabog, and the Deathclaw all tied with two. Xenomorph once again has none, a surprising and yet inevitable fate.”
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“Things could still change as the Pollympicss soon draw to a close. Which is good, because I’m getting dusty over here. I’m craving a more fleshy time than this.”
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agglxmerate-blog · 8 years
tell me a fact about your OC and i’ll respond with a fact about mine
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agglxmerate-blog · 8 years
The elder guardians of Mt. Pyre can first tell something is off at the sudden wails from beneath the mountain. They start as cries of anger, then screams of pain, and then the terrifying sound of silence being there.  The second the steps could be heard, everything on the side of the mountain scattered. Vulpix skittered down the sides of the mountain, Chimeco and Shuppets taking to the air. Even the flying birds veer away as it approaches from below.
When they see it, both man and woman gasp at what emerges from the cloud cover below. It is far from the rampaging legendary they expect, but not too far off. Giant jaws dripping with ectoplasm from slain ghosts below, the eyes beneath the yellow crest burned with a special hatred. It is an echo that leaves large footprints in the ground behind it as it charges forward with an earth shattering roar.
As the elderly man attempts to defned the podium his life had been devoted to, a Head Smash begged to differ. He went flying over the edge, screaming in fear until the sound of a crack echoed out, coupled with moving rocks and a series of splashes was what was left.
With the opening, he charged forward, easily destroying the shrine with his body weight alone. The Red Orb fell out and was crushed within an instant beneath a massive foot, splinters shooting everywhere. The Blue Orb was taken in his jaws, and crushed down several times with Crunch. Hunks and splinters shot out, leaving little to be pieced together to form anything.
His rage not subsided, Tyrannus planted his feet squarely into the soil. Letting out a chilling shriek, he began to send Earthquake after Earthquake into the ground. The mountain groaned and creaked, before cracking open. The frightened woman fell into a deep crevasse, shrieking as she was swallowed by the massive earth beneath her. As he continued to charge down the mountain with Earthquake after Earthquake, it began to crumble and fall into the ocean beneath. Even with Tyrannus escaping, he nearly didn’t. He watched the last of it be swallowed beneath the waters, and gave a shriek to the heavens.
He knew there would be consequences for an event as atrocious as this, but he cared little. He had suffered through millions upon millions of years without death. The ghosts frightened him little, the humans the same. If one of the Legendaries came, he would put them out of their miserable little lives. Isolation was enough of a bitch as it came.
The old beasts would fall by his hands. They had given him all the time in the world to do so, and he would use their folly against them.
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agglxmerate-blog · 8 years
Things for Tyrannus
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Tyrannus leading a pack of other Tyrantrum into a war against other legendaries
Tyrannus going and destroying ancient places and holy sites for legendaries out of spite and anger, leveling them with controlled Earthquakes.
Tyrannus recreating Jurassic Park scenes
Tyrannus in general
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agglxmerate-blog · 8 years
Pollympics Update
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“Well Ladies and gentlefish, we have a bit of a surprising update. Ash Williams from Evil Dead as popped into first with three votes, with Chernabog and the Deathclaw surprisingly tied for second. Reinheardt has earned a vote, leaving the Alien dead last at zero. Our more terrifying compatriot is making the bunkers for safety. Only you can stop the mass slaughter by voting below!”
Poll Here
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agglxmerate-blog · 8 years
Pollympics Update
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“It was a quiet evening last night, brought on due to a variety of events. Even then, a few have pulled ahead already. Ash Williams, Chernabog, and the throw-in Deathclaw are currently tied with a vote each. Perhaps votes will pick up later today, and we’ll get more interesting results.”
The Poll
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agglxmerate-blog · 8 years
Pollympics: The Competitors and The Start
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“Before we begin, it seemed best to show who’s going to be running this time. This allows for people to think and debate internally before going and voting. We would also like to take the time and state the following.”
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“It means if ya fuck up kid ya fuck up. There ain’t no dodgin it this time. But that ain’t why yer here. What ya really want to see, is the options available for the games to begin. And in order ta get t’ the poll, ya gotta go take a look below.”
Contender 1: Xenomorph (Alien series)
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“From one of the biggest series in Science fiction, the Xenomorph, or Alien, is one of the most bizarre and downright terrifying creatures to combat. While lacking most conventional basis for perceiving anything, it still remains a fast, deadly, and sleek predator. Not even space travelers with flamethrowers would be able to stop it with the right places and conditions. “
“The downside is, it’s another monstrous muse that would be more towards hunting humans without remorse and the like. Interactions could get old, and we could see this one launched out faster than the vaccum of space did in the first film.”
Contender 2: Chernabog (Disney’s Fantasia)
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“One of the darkest bastards to come from Disney, Chernabog is a literal mountain top monstrosity, who’s spread his evil to all sorts. The dead beckon at his whim, he controls all sorts of evil around the world. Plus, it woy uld be the first menacing thing from hell on here.”
“The downside is his obscurity. Fantasia is not the most well known of Disney films, and it may deter others from interactions. Plus, others may not like the idea of such a demonic based entity among the many places and things here.”
Contender 3: Ash Williams (The Evil Dead Series)
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“Ah yes, Ashley Williams. No other human bastard has sliced, diced, and torn up Deadites like him. The best parts are the humor and wit he keeps, along with a decent heart. The morbid humor would be a wonder here on the more darkly toned blog.
“The issue becomes that we have humans on a monster based blog. It’d be different, but Ash would be a welcomed person, having been a monster himself at a time and being in the general theme as well.”
Contender 4: Reinheardt (Overwatch)
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“Not gonna lie, don’t know much about this guy, but he seems cool enough to go hang out with for awhile. Might be fun. “
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agglxmerate-blog · 8 years
Finally got a night and half off of work, and got to go hit a whole bunch of things. But there’s a new, important notice to mention.
We’ve finally reached two hundred followers!
To celebrate, I’ll be doing two things. One is a follow forever list, as I go some things to say and love to pass around for a whole lotta you. The other, well ties in with the season a bit.
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“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the second Pollympics! I’ll be your co-host for the evening’s activities, along with an old friend come back.”
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“Aye, don’t ya be makin this weird just because I, El Sharko, got a little vacation time. I’m just here t’ make a few jokes and have a good time.”
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agglxmerate-blog · 8 years
assassination classroom; starter sentences.
“People with talent often have the wrong impression that things will go as they think.”
“The difference between the novice and the master is that the master has failed more times than the novice has tried.”
“Harmonize everything, shrink your finances.”
“Before you destroy Earth… I’ll kill you.”
“The killing probability of the next shot is less than 0.001%.”
“I have always acted rationally. Whether for the management of the establishment or a murder, I like things to be logical and conform to reason.”
“I want… to be weak.”
“Whether a fish lives in a clear stream or a water ditch, so long as it continues swimming forward, it will grow up beautifully.”
“If you’ve got time to point fingers, then how about using your head to figure out what you want to do about it?”
“Kill me, huh? And yet it looks like you’ve never killed someone before.”
“The fact that I’m targeted by everyone is proof that I’m powerful, after all.”
“Total victory is scoring an easy win by doing what you always do.”
“Anything can be a sword if you polish it enough.”
“An assassin who neglects to sharpen his blade is no assassin at all.”
“Please remember that there are times to take someone’s hand and lead them along… But also times when you must be stern and let them fend for themselves.”
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agglxmerate-blog · 8 years
*frank fontaine voice*:  AIN’T NO XKIT GUY KID, NEVER WAS. THE NAME’S YAHOO.
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agglxmerate-blog · 8 years
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The fuck is this shit?
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agglxmerate-blog · 8 years
Most likely a 3-4 for everyone except Nightmare. Nightmare would be an 11.
On a scale of 1-10 how scared for your life would you be if my character suddenly snapped? 
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“Only a three to four? Are you so sure about that.”
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agglxmerate-blog · 8 years
for the fandom meme, how about pokemon? aside from the muse you already have now.
Fandom: Pokemon
I actually did more than Tyrannus once upon a time, having Iwao, a released Kabutops, and Akela, a Tropius, in this blog. They were certainly fun ones. As for more canon muses, that’s a really good question. I’d probbaly try at a legendary mayhaps, or one of the Gym Leaders. There’s never enough Gym leaders.
And, not gonna lie that this isn’t a plugin, I actually run a small sideblog OC. It’s @trainxfthought, and the main reason I’ve followed so many pokemon muses. I just haven’t spread that around.
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agglxmerate-blog · 8 years
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Her smile brightens as she notices the mad hope behind his eyes. She can feel it all in the traces of Aether moving through him–the loneliness, the pain, the desperation, but also the longing, and that longing she could fulfill with the click of her Tyrantrum’s Poké Ball. Perhaps he might even be desperate enough to risk being irradiated in order to meet another of his kind, but the question is, would she want him to? No matter what, she had to tell him all the facts before she made his decision. She didn’t want such an ancient and venerable dragon to be hurt against his will.
“I’d love to bring my Tyrantrum out right now, but he has…a bit of a problem.” Not a bad problem, really, since his Rock typing helped him resist the negative effects of being radioactive, but a problem indeed in situations like these. All Rock-types were affected differently, and she wouldn’t know if meeting her Tyrantrum might cause this one–she gleaned the name Tyrannus–irreversible damage.
“Have you ever heard of radiation poisoning?”
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While Tyrannus waited with a bit of impatience, he could see the human smile. While rusty with their inner workings and the like, that was usually a good sign. He recalled that his followers used to smile when he was happy. Maybe this girl was going to let him see the Tyrantrum. It was a bit difficult to decipher this new language really. There was so many new words, like this “Radiation poisoning” that he had no context for. Perhaps he could gelan a few more from this one.
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