agxnt-of-chaos · 4 years
Losing You
i decided to switch things up and write something about hotch bc i love him đŸ„ș some more spencer stuff will hopefully be coming soon!
summary: reader puts herself in a lot of danger, and hotch gets angry because he doesn’t want to lose her
warnings: none
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“I had to, Hotch!”
All you got in return was a stony glance.
You hurried to keep up with him, as the rest of the team fell behind, probably trying to ignore the storm that was brewing between you and Hotch.
“He was going to kill those children.” You said sharply, nearly running into his back as your boss stopped suddenly.
Turning to look at you, you normally would’ve flinched away from his angry gaze, but this time you were just as mad. “You defied my orders, Y/L/N. I told you to wait for backup and you didn’t.” His voice was low and warning you to quit pushing, but you weren’t having it.
“That’s bullshit, and you would’ve done the same thing if you were in my shoes.” You retorted, the angry words coming out clearer than you were currently thinking.
It went silent, and you could feel the team’s wide eyes on both of you.
Hotch stared at you for a moment, neither of you backing down. The two of you normally got along really well, in fact, you were the one to make him smile the most. But right now, there were no smiles.
“Get in the car, we’ll talk when we’re back at Quantico.” He finally said, opening the door to the SUV before walking around to the driver’s side.
Despite the situation, you almost grinned. Even when he was angry, he still opened the door for you and remained a gentleman. Then you shook your head and regained your scowl. Climbing into the backseat, you prepared for the drive back to Quantico. Ignoring the rest of the team, you stared out the window at the passing cars.
The unsub in the case had broken into a random house when he heard the sirens, and taken two children hostage in the upstairs bedrooms. You had arrived with a policeman first, and although Hotch told you to wait, you knew you couldn’t. The unsub had been profiled as disorganized and erratic, it was a definite possibility he would’ve killed those kids by accident. So, you’d gone into the house alone, and managed to talk the unsub down and get the children out safely. The unsub was in custody, and the rest of the team had congratulated you on a good job, but Hotch was madder than you’d ever seen.
When you all got back to Quantico, you were the last out of the car, and you followed Hotch to his office, and he closed both the door and his shades.
Refusing to sit, you faced him as he turned away from the wall. “You know I did the right thing.”
He sighed, no longer looking angry, rather just tired. “You disobeyed my direct orders.” His tone was a lot softer than before, and it made some of your anger leave.
“I’m sorry, okay, Hotch?” You said, looking down. “I understand you gave me orders, but I knew those kids were running out of time.”
“You put yourself in a lot of danger.” He replied, taking a small step closer to you.
His close proximity made it harder to think straight. “This job puts us all in danger.”
He was suddenly right in front of you, and you had to lift your head to meet his gaze. “Do you know how worried I was?” He said quietly, his eyes searching your face. “I kept thinking that we wouldn’t get there fast enough, and we were going to go in and find you dead.”
“Hotch.” You said, your voice soft. All your anger had disappeared. He had never acted like this towards you and it was freaking you out a little bit. “I’m okay. Look.” Tentatively, you took his hand in yours. “I’m right here.”
He seemed to relax, and before you realized what was happening, his lips were on yours. Your eyes widened, before closing, and you stepped on your toes to kiss him back.
When you broke apart, he was apologetic. “I’m sorry, Y/N, I don’t know what came over me.”
You shushed him with a quick kiss that made him grab your waist. “It’s okay.” You murmured, smiling.
He pressed his forehead against yours. “Please don’t scare me like that again. I can’t lose you.”
You reached up and brushed his cheek with your hand. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Hotch smiled, and pulled you into a hug that seemed a long time coming.
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agxnt-of-chaos · 4 years
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Knives Out (2019)
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agxnt-of-chaos · 4 years
Keep You Safe
here’s is a cute/fluffy imagine that was fun to write! hotch is such a dad in this one lol, and of course spencer is adorable :)
summary: the reader makes a split second decision on a case and the team gets mad at her for it, and spencer is the one who comforts her
warnings: mention of blood/violence
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It was a stupid decision.
You knew that, and you would probably regret it, but you did it anyways.
Standing outside of that damn house, you could hear a girl inside screaming and crying. Hotch had told you over the phone to wait for backup, that the man in there was unbelievably dangerous, but he wasn’t the one just standing there and hearing that girl in pain.
You stamped your foot on the ground, frustrated and worried, and just wanting to do something.
A bloodcurdling scream burst out of the house, and with it, your patience ran out. You cursed the team for taking forever, and pulled out your gun.
The door was unlocked, as if the universe was telling you that you needed to save this girl. You found them in the dining room, the teenage girl tied to a chair, and the unsub with his back to you.
“Michael Harris, put your hands in the air now!” You ordered, pointing your gun at his back.
He froze, the girl’s sobs filling the air.
“I said now!”
The man turned slowly, revealing an average middle aged man covered with the girl’s blood. He held a knife in his hand, and he grinned at you. “Why, you’re just a girl yourself. Why don’t you put that gun down, and I can play with you too?” His voice was singsongy, and he gave you a repulsive wink.
You gripped your gun tightly, not moving. “Drop the knife or I’ll shoot.”
Instead of doing as you said, he raised an arm, and you aimed, taking the shot. He cried out as the bullet ripped through his shoulder, and the girl screamed at the loud noise. The knife clattered to the ground, and in seconds, you had him in handcuffs. You forced him to his knees, before untying the girl, wiping some of the blood from her face.
“Hey, it’s okay. I got you.” You murmured, hearing the sirens approaching.
You knew the team wouldn’t be happy, but nothing prepared you for their level of anger.
“I told you to wait.” Hotch said quietly, as the cops took Harris into custody.
Hotch’s tone hinted at his anger, but you felt like you did the right thing. “Hotch, he knew we were coming. If I waited any longer, she might’ve - ”
“Go wait in the car, we’ll discuss this back at Quantico.”
You sighed, trudging back to the car. The only member of the team who’d even look at you was Spencer. Everyone else either shook their heads, or blatantly ignored you.
The car ride back to Quantico was a long one, and sitting between Spencer and JJ wasn’t exactly making you feel better. At least Spencer had patted your shoulder awkwardly, making you feel the tiniest bit better.
“Seriously, Y/L/N, you could’ve gotten hurt.” Derek spoke up halfway through the drive. “I mean, what were you thinking?”
“That girl was being tortured, and I was just supposed to sit on my ass?” You retorted sharply.
“Enough.” Hotch shut both of you up with one look.
The rest of the ride was silent.
Arriving back at Quantico, Hotch ordered you into his office, and you felt the teams’ eyes on you. You ignored them all, holding your head high.
At first, the two of you were quiet, Hotch finally sighing. “Y/N, that was dangerous.”
“You know as well as I do that if I had waited, that girl might be dead.” You said quietly, crossing your arms.
“It still was not the right thing to do.” He replied, raising an eyebrow. “Look, I won’t punish you this time, but if you do anything like that again, I’ll have to suspend you.”
Tears sprung into your eyes, and you stood up quickly, your chair almost falling back. “You know damn well I did the right thing, Hotch. Why is everyone looking at me like I’m the bad guy? That girl was screaming. If you - “ Your breath caught for a moment. “If you heard that girl’s screams, you would’ve done the exact same thing.”
Hotch sighed again, but you were already storming out. You felt so stupid, even though you knew you were right. You were the youngest on the team, and you constantly felt like you had to prove yourself, and now it seemed like you’d undone it all.
The team called your name, but you ignored them and took the elevators down, wanting fresh air. Outside, the cool night air helped you calm down a little bit. You sat down on a curb, burying your face in your hands. If you helped another girl like you did today, you’d get suspended? What was the point of helping people if you’d get punished for it?
You looked up, seeing Spencer standing next to you.
“Can I sit?”
You waved your hand. “It’s not my curb.”
He sunk down, sitting. His legs were long, and the sight of such a tall, lanky man sprawled on the curb was cute, and it almost made you smile. Spencer had always kinda, well, looked out for you. It sucked in a way, because he acted like he was your older brother, but you thought he was really attractive. You’d always pushed it out of your mind, focusing on the job, but him sitting next to you made it hard to ignore.
After a few minutes of silence, you spoke up. “What’s the point of doing my job and helping people if everyone just gets mad at me for doing it?”
You felt him looking at you. “No one’s mad at you for helping that girl.” He said, his voice quizzical. “Everyone on our team probably would’ve done what you did.”
“Then why did Hotch yell at me? And why was everyone so harsh?” You asked, tears popping into your eyes again.
“Hey.” Spencer suddenly grabbed your hand, causing you to look over at him. “They were only upset because they were worried about you.”
His fingers brushed the top of your hand, making it hard to think for a moment. “Me?”
“You put yourself in danger. If anything had happened to you, none of us would forgive ourselves.” He said softly, his eyes not leaving yours. “You don’t realize how much everyone in there cares about you, Y/N.” He paused, clearing his throat. “How much I care for you.”
That made you smile, and you squeezed his hand. Scooting over, you put your head on his shoulder, and his arm went around you. “I’m sorry I worried all of you.” You murmured, sighing.
“You did the right thing, and you saved that girl’s life.” He replied, his fingers stroking your hair.
“I love you, Spencer.” The words were out of your mouth before you could stop them. “Like in a romantic way.”
There was a pause, and then Spencer laughed. “I love you too, Y/N. Like in a romantic way.” He pressed a kiss to your head.
The two of you sat there quietly, and you couldn’t stop smiling. “Hotch is kinda scary when he’s mad.” You murmured, Spencer’s fingers still in your hair.
He laughed again, and you wanted to hear that sound for the rest of your life. “That just means he cares.”
You giggled, nestling into his side. You could stay like this forever.
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agxnt-of-chaos · 4 years
hi everyone! thank you for all the love and support i appreciate every one of your likes and comments :) i want to write another imagine about spencer but i’d love insight from you all! would you rather a serious/angsty imagine or a cute/fluffy one?
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agxnt-of-chaos · 4 years
Drunk Love
yes another spencer imagine hehe, this one might not make a ton of sense and it may be all over the place but i had fun writing it and that’s what matters :)
summary: the reader is spencer’s best friend, and the whole team goes out to a bar one night for drinks
warnings: language, slight violence
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You glanced up from your desk, JJ smiling down at you.
“I don’t know, I have a lot of work left.” You murmured, tapping your pen.
“You better put that pen down, baby girl.” Derek called, causing you to smile and look over.
The rest of the team was watching you, and you sighed.
“C’mon, Y/N, even Hotch is coming.” Emily said, earning a look from Hotch which she ignored.
You glanced at Spencer, who raised his eyebrows, giving you a small smile.
“Okay, fine.” You said dramatically, getting up.
The team cheered, heading out the door. You all walked a little ways down the street to the usual bar, everyone chatting and in a better mood than usual. You were quiet, walking by yourself and enjoying the cool night air.
You looked up to see Spencer walking next to you.
“Hey, Spence.” You smiled at him, self-consciously tucking your hair behind your ears.
Spencer was kind of your best friend. And you were also a little in love with him. You couldn’t help it. When you first met him, the two of you just clicked, unable to stop talking about anything and everything. He always sat and listened to your ramblings about your favorite movies, and you appreciated everything he had to say in return. The team teased both of you a lot, telling Spencer that he finally found someone willing to listen to his long speeches. In fact, you loved hearing him talk. You always fancied yourself pretty intelligent, but Spencer blew you away with his smarts.
“When we get to the bar, can I buy you a drink?”
He snapped you out of your thoughts, and you took a moment to process what he said.
“Oh, yeah, sure!” You said, a little too excitedly.
He smiled at you, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d say his face was a little red.
When you got to the bar, you started following Spencer, but Derek grabbed your hand. “Let’s dance, baby!”
You laughed, smacking his hand. “I’m too sober to dance.”
He pleaded, trying to pull you towards the dance floor. You gave in, calling back to Spencer that you’d be back in a little while.
The music was loud and everyone was hot and sweaty, but it was fun letting Derek twirl you around. The music changed, the beat pounding in your ears, and you swayed your hips. A few songs later, you left the dance floor, Derek surrounded by four women. You waved at him and he winked, blowing you a kiss. Rolling your eyes, you found Spencer at the bar, and you hopped up on the stool next to him.
“Hey, sorry.” You smiled at him, still breathing heavily from dancing.
He was holding a glass filled with something dark, probably whiskey. “Have fun dancing with Morgan?” He asked, a little sharply.
You stared at him. “Uh, yeah. Why?”
“No reason.” He shrugged, still not looking at you.
A teasing smile pulled your lips up. “What’s wrong, Reid? You jealous?”
Spencer looked up, his eyes dark and serious. “Maybe.”
You blinked, a little taken aback by his tone. You were so used to his jokes and easy laugh, and you’d never seen him upset. “Look, I’m sorry, Spence. I promised to get a drink with you, I should’ve kept my word.”
He sighed, glancing at you. “It’s okay. What do you want to drink?”
“How about whatever you’re drinking?” You said, hoping to get a smile out of him.
Ordering for you, he turned towards you, no longer looking super serious, but instead, a little sad.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” You asked, eyes widening. You grabbed his arm, trying to ignore how his muscles felt. “Seriously, Spence, what’s going on?”
Spencer plastered a very fake smile on his face. “Nothing, Y/N. I’m just tired of being a coward.”
You studied him, noting how he wouldn’t look you in the eyes and how tense his arm was under your touch.
“You better not be profiling me.” He said, some semblance of amusement in his voice.
“You’re not a coward. What’re you talking about?” You said worriedly, creasing your eyebrows.
He smiled an almost real smile. “Never mind.” The bartender placed your drink in front of him, and Spencer handed it to you. “Let’s just get drunk.”
Still worried, you agreed, and he clinked his glass against yours.
You were a lot different when you were drunk. Normally, you were a little quiet, and you could have fun, but nothing over the top. However, drunk you was very over the top. Extremely loud, competitive, sometimes annoying.
“Arm wrestle, right now, Hotch.” You slammed your elbow onto the bar.
Hotch raised his eyebrows over his glass of beer. “You’re drunk, Y/L/N. I don’t want to hurt you.”
You snorted, almost falling off the stool. Someone grabbed your hips and righted you. “Someone’s afraid of losing.”
“Alright, just one round.” Hotch grabbed your hand, and you pushed hard. His hand didn’t budge.
“God, are you made of iron?” You gritted your teeth, trying to find traction.
Hotch flashed his elusive smile, barely moving his arm and pushing yours down. The team, who’d been watching, all burst into laughter, and you pouted, glaring at Hotch. He shrugged, his eyes amused.
A song came on, and Derek herded everyone to the dance floor. Hotch got up, and Rossi followed him somewhere.
“Y/N, you okay?” Spencer was suddenly at your shoulder, his pretty eyes in your face.
Your lips curled up. He was so handsome. “Fine, cutie.” You patted his cheek, enjoying the feeling of his jaw.
He turned a bit red. “I’m gonna get you some water, stay here.”
You watched him walk away, putting your chin in your hand. Maybe you should tell him how you felt tonight. You could climb up on the bar and scream it to the rooftops. The thought made you giggle.
“Hey, little missy.”
You turned to see a man next to you, grinning.
You creased your eyebrows. “Do I know you?”
“No, sweetheart, but I’d like to know you.” He winked, and before your drunk brain could process it, his hand was on your back and he was leading you out of the bar.
You were outside by the time you reacted. “Hey, don’t touch me, asshole.” You slammed your elbow into his stomach, and the man doubled over.
Turning to go back inside, he grabbed your arm, yanking hard, and you fell on your butt. Your head spun for a second, and you cursed those last vodka shots you’d taken with JJ.
“Fucking bitch.” The man muttered, reaching for your leg. You kicked, and he cursed at you again.
“I’ll arrest you.” You mumbled, wanting him to just fuck off.
Before you could say anything else, his hand whipped across your face and you saw stars for a moment. A hard slap to the face really did a lot to sober you up. He grabbed your shirt, lifting you up, and you slammed your knee into his crotch. He practically howled, and you swung your head forward into his nose. His hands let go of your shirt to cover his now bleeding nose.
You turned, almost stumbling, to see Spencer staring with wide eyes at you. “What’s going on?”
“I’m fine, Spence, this guy’s just a butthead.” You laughed, tripping over to him.
He grabbed your arms, steadying you. “What’d you do to her?”
The man somehow sneered with a broken nose. “Little bitch was asking for it.”
“I told you not to touch me!” You yelled. “You want me to break some of your fingers too, douchebag?”
“Watch your mouth, slut!” He snarled, blood dripping onto the ground.
Spencer hands tightened on my arms. “Don’t talk to her like that.”
The man scoffed, spraying blood. “Or what, twig? The hell you gonna do about it?”
“What the fuck did you just say to him?” You said, your voice becoming cold.
“Y/N, let’s get back inside.” Spencer’s voice was hard, and he tugged my arm gently.
“No, Spencer, he can’t talk to you like that.” You hissed, your rage mixing with the alcohol to make a dangerous combination.
“What’re you two gonna do about it?” The man said, his words a little slurred. “A skinny ass kid, and a chick who was asking for it.”
You stepped towards him. “Oh, yeah, bitch, why don’t you do something then, instead of talking? Scared this chick will kick your ass again?”
Sure enough, he took the bait, grabbing your arm and throwing you on the ground. That was all Spencer needed. “Put your hands in the air, you’re under arrest.”
You watched as Spencer handcuffed the bewildered man, before calling the police. They came, taking him away, and you smiled, still on the ground. Spencer offered you his hand, and you took it, letting him pull you up.
“See, Spence, you’re no coward.” You smiled up at him, enjoying how close he was.
His hand was still in yours, and he looked a little nervous. “I can handle criminals, that’s no problem.”
You wanted to blurt how you felt right now, you didn’t care that you were drunk.
He continued, his long fingers lacing through yours. “I’m just a coward when it comes to you, Y/N.”
Your mouth fell open, and you didn’t know what to say.
“I’ve wanted to tell you how I felt for so long, but I’m a coward and I couldn’t.” His words started speeding up, like they did when he was freaking out. “I - I get so jealous when I see you laughing with JJ or dancing with Morgan, but it’s my own fault because I don’t have the courage to tell you that I like you.”
You grabbed his head, pulling him down, and kissed him.
Spencer stiffened, and then grabbed your face, cupping it in his hands. The kiss was somehow innocent and passionate at the same time, and you couldn’t believe you were finally kissing him, your best friend.
You pulled away, your eyes wide. “I like you too.”
He smiled down at you, his eyes shining.
“Well, it is about time.”
You and Spencer swiveled, his arms going around you. The team was standing there, each one with a huge grin on their face.
“You owe me ten bucks, Morgan.” Emily laughed, holding her hand out.
Derek grumbled, but shot Spencer and you a wink.
“What are you guys doing?” Spencer asked, his arm tightening protectively.
JJ smiled. “We’ve been waiting for you guys to admit your feelings. I mean, everyone knew except the two of you.”
You peeked over Spencer’s arm, glaring at them. “Privacy please!”
That got a big laugh out of them, but they listened to you and went back into the bar.
You turned back to Spencer, playing with his tie. “Did you suggest I get drunk so I won’t remember this tomorrow?” You teased, smiling up at him.
A sneaky smile slipped onto his face. “I suggested we both get drunk so I would have the courage to do this.”
He grabbed your hips, pulling you closer and kissing you so hard that you couldn’t think.
When you broke apart, your legs felt like jelly. “Damn, Spence.” You gasped, starry-eyed.
“Would you want to come over?” He asked, making your stomach flip flop. “We could finish Star Wars. You could borrow some pajamas.”
You laughed, slipping your hand into his and beginning to walk down the street with him. “I’d love that.” You hugged his arm, smiling happily. “You know, you’re the only who could make me that sound romantic, Reid.”
“And you’re the only one who would find that romantic.” Spencer murmured, a smile in his voice.
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agxnt-of-chaos · 4 years
hi everyone :) so this imagine might’ve honestly been my favorite to write, it took a while because i kept changing things to make it perfect lol
summary: the reader is saved by the b.a.u., specifically spencer, and they start writing to each other, eventually meeting up
warnings: kind of distressing themes, mentions of violence
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Things felt hazy.
At first, you maybe just thought you had too much to drink with friends and were having the worst hangover of your life. Then, when things got clearer, you remembered. This happened over and over again, but the remembering was always the worst part. Because every time you did, he would come back, and he’d hurt you again, and again, and again. You somehow managed to struggle every time he came for you, but your struggles were getting weaker and the pain was getting worse. You knew what he had done to those other girls, and you knew that when you no longer fought him, you no longer kicked or bit or screamed, he was going to kill you.
Waking up was difficult, because it was getting harder to separate dreams from reality. Everything was a nightmare. So, when you woke up one day to hear yells and gunshots, you didn’t move. It was just another nightmare. You’d wake up again and it would just continue. The door opened and some deep survival instinct in you told you that you needed to struggle.
“Stay away from me.” You barely managed a weak kick.
“I’m with the FBI, I’m here to get you out.”
Out? The only out you could remember was outside of this tiny room, and outside meant pain.
Hands gripped your arms and you struggled, sobs wracking your body. “Please.” You didn’t want to fight anymore, it was so hard. “Just leave me alone, please.” You begged, already envisioning the pain waiting for you.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.”
Beautiful hazel eyes appeared in your vision and it made you stop. The man didn’t have hazel eyes, his eyes were blue. Blue and so cold and so unfeeling. Not these eyes, these eyes were warm, like summer turning to fall.
“That’s it, it’s okay. I’m here and we’re going to help you.”
His voice was different too, so calming and smooth. Not yelling at you, not abusing you. This voice was safe.
“Help.” You whispered. You had hoped help would come, but the days got longer and the pain got worse, and eventually there wasn’t enough energy for hope. “Please don’t let him hurt me.”
“He’s not going to hurt you ever again, you’re safe.”
His words started to register with you and you grabbed him, making sure this wasn’t another dream. His hands gripped yours, and you started sobbing again. “Thank you.” You managed to gasp, holding on to his shirt.
Gentle hands brushed your hair back, stroking your cheek with so much tenderness.
Picking you up, he continued to murmur calming things, and you stared up at him. It wasn’t him, it wasn’t the man. It was someone else, and he had such a nice face. He promised you that the man wouldn’t hurt you anymore.
“What’s your name?”
He looked down at you, a small smile on his face. A smile. He was happy, you couldn’t even remember happiness.
“My name is Spencer.”
“Spencer.” You reached up and touched his face, feeling the soft skin. “Are you an angel?”
He had to be, with his warm eyes and safe voice. That smile promised things that you had almost forgotten about - family, friends, love, safety.
There was another smile in his voice when he answered. “An angel? Maybe just for you, I’m just your angel.”
You liked that. Just your angel.
Recovery took a long time. It wasn’t just physical, you had to go through a lot of therapy and psychiatrists before you felt even a semblance of how you did before.
While you were still in the hospital, tubes and needles everywhere, a letter arrived for you. With fumbling fingers - you didn’t want help - you almost ripped the letter itself while trying to open the envelope. Finally, you did, but your hands trembled so badly that you had to lay it down to read. The writing was messy and unfamiliar, so it took you a few moments to understand.
Dear Miss Y/L/N, I hope that you’ll remember me. My name is Spencer Reid, I’m an FBI agent with the Behavior Analysis Unit. You asked if I was an angel. I was just writing to see how you’re doing. I understand how difficult it is to recover from what you went through, and I’m going to give you my address so you can write back to me. I’d love to hear from you. Your angel, Spencer
Tears were falling down your face by the time you finished. Not caring about who saw you, you grabbed the letter and hugged it, wishing it was him, Spencer. Of course, you remembered him. He was the first person to make you feel safe again, your angel.
That letter was by your side during your entire recovery. You wrote him back, and the two of you began exchanging letters frequently. He would tell you about being an FBI agent, and you informed him about your recovery. His letters were your light in the darkness during recovery. When things would get bad, you’d reread them, remembering that there were people out there spending their lives to help others. Over time, you started to realize that you were a little bit in love with Spencer, a man you’d met once.
A few months after being let out of the hospital, you got a letter from Spencer asking you to visit him in Washington. Being in New York, it was just a train ride down, so you agreed without hesitation.
The day of your trip, you dressed quickly, not even caring about the scars you covered up as you pulled on a sweater. The train ride seemed to last way too long, and when you stepped off, into the station, your heart was practically leaping out of your chest. Spencer had said he’d pick you up here and show you around the city. You gripped your straps on your backpack, anxiously looking around for any sight of him. As the minutes passed and you didn’t see him, you started to think the worst. He was standing you up. Or maybe he saw you and thought you were hideous and he had already left because -
You whirled around, seeing him hurrying towards you.
Oh Lord.
Spencer was still the man you remembered, but he had he always been so
 attractive? He was so much taller than you thought, and his wavy hair looked softer than yours.
“S-Spencer!” You were unsure of what to say, after all, meeting in person was a lot different than writing letters.
“Hi.” He stopped in front of you, giving you that achingly beautiful smile you remembered.
His amber eyes were even prettier in daylight. “I’m really glad you came, I’ve been looking forward to seeing you.”
You managed to find your voice. “Yeah, I’m happy to be here.”
“You look really good.” He said softly, his eyes drifting down your body. They quickly snapped back up to your face, his cheeks slightly pink. “I, uh, just meant that you look like you’re doing well.”
Your own cheeks turned a bit red, but a little courage came out of nowhere. “I mean, I’d hope I look a little better than when you last saw me.” You said teasingly, giving him a smile.
He laughed, some of the tension leaving both of you. “Yes.” He hesitated for a moment before continuing. “You look very pretty too.”
“Oh.” It felt like all the breath left your body, and you could only smile stupidly at him. That was the power one compliment from him had over you. “Thank you.” You managed to murmur.
“Do you want to go? I have a restaurant I want to show you.” Spencer held out his hand and you stared at it for a moment, wondering what he was doing. Then it hit you, and you took his hand tentatively. His fingers laced through yours as if it were the most natural thing in the world. And it kinda was. Your hands felt made to fit together.
The day whizzed by you much faster than you would’ve hoped, but it was filled with laughs and shy smiles. As evening started to fall, Spencer walked you back to the train station.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright?”
You smiled up at him. “Yes, but thank you for worrying.”
You both stopped right by the entrance to the station, neither of you wanting to say goodbye and end the perfect day.
“Maybe I could come visit you in New York.” Spencer suddenly said, his eyes widening hopefully.
“I’d love that.” You said honestly, already missing him.
Silence filled the air again, and you wanted to blurt out how you felt about him, but you couldn’t work up the courage.
“Yeah, Spencer?”
“Can I kiss you?”
Your eyes widened, and you nodded, unable to speak. Spencer leaned in, catching your chin in his hand and pressing a short, sweet kiss to your lips. The kiss was innocent, and yet it held so many promises. Promises of more kisses to come, promises of so many more days like this, promises of a future.
“I love you.” You whispered, the kiss giving you the courage you needed.
Spencer smiled at you, that smile that taught you happiness. “I love you too.”
Wrapping his arms around you, you buried your face in his chest, feeling him press another kiss to your head. You’d miss him, but right now, all you could think about was how lucky you were to have Spencer. Your angel.
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agxnt-of-chaos · 4 years
High School Sweethearts Part 2
this is the second and last part to the imagine, i don’t think it’s as good as the first part but enjoy :) seriously pls let me know if you want me to write anything, this quarantine has given me so much time lol
this part is basically the end of the case at the high school (it’s a little longer than the first part)
warnings: the tiniest bit of violence, some making out lol
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It was impossible to focus in the classroom.
You didn’t care about the lesson, no, but you were supposed to be keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. All that was on your mind though was Spencer’s lips, his hands on -
“Hey, I really like your sweater.”
You nearly jumped, your cheeks turning red. You turned to see a pretty young girl grinning at you. It took a moment to process her words. “Oh, oh, thank you!”
She nodded. She had long blonde hair with bright green eyes. I’d seen her earlier in the hallway, surrounded by a lot of friends. She was definitely popular, therefore someone I would want to talk to. “I’m Maddie.” She whispered, sticking her hand out.
You shook it, glancing at the teacher in the front. “I’m Y/N.”
“Don’t worry about him.” Maddie smiled. “You’re new, right?”
You nodded, smiling back and studying her.
She had on nice clothes, a little similar to what you had on, but her shoes were definitely a designer brand. Her wrist jangled with a shiny bracelet. She was definitely upper middle class, probably had a good family which lended to her easy confidence.
“Do you wanna have lunch with my friends and I?” She asked, leaning back.
“I’d love to.” You replied, wondering how Spencer was getting on.
After class, Maddie waved at you and told you to meet her in the cafeteria at lunch. In the halls, you searched for Spencer, unable to stop your heart from speeding up at the thought of seeing him.
Someone grabbed your arm and you turned, hoping to see Spencer. It wasn’t. It was a guy with dark hair and even darker circles around his eyes.
You instinctively pulled your arm away. “Can I help you?”
“You should stay away from that girl. She’s not a good person.” He said, his words rushed. His eyes darted around the hallway, seeming to catch on everything.
This guy was definitely off, his behavior verging on guilty, and you needed to know more. “What’s your name?” You asked, stepping off to the side of the hallway.
He shook his head quickly, grabbing your arm and squeezing. “Seriously, I’m warning you. Just stay away from her, it’s for your own safety.”
With that, the boy disappeared down the hallway and you stared at him, rubbing your arm. You needed to talk to the team.
At lunchtime, you were hurrying towards the cafeteria, eager to get information from Maddie.
You turned, seeing Spencer jogging over to you. His button down had come untucked, and you smiled at his messy hair.
He stopped in front of you, putting his hands in his pockets. “Hey.”
“Hi.” You replied, blushing and smiling like a giddy teen.
He cleared his throat. “Uh, so have you learned anything?”
Your smile dropped, telling him about the guy from earlier quickly. Spencer grew serious as well, crossing his arms. You tried not to stare at him as you explained the guy’s odd demeanor.
“We should definitely have the team look into him.” He said slowly. “If he’s our unsub, he sounds like he’s deteriorating quickly.”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking.” You nodded, shifting your backpack. “Look, see if you can find anything else out about him. I have to go to lunch and talk to this girl I met.”
Spencer frowned, the look making you wanna kiss it off his face. “You already made friends?”
You laughed. “Yep, it’s cause of my amazing personality.”
“More like that skirt.” Spencer murmured, his eyes flickering down to it. My mouth dropped open at his boldness, and his own cheeks turned red. “I - I just meant - ”
You cut him off by pulling him down to you and kissing him. His hands curled around your waist, squeezing into the soft skin. A soft whimper escaped you, which made him yank you closer to him. You felt warm everywhere, and you wanted his hands everywhere.
He broke away, his eyes darker than you’d ever seen.
“Damn, Reid.” You gasped, your chest heaving. If you had known he’d be such an amazing kisser, you would’ve kissed him a long time ago.
His hands reached down, yanking your skirt down to an appropriate length. “Let me know if you figure anything else out.”
“Y-yeah.” You murmured, watching him hurry down the empty hall. You leaned against the wall, letting out a slow breath. These short little make out sessions were going to make you explode.
Entering the cafeteria, Maddie waved at you from a table. “Hey!” She greeted, scooting over and letting you sit next to her.
“Hi.” You smiled, deciding the play this in a shy way. “Thank you for letting me sit with you.”
Maddie smiled at you, patting your shoulder. “Of course.” She introduced her friends at the table to you, and they all greeted you with the same enthusiasm.
You decided to get straight to the point. “This is so random, but this guy stopped me in the hall. He told me I shouldn’t be friends with you.”
Maddie rolled her eyes, making a noise of annoyance. “That’s Clyde Davidson. He hates our group for some reason.”
“Just for no reason? That’s odd.” You murmured, talking a sip of water.
A guy across from you spoke up. “We were friends with him in middle school, but he started getting weird when we got to high school, so we stopped hanging out with him.”
“Weird how?” You widened your eyes at Maddie.
She sighed. “He constantly told us we were spoiled and privileged, and that one day we’d get a reality check.”
The girl on the other side of me leaned in. “I saw him kill a bird when we were in eighth grade. Just smashed it like it was nothing.”
Maddie spoke up, her voice a bit softer. “After those people in our class were killed, I tried to tell my parents that Clyde hated us, but they wouldn’t listen.”
Your mind raced. It was seeming more and more like Clyde was your unsub. He showed one of the signs of a serial killer, and you were willing to bet he had done more. The way he had grabbed your arm and practically begged you to stay away from Maddie seemed to indicate he was losing control and fast. It was likely he’d try to kill again soon. You needed to inform the team.
After the school day was over, you waited for Spencer by the entrance, wondering where he was. You guys really needed to talk to the team and fast.
“Don’t touch me, you freak.”
Your head snapped up, the harsh words coming from a nearby classroom. You crept over to it, peering in the window. Maddie was standing near the front with a boy blocking her way to the door. His back was to you. As you watched, Maddie’s face went white as the boy pulled something from his pocket.
“Don’t come near me.” She put her hands out, backing up.
The boy raised his hand and metal glinted. You cursed. Your gun was back with the team since your outfit didn’t allow it to be hidden and there was no time to wait for Spencer. You opened the door slowly, putting your finger up to your lip so that Maddie would stay quiet. She didn’t listen.
“Help me! He’s gonna stab me!” She cried, tears flowing down her face.
The boy whirled around, and sure enough, it was Clyde. You didn’t wait for him to get his bearings. Launching forward, you tackled him, his head slamming into a desk. You pinned his hand to the floor, yanking the knife away.
“Stay down.” You ordered, tossing the weapon away. “I’m with the FBI, get on your stomach and raise your hands into the air.”
Clyde’s eyes burned into yours and he struggled, nearly breaking your grip on his arms. “She deserves it! She doesn’t know how privileged she really is!”
“On your stomach, now!” You yelled, jamming your knee into his side.
This time, he listened, and you shoved your knee into his back, yanking his wrists down. You didn’t have any handcuffs either, so you prayed that Spencer would show up soon.
“Y-you’re FBI?” Maddie’s eyes were wide, tears still dripping down her face.
“Behavior Analysis Unit.” You nodded.
Her mouth dropped open. “I thought you were in high school.”
“That’s the point.” You muttered, struggling to keep Clyde still. Finally, footsteps sounded outside and you heard the door open. “That better be you, Spence.”
“Y/N, what happened?” He rushed over, kneeling besides you.
“Do you have your handcuffs? I’ll explain later.”
He handed some to you, and in seconds, Clyde was handcuffed and up.
Later, after everything was sorted out - Clyde’s DNA matched that at the other scenes - the team was back on the plane, everyone else asleep.
Spencer and you were sitting side by side, both quiet. You were unsure what to say.
“Would you like to go out to dinner with me?” Spencer suddenly asked, glancing quickly at you.
You smiled. “I’d love to.”
He smiled back, clearing his throat and looking back out the window.
“Spence.” You murmured, getting him to look at you. Leaning forward, you pressed a short kiss to his lips. When you pulled away, he grabbed your face and kissed you again, threading his fingers through the hair at the nape of your neck. You grabbed his shirt, the top buttons accidentally popping open. Neither of you cared, and your hands slipped under his shirt, heart leaping at the feeling of his shoulders. As he somehow pulled you even closer, his muscles flexed and you bit his lip, eliciting a groan from him.
“Shh.” You murmured against his lips.
“Don’t shush me.” Spencer mumbled, wrapping his arm around your neck and covering your mouth with his hand.
You gave him a look, wondering what the hell he was doing, and then his lips attached to your throat and you almost melted. You couldn’t stop the noises escaping your mouth as he kissed and sucked, probably leaving bruises, and you mentally thanked him for having enough sense to cover your mouth.
“Who needs to shush now?” Spencer breathed against your neck, making you shiver.
You desperately wanted to kiss him, so you yanked his hand off your mouth and slammed your lips together again. If this didn’t slow down you were ready to have sex in the damn plane. Spencer’s hands felt like they were everywhere, your face, your hair, your back, and you wanted him everywhere. You needed -
You and Spencer fell away from each other and looked up to see Derek smiling at you. Your cheeks burned and you didn’t know what to say.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anybody.” He chuckled, winking at us and heading back to his seat. “About damn time though.”
You blew a slow breath out, glancing over at Spencer. His cheeks were flushed and his hair was an even bigger mess than before.
“So, dinner?” He said softly, giving you an innocent smile.
You nodded, grabbing his hand and lacing your fingers through it. “Maybe I’ll wear that skirt again.” You said, only half joking.
His eyes widened and he bit his lip. “I think I’d like that.”
“I know you would, genius.”
You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before resting your head on his shoulder. He started to gently stroke your hair, the feeling comforting.
Pretending to be in high school had been fun, but you’d take this reality over that any day.
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agxnt-of-chaos · 4 years
High School Sweethearts
i wrote another spencer imagine whoops lol, they’re just so fun. this one was really cute to write! i’d love if anyone had a request, just lmk :)
summary: you and spencer go undercover at a high school for a case
warnings: none
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You laughed at Spencer’s shocked face as you laid down your remaining cards, discarding the last one.
“What? How are you so good at this?” He frowned at his cards, tossing them onto the table.
You scooped them all up, starting to shuffle. “I’ve been playing since I was a kid.” You raised an eyebrow at him. “Not all of us are geniuses, Reid. Some of us just practice.”
Spencer laced his fingers together. “Let’s play something else. Chess?”
You laughed again, tapping the cards against your leg. “Like hell I’d play that with you.”
A smile turned his lips up, and you tried to not stare at how cute it was.
“Conference room, now.” Hotch strode by, not bothering to stop.
You exchanged a look with Spencer. “Would it kill him to say please?”
He gave you a real smile, making your heart lurch. “Quite possibly.”
You followed behind Spencer, running your hands through your hair and watching his back. You and him had a weird relationship. It was definitely competitive - you and him tried to one-up each other in everything. Lately though, it’d changed. At first you didn’t know what was different, but you realized you had both stopped teasing each other as much, and started, well, almost flirting. Little compliments here and there, and suddenly he was on your mind constantly. It was a little unnerving.
You shook your head, trying to focus as you sat down in the conference room. Hotch explained the case quickly. Four high school students were dead, three girls and one boy. It looked like one of their own classmates or at least someone their own age was doing it, because the kills were messy.
“Prentiss had the idea to send someone undercover to the high school.”
You blinked, raising your eyebrows. “Who would we even send in?”
The team stared at you.
You stared right back before it clicked. Sometimes you wondered how you got into the FBI. “Wait, me?”
Hotch cracked the tiniest smile. “You and Reid. You both look the youngest, you could pass as high schoolers. It would be easier and there would be more access to information than if we sent in an undercover teacher.”
Scoffing, you sat back. “I know we look young, but high schoolers?”
“Y/N, someone on our last case asked if you were sixteen.” Derek replied, grinning.
You scowled at him as everyone else laughed. “Point taken.”
“We gotta get going, we’ll talk logistics on the plane.” Hotch ordered, already packing up his stuff. “Let’s go.”
You stared at Spencer, then down at yourself. “Do we look like high schoolers or just adults playing dress up?”
He looked at you, and you noticed his cheeks turn a little pink.
“Spence, you good?” You asked, biting back a smile.
Clearing his throat, he nodded. “Uh, yeah. This is what teenagers are wearing.”
Spencer had on a button-down and jeans, not a far cry from what he usually wore. You, on the other hand, were wearing a denim mini skirt, with a tight sweater that was missing the top two buttons. Not your usual work clothes. “Well, let’s do this and hopefully not look like idiots.” You murmured, thinking about the many ways this could go wrong.
High school was as much of a drag as you remembered. It was difficult to not stand out as a new face, and you staved off questions as best you could. This was definitely the weirdest case you’d ever worked. During a break, you shoved through the hallways, trying to find the meeting place you and Spencer had agreed on. We had to compare our observations so far. Just as students were heading to their classes, you found the janitor’s closet for your meeting place. Making sure no one was watching, you ducked in.
“About time.” Spencer immediately said as you closed the door. “We’re gonna be late to our next class.”
You looked at him, smiling. “Are you serious?”
He nodded, his pretty eyes wide with worry. “If we’re late, people will suspect us.”
“God, you’re such a nerd.” You laughed, teasingly smacking his arm. “Didn’t you ever skip class in school?”
“No, I was twelve, remember?” He replied, smiling. “Too busy being a genius.”
You hummed. “Of course.”
“So, uh.” Spencer cleared his throat, glancing down. “Have you learned anything?”
“Besides these skirts being damn uncomfortable?” You joked, tugging the skirt down.
He smiled, his cheeks turning slightly pink. His eyes flickered down your figure for a split second, before looking up.
God, he was attractive. It didn’t help that you were stuck in a small space with him.
“Uh, I haven’t heard much.” You continued, knowing that flirting now was unprofessional. “Just standard high school gossip, different cliques not liking each other and stuff.”
“I haven’t heard anything. People just keep asking me where I’m from.” He crossed his arms, biting his lip.
You stared at his rolled up sleeves that exposed his forearms. Didn’t he know that high school students were supposed to be awkward? Not so attractive that it was verging on ridiculous.
For a moment, you lost your train of thought, but footsteps outside snapped you back. You and Spencer stared at the door, and you backed up towards him. Hoping that it was just a teacher walking by, you really did feel like a teenager about to be caught. Your mind raced as the footsteps stopped outside the door, and the knob started turning.
You whirled towards Spencer. “Kiss me.”
His mouth fell open. “W-what?”
The door opened and you grabbed the front of his shirt, yanking his face down to yours. Your lips slammed together and Spencer made a noise of shock, before grabbing your face. You completely forgot what was happening as you kissed Spencer. His hands tangled in your hair and you nearly moaned into his mouth at the feeling. You squeezed his shirt in your fists, wanting him even closer and -
“Hey, you kids need to get to class!”
You broke away from him, both of you turning to see a janitor rolling his eyes. “I won’t tell anyone this time cause I’m busy as hell, just get to class.” Grumbling to himself, he grabbed a mop and left.
It took a moment to catch your breath, and when you looked back at Spencer, he was staring at you. You realized his hands were still in your hair, and you were still gripping his shirt. Slowly, you relaxed them, stepping back. “Um, sorry. I panicked. It was the only thing I could - ”
He cut you off by kissing you again. Your eyes shot open before shutting, and you grabbed his head, pulling him even closer. His hands trailed down your back, the feeling making you shiver into him. You had wondered what kissing him would be like, and it was better than you could’ve ever hoped. His lips were ridiculously soft, and soft groans escaped them every time you tugged on his hair.
When you finally broke apart, you couldn’t breathe.
“Should we get to class?” Spencer whispered, his lips swollen.
You couldn’t think, his hands on your lower back making you more flustered than they should’ve. “What?”
He smiled at you, making your knees weak. “We’re still working the case.”
You stepped back, taking a deep breath and adjusting your skirt. “Let me breathe for a second, genius, geez.”
His eyes trailed down, watching you fix the skirt. “I like your outfit.”
You could not look at him because if you did you would fall apart, and things would escalate right in this tiny janitor’s closet. “Spence, I really want to kiss you again, but you’re right, we have to work the case.”
His hand grabbed your chin gently and you looked up at him. Damn, he was gorgeous. “One more kiss?” He whispered, his eyes wide.
You sighed, smiling. “How could I say no?”
You really did feel like a teenager again.
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agxnt-of-chaos · 4 years
hi yes i wrote another imagine about my love spencer reid oops. i wrote this one in the reader’s view, hopefully it’s okay?
summary: the reader and spencer are together and the team suggests that the reader acts as bait for a serial killer
warnings: some violence, swearing, nothing too extreme
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You could already hear Hotch’s voice.
Late again, Y/N?
Blowing a strand of hair out of your face, you struggled with the files in your arms as you practically sprinted down the hall to the conference room.
“I am so sorry.” You immediately began apologizing as you burst into the room. The files practically fell out of your arms onto the table, and you kept babbling about excuses when you realized your team was silent. You paused, glancing around the room. “Is everything okay?”
Wordlessly Hotch pointed to the projector screen. For a moment you stared at the girl on it, wondering why she was the object of everyone’s shock. Then it clicked. She looked like you.
“What the hell?”
You stepped closer to the screen, touching your own face as if you were the one bloody and beaten like that poor girl. She had the same color hair as you, the same color eyes, the same face shape, hell, she even had a dimple on her cheek, just like you.
“All the other victims look like you too.” Derek spoke up, finally causing you to tear your eyes away.
You glanced at Spencer, who looked horrified. You and him had been going out for about four months. It was a secret from your team. Sure, you wanted to tell them, but in good time.
Emily tentatively spoke up, snapping you out of your thoughts. “We could use Y/N to draw our unsub out.”
All eyes turned to Spencer who was clenching his fists tightly. He wasn’t looking at anyone, just at the table.
“You good, genius boy?” Derek asked, his eyebrows creased.
“Reid, Prentiss is right.” Hotch said softly. “Y/N could be our key to finding him.”
“It’s - it’s not safe.” Spencer wrung his hands. “I mean, even with us there there’s a chance things could go wrong.”
“Spence.” You said quietly, catching his eye.
He shook his head almost imperceptibly. You loved how much he cared, and all you wanted was to grab his face and kiss his genius ass stupid.
You managed to tear your eyes away from him. “I’ll do it, Hotch.”
He stared at you, nodding slowly. “Good. Wheels up in fifteen. I’ll brief you more on the plane.”
Everyone scrambled up and hurried out, with you and Spencer lingering behind. “Y/N, this isn’t a good idea.” He said, standing up.
You sighed, rubbing your forehead. “We don’t have any other good ideas.”
“I’ll think of something! We will! It’s our job!” Spencer protested, waving his arms.
That made you smile. You wanted so badly to just collapse into his arms, but you were at work. “Don’t worry about me, genius.” You replied teasingly.
Your nickname made him relax slightly, but he still had that wounded puppy look in his eyes. “I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
Deciding you didn’t care if anyone saw, you stepped forward and pushed yourself on your toes. You pressed a soft kiss to Spencer’s lips. The tension left him and he cupped your cheek, kissing you back with more intensity. You pulled away, but he kept his hand on your face, twining your hair through his fingers.
“Promise be you’ll be careful, alright?” He murmured, his eyes searching your face.
You pressed a quick kiss to his hand. “Aren’t I always, sweetheart?”
Staring at yourself in the mirror, you realized you looked much younger in the outfit you were wearing. It was similar to what the victim’s had worn - low rise jeans, a cami, and some wedges. What teenagers were wearing. This sick bastard was killing teenagers. You stepped out of the mall’s bathroom, putting on the facade you’d been instructed to act out. Swaying your hips, you walked in and out of shops, eventually buying a soda at a fast food joint. The whole time, Hotch’s voice was in your head telling you what had happened to the victims.
Seems like he hangs onto the girls for some time before strangling them.
They all showed signs of some kind of torture.
All the girls were raped when they were tested.
You blew a breath out of your mouth slowly, deciding to just sit on a bench and see what happened. All six girls had been kidnapped from this mall, and no witnesses had seen anything. You took another sip of soda, eyeing a man who came and sat at a bench near you. As you were studying him, a commotion broke out in a nearby shop. What sounded like gunshots exploded throughout the mall, and suddenly everyone was screaming and running in all directions.
Before you could even think about what to do, something slammed into your head and everything went black.
Waking up was painful. Your head pounded, and every time you tried to open your eyes, the light made it ache even worse. It was definitely a concussion.
“Open your eyes, beautiful.” A voice cooed.
You forced your eyes open and pain spiked in your head, but at least you were able to see. A man sat on a chair opposite you. You were tied to your own chair, your wrists secured to the arms with rope.
“There’s my girl.” He had a rather high-pitched voice, seeming almost giddy. He was rather, well, average, with sandy hair and relatively well-built body.
His words were unexpected and your head wasn’t exactly clear. “What? Who are you?”
He gave you a chilling smile. “I’m your Prince Charming.”
You stared at him, struggling to wrap your mind around this. It felt like your head was lagging.
Before you could speak, he spoke again. “I know who you are. Agent Y/N Y/L/N. Part of the Behavior Analysis Unit.” He sat forward in his chair. “I’ve seen you on the news.”
Things were catching up to you one bit at a time. He saw you on the news, the victims all looked like you. Your eyes widened.
He spoke again before you could. “My name’s Matthew Hopkins.” He reached forward, cupping your face in his hand.
You yanked your head away. “Don’t touch me, you creep.”
His face darkened. “Don’t talk to me like that. Do you know what I’ve done for you?”
“Kill six innocent girls?” You hissed back, your mind racing to profile this man.
He stood up quickly, the chair falling backwards. “I did it for you!”
“I don’t even know who you are.” You snapped back. You knew you were playing a dangerous game, but if this man was anything like what you expected, it might work. Damn, your head was pounding though.
The man suddenly whipped his hand through the air, slapping you hard. Immediately he was on his knees in front of you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, Y/N.” He sobbed.
You stared, your face now throbbing as well.
“I’d never hurt you. Never ever.” He kept repeating.
A distant noise caught your ear above his sobbing, and your heart leapt. Maybe it was the team coming to get you. All you had to do was keep this guy preoccupied enough to not realize it.
“You didn’t mind hurting those girls, huh?” You seethed, real anger escaping you at the thought of him torturing teenage girls.
His head snapped up, eyes watery and red.
You kept going, kept pushing the buttons you knew would piss him off. “Do you know how sad you are? You can’t even get a woman to like you so you have to kidnap one?”
“Shut up!”
“You’re pathetic.”
“Stop it!”
“You’re nothing but a sad, lonely freak!”
“I said stop!”
Suddenly you couldn’t breathe, his hands tight around your throat. You struggled, the ropes cutting into your skin as you desperately tried to fight him.
A gunshot rang through the air, and the man fell sideways, howling in pain. You sucked in air, fighting the black spots in your vision.
“Y/N?” Hands cupped your face and you fought to focus.
“Oh, god, you’re okay, you’re okay.” Spencer pressed his lips to your forehead, repeating the mantra to you. He cut the ropes off you and helped stand you up, which made your head pound more.
Even so, you managed a smile. “See, what a good idea, babe.”
“I’m never letting you out of my sight again.” His voice was shaky, but his arm was strong as he half-guided, half-carried you to safety.
You somehow laughed, the concussion probably making you delirious. “I love you.”
“And I love you.” He pressed one more kiss to your head before handing you over to a medic.
True to his word, he stayed by your side the whole time, keeping his eyes on you.
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agxnt-of-chaos · 4 years
Be Careful
hi so i accidentally deleted this so i’m posting it again b/c i’m a dumbass lol
this is my first time writing spencer reid so i hope it’s good :) it’s based off a character i just made up but if people like it then maybe i’ll write more ?
warnings: slight mention of blood but that’s it
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“You’re staring again.”
I snapped out of my reverie, tearing my eyes away from my colleague, Spencer Reid.
“I wasn’t!” I protested as Penelope perched on my desk and waggled her eyebrows at me.
She sighed dramatically. “Keira, sweetness, why don’t you just tell him that you like him?”
I stared down at my file, clutching my pen tightly. I pondered the question for a moment. Why didn’t I just tell Spencer that I liked him? We’d been friends ever since I joined the B.A.U., in fact, we were practically best friends. I tried to picture myself telling him how I felt about him and all I could see was him laughing in my face.
“I can’t.” I muttered, attempting to focus on the words in front of me.
“Honey, you know you’re gorgeous, right?” Penelope said, becoming sincere. “And besides, he’s always sneaking those glances at you too.”
I shook my head, feeling my cheeks burning.
Penelope patted me on the head, before heading back to her room.
The paper was getting blurry and I realized I was tearing up. I sighed slowly, putting my head in my hands. I was a damn special agent in one of the most respected units of the FBI, and I couldn’t even work up the nerve to tell my crush I liked him.
I snuck another glance at Spencer through my fingers. He was absorbed in his work, unlike me, and he absentmindedly ran his hand through his hair, making it stick up. That made me smile. He was so cute.
A few days later we were called out on a case in Michigan, where someone had been shooting women and cutting them open. On the fourth day of working the case, we’d finally narrowed down our suspect list to one man, and were heading out to his place.
I was struggling with my bulletproof vest - they were always too big for me - when someone grabbed the sides and tightened it for me. I looked up to see Spencer. “Oh, thanks.”
He gave me his adorable crooked grin. “You’re welcome.”
I was quiet as we headed to the cars together. In fact, we were both quiet as we took off to the unsub’s house. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but Spencer seemed nervous about something. I wrote it off as nerves of confronting the unsub.
When we got to the house, he grabbed my arm just before I got out. “Keira, be careful.” His words were laced with concern, and my cheeks reddened.
I smiled, patting his hand. “Of course. You too, Spence.”
With that, we charged into the house with our team. It was hard to remember exactly what happened. I had simply been checking out what seemed to be an empty room when I heard a gunshot. I panicked, thinking someone on the team had been shot before feeling the burning pain on my side. I looked down, saw blood oozing through my shirt, and that was it.
The next thing I knew I woke up in the hospital. My side ached, but as I reached to touch it, a nurse rushed in.
“Oh, sweetheart, don’t touch!”
Within minutes, my team had flooded the room and were all talking so loudly over each other I couldn’t concentrate. Some sort of drugs were still in my system and my head was woozy.
“That’s enough! She needs rest, I’m gonna have to ask you all to leave please!”
And as quickly as they’d appeared, my team disappeared.
The next few days were a little out of focus, but I was able to be up and about two weeks after being shot. The bullet had gone through my side, just above my bellybutton. It turned out having a too-large vest was a problem. The doctors wanted to keep me a little while longer, although I did feel fine and I just wanted to go home. I was sitting on the edge of my bed on one of my last days in the hospital when someone came in.
“Knock knock.”
I looked up and my breath caught. Spencer was standing in the doorway, clasping his hands behind his back.
I pushed myself off the bed and threw myself into a hug before I could doubt myself.
“Woah, hey. You should probably be resting.” He protested, although he wrapped his arms around me gently. I felt him press his cheek against my head for a moment.
“So, what’re you doing here?” I asked, stepping back.
Much to my surprise, he gently grabbed my hand and helped me back to the bed, where we sat down together. He was quiet, and when I looked over at him, his cheeks were a little pink.
“Spence, what’s up?” I asked nervously. Part of me wanted to blurt out my feelings right there, and part of me was nervous he was breaking up with me. But that was ridiculous. We weren’t even together. Was friend break-up a thing? That sounded -
“When I saw you on the ground in that house I thought you were going to die.” Spencer sounded the saddest I’d ever heard. “Realistically, I knew you’d probably be fine.” He added hastily, his words blending together. “I mean, a shot to the side, as long as it doesn’t hit any vital organs, usually isn’t fatal, but I was scared.”
I stared at him, as he risked little glances at me and I realized Penelope was right. He snuck those glances at me as much as I did at him.
Without hesitating, I leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek gently. His eyes widened as I pulled away and he smiled shyly.
“I like you.” I said softly, suddenly unable to look him in the eye. “I’m sorry I haven’t said anything, I - I just, well, was nervous.”
His hand gently cupped my cheek and my skin felt hot under his touch. “I like you too.”
We both leaned in at the same time, our lips brushing. I pulled back for a split second, wanting to capture this moment. His eyes were wide and he gave me his crooked smile that made my heart swell. I smiled back, leaning in for a real kiss that made fireworks explode in my stomach.
When we both leaned back, he put his arm around me, kissing the side of my head. “Sorry it took you getting shot for me to admit my feelings.” He said, both slightly amused and slightly apologetic.
I laughed, snuggling into his side. “I’d get shot everyday if it meant a kiss from you.”
At that, he laughed, kissing my head again.
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agxnt-of-chaos · 4 years
living with spencer during quarantine would include

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him ordering books online because he’s read every book in the house at least three times already 
him helping you bake brownies at 1 in the morning
home made dinner dates every thursday
afternoon walks around the apartment
sarcastic remarks
helping him with extra paper work from the office
“spencer im tired” 
“okay i’ll be in the room in a bit”
“noooo come with me”
“one more pile baby”
tickle fights
“stop stop! it tickles!”
him pinning you down on the floor to get easy access to your tickle spots
“i’ll make you a deal. if i finish this pile in the next hour, i’ll be yours all week.”
pillow fights
pillow forts
getting noise complaints from neighbors
board games in which everything is by luck so he doesnt win each time
“i dont like the game of life, there’s no real objective in which-”
“spence just spin the wheel”
laying down on his lap while he recites poems by memory
playing with his curls as you two listen to classical music when it’s raining
asking him every single questions that crosses your mind
“are aliens real?”
him going on and on about ideas you cant even grasp
learning a new language together
him speaking to you in that language almost fluently while you only learned ‘hello’ and ‘i love you’
then theres sex
and lots 
of lustful
whispers in ears 
bathtub conversations
more sex
zoom meetings with your coworkers
spencer trying to distract you behind the camera
zoom meetings with the bau
walking in the room naked to get back at spencer
him almost spitting out his drink
morgan asking him if he’s ok
that one lonely week when he’s called for a case
cuddle sessions that take up a good portion of the day
tea on the balcony when you need fresh air
“you know, if there’s one person i’d bring to a stranded island, it’d be you”
“aw, is it because you’d want to reproduce with me?”
“uh no. because you’ll tell which berries are safe to eat, duh”
“ha ha, very funny”
“im kidding, spence. you know i’d love to reproduce with you.”
butterfly kisses 
knuckle kisses
peppering every single part of your body kisses
occasional foot massages
him trying yoga with you omg
“my back hurts”
“because youre posing wrong”
him getting as close to your face as possible for fun
you licking the tip of his nose
“i love you for the weirdest reasons y/n”
“youre one to talk mr genius”
jokes about acting like that old married couple that only leaves the house to walk the dog
aka the neighbors who live across from them
the same ones who filed the noise complaints
talks about getting married
talks about getting the dog
“we should name our first dog ‘cooper’. what do you think?”
“you dont like dr. doug?”
“how about ‘doc’?”
“i’ll take it”
a/n: feel free to request ! planning to come out with more stuff :)
5K notes · View notes
agxnt-of-chaos · 5 years
This man is so frickin strong oh my gOD
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agxnt-of-chaos · 5 years
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agxnt-of-chaos · 5 years
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agxnt-of-chaos · 5 years
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“Right. We have our key, which means that somewhere, there is a keyhole.”
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agxnt-of-chaos · 5 years
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agxnt-of-chaos · 5 years
gandalf introducing bilbo to the rest of the company like
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