ahaan10723014 · 1 year
Russian strikes on civilian targets in Ukraine.
What is the Russian Federation trying to achieve?
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Russia continues to bring the "Russian world" to Ukraine, terrorizing the civilian population of Ukraine. Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, many Ukrainian civilian objects have come under fire from Russian troops. Andeach blow is accompanied by a stream of lies, propaganda and manipulation on the part of Russia.
Russian strikes on the Ukrainian energy system began in September 2022 after the retreat of the Russian army from the Kharkiv region. In response to the defeat of their army, no longer hiding behind lies about "military bases", the Russians purposefully attacked civilian critical infrastructure in Ukraine, trying to leave millions of civilians without electricity and heating, thereby once again confirming their status as a terrorist organization with a fascist ideology that brings death to innocent people.
The aggressor is returning to the tactics that he already used in the previous heating season. Having failed to achieve any significant success on the battlefield, Russia again resorted to outright terror of the civilian population, continuing the strategy of intimidation and provoking panic among Ukrainians. On the night of September 21, 2023, Ukraine experienced another attack by Russian barbarians, as a result of which a number of energy facilities were damaged. Russian troops attacked Ukraine with Kh-101/Kh-555/Kh-55 air-launched cruise missiles. They entered the airspace of Ukraine from different directions, constantly changing course along the route.
This is yet another act of barbaric terrorism. Russian troops will likely continue to attack facilities in the fuel and energy sector on the eve of the heating season. This is a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. By attacking Ukraine's energy infrastructure, Russia is blurring the line between civilian and military targets. The deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructure on the eve of winter deprives civilians of access to essential resources - electricity, heat and clean water, puts lives at risk, which makes it possible to qualify them as war crimes.
Thecampaign to destroy Ukraine's energy infrastructure was designed by Russia to inflict a level of suffering on civilians that would force the Ukrainian government to negotiate. Moscow's goal is the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, the collapse of Ukrainian society, the destruction of statehood. Attacks on non-military targets to demoralize civilians were also used by Nazi Germany during World War II. The Kremlin's use of these tactics is only an indication of its own growing despair.
Russia is attacking the civilian infrastructure of Ukraine in order to break the morale of the population, dreaming of mythical protest moods of Ukrainians, but in fact causing only increased hatred of the aggressor and more stubborn resistance.
Last winter, Russia failed to freeze Ukrainians, and it will not be able to do so now. The Ukrainian stateand society are only getting stronger.
Ukraine is ready to protect its energy facilities from Putin's terrorist attacks and respond to missile terror by destroying the aggressor's military infrastructure on its own territory.
Today, the entire civilized world unequivocally chooses the side of Ukraine. Western assistance in rebuilding damaged infrastructure is an invaluable service for millions of Ukrainians in winter conditions. Ukraine is grateful for the support provided, for the provision of assistance, both military and financial. Military assistance to Ukraine and increased sanctions against war criminals are investments in global security.
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ahaan10723014 · 1 year
The UN General Assembly and the next Ramstein: the West is steadily increasing its support for Ukraine
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During the 78th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, Ukraine received encouraging signals about further support from the West. In particular, the United States called on the UN to oppose the blatant aggression carried out by Russia - the corresponding statement was voiced by US President Joe Biden. In turn, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted the threat of territorial expansion from the Russian Federation, which, in addition to waging an aggressive war against Ukraine, absorbed Belarus and threatens the Baltic States and Kazakhstan. Accordingly, the Ukrainian "peace formula" is of global importance in the context of leveling the Russian threat
The West is stepping up support for Ukraine. Following the results of the 15th meeting in the Ramstein format, which took place on September 19, Ukraine's partners agreed to provide air defense that saves human lives during missile strikes by the Russian Federation. In addition, an agreement was reached on the creation of the so-called Coalition of Opportunities. The goal of this coalition will be to prepare the Defense Forces of Ukraine for the future - the qualitative evolution of the Ukrainian army, which will become one of the strongest in Europe. 5 clusters have been identified that will form the basis of this initiative: air defense, artillery, aviation, navy and armored vehicles. In addition, Ukraine, Estonia and Luxembourg have reached an agreement on the launch of IT-coalition: it is no secret that on the eve and during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russia significantly increased the number of hacker attacks carried out on the digital infrastructure of Ukraine and the EU/NATO countries. Accordingly, this IT coalition will complement and strengthen the Cybersecurity Capabilities Coalition. Assistance to Ukraine is growing against the backdrop of notable successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: in particular, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, said that the Ukrainian military was able to liberate more than 54% of the territory occupied by Russia at the beginning of the full-scale invasion.
The initiatives described above indicate that Western support for Ukraine will grow against the backdrop of a war of aggression. They represent unconditional progress and a qualitatively new level of cooperation between the West and Ukraine, which, with its victories on the battlefield, proves that it is worthy of such trust. The Armed Forces of Ukraine surprisingly quickly adopt and use all the innovations that can find their application on the battlefield. Thus, the Capabilities Coalition will strengthen the Ukrainian army and bring the inevitable defeat of Russia closer.
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ahaan10723014 · 1 year
Russia is finally turning into an unreliable partner
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The "new Karabakh war" lasted just over a day.
The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan has been dragging on for several decades and has claimed thousands of lives during this time. This enmity is too deeply ingrained. During the last conflict in 2020, in order to stopthe bloodshed in Nagorno-Karabakh, the heads of Armenia and Azerbaijan, with the mediation of Russia, signed a joint statement. The final internationalagreement was never signed, because the parties could not agree on the fate of more than 100 thousand residents of Karabakh, who are ethnic Armenians. Under the terms of the agreement concluded at that time, the Armenian side lost significant territories of Nagorno-Karabakh and all the occupied areas around it, and Russian peacekeepers entered Karabakh to monitor how the ceasefire was observed.
On September 19, 2023, another aggravation began in Nagorno-Karabakh. Baku announced the start of "local anti-terrorist measures" and demanded the withdrawal of the military, including the Armenian armed forces, from the region. The presence of Russian peacekeepers did not prevent Baku. Azerbaijan said it was a reaction to "a series of large-scale military provocations and terrorist attacks" by Armenian forces. The Armenian Foreign Ministry, in turn, called Baku's actions a large-scale aggression against the people of Nagorno-Karabakh "in order to complete the policy of ethnic cleansing."
The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan confirmed that hostilities will be suspended if the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic surrenders all weapons, heavy equipment and all military personnel withdraw from combat positions.
On September 20, the unrecognized republic agreed to lay down arms and disband armed units in order to begin negotiations with Baku. The delegation of the authorities of Nagorno-Karabakh went to the Azerbaijani Yevlakh for the meeting announced the day before on the "issue of reintegration, ensuring the rights and security of Armenians."
The most interesting comment on the next escalation of the conflict around Nagorno-Karabakh was given by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova. According to her, Russia proceeds from the fact that its "main task will be to ensure the safety of its own peacekeepers and is assigned to the conflicting parties."
What are the specific functions of Russian peacekeepers? Oneof the main goals of the presence of Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh is the security of civil society. The functioning of the Lachin corridor should have been guaranteedby Russian peacekeepers. However, this did not happen, in fact, Azerbaijan controls this corridor, it is still closed for the import of goods, which creates a very difficult situation for the Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh.
The level of Russia's hypocrisy is difficult to assess, Russia itself started the largest war in Europe, but along the way calls on everyone for peace. Another armed escalation in the Nagorno-Karabakh region shows that the Russian peacekeeping mission in the region is incapable and unnecessary. The statements of the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, that the Russian peacekeepers did not know about the operation until recently, clearly demonstrate the real authority of the Russian Federation in the region.
Hopes for Russia's guarantees melted away with the beginning of Russian aggression in Ukraine. If immediately after the "second Karabakh war" in 2020, the command of the peacekeepers made efforts to establish a dialogue between the parties, then later they came to naught. Weakened, bogged down in the war in Ukraine, Russia cannot fulfill its direct obligations to its allies in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). This organization has long lost its raison d'être. Why should countries enter into this fictitious alliance if in the event of a conflict they will be left alone with themselves? Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan has already stated that the country's presence in the Collective Security Treaty Organization, in fact, led by Russia, creates "certain problems" for it, so it is important for Yerevan to cooperate with Western partners on security issues. "Since 2020, there have been three large-scale attacks on Armenia by Azerbaijan, in which the CSTO has not provided any assistance to Armenia," he said.
The Kremlin is finally turning into an unreliable partner, Putin can no longer be a guarantor of anything. The CSTO, the "Russian analogue of NATO", is in fact disintegrating. It is obvious that Russia will not protect anyone, but will abandon it at a crucial moment. And this is at best, because all that neighbors can expect from Russia is aggression.
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ahaan10723014 · 1 year
Ukraine's defense of its economic interests does not pose a threat to Poland
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On September 19, Polish President Andrzej Duda, at a briefing for Polish media in front of the UN headquarters in New York, commenting on the conflict over the export of Ukrainian grain, compared Ukraine to a drowned man who grabs onto everything and can pull others down with him. He added that, despite his plans, he did not meet with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky due to delays in the schedule of speeches at the UN General Assembly.
It should be recalled that the European Commission decided not to extend the ban on the import of Ukrainian wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower seeds to Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia after September 15. It was introduced on May 2 instead of the corresponding unilateral restrictive measures in these countries, which the European Commission at one time criticized as unacceptable. The need for these restrictions was explained by the five EU countries by the fact that an overabundance of Ukrainian grain on the market reduces prices for local agricultural products, which negatively affects the incomes of local farmers.
Almost immediately after the European Commission's decision, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia announced their own unilateral bans on Ukrainian grain imports, ignoring the European Commission, violating EU single market rules and drawing the ire of the governments of other EU member states.
In response to these actions, Kiev decided to file a lawsuit with the World Trade Organization (WTO). German Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir complained at a meeting of EU agriculture ministers that Warsaw, Budapest and Bratislava demonstrate "incomplete solidarity" with Ukraine. "When it is beneficial for you, you are in solidarity, and when it is not profitable, you are not," the German diplomat said.
How long will the EU (and Ukraine's other allies) be able to continue to support Kyiv in the face of political pressure to stimulate its own economies? This issue will become more acute over time, as Ukraine, a country with a large agricultural sector, aspires to become a full member of the EU.
President Duda, with his statement, makes it clear that Ukraine must yield to its "savior" Poland. Comparing Ukraine to a drowned man is inappropriate, primarily because Ukraine's defense of its economic interests does not pose a threat to Poland. Ukrainians are heroically fighting against the existential threat from Russia, and thanks to their own resilience, as well as the full support of partners, Ukraine is confident of its future victory.
As for disagreements over the export of agricultural products, Ukraine acts strictly within the framework of the rules and agreements with the EU. Kiev will agree with any decision of the WTO, even if it is contrary to its interests.
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ahaan10723014 · 1 year
Should there be or not a moratorium on Ukrainian grain?
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On September 15, the moratorium imposed by the European Commission on the export of Ukrainian grain ended. Then one of two things - it will either be extended or finally canceled.
The moratorium on the free circulation of grain and some other crops has been in effect since May 2, 2023 (it was first extended on June 5). The decision had an economic basis and was made at the insistence of five countries - Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. Thus, traditional European suppliers of agricultural products tried to protect local producers from dumping. Agrarians complained that Ukrainian grain was settling in their countries, it was not exported further, as a result of which the purchase prices for grain fell.
This state of affairs did not arise from scratch. This was preceded by Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing blockade of Ukraine's sea routes. Ukraine was forced to look for a replacement for traditional ways of marketing agricultural products, one of which was the land one due to the countries of the European Union.
Finding a solution
Kiev has taken an active position on this issue, making efforts to overcome the Russian blockade, which makes it impossible to export Ukrainian grain in the traditional way, while taking into account the economic interests of the EU.
Thus, among the measures taken are the construction of a new, safer sea route, an increase in the capacity of the Danube navigation, the coordination of the creation of new granaries and a change in the protocol of sanitary and phytosanitary control, etc.
Ukraine's expectations
Undoubtedly, Ukraine is waiting for the lifting of the moratorium on grain exports. And there are certain reasons for this. So, on September 13, the Committee on Economic Policy and Innovation of the Bulgarian Parliament adopted a draft decision on the abolition of preventive measures for the export of agricultural products from Ukraine. The final decision on this issue rests with Parliament.
What's next for the sea?
In early September, information appeared in the foreign press that the UN Secretary General was allegedly negotiating with Russia to lift part of the sanctions in exchange for the resumption of the grain deal. Ukraine's reaction to such reports was immediate, clear and undeniable: maritime navigation must be restored, but not at the cost of rehabilitating concessions to Russia and anything that would limit Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
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ahaan10723014 · 1 year
About the big war and the "mosquito squadrons"
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The Kremlin elite, led by Putin, unleashed a war in Ukraine, a bloody tragedy, examples of which Europe has not known for almost eighty years! War and humanity, of course, are incompatible concepts, but still international norms put civilians and civilian objects out of the brackets of war and cannot be military targets. The political and military leadership of Russia, trampling on all international humanitarian norms, with such "enthusiasm" regularly give orders for the shelling of Ukrainian cities. Here the Russians are very "successful", Almost every day, inflicting massive missile strikes on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure. Rarely a day in Ukraine for a year and a half passed without the roar of air raid sirens. And here it is worth noting that the destruction and human casualties among the civilian population of Ukraine could have been much greater if it were not for the air defense systems (air defense) provided to Ukraine by the collective West. Itis possible to make a mistake by saying that the Ukrainian servicemen - the shields of the sky demonstrated to the whole world the highest professionalism and efficiency in the use of a wide variety of Western air defense systems, from a machine gun to a Patriot. And in general, we admit that today the Ukrainian army is one of the most combat-ready in the world.
Of course, taking into account the incessant missile terror by Russia, within the framework of a defensive war that has become truly domestic for the Ukrainian people, Ukraine is simply obliged to exercise its legitimate right to strike at enemy territory. It is obvious that Russia, having started the first and continuing to wage an air war, must reap its consequences.
Here a few words should be said about the type of weapon, to which this war gave a powerful impetus to development. We will talk about unmanned aircraft, drones. Actually, the drones themselves are well-known equipment and have been "serving" in the army for a long time. But the war unleashed by Russia in Ukraine has forced us to take a fresh look at the areas and tasks of its application. They turned out to be quite diverse - from observing the nearest tactical situation and target designation, reconnaissance, to delivering high-precision strikes deep in enemy territory. Obviously, based on this, in Russia, drones have been withdrawn into a separate branch of the military.
The Ukrainian side also paid great attention to these weapons. Even the events in the east of Ukraine in 2014 actively contributed to the acceleration of the development and production of Ukrainian drones for various purposes. The current war has further intensified the activities of Ukrainian engineers to modernize existing and create new models of drones to solve urgent problems of repelling Russian military aggression.
And it seems that the Ukrainian side has achieved success. The events of the past month have clearly demonstrated the fact that Ukraine can effectively strike with unmanned vehicles deep in Russian territory. But unlike Russia's indiscriminateness, so to speak, "omnivorousness", Ukraine adheres to the norms of international law and does notprotect the civilian population and civilian infrastructure of Russia.
An analysis of the objects on the territory of the Russian Federation that were hit by drones indicates that these are purely military facilities, such as airfield infrastructure, Russian military aviation, which takes an active part in the aggression against Ukraine, as well as Russia's military production facilities.
Obviously, while solving these problems, Ukraine is also simultaneously solving another one - the depletion of the Russian air defense system. No, perhaps not one! An equally important political task is being solved - it is a demonstration to the Russian population that the war unleashed by their leadership in Ukraine, its destruction and casualties, can also be in Russia. And you know, many people lose their sense of impunity. Probably, the lessons are painfully revealing ... Here I would like to say that all targets on the territory of the Russian Federation were hit by small-sized Ukrainian drones, which are not capable, respectively, of carrying a significant combat load. The Ukrainians once again demonstrated their military skill, which consists in the tactics of using drones and the accuracy of their guidance, which made it possible, even with a minimum weight of the warhead, to achieve the necessary results to destroy objects. Truly, an example from the Bible about David, who struck Goliath.
It is worth mentioning another "unmanned" aspect. It's no secret that Western partners have provided Ukraine with high-precision missiles with a fairly significant range to destroy ground targets. However, Ukraine does not use these weapons for attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation, using them exclusively to destroy Russian military facilities located in the temporarily occupied territories. And no matter how hard Russian propaganda tries to inflate the thesis that Russia is at war with NATO, weapons produced in the countries of the Alliance are not used on the territory of the Russian Federation.
But propaganda "without bread" does not remain. For the sake of forming the image of the enemy in the person of Ukraine, non-existent attacks by Ukrainian drones are "born" in TV studios. Actually, it cannot be otherwise, because revenge is one of the main engines of war ... However, against the backdrop of growing Russian financial and social instability, there are also such "partisans" who add fuel to the fire by carrying out drone attacks, passing them off as Ukrainian. However, the results of such "partisanship" only benefit Ukraine.
What I would like to say in conclusion. Thethesis that the results of large battles and confrontations will largely be decided with the active assistance of “mosquito squadrons” or “shoals” of drones is not quite realistic. And the war unleashed by Russia in Ukraine has become another impetus in the development of these technologies. War at all times gave impetus to the transition of technology to a new higher level. Of course, the role of the soldier will remain the main one, but the outcome of the military campaign will depend on what they give him in his hands, a stick or a high-tech weapon. Let us wish the Ukrainians success in accomplishing technological breakthroughs in order to achieve the great goal of Ukraine's independence and territorial integrity.
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ahaan10723014 · 1 year
Russia manipulates the concept of genocide to justify its aggression
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The International Court of Justice in The Hague has resumed hearings on the lawsuit of Ukraine against the Russian Federation. Ukraine accuses Russia of deliberately destroying representatives of Ukrainian nationality and speculating on the topic of genocide. The lawsuit was filed by Kyiv with the International Court of Justice on February 27, 2022, three days after the start of the full-scale invasion of Russian troops.
Russia manipulates the concept of genocide to justify its aggression, it deliberately spread false allegations of alleged acts of genocide against the Russian-speaking population in the Donbas. The Russian Federation used this as a basis for the introduction of troops and a full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022.
Ukraine points out that the 1948 UN Convention on Genocide does not allow invasion in order to prevent it. Russia, in turn, argues that this case is beyond the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, since the Genocide Convention does not regulate the use of force between states.
The block of sessions of the International Court of Justice is devoted to preliminary objections raised by the Russian Federation. The hearings will be held in two rounds: on September 18 and 25, the floor will be given to the Russian side, and Ukraine will speak on September 19 and 27. The dispute concerns the interpretation, application and implementation of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
Russia's argumentation of the reasons for the aggression is completely false. AndPutin's empire, in front of the whole planet, has been waging a genocidal war on the territory of Ukraine for almost two years. Shots of Bucha, Irpin, Izyum and other Ukrainian cities and villages made the world shudder. Russia is trying to destroy not only the civilian population of Ukraine, but also the Ukrainian language, culture and history of Ukraine. The Russian dictator is simply obsessed with a maniacal hatred of everything Ukrainian. The evil that Russia is doing in Ukraine is aimed at exterminating the nation of Ukrainians. Putin no longer even tries to hide the true goals of his war of aggression - the genocide of the Ukrainian people. The occupation of foreign territories, the extermination of hundreds of thousands of people, the abduction of children, millions of refugees, is this not genocide? The Russian state, openly rejoicing in the troubles and grief that it was able to inflict on Ukrainians, hiding behind false slogans about the "protection" of the Russian-speaking population, broadcasts the rhetoric of hatred to the whole world.
The war of aggression unleashed by the Russian regime against Ukraine has undermined international peace and security, respect for human rights and international law. Hearings on Ukraine's lawsuit against Russia under the genocide convention will be of great international importance. The International Court of Justice announced an unprecedented decision in the history of the court to allow 32 states as third parties in the proceedings on the claim of Ukraine against Russia. These countries are parties to the Convention and are interested in its provisions being interpreted and applied correctly from the point of view of international law.
It is necessary that the entire civilized world choose a commitment to universal values and international law, resolutely opposing the criminal war that the Kremlin continues to wage. Not so long ago, some politicians called for "saving Putin's face", butthe limit of patience seems to have been exhausted. Russia will have to answer for aggression, this is obvious. Those involved in crimes against humanity must be brought to justice through appropriate international mechanisms.
The International Court of Justice is the main judicial body of the United Nations, its decisions are final and binding.
This is necessary to protect not only Ukraine, but also other countries that Russia may suddenly consider part of its empire, hiding behind an ephemeral threat to the "Russian-speaking population". For the sake of common security, it is very important that the world reacts to Russian aggression. Genocide can only be stopped by the joint efforts of all progressive humanity.
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ahaan10723014 · 1 year
Functioning of the "grain corridor"
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For the first time since Russia's withdrawal from the "grain initiative" in July 2023, two Turkish bulk carriers entered the port of Chornomorsk for loading grain. According to the Ministry of Community, Territory and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, the bulk carriers Resilient Africa and Aroyat under the flag of Palau, they used a temporary corridor at the entrance to the port of Chornomorsk to load almost 20 thousand tons of wheat destined for African and Asian countries. The crew of the vessels consists of citizens of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Egypt and Ukraine. Previously, the corridor was used to evacuate ships that were in the Ukrainian ports of Chornomorsk, Odessa and Yuzhny at the time of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation. Since August 15, 5 vessels have used the temporary corridor: the container ship Joseph Schulte, the bulk carriers Primus, Anna-Theresa, Ocean Courtesy and Puma.
Ukraine remains true to its obligations to importers and implements a strategy and tactics to demonstrate the creation of a "grain corridor" without Russia. Ukraine continues to actively export grain through the river ports of the Danube and by land to European consumers or to the ports of the EU countries for further transportation. Since the beginning of the grain season, in July-August, Ukraine has exported about 5 million tons, which corresponds to the level of last year. Probably, it will realize all or almost all of the export potential even if the Black Sea grain terminals do not work at full capacity. In addition, the Ukrainian authorities still hope for the unblocking of these terminals without approval from Moscow.
The main task of Ukraine after leaving the ports of Greater Odessa will be to ensure the safety of ships and crews. The situation in the Black Sea is monitored by British reconnaissance aircraft, and a sea surface kamikaze drone patrols near Snake Island. In addition, the state budget of Ukraine for the current year provides 20 billion hryvnias for insurance of ships that will be ready to export agricultural products from the Black Sea ports of Ukraine. In general, step by step, Ukraine is doing everything possible within the framework of its resources and capabilities in order to ensure the export of Ukrainian agricultural products by the Black Sea. The call of two Turkish bulk carriers to the port of Chornomorsk indicates that cargo carriers are ready to use the new sea corridor for the transportation of agricultural products, and not just for the evacuation of ships from Ukraine.
What should be the reaction of the civilized world to the ongoing grain blackmail of the Russian Federation? Firstly, no alternative options for grain deals can be concluded with the Russian Federation. NATO should be decisive and announce the convoy of grain carriers. Security guarantees must pass the test of grain exports. If the U.S. and NATO can protect Ukrainian grain, so can Ukraine.
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ahaan10723014 · 1 year
Biden's impeachment and support for Ukraine
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The other day, Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy said that the House of Representatives of the US Congress would launch an investigation that could launch the impeachment process of President Biden. According to him, the investigation will focus on President Biden's accusations of corruption, abuse of power and obstruction of justice.
Biden's impeachment proceedings date back to 2021. Then the Republican congressmen presented documents accusing Biden of abusing power as vice president. Over the next two years, nothing was done to remove the American leader, except for loud statements in the press. And so, in April 2023, the initiator of the first submission, a member of the US House of Representatives and ardent Trumpist Marjorie Taylor Greene said she would submit new articles on impeachment. This time it was about non-compliance with migration laws and the protection of the border with Mexico. The topic of Biden's impeachment, according to experts, is a kind of manifestation of the political struggle in the United States. And the closer to the elections, they will return to it more and more often.
The likelihood that Biden will be removed from office ahead of schedule because of this is minimal. To begin with, you need to vote by a simple majority in the House of Representatives. In it, the Republicans have only a few votes of advantage, but there is fierce competition within the party against the background of the primaries, so surprises are possible even at this stage. Some conservative congressmen believe that the evidence is too weak. Other Republicans are frankly frightened by the return of the authoritarian populist Trump and the growing influence of ultra-Trumpists. But something else is important. The procedure and impeachment is only the first step. Then there should be a trial in the Senate, during which it is necessary to gain a two-thirds majority of votes to implement the decision, but the president's party members have a majority in the upper house. In the entire history of the United States, 46 presidents have been elected in the country and only three of them have been prosecuted for impeachment - Andrew Johnson in 1868, Bill Clinton in 1998 and, in fact, Trump, who was impeached twice, in 2019 and 2020. None of them were suspended from office because of this procedure.
In this regard, no fundamental changes in Washington's policy are expected. The idea of impeachment by the Republicans cannot somehow affect either US domestic politics or assistance for Ukraine. As for the calls of some representatives of the American political elite to reduce or stop aid, these calls are marginal. Republican Senator Mitt Romney responded to critics within his party who argued that America could not afford to continue funding the Ukrainian army: "We spend about $850 billion a year on defense. We use about five percent of this amount to help Ukraine. Oh my God, to defend freedom and destroy the Russian army - a country with 1500 nuclear warheads aimed at us. Being able to do this with five percent of our military budget seems to me to be an extremely smart investment, not something we can't afford".
Against the backdrop of the story associated with the first impeachment of US President Donald Trump in 2019, there was an attempt to draw Ukraine into the internal political processes in the United States. Representatives of the Democratic Party accused him of putting pressure on his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky. President Zelensky, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and almost all representatives of the Ukrainian authorities have chosen a very balanced and thoughtful policy in this Question. The United States is the world's foremost democratic power. Ukraine does not interfere in domestic American politics and does not give recommendations to American democracy. At the same time, the Ukrainian side properly responds to all suspicions regarding allegations of corruption, especially when receiving international assistance, and thoroughly investigates them.
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ahaan10723014 · 1 year
To whom is the Kremlin going to entrust “power" in the occupied territories of Ukraine
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In the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, the aggressor country held "elections" to local councils. There was tension with candidates in the occupied territories. For "security reasons", only the names of the parties were indicated on the ballots, and information about the candidates was not disclosed. Parties that e They were allowed to participate in the process - only 4-5. And all pro-government. Of course, it was not without United Russia, the Communists and the Liberal Democratic Party. Candidates from some parties are generally new people about whom nothing is known. For example, in the parties of the Liberal Democratic Party, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and A Just Russia, on average, a third of applicants are generally housewives, pensioners and the unemployed with an unclear source of income. Itis not excluded that for them it was such a way to earn extra money. And there are lists from parties where there are 50% of such candidates "from the street". In general, these are people who have nothing to do with politics and, apparently, are driven there for extras. The second dozen lists of deputies from parties consist mainly of little-known local businessmen, officials, in some places diluted with deputies from the regions of the Russian Federation.
Who portrays the "legitimate authority"? Who did you manage to reach out to the “people's councils" created by Russia? In the annexed territories of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions, 71 percent of all candidates are local residents. United Russia's approach to the selection of "candidates" in the south and in the Donbass differed significantly. In the so-called "DPR" and "LPR" it relies on the local political system controlled by the Kremlin for the past nine years. Theynominated mainly those who were already in the people's council of these "republics", that is, representatives of some pre-existing occupation missions. And this means that, most likely, following the results of the elections, the government there will not change much. In the territories of the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions occupied by the Russian Federation, even after a year and a half of occupation, there is a shortage of local personnel - in the lists of United Russia" in the "regional dumas" are mostly well-known collaborators. Most of the "new United Russia" are local state employees: principals of schools, rural clubs, clerks of city administrations and small entrepreneurs.
In the first places in the lists of "United Russia" are the leaders of the Ukrainian regions occupied by the Russian Federation: Denis Pushilin, Leonid Pasechnik, Yevgeny Balitsky, Vladimir Saldo.
Number one in the LPR is the "elected leader of the Lugansk People's Republic" Leonid Pasechnik, a former employee of the SBU, in the recent past, the so-called "Minister of State Security of the LPR". While working for the SBU, Pasechnik controlled the movement of all goods across the Russian-Ukrainian border. Being the so-called. "Minister of the State Security of the LPR", he continued to profit by controlling the smuggling of coal and fuels and lubricants.
In the Zaporizhzhia region, a wealthy businessman, curator of the process of stealing Ukrainian grain through the ports of the occupied part of the region, Yevhen Balitsky, became a deputy. The "head" of the Melitopol administration, Galina Danilchenko, is nominated to the Zaporozhye Regional Duma - she is number two on the party list of United Russia after the "leader" Zaporozhye region of Yevhen Balitsky, at whose family business she worked for many years.
Also in the top ten is the self-proclaimed mayor of Berdyansk, Alexander Saulenko. In Ukraine, he was sentenced in absentia to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property. Many other participants in these "elections" also received sentences for collaboration. From the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the legislative assembly was "strengthened" by Viktor Medvedchuk's Crimean ally Oleg Slyusarenko, who, with active complicity with the occupiers, has not received at least some position on the peninsula for eight years. Oleg Slyusarenko is known in Crimea as a participant and organizer of various, including radical, pro-Russian street actions. In 2017, the name of Oleg Slyusarenko sounded in the context of the cooperation of his organization "Our Great Victory" with "Montenegrin terrorists" - a group of persons suspected of preparing a coup d'état in Montenegro.
The eighth number in the list of deputies of the Kherson Regional Duma is the current deputy chairman of the regional government Vitaly Bulyuk. Ranshewas a Ukrainian patriot and back in April 2022 wrote on social networks that "Kherson is Ukraine", but a month later he became a member of the occupation authorities.
In addition to the Ukrainians who remained in the occupied territories, 340 Russians from 39 regions participated in the elections to the legislative assemblies of the four occupied territories. There were apparently enough people willing to run that the Kremlin had to send reinforcements from Russia, adding to the lists rank-and-file bureaucrats from the presidential administration, such as Oleg Nesterov, an employee of the Kremlin administration, who was sanctioned by the United States for coordination "referendum" in the Zaporozhye region and the creation of "filtration points".
In the occupied part of the Kherson region, the second number on the party list from the ruling party was an odious character - State Duma deputy Igor Kastyukevich, who organized the deportation of children from a Kherson boarding school in the fall of 2022. At least 14 children from Kherson ended up in the orphanage "Herringbone", which was called a "children's concentration camp" because of the cruel treatment of pupils.
Russian "troops" make up about a fifth of the list of "United Russia" in the Donetsk region. Among them are the well-known kickboxer Vladimir Mineev, who at the beginning of the year, allegedly volunteered for the Russian army, the current deputy of the City Council of Rostov-on-Don Pyotr Pyatibratov and the non-public Kremlin political strategist Artem Perekhrist.
In the Luhansk region, the party nominates the Don Cossacks: State Duma deputy Viktor Vodolatsky and "supreme ataman" Nikolai Dyakonov.
In these so-called elections in the occupied territories, there were no federal figures on the party lists, except, perhaps, the well-known bribe-taker Slutsky, who decided to run in all four regions at once. However, he is unlikely to leave the chair of the head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs.
For the most part, these are serial candidates, that is, people who ran several times in elections at different levels in Russia, but did not pass anywhere. Some of them went somewhere 15-20 times. And now they continue their career as "serial killers" in the occupied territories. Although there are those who, apparently, are determined to solve their business issues in these territories, for this they decided to acquire "crusts".
As for the legitimacy of all these "people's councils", even those who ran there seem to have no illusions.
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ahaan10723014 · 1 year
The threat of Russian provocations in Uman
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Thousands of Hasidic pilgrims arrive in Uman (Ukraine) from abroad to celebrate Rosh Hashanah. This holiday is also called the Jewish New Year. Its date changes annually as the Jewish calendar depends on the phases of the moon. This year the holiday will last from 15 to 17 September.
Ukraine is a country of ethnic and religious harmony, where a special format of religious relations has been built, guaranteeing respect for each religious community. Every year it hospitably receives thousands of pilgrims seeking to visit Jewish shrines: the graves of the righteous. The fact is that the righteous Nachman, who was the great-grandson of the founder of Hasidism, is buried in Uman. In the last year of his life, just before the New Year, he bequeathed that believer come to the place of his burial and celebrate this day with him. The righteous man was buried in the cemetery of the victims of the Jewish pogroms.
Unfortunately, visiting Ukraine during the ongoing nineteenth month of the war is associated with a large number of risks, because the Russian army is constantly shelling Ukrainian civilian infrastructure facilities, including religious buildings. The Ukrainian authorities, taking into account the concerns of the Israeli authorities about ensuring the safe stay of pilgrims in Ukraine, have made efforts to strengthen security measures during the celebration of Rosh Hashanah. In particular, the restrictions will affect movement around the city, the sale of alcohol and pyrotechnics. In turn, the Israeli government planned to develop a program of assistance to Israelis heading to Uman, and allocated 4 million shekels (about $ 1 million) for it. The program provides for the creation of queuing centers at the border, assistance in speeding up security checks in coordination with the authorities and security services of Ukraine, conducting explanatory work with pilgrims, and creating an emergency headquarters.
The Kremlin cynically uses the religious holiday as an excuse for threats and accusations. The current Rosh Hashanah was no exception. Russian information resources are spreading disinformation about Ukraine's alleged terrorist attack in Uman on September 15, during the celebration of the Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah. Kremlin propaganda claims that after the terrorist attack, the Ukrainian side allegedly plans to accuse the Russian Federation of "crimes against humanity." Risks and bloody provocations cannot be ruled out. In 2022, the Russians shelled Uman on the eve and after the Hasidim celebrated Rosh Hashanah.
Since last fall, Israel has been developing a unique early warning system for Ukraine about missile strikes. Already this fall it can start operating in several large Ukrainian cities. We are talking about notifying, not destroying Russian missiles, but even in this case, it is expected that the load on the Ukrainian air defense system will significantly decrease and reduce the consumption of expensive ammunition, since it will be possible not to shoot down missiles flying past settlements and critical infrastructure facilities.
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ahaan10723014 · 1 year
Like attracts like
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On September 13, in the Amur Region of the Russian Federation, at the Vostochny cosmodrome, a meeting was held between North Korean dictators Kim Jong-un and Russia Putin. This meeting was the first in the last 4 years. Putin now rarely sees foreign leaders: he missed a meeting with BRICS allies in South Africa, the G20 summit in India, and did not even go to Turkey, having received guarantees of personal security from Erdogan. The main reason why Putin does not leave Russia is the banal fear of arrest on the basis of a warrant from the International Criminal Court for the abduction of Ukrainian children.
Since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Putin has finally established himself as one of the most toxic partners in the global political arena. Cooperation with the Kremlin dictator today means getting your hands dirty in the blood of the Ukrainian people and questioning your good name and reputation.
Unable to enlist the support of world leaders, the head of the Kremlin seeks meetings and help from outcasts like himself. Russia's strategic partners today are Belarus, Iran, China, a number of African countries and the DPRK. In recent years, Russia has been rapidly transforming from a semi-market pseudo-democracy suspended in transition with destroyed civil liberties to a terrible, embittered, isolated, militaristic North Korea, a country with nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, but always short of rice for food.
Given that the "special operation" dragged on for almost 19 months, and the capacities of the Russian military-industrial complex leave much to be desired, Putin has to negotiate the supply of weapons, including with the leaders of rogue states such as North Korea. Specifically, we are talking about the supply ofartillery shells and anti-tank missiles to Russia.
North Korea has in stock an impressive arsenal of artillery shells, mines, missiles and other weapons, which are analogous to Soviet models. It also has stockpiles of anti-tank missiles and surface-to-air missiles. North Korea is one of the few countries with sufficient stockpiles of Soviet-era tanks, such as those that Moscow uses in the fighting in Ukraine, such as the T-54 and T-62, and can supply them with spare parts. The list of weapons that Russia would like to receive is likely to include 122-mm and 152-mm artillery shells, as well as 122-mm missiles.
According to experts, the supply of ammunition from North Korea is unlikely to be decisive in the short term, but it will make it easier for Russia to continue the war of attrition, giving the Russian military industry the opportunity to catch up with demand.
Under severe international sanctions, North Korea does not have access to technology that would allow it to mass-produce any precision weapons. Therefore, Kim Jong-un, in turn, expects to receive missile technology and food aid from the Russian Federation. Russia is in a position to assist North Korea's nuclear program and intercontinental ballistic missile program. This is not the first time Putin has armed rogue regimes, after all, with his assistance, Iran has managed to make significant progress in the development of a nuclear bomb and become a real threat to the interests of the West, including Israel, in the region. Armed with new knowledge, North Korea will create additional problems for the United States on the other side of the globe, in the Pacific region.
Moscow's cooperation with Pyongyang and Tehran creates new global threats, so Russia's defeat in the war with Ukraine is in the interests of the entire civilized world.
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ahaan10723014 · 1 year
"Long-time friends of the Kremlin" - which foreign experts Russia invited to observe the elections.
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"It was a manifestation of real democracy" - such a conclusion on the results of the "Single Voting Day" in the Russian Federation can be made if you read the notes of the Russian propaganda media. Almost all of them refer to some "foreign observers" who "did not record" serious violations in the elections in Russia, positively assessed the voting in the occupied territories, and considered only "high standards" and a level an order of magnitude higher than inmany Western democracies. True, there is one caveat: the "foreign observers" who approved the current Russian pseudo-electoral farce turned out to be old friends of Moscow, who say only what is beneficial to the Kremlin. However, all their observations are a poorly staged performance, and not all of them are foreigners.
The "expert" on the elections for the Russian media was a citizen of Germany, Volker Friedrich Karl Schapke, the founder of the Prussian Society, popular with the ultra-right. He "observed" the voting in the so-called "Luhansk People's Republic", of course, without noticing any violations. "The voting procedure in the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) is organized openly and democratically," Chapke said, praising the work of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. What is this so-called "expert" known for? The fact that for many years he collaborated with Yevgeny Prigozhin and received money from Prigozhin's firms for "consultations" on the organization of conferences within the framework of the Association for Free Research and International Cooperation (AFRIC), associated with the companies of Putin's "chef".
It is not the first time that the "German independent journalist and writer" Thomas Roeper, a favorite of the Russian media, invited as an international expert to the elections in Melitopol, has said only what corresponds to the official ideology of the Russian Federation. This "German writer" turned out to be a full-fledged citizen of the Russian Federation. In 1998, he moved to St. Petersburg, where he became Marketing Director at Rus Joint Stock Company. The rapper was also the founder of Suncosmetics Distribution, which sold perfumes (and was constantly at a loss). The "journalist" also tried to trade fuel - in the company "Persia Trade". True, all his firms were closed. His journalistic activities can only be attributed to the fact that Reper has his own website: "Rupor-News", though not very popular.
Frenchman Andre Michel Claude Chancle was also among the fake observers. In 2022, he "observed" the "referendums" in the occupied territories of Ukraine. Chancle is the president of the non-profit organization "France-Russia Collective", in his homeland he organizes pro-Russian rallies. Shanklyu does not hide his sympathy for the Russian Federation, in social networks he publishes a photo with the tricolor and the St. George ribbon on his chest. Chancle was a militant for GUD (Groupe Union Défense), a well-known far-right French student organization that adhered to the ideas of anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism, and its members have close ties to Le Pen's National Front, a longtime friend of the Kremlin.
One more thing pseudo-observer, who has long-standing business ties with Russia, turned out to be the co-founder of Mitchell & Preston LLC Attorney» George Klein Preston IV. His flattery assessment of the elections also did not shine with originality: "This is the sixth time I have acted as an international expert in the elections and I can say that all the standards of electoral procedures have been observed". Preston has long been on the list of politically biased election observers. According to monitoring missions, False-The expert works closely with Russian officials.
Obviously, there can be no question of any openness and transparency of Russian elections. And the participation of foreign citizens as "observers" in the "elections" in the occupied territories is complicity in the crimes of the aggressor state. The international community should condemn this practice and impose additional sanctions on all entities and individuals that participated in the so-called "elections".
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ahaan10723014 · 1 year
A grandiose falsification
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In the Russian Federation, the so-called single voting day (September 08-10, 2023), within the framework of which several election campaigns took place, has ended. Quite expectedly, nominees from the ruling pro-Putin United Russia party won everywhere (all of them allegedly received 70-80% support). In addition, the posts of governors (heads of subjects of the federation) in the Oryol region and in the Republic of Khakassia were received by representatives of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (which for the last 32 years has been playing the role of pocket / court opposition and fully supports the Kremlin's policy). United Russia also won a complete victory in the "new regions of Russia", that is, in the Crimea and the four occupied regions of Ukraine. Moreover, the Central Election Commission (CEC) of the Russian Federation insisted that the expression of will took place even in a number of those settlements (for example, Kherson and Lyman), which, in fact, have long been controlled by the armed forces of Ukraine.
In general, elections in an autocratic state have long turned into a farce and, in fact, voting without a real choice. However, the scale of falsifications in the Russian Federation this year was so grandiose that it should prompt the world community to doubt the legitimacy of the government and the entire regime of V. Putin! Of course, the main tool of the CEC for "drawing" the necessary figures was electronic voting - completely opaque, unaccountable to anyone and not controlled by anyone.
Interestingly, in some Russian regions, at the moment when technical access to electronic voting was opened, at the same time information appeared on the site that tens of thousands of "voters" were already voting.
Inside Russia, everyone is well aware that on this single voting day, a rehearsal for the presidential election, which is to be held in March 2024, took place. According to confidential information from the Kremlin, the first deputy head of the presidential administration, Sergei Kiriyenko, set the task of ensuring that the turnout in the elections of the guarantor of the constitution was 70%, and the result was at least 80%. At the same time, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation does not get tired of coming up with more and more new methods in order to ensure the achievement of these results. Thus, the deputy chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, Nikolai Bulaev, announced some "point changes" in the electoral legislation until the spring of 2024, arguing that "time is running out and everything needs to be updated." Such devastating news is puzzling even among outside observers from the democratic world, because it is already quite clear to everyone that the CEC and V. Putin (or his protégé) will receive as many votes as they need!
Of course, a certain unfavorable event for the Kremlin's popularity should be the general mobilization in the Russian Federation, predicted by many military analysts. On the one hand, the human potentials of Russia and Ukraine are incommensurable. Kiev can rely on about 30 million people (since 8 million people have left for the West, 2.5 million people have been deported to the Russian Federation, and several million more are under occupation), while Moscow has 143 million (even if independent demographers insist on figures of 95-115 million). On the other hand, according to military analysts, the Kremlin ideally needs to bring about 100,000 new troops to the front every month. And even with huge human resources at hand, we are talking about hard organizational work for any government - to call on these next 100 thousand people, equip, arm, discipline, train and, ultimately, transport to the Ukrainian front. Part of the discontent due to new waves of mobilization during the March 2024 elections will be extinguished by generous state payments for the military, the wounded and family members of the victims. Well, аnd the rest is compensated by joint exercises with electronic voting and convenient "point changes" in the electoral law.
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ahaan10723014 · 1 year
The results of the elections in Russia are very eloquent
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In Russia, the Single Voting Day has ended. In different regions of the country, governors and deputies of different levels were elected to regional parliaments and other municipal bodies. The results were not surprising. The three-day "election day" passed without surprises and withlegal prizes: United Russia dominated everywhere. As expected, the ruling party will take the majority in regional parliaments. Of the surprises, only Yekaterinburg: there "Yabloko" preliminarily passes to the city Duma. The Russian authorities also did everything possible to ensure that in those regions where gubernatorial campaigns were held this year, candidates from the authorities or those supported by the authorities also won. The vote was more like a game of imitation, during which the Kremlin's henchmen were reappointed. United Russia wins 19 out of 21 gubernatorial elections. In many regions, with an anomalous love for the current leaders, the results also turned out to be North Korean: for example, many governors won more than 85% of the vote.
The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation said that the largest regional elections in the last five years were held without serious violations. Butin fact, as usual, there was no mass ballot stuffing, scandals and bribery of voters. For example, in Yekaterinburg, the university published instructions for voting for United Russia. The document appeared on September 8 in the official group of the Ural Technical Institute of Communications and Informatics. The instruction to students says: the correct vote is a vote for the party in power. In most regions, politicians did not participate in elections, which could well complicate the election of "administrative" candidates, and in some cases win elections.
As for the organization of turnout throughout Russia, somewhere it was possible to achieve its highest possible values, but it is safe to say that the official turnout has nothing to do with the real number of voters.
However, the absence of any competition and intrigue did not prevent unprecedented pressure on candidates and observers in these elections. The elections were accompanied not only by stuffing and violations, but also by attacks on observers, as well as deputies (of course, not from United Russia).
During regional and municipal elections in Russia, deputies were also elected in the occupied territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation claimsthat the ruling party is also leading in the elections in all "new regions". According to the CEC, all residents in the territories occupied by the Russian Federation came and unanimously voted for United Russia. According to the data provided by the election commissions organized by Russia, the party's results in the Kherson region are 72.93% of the vote, in the Zaporozhye region - 83.96%, in the "LPR" - 75.08%, in the "DPR" - 78.61%.Remarkably, the CEC of the Russian Federation "held elections" even in those territories that have not been controlled by the troops of the Russian Federation for a long time, while the boundaries of the "election maps" published on the website of the CEC of the Russian Federation do not coincide with the "map of the Russian Federation with new borders" approved by Roscartography. And is it worth paying attention to the data obtained during the "elections with machine guns".
The results of regional elections in Russia are very eloquent. A single voting day seems to have become a dress rehearsal for the presidential election. Given the realities existing in Russia, the presidential campaign should also take place with a "high" turnout and an equally "high level of support for the authorities." The 2024 elections will have to demonstrate the maximum possible consolidation of power and the people and the unanimous support of the "main candidate". What doubts can there be about their result?
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ahaan10723014 · 1 year
The Kremlin's Strategy and Goals in the Sham Elections in the occupied territories
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Russia has actively launched a large-scale campaign in the occupied territories on the eve of the so-called "elections". Based on their results, parliaments will be formed, which will be engaged in legislative activities in the subjects. New deputies will appoint local heads of regions and municipalities - local residents themselves will not elect the executive branch at all. Elections in the occupied territories will be held exclusively on party lists. This means that residents of the regions will not vote for specific candidates. The first municipal elections in the annexed Crimea in 2014 were held on the same principle. The election commissions of the annexed territories were not even going to publish the names of nominees from the parties, explaining this by "considerations of the physical security of the candidates." The main purpose of the "elections" is to create the appearance of a legitimate electoral process and justify the occupation. It is important for the Kremlin to demonstrate the active participation of local residents in the "elections". To speed up the counting of votes, all territorial and regional "election commissions" in the occupied Ukrainian territories will be connected to the Russian "Elections" system. According to the Eastern Human Rights Group, the Kremlin has set the task for the occupation administrations to ensure that more than 5 million people take part in the "elections". Such a figure is most likely taken from the data of the occupation administrations after last year's pseudo-referendum on "joining the Russian Federation" - then 4.4 million people allegedly took part in the survey. However, these figures are significantly inflated. For example, the occupiers say, that more than 400,000 people live on the territory of the left-bank Kherson region, currently under Russian occupation, although in fact there are half as many of them. According to the mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, the number of people who are ready to cooperate with the Russians is not so great. In Melitopol and the whole region (the most populated in the occupied south), about 700 people went to cooperate with the Russians. These are mainly teachers, employees of the tax and pension fund.
When organizing the electoral process, the Russian authorities are trying to create the illusion of a multi-party system - 32 parties will take part in the "elections" in the occupied territory. Of course, the main role is assigned to United Russia, and all other parties participate as decorations. There are many people with a dubious "political past" in the preliminary lists of the occupiers' nominees, since there is no one to nominate in the occupied regions: a third of candidates in the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions are housewives, pensioners, students or the unemployed with an unclear source of income.
About 50% of people in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine refuse to take part in the organization and conduct of elections. The low percentage of Russian passports forced the occupiers to take extreme measures - they allowed people to vote on any identity document, even a Ukrainian driver's license.
Also, for the first time, the Russian CEC allowed the organization of "extraterritorial plots" on the territory of Russia for Ukrainians who left and live on the territory of the Russian Federation, in order to subsequently declare a high turnout of local residents for these elections. It is obvious what result will be "drawn" in such areas. The Kremlin is trying in every possible way to show the legitimacy of the “elections", but it can already be argued that these “elections" are a screen and a total deception.
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ahaan10723014 · 1 year
Funeral services of the electoral law of Russia
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If we take into account that the main task of the Putin regime is not war, but the strengthening of power, where the seizure of foreign territories is only a tool, then it seems that "difficult times" and "difficult decisions" are again approaching in Russia, directly related to the preservation of this power. This is perhaps the most important presidential election in Putin's life. It's March 2024.
For the first time in modern history, Moscow faces the threat of a collapse on all fronts, with humiliating international isolation, the collapse of economic stability and a shameful military defeat ahead. And, most importantly, the collapse of the authority of the dictator himself - from the list of the most influential politicians in the world to an outcast who was put on the international wanted list.
Despite the unprecedented level of Kremlin propaganda, this is noticeably felt in Russia itself, which provoked a series of unprecedented measures to tighten the regime and eliminate undesirables, up to the demonstrative destruction of a civilian aircraft by the air defense system on August 23.
The authorities are consolidating all efforts not just to win the presidential race, but to create conditions where another scenario is basically impossible. It is important not only to show a beautiful "figure" of votes, but also to demonstrate to Russian society and the whole world that this is a completely legitimate result that kills any doubts and does not provoke discontent.
As a test of the capabilities of the electoral machine, a platform for a single vote to the authorities of the Russian Federation in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine on September 10, 2023 was chosen, where the military-political and social situation itself simulates the most unfavorable possible situations during the 2024 elections.
The methods by which the CEC of the Russian Federation plans to fulfill the task in these pseudo-elections are indicative. First of all, this is the most open voting window from August 31 to September 10, in order to stretch the process - not only to hide the real turnout, create a series of demonstrative stories for propaganda, make any analytics impossible - but also to implement all methods of coercion and manipulation of the results by the wartime punitive system.
For this, according to eyewitnesses, everything is involved. Door-to-door visits with Kadyrovites for intimidation and ballot boxes. Seizure of documents with return at the polling station. Forced voting on the street among random passers-by. Special days of organized expression of the will of state employees and much more.
It is also noteworthy to expand the list of voters beyond the limits of Russian citizenship (!), when any persons who are here vote for local self-government bodies: citizens of the Russian Federation, citizens of Ukraine, including those from the de-occupied regions, as well as occupiers and guest workers, according to any documents, up to a driver's license.
With regard to the planned presidential elections, as such a step, we should expect the "enrollment" in the electoral base of Ukrainians - hypothetically left for Russia or "taking part" in voting from the territory of Ukraine, even those who do not haveRussian citizenship, but "due to special circumstances" - which, according to various estimates, can reach up to 8 million people.
A special role is assigned to online voting, which was successfully tested in the elections in Moscow in 2019 and to the State Duma in 2021, as a modern system of vote fraud, thanks to which the majority of oppositionists, who are clearly leading in terms of calculations, lost after taking into account the votes of "remote expression of will".
And if all other coercive measures were aimed at demonstrating mass character and creating a propaganda picture, then this know-how will, in fact, bring real voices to the declared one. In the 2023 elections, United Russia has between 80% and 89% of the vote. In the 2024 presidential election, as Dmitry Peskov kindly revealed, calling it "not democracy, but an expensive bureaucracy," Putin has more than 90% of the vote.
And so that the untwisted flywheel of electoral lawlessness does not fail, the occupation administrations have already announced that after the 2023 vote, the deployed "campaign headquarters will continue to work in preparation for the 2024 presidential election."
At the same time, there is one weak point in all this pre-election fever. Russia has embarked on a major war, in which it clearly demonstrates the collapse of its political system. Will it survive the winter, in view of the growing support of Ukraine's partners, the appearance on the battlefield of F-16s and massively multiplying Ukrainian-made drones? As Ronald Reagan noted: "There is no substitute for victory in battle."
And no matter how hard the Kremlin pushes, instead of expanding its influence in the geopolitical arena, so far it turns out only the treacherous sound of the rapidly descending air from the soap bubble of Russian power and the inflated ego of a timid dictator, simply loud zilch.
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