ahoystilinski · 3 months
guess who’s back. back again.
anyway, i’m hopping in here to slowly go back to track. i’ve been on a long hiatus. things happened, life happened, I’ve been mourning two of my dogs over the last couple of months, family stuff happened. so — yeah. if anyone’s up to writing once again with me, or to hop in into any of our previous plots, i’m in.
hope y’all are having a nice start of the weekend ! <3
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ahoystilinski · 1 year
happy pride month to everyone who came out, to everyone who hasn't and to everyone who can't.
i hope you have a safe pride month and a safe life. protect queer poc. protect trans lives. respect pronouns and gender identities. look after each other.
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ahoystilinski · 1 year
working on replies and posts as we speak, it’s nice to be back. <3
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ahoystilinski · 1 year
On the way to the van, the young Doctor kept his cool, nervous fingers placing the loose strands of brown hairs behind his ears. His mind distracted itself with the loose clues of the case. If the victims had connections, if some other close people could be interrogated, if a witness saw something else they said they saw. Reid started the walk towards the SUV when a familiar rhythm was heard. He couldn’t help but look over to Charlotte, who seemed way too distracted into her humming to notice his stare. The curl in his smile and the way his fingers tapped against the sides of his legs showed he enjoyed the tune.
“Do you usually listen to Beethoven?” He curiously asked, suddenly, once they were seated inside the vehicle. The smile still plastered across his features, hiding the tired look from earlier that day. Spencer seemed genuinely interested in learning that from her — like every piece of knowledge he gains, sure, but this? It was slightly different. It gained an unusual sense of warmth. The kind that makes your heart beat faster somehow. And of course, excitement. Finally, someone who genuinely knew at least one tune that wasn’t the typical pop, rock or rap song on the radio. Not like something was wrong but, how many people their age hum the rhythm of classical music on a random Tuesday? Even with that song being the most known in history, it surprised him. In a good way.
As they began their trip, Reid took that as an opportunity to tell Charlotte a fun fact. “You know, there are a high number of benefits that come with listening to classical music. Like for example, a calming effect is induced by it since it releases dopamine, activating the brain’s reward and pleasure center, spiking pleasure. It also prevents the release of stress hormones — which helps reduce blood pressure.” He info dumped, tone much lighter this time as he spoke excitedly. With his hands moving around to help himself explain better, brown eyes moved towards the driver, “mood is improved from there, clarifying thinking — makings tasks like studying and reading a lot more enjoyable and easier.”
“ Don’t lie to me.”
To Spencer Reid
From SA Charlotte Rothman
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“Hm?” His first reaction was to act distracted. One of the first rules of the team was to not profile each other, yet every single one of them kept breaking the one rule. Sure, this wasn’t profiling, but Spencer felt somehow exposed under Charlotte’s gaze. “I’m not lying to you. I am just focused on this case. But I didn’t go anywhere last night, nothing happened, everything’s fine.” Furrowing his eyebrows, he tried to act serious to be convincing enough.
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ahoystilinski · 1 year
Hopper felt himself breathe once hearing the kids weren’t in current danger, even forcing himself to stay next to the line instead of rushing towards their rooms to confirm it with his own eyes. Confusion set into the man’s expressions, was it what he was thinking? Should he held onto the hope he thought he had lost? Sam wouldn’t give him a warning unless it was something serious, right? The doubts are him alive.
And then — his heart stopped, only then to beat rapidly against his chest. He heard her name and everything stopped. Joyce survived. Was it a dream? Was it something his mind tricked into thinking? Was he a part of a sick joke? No— she really is alive. All he needed was to see it with his own eyes. “Joyce?” Was all he could say at first, shocked by the news. Jim had to stop himself from breaking right then and there, not wanting to disrupt the silence in the house. Yet lips trembled and his eyes shred tears. He couldn’t believe this was happening. Worry mixed itself with other emotions, since the Russians were still involved with this. He could only imagine what the woman went through. “She’s alive and breathing? I can’t fucking believe what I’m hearing, I just— she survived.” His breathing quickened and his hold on the phone hardened. Jim’s thoughts tangled, all becoming a blur from the shock. All he knew was that Joyce would be coming back home. With the kids. With him.
The Chief wasn’t a patient person, everyone knew that. Not when it was about the people he cared the most. Like Joyce Byers. The only way he’d be able to wait would be under the same roof as her. There wasn’t a way, nor a force that would stop him from running to Joyce. “Will you be staying there for the night?” He asked, already planning his moves from now on. Right now, knowing the kids were safe, that Joyce was alive and Sam would help, he couldn’t sit and stay back. He knew for a fact that he won’t be sleeping at all that night. So, if he had to stand on a waiting room for the whole night just watching at a door, then he’ll do that if that meant having Joyce back with them. “Listen, Sam. Tell me the exact address. I’ll tell Jon that he’s in charge and will be heading out there now. An hour and a half max.” That wasn’t a question, it was a fact. There won’t be a thing in any dimension that would stop Jim from being there. He won’t let Joyce go through this alone. Not anymore.
There wasn’t a day where he didn’t dream of that moment. The nightmares came but never went, flooding his brain with guilt and anxiety. He could still feel the punches shared with that Russian soldier but that was nothing compared to the way his heart broke in a million pieces once his eyes connected with Joyce’s and they both knew. They had to stop this, trying to avoid hurting the children more, they were their priority. Yet, his priority was also the woman. And he didn’t even got to tell her. When he saw the giant Russian fall, all that was left was turning those keys, leaving Joyce to her own luck, that was something he’ll never forgive himself for. If things had been the other way around and he was the one standing on her spot. . . She was supposed to be upstairs, safe from the explosion. Because he knew she’d be able to work better without him. But the Chief? Oh, he was a mess. And he would’ve come back to old habits if it wasn’t for the children.
The children. He was now taking care of three children, moving to a bit larger and much more secured place. He had to give them the best life. Because that’s what Joyce would’ve wanted. Actually, that was her wish, since he found himself being the elected tutor in case anything happened to the woman. And he couldn’t blame her, he had done the same thing. But how was he supposed to raise these kids without their mom, knowing what they all know? What was he supposed to tell them? How was he supposed to function and keep going?
From everyone else’s perspective he was acting ‘fine’, but the people that really knew the man, could tell he was heartbroken. They weren’t sure if it was the tiredness on his eyes, the lack of light that lately had come back or just the way he sometimes showed himself grumpier than usual — but he missed her.
It was impossible not to repeat the situation over and over again in his mind, every time finding a way where he could’ve save her. And yet he didn’t. It didn’t happen. She wasn’t out there and it was his fault.
The first few months were rough for him, but for the children? They were destroyed. So he tried to be there as much as it was possible, he offered his shoulder to cry on and he made sure to show them that he’d be there for them, just like he already has been before. Jim couldn’t help but feel concern for their well-being, of course he would. His job, his goal, was to keep them safe and sound. And it has been like that for the last eight months.
On this day however, was a long one. Somehow, people had chosen that day to need him for everything, work was filled of people coming in and out for the most random reasons. That didn’t stop him from buying, and heading to have dinner with El, Will and Jon. Midnight came and Jim found himself cleaning off the table, being interrupted by the phone ringing. Scrunched forehead with confusion set on his face, he decided to get the phone anyway, it could be an emergency, after all. “Hello?” Rough deep voice escaped his lips, figuring it could be the station. But Jim Hopper wasn’t expecting the person on the other side of the line be the one calling, especially at this time of the night. This had to be important. The tone on Sam Owen’s voice said everything. His heart beating hardly against his chest, curiousness and nervousness taking over his limbs as he almost didn’t reply. “Shit, Sam. Yes, I can do that, I’ll be there first thing in the morning, anything I should know? The kids aren’t in danger, aren’t they?” He could expect anything at this point. His gut was screaming at him, tho. Could this be something to do with her? Or is it about El? Eyes shifting towards the clock on his wrist, sighing since it’ll be hard to get some sleep now that he found out something might be happening. At least he’ll have a moment to speak, and let the kids know that he may be arriving home later tomorrow.
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ahoystilinski · 1 year
reporting myself here after a while, but hi to whoever is still around! sorry i wasn’t able to pop up nor reply to anything over the last month. i’ve been taking care of one of my dogs, who got seriously ill and she sadly passed away a few weeks ago. been taking some time off to mourn and get my head straight, so I’m sorry again. i’m back now, will be sending some replies later. hope everyone that reads this is having a nice weekend <3
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ahoystilinski · 1 year
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Chapter Three: The Monster and the Superhero
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ahoystilinski · 1 year
“Exactly. It could be a family dynamic of someone teaching the business to his legacy.” He suggested once again, eyebrows lightly furrowed as he scanned the victimology in front of their eyes. The discipline not only showed more maturity, but the first murders were more controlled and focused on leaving no trail behind. Yet the next ones were disorganized, full of anger and amateur-looking. “Maybe we should ask Garcia for families with serious records.”
Spencer almost jumped at Charlotte’s touch, attention gained and brown orbs going from her warm hand towards the kind smile on her face. He wasn’t jumpy because he disliked her touch, in all contrary, after working together for a while, he got used to it, nowadays comfortable with it. Instead, he was acting that way because of what was stuck on his mind. He knew she was concerned, but there wasn’t anything she could do — or that’s what he thought. His slightly chapped lips were pressed together for a moment, nodding as a reply, truly thankful for her actions. He knew she was there for him, that she had his back. He just didn’t want to bother her with his problems.
Following her with his gaze, Reid considered talking to her just for a moment, only to be interrupted by Hotch entering the room. Another body was found and he had chosen Reid and Charlotte to check it, since the others were scattered around town. “It’s in the area, a few more and the pattern will be coming to a full end.” Marking the address on their map, they were able to see how it all became an hexagon, for now, the murders were following a pattern, which gave them a clue of where these UnSubs were located at. They should be close, yet there were a few blocks to check. At least the newest information would allow them to finish the profile. “Let’s go.” Grabbing his satchel, Spencer quickened his pace, as if the case was the only reason why he was avoiding his co-workers.
“ Don’t lie to me.”
To Spencer Reid
From SA Charlotte Rothman
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“Hm?” His first reaction was to act distracted. One of the first rules of the team was to not profile each other, yet every single one of them kept breaking the one rule. Sure, this wasn’t profiling, but Spencer felt somehow exposed under Charlotte’s gaze. “I’m not lying to you. I am just focused on this case. But I didn’t go anywhere last night, nothing happened, everything’s fine.” Furrowing his eyebrows, he tried to act serious to be convincing enough.
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ahoystilinski · 1 year
Honestly, don't be afraid to just show up in my inbox at random
I may not be the kind of RPer that does all my drafts everyday, but I do often check my inbox/messages.
So if your muse misses mine, don’t be afraid to show up with a random text message or mini-para or sentence or question or whatever. I promise I won’t get mad at you.
This also goes for anyone who wants to interact with my muse. Just throw something random in my inbox. Even if I don’t answer it for some reason, I’ll probably message you back.
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ahoystilinski · 1 year
“You— This was literally your idea!" // for Noah or Jim
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Noah watched in shock, mouth agape as he placed his gun back in the holder. “We both knew this could happen!” Defending himself, he signaled for them to walk into his office. “Just— let’s talk there.”
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ahoystilinski · 1 year
“I swear to god, I’m going to rip them apart for this.” // for Carol or Natasha
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“Don’t. I am doing just fine.” she sighed, taking a moment to breathe in as she walked her pain off. Natasha had been keeping a serious face, but noticed it’d be better to show a small smile. “We haven’t finished the job yet.”
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ahoystilinski · 1 year
"You go left, I'll go right." // for Jody or Eileen
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Eyes focused on the other in order to not miss any words, instantly nodding in answer. “Be careful.” Was all she said, the hold on her gun becoming much stronger. Eileen then walked towards the left side of the building, searching around the place, she just begged for things to turn out fine.
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ahoystilinski · 1 year
His eyes stayed glued on the darkness surrounding them, trying to listen closely to whatever creature was around. He could almost picture it, awaiting, just about to jump at the right moment. Right hand on the gun holder, ready to grab it and shoot at the monster. Moments like these made it clear he was a ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ kind of person, and he wasn’t wrong about it.
With his focused entirely on the few twigs breaking just above, he only came to notice the detective wasn’t by his side no more when he slightly turned and watched his truck’s door get closed.
Hopper wasted no time, silently insulting the thing and step by step, he slowly walked towards his vehicle. The man opened the door just at the very moment the shadow moved with such velocity he didn’t even care if he made any noise. Turning on the engine, he turned the wheel and started the trip back to the center of Hawkins, knowing that it won’t follow them just yet. They escaped, only because the woman on his passenger seat had absolutely no clue of where she fell. Just as his hands held the wheel with force, Jim could only think about calling every single one of the kids, and Joyce, to tell them that danger is near again. Shit, he had to check on El. Sending Harris a look, he tried to keep his tone steady. “We’ll find you a place to stay at, don’t worry.”
jim hopper / open to: anyone!
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“What the hell are you doing out here?” Deeply furrowing his eyebrows, the sheriff gazed at the watch adorning his wrist; almost midnight. After the call from that very same address where they were standing at, he decided to take it by himself. Checking around the building, Hopper was surprised to find the other right there as well. “Is there anything I should know?” Heavy eyes inspected the figure, trying to find out if they were suspicious or rather on a wrong place, wrong time kind of situation.
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ahoystilinski · 1 year
Hurt Starters
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down! You don't want to get even more hurt, do you?" "Tell me where it hurts." "Whoa, that's purple… It looks like your shoulder is dislocated." "Oh my god. Are you okay?" "You're bleeding… You're bleeding bad…" "This is gonna hurt…" "Holy crap! I may not know much about human anatomy, but legs don't bend that way!" "It's all swollen up…" "You have a black eye. Were you fighting with someone?" "Okay… Okay, hospital. Hospital, now." "I think you have a concussion." "Calm down! Calm down! Your ankle is sprained, okay?" "Here, lean on me." "I'm gonna need more bandaids…" "What the hell happened to you!?" "Here, I need to clean you up. This might sting a bit…" "We need to get the bullet out…" "Oh my god, you've been shot!" "Did… did you get beat up!?" "Just hold on. You're gonna be fine…" "Look out for that car!" "Wake up! Oh god, please wake up!" "You're alive! Oh, thank god!" "I'm no doctor, but you should have that looked at. It's bleeding a lot…" "What is that? Are there bandages under your shirt?" "Why is your arm wrapped up like that? And are those blood stains!?" "You must have hit the back of your head really hard." "Look at me. Just look at me and stay awake. Can you do that?"
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ahoystilinski · 1 year
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faceclaim: sophia bush.
Name: Athena Miller.
Nicknames: Thena, Attie, Mills.
Age: 35 (it varies depending the rp)
Date of Birth: March 30th.
Gender: cis female, she/her.
Sexuality: bisexual.
Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts.
Occupation: Mechanic.
Strong headed woman, witty, smart, confident and hard-working. Athena used to be a troublemaker in her youth, still keeping such part of her personality in clear and ready to be out at any minor inconveniences. She gets angry quite easily, as she didn’t learn how to correctly cope with those emotions as a child, in consequence, she ends up either exploding or getting mad because of frustration. She shows empathy to those who deserve it, not able to ignore her compassion. She brings some humor to her life by being sarcastic and relaxing on moments where she’s able to.
Height: 5’5
Eye color: green.
Hair color: light brown.
Tattoos: a small minimalist bee on her right wrist, lavender flowers on her ribs, three flying bats on her upper back.
Several ear piercings.
Fears: flying on planes and being left alone.
Dislikes: the taste of lettuce, bacon, waking up early, dishonesty, summer.
Likes: sleeping, coffee, fruit, long car rides, people who go straight to the point, sports, fall, taking care of animals, well-seasoned (& “garlic-y”) foods.
Hobbies: fixing up cars, cooking, taking long walks/runs, collecting old rock and pop records and listening to them, spending quality time with her niece.
She grew up in a middle class home in Boston with her mother Jane, father Clark and younger sister Mary. Since the very young age of five she uses to spend her afternoons visiting her father at his mechanical workshop, learning how to fix vehicles. Her sister, on the other hand, was closer to their mom, passing her the love for being a nurse. She had a fairly normal suburban life, being liked in school for her “people abilities” only.
When she reached adulthood, Athena started to work in an instant as a bartender in a local pub, slowly making her way in her dad’s workshop until she took charge of it once he retired. Later in life, her sister passed through an accidental pregnancy at the young age of 19, being the older one, Athena took it upon herself in helping Mary since she chose to keep the child. Until the very first moment, she was there to be an important part of raising Magnolia.
She has always been incredibly protective of her family, willing to give out her life for them. In danger situations she is the first one to react and the last one to rest. Athena won’t stop until she makes sure her family is safe and sound.
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ahoystilinski · 1 year
down below I will be writing my OCs’ information and characteristics for everyone to check. most of them will be used for different universes, depending on their history. they will be listed under: multiverse. if i’ll be using a certain character for only one universe, it’ll be listed as said universe. with that said, i’m always open to do any and all crossovers with my OCs and CANONS.
• ATHENA MILLER. ( multiverse )
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ahoystilinski · 1 year
if you see me posting and editing my oc’s info, no you didn’t. i’ll get replies and maybe post a few starters once i’m done !
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