#hawkinsbestmom !
hawkinsbestmom · 7 months
It's been SO LONG since I've been here. I've been avoiding Tumblr due to some unfortunate events that had happened, however I want to fully get back into RP'ing just I have no clue if the STC is still active at all.
Who would potentially be interested with writing with me? May it be over here or on discord. Like and I'll shoot you a message! (Or shoot me one, totally open for it!)
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puppetoffthehook · 1 year
@hawkinsbestmom has found a nephew
They’re doing some project at school about family trees or something like that. Mr. Clarke said everyone needed to go ask their families about relatives and interesting family history so they can present it to the class at the end of the week. Pictures were optional but when one kid in the house is an artist and the other a photographer, they’re gonna go all out.
Jonathan and Will had pulled out Joyce’s family photo albums and were poring over them. The rest of the party was there including Max and El, listening to their friends talk about great aunts and grandparents and blatantly skip over their father. But in one photo there was a pair of figures the boys didn’t recognize. Will picked up the photo to investigate.
In the photo was a woman with long golden hair and a sun hat, dress blowing about in an ocean breeze. She was bent down smiling at the camera while holding a young boy to her chest. The boy had a big toothy grin, though at least one of those teeth were missing. Sandy blonde curls and big blue eyes made him look like the sea in human form.
“Hey, Mom? Who are these two?” Will called out to Joyce who was somewhere nearby. “There’s no names.”
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just-hopper · 2 years
"So, I was thinking... We're yet to go to Enzo's." -Joyce
Hopper looked up at Joyce with rounded eyes full of quiet hope. "You - you still wanted to go?"
He swallowed, uncertain of himself, as he always seemed to be when it came to this woman. He had thought he had missed his chance. But maybe it could still happen.
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broodingmystery · 2 years
@hawkinsbestmom starter for Joyce x Hopper
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Hopper blinked a few times as he looked over at Joyce. He took on a deep breath before shaking his head softly. "No, absolutely not." Shaking his head and glared a little at Joyce, with no real malice behind it. "I am not, and I mean it, I am not wearing a tux to help chaperone the school dance. I'd rather fight another demogorgon."
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childrenofthelab · 2 years
@hawkinsbestmom | continued from here
After the piggyback, both he and El had required more time than normal to recover. It had been such a feat of power, and as such, they'd almost had to revert to basics to build themselves back up after. It hadn't been much of an exertion really, but after all they'd been through (and bolstered by the fact that telekinesis had never really been his specialty), even as he'd finished, Ten could feel himself falling.
What he hadn't expected was for someone to catch him, gentle arms hugging him close and tenderly wiping the blood away from underneath his nose. Instinctively, the boy curled into her, arms coming up to cling on, almost like a small child desperate for affection, basking in the reassuring words.
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chrissycunn1ngham · 2 years
[as any of my muses] [ 🙏 ] - thanking them for something
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Chrissy could feel the searing hot pain course through her body. Her limbs felt like they were on fire. Each individual movement felt like a thousand tiny knives stabbing her over and over; like they were playing some sick, twisted game. As soon as she adjusted to the bright light of the hospital room, she could see the small frame of a woman sitting next to her.
Kind features wrapped in the ever loving smile of a mother that had seen too much. Only, this wasn't her mother. It was Joyce Byers. Someone whom Chrissy assumed was, for lack of a better word, crazy not so long ago. But after everything they had seen, everything that they had experienced together she longed for the soft comfort of her voice. The gentle touch of her hand. Reassuring her that everything was going to be ok. They had to be ok.
Joyce had become so much more than just Jonathan and Will's mom. She had become a friend, a confidant. Someone that Chrissy could rely on, more than her own mother definitely. Chrissy had found a mom within Joyce. A mom that she had dreamed of having as a little girl. Chrissy couldn't help the tears that started to fall, as she reached out for Joyce's hand.
"Mrs. Byers, thank you for everything." She managed out, with a soft smile.
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devildungeondm · 2 years
"I've seen Will be enthousiastic over campaigns before, but never like this! So thank you for including my son in it, it meant a lot to him, so it means a lot to me! He's been talking about it non stop, I don't understand any of it but I could see how happy it made him." -Joyce
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"It's no problem, Madam Byers," he replied with a slight bow of his head. "He's a smart kid." Will was actually very intelligent and knew D&D like the back of his hand.
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ahoystilinski · 2 years
Not being able to remember the warmth and calmness of your own home was one of the hardest thing someone can go through. Not the worst, but it felt along those lines. And people wouldn’t understand it, until they fall into that situation. Feeling lonely, cold, lost. Unfortunately those feelings were known for the masculine. But this time, it was different. This time he had been through a prisoner situation, he had to live with just enough, work for people that kept torturing him, right after going through unimaginable things.
But, now back home, all that he could things about was just how much he had longed for this. How much he longed for his family. The Sheriff found himself back in Hawkins, after the many events he missed, having to somehow handle a few couple of changes.
On the top of his list was his family. His daughter. Right at the moment his eyes fell on El, he could almost feel how hard she had it. The way her eyes watered, matching his, and the hug they shared, made him remember just how important he had become in her life.
Once they starter getting settled at least slightly, another concern occupied Jim Hopper’s mind: the possibility of Jane being mad at him for risking his life, for leaving. What if the girl thought he had abandoned her? Or if she was, in fact, angry that he wasn’t there to protect her? Hopper didn’t hesitate to stay close to El, keeping an eye on her, trying to take things back to normal. After the stress they went through, he thought that would be the right thing to do. Was she really as okay as she said? Was she keeping something from him? What did El go through on his absent? On moments like that one were when he thought how much better life could get if he only had some minimum ability for communication. Was he becoming better at it? Yeah, some would say that. But oh, boy, how hard it still was to voice the feelings he didn’t even know he had. After all, Jane probably was going through something similar, and maybe worse as she was still just a young kid.
Knocking on the younger one’s door, he opened it, soft tone as he made himself be noticed, “Hey, kid. Dinner will be ready in five, wanna help me set the table?” Or at least whatever was left of their stuff. It wasn’t like they couldn’t survive this way, it won’t be permanently, so they all figured it’d be safe for them to stay at the cabin. This was his way of saying he was there, that could be a chance to take if Jane needed to talk about anything. Basically, Jim knew he had to work hard once again to regain her trust — when talking about certain sensitive topics. For example, those eight months he was kept prisoner and everyone thought he passed to another life.
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familybyerstm · 2 years
❪ 🌺 ❫  ─── "c'mere, let me give you a hug."(from the hurt confort starters. You may respond as whoever you're feeling most right now.) @hawkinsbestmom​
      Jane wrapped her arms around Joyce and hugged her softly back. “This feels nice.” Jane was glad to have a mother figure in her life.
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hawkinsbestmom · 2 years
“Joyce I think we just need to tell them. The kids aren’t stupid they’re gonna figure out we’re hooking up.” -Hop
"Hop... Jim, they won't find out! They don't need to know. What's the point of them knowing we are hooking up, no strings attached? It'll just make El want for us to get together. It might get messy while right now it's so... Blissfully uncomplicated." -Joyce
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just-hopper · 2 years
Moral alignment test
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You are 60% good, 22.5% chaotic, making you neutral good.
People who are Neutral Good are guided by their conscience and typically act altruistically, with only secondary regard for whether their actions are lawful or in line with cultural expectations or traditions. Neutral Good individuals have no problems with what is lawful as such, and nor are they rebels by nature, but they believe in furthering kindness and good deeds through whatever means seem necessary to them. If fostering good means supporting an organized society, then that is what must be done. If good can only come about through the overthrow of the existing social order, then so be it. For many who are Neutral Good, insistence on either lawfulness or rebellion is seen as detriments to or distractions from the greater goal of promoting true kindness in the world.
Tagged by @bruce-wayne-rp (TY!)
Tagging : @hawkinsbestmom @astubbornmom @dcllsent @fliphimthebird @the-goddamn-babysitter @dusterson and anyone else who wants to do it!
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broodingmystery · 2 years
@hawkinsbestmom starter for El & Hopper
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"El!" He called out as he closed the front door behind him. "I'm sorry I'm late. But I brought your favorite pizza." He called out a gain as he set the box of pizza on the kitchen table before pulling his coat off and hanging it up. "Come on kid, don't be mad at me. I'm sorry." He added as he walked to El's room and knocked on her door.
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childrenofthelab · 2 years
@hawkinsbestmom | continued from here
Starting afresh in Hawkins was not so easy.
Ten knew he was lucky. Joyce had opened her home to him without question, hadn't even hesitated in offering for him to come and stay with them, and from the start she'd treated him like her own. He had a wardrobe full of clothes now, had tried more foods lately than he could count, and had spent more time buried under a fluffy blanket than was probably healthy.
He should have been happy.
And part of him was, and he appreciated what they'd done for him. And yet part of him yearned to go back, for the lab. It had been home, and he'd had Papa, and things had been good. He and Eleven had argued about it earlier, it had turned into a blazing row, when he'd said that he missed Papa. She'd not been able to understand it. She'd called him bad, said that he hadn't cared about them, and Ten had howled back that she was wrong.
Ten's eyes flickered briefly upwards as Joyce cupped his cheek, and he could feel the tears begin to gather, threatening to spill, bottom lip quivering.
"I...I don't think she likes me anymore..."
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hawkinsbestmom · 2 years
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Hi lovelies!
Thank you for being here! This is a ST RP account and is meant for fun purposes. The current muses on this blog are: -Joyce Byers (Main one) -Jane "El" Hopper(Main one) -Jonathan Byers (Semi-active) -Dustin Henderson(Semi-active) -Eleven (In the lab, Upon request) -Max Mayfield (Upon request) -Steve Harrington (Upon request)
(More might be added in the future, or might be taken down!)
I would like to re-direct you to my Carrd for more info about me and my muses! This is also where you can find my rules!
If by the end of my Carrd you still have questions, do not hesitate to ask!
Have a lovely day and hopefully we will talk soon!
X San!
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hawkinsbestmom · 2 years
“ we’re a good team, you know. “
Joyce smiles at him as he says it, her brown eyes settling on his blue ones easily. "We really are, Jim." Joyce agreed, sincerely. "Even though you drive me crazy sometimes!" She says teasingly, however the twinkle in her eyes hard to miss. "No one else I'd rather have on my side."
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hawkinsbestmom · 2 years
“ we’re not giving up. ” (Jane)
A soft smile rose to Joyce's lips as Jane, her daughter, spoke those words. Drawing her into a hug she gently kisses the top of her head affectionately. "Ofcourse we're not giving up, honey. Have we ever?" Joyce spoke softly, her hand moving to gently stroke over her back.
"We've always gotten through it. And this time will be no different." And Joyce truly believed that. After all they had been through, all they had suffered she just knew they'd get through this, too.
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