ahvnq · 10 years
      If heaven's grief, brings hell's rain, then I'd trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday, I want to teach you a lesson, in the worst kind of way--
     It's a good song, isn't it? But then again, almost everything by Fall out Boy is good. 
I’ve  thought of angels choking on their halos, get them drunk on rose water. See how dirty I can get them, pulling out their fragile teeth, and clip their tiny wings.
Anything you say can and will be held against you,  so only say my name It will be held against you
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ahvnq · 10 years
His head shook in dismissal of her words, adamant on continuing his act in order to provoke a sense of guilt out of the brunette. Of course, it’d be a lie to say he wasn’t at least slightly bothered by such a comment—his self esteem had never been the most stable, first of all—but he knew better than to let such a thing get quite as dramatic of a reaction as he had been playing this out to be. “No, no. I’m trash. I’ll never wear a hat again,” he spoke slowly before he lifted a hand, removing the hat from his head and holding it out to the other. “Take it. Throw it out. Do what you please.”
         Ahyoung starts chewing in the inside of her cheek, raising her eyebrows at him, or rather, his reaction. Somehow it was slightly amusing to her, but then again she still felt sorry, inhaling air deeply into her lungs as she heard his words. ❝ Oh c'mon, now you're being dramatic. ❞ She simply replies, shaking her head at him before she takes the snapback from him, eyeing it, then eventually returning her attention to the person who wore this snapback in the first place. ❝ You literally just told me to throw out 60 bucks, don't be crazy. ❞ Once again the female shook her head, putting the snapback back onto the others head.  ❝ Doesn't look so bad. Looking at it again it actually looks quite nice, really.. I'm.. serious. ❞
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ahvnq · 10 years
The palm of his hand immediately presses to the center of his chest, as if by some wonderful miracle, he could cease the utter heartbreak of a woman’s words. A brow had been cocked as the other remained low, his expression pained and lips pouting slightly. “This hat was sixty bucks!” he spoke out loudly, his hand now frantically rubbing his chest. “Does it seriously look at that stupid? I wear snapbacks all the time!”
        Watching him she begins to feel slightly sorry for what she had said, though she was being honest - just like she had stated. But the visible pain that didn't look all too faked made her scrunch up her nose for mere seconds before mirroring his pout. ❝ Oh-- ❞ Came from her,  her tone obviously sounding surprised, she didn't think it would've been that expensive, she laid a hand on his shoulder, offering a smile.  ❝ It's.. alright. Maybe it's the colors that make it look stupid. Ah, I'm sure usually you look great while wearing snapbacks, I'm really sorry-- ❞
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ahvnq · 10 years
❝You know Paris is beautiful at this time of year.❞ - Woohyun
           ❝ Actually, I don’t know about that, never been to Paris at this time of the year, nor have I been to Paris any other time of the year. ❞ She rubs the back of her neck slowly, letting out a soft sigh, shoulders rolling into a shrug. She didn’t really care about Paris anyway, what would she do in Paris? Except maybe eat a Croissant and keep calling people ‘mon petite du fromage’ which was pobably the only French she could speak. ❝ But— is it really? Ever been there or did you just hear it’s beautiful at this time of year?❞
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ahvnq · 10 years
"Stop it. You're being rude."
          ❝ I'm not being rude, I'm just honest. And sorry but that snapback looks stupid on you, also it looks pretty fake - to me at least. ❞ The shorter female lifted her shoulders into a nonchalant shrug, her lips curled into a playful grin as he nudged his side. ❝ Now don’t pull a face, maybe it doesn’t look that bad. Still looks fake though, how much did you pay for it? 10 bucks? Or maybe less? ❞ As she gained another glare of the male she tried to hold back a laugh, clearing her throat. ❝ Okay, okay I’m sorry, I’ll stop. ❞
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ahvnq · 10 years
❝I tripped and fell on some rocks. Nothing more. Honestly you’re imaging things.❞
          Almost like a stubborn child Ahyoung crossed her arms above her chest, a audible huff escaping from her. ❝ Right, of course I am. That doesn’t look like ‘tripped and fell on some rocks’ to me. I’d say it looks more like.. ❞ She made herself shut up, giving a few quick nods of her head, waving her hand at the other quickly before clearing her throat. ❝ You’re right, you tripped and fell on some rocks, nothing more. ❞
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ahvnq · 10 years
some more random starters from various sources (once again, from spotify playlists, random commentary, tv shows, books, movies, and my brain).
❝You know Paris is beautiful at this time of year.❞
❝Someone needs to learn how to take a hint.❞
❝I tripped and fell on some rocks. Nothing more. Honestly you’re imaging things.❞
❝Yeah, his teeny tiny swimmers are determined little guys aren’t they?❞
❝How can I eloquently tell you to shut the hell up?❞
❝You know you’re supposed to mix it, right?❞
❝Alcohol is bad for you. So are drugs. And sex.❞
❝I once knew someone who would nibble on his fingers.❞
❝What’s dead should stay dead.❞
❝You need to stop this. You’re making a fool of yourself.❞
❝I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with him/her.❞
❝I think I’m the one that has to float tonight. Fuck.❞
❝Come back to bed.❞
❝They look just like you.❞
❝It’s handcrafted by the finest artisans in the land, why in the world are you so surprised at the amount?❞
❝You’re not even my real mother.❞
❝You’re not even my real father.❞
❝You are a piece of me, that I wished I didn’t need! But I need you anyway.❞
❝Our love is just one huge clusterfuck, but I could care less.❞
❝Did it ever enter your mind that perhaps I wanted this?❞
❝It takes two to tango so both of you deserve the blame.❞
❝Our parents loved us. You were just too stubborn and blind to see it.❞
❝I just want to sleep, you know? I want to sleep and never wake up.❞
❝What’s the dream and what’s reality?❞
❝We were two foolish children who thought we were in love.❞
❝Do you honestly think that this is going to end happily?❞
❝When I told you I couldn’t face this child, I meant it.❞
❝She told me you were doing research — You know there’s no point, right?❞
❝Why do you insist on prying into the past?❞
❝Does this have anything to do with the affair he/she had?❞
❝He said that if I kept the baby, he would end everything.❞
❝Shame on all of us for not having stopped it.❞
❝I got lost in the sounds.❞
❝Stop it. You’re being rude.❞
❝I suppose it’s better than nothing. But it could be better. Without a doubt.❞
❝You always have your head in the skies when it should be here.❞
❝I made a mistake, why do you insist on reminding me?❞
❝If you love me, than why did you leave?❞
❝If you’re going to play the game, at least learn to play it well.❞
❝Look at you. You’re absolutely filthy.❞
❝You’ve never done this before, have you?❞
❝You’re bleeding.❞
❝I once stood at the edge of a cliff and thought about jumping.❞
❝I hate it.❞
❝You look like a grumpy cat.❞
❝Don’t tell me you don’t want to at least dip your feet into the water!❞
❝Just let it go already, Jesus.❞
❝I have a surprise for you.❞
❝You make love as you eat.❞
❝I don’t want anything to spoil it.❞
❝Can the heart truly turn black?❞
❝You have no reason to be suspicious.❞
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ahvnq · 10 years
      AIMs anyone? Pretty busy, so replies on here might take a while, also it's way easier to have a conversation on aim, since I'll be faster and all.
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ahvnq · 10 years
      I really want Ahyoung to have a blind date. Just because of the fun, and probably because it's been a while since I have roleplayed a blind date, or a date in general. Would actually anyone be up for a blind date plot? 
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ahvnq · 10 years
        Her head tipped to the side, as she eyed him slowly, brushing her tongue over her lower lip as she gave a few nods, a slight smile tugging at the corners of her lips. ❝ Very interested, huh? Mhm, me too. It's an interesting topic, though it's rare that I ever get to talk about it. ❞ She confessed, letting out a deep sigh after she had finished her sentence. Again - she listened to his words, she liked his way of thinking, his thoughts, if you want to say so. ❝ Right.. ❞ Words were mumbled, and at this point she didn't know what to say, since she could only agree with what he has said. 
      ❝ Yes, it's a rather pretty name. Actually-- no. No I do not approach strangers with stuff like this on a daily basis. I don't know why I did, to be completely honest. So you could say that you are a special case. ❞ A hum left her lips, followed by a soft laugh. She didn't know what about him made her think it was a good idea to start a conversation about stuff like this, but it must have been something. Otherwise she wouldn't have done it, and she was more than sure that he wasn't a demon, or at least he wasn't acting like one, or the ones she had met before. 
There was a brief pause as he contemplated how to reply to her observation. “I know enough,” he settled for, swallowing thickly with how close he’d gotten to speaking the entire truth. “I’m… very interested in this sort of thing. Angels and demons. All those things that people tend to not give much thought.” Yoongi chuckled quietly as he nodded, curling his hands around his now cool cup. “Right. But people have a hard time changing their style of thinking. It’s easier to ruin a reputation than it is to build it.” He wondered, briefly, if even Michael or Uriel could so easily sully their names like Lucifer had. All it took was for the right person to hear the right thing.
"Ahyoung," he murmured, sounding the name out himself. The angel found himself smiling warmly to her. "It’s a good name. So, do you strike up just anyone with conversations on angels and demons, Miss Ahyoung? Or am I a special case?" The man couldn’t help but tease — it was an entertaining thought, that she just decided him of all these people to speak about this with.
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ahvnq · 10 years
       It almost seemed as if he knew what he was talking about, as if he had met such beings, and that somehow fascinated her, she wasn't sure if he was just a really clever human, a hunter or maybe even something else, but she couldn't just ask, that would seem a little bit crazy, probably. ❝ You seem as if you know what you're talkin' about. ❞ She simply replied with her earlier thoughts, giving him a slight smile in return. ❝ No, I believe many of them have once been people, and some have been created. ❞ Though, she couldn't say for sure, she had met lots of demons, she had killed them, she has been meeting the devil himself, but she has never really met an angel, maybe they weren't even on earth, Lucifer was an angel, but that didn't really count to her, a fallen one, who is known as Satan, that wasn't really it. ❝ They are. No one was really right, but blaming Lucifer as the bad guy ain't working either. ❞
      She was mirroring his movements as she straightened up, just like he did, clicking her tongue softly. ❝ Right! I almost forgot about this. I'm Ahyoung, KIm Ahyoung, it's nice to meet you, Yoongi. ❞
That summed it up well, he thought as he nodded in agreement. “Right, except… There are good angels, angels that barely skirt the rules, demons that are entirely born of sin, and demons that would probably make better angels than many… might believe,” Yoongi stammered, giving her a slight smile in apology. His mind probably seemed strange to the woman — they were discussing this all so naturally, and he wondered if she might believe him, were he to confess. “After all, would it be too much of a stretch to think that many angels and demons were once people, too?” Although even in his long lifespan, he hadn’t met many demons, he had seen it done. Their souls change, manifest — people change. It was frightening as it was fascinating. She spoke of the mysterious individual and the angel only hummed softly in thought. “Just bitter, really,” he added, the slightest smiles tugging on his lips again. “Who can blame him. But then, no one was really in the right, either… Politics like that are murky, aren’t they?”
Straightening, he pushed back from the table a little to stretch his back. “Sorry, we’re having this deep conversation over here and I really don’t even know your name. I’m Yoongi. And you are?”
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ahvnq · 10 years
         Exactly! You never know what happens, and if, or better when, money will lose all its worth to the human race. You should, maybe. Though, I am not sure if we will even be alive when this happens, maybe in 100 years from now, maybe 200 years from now. I doubt we'll still be alive. Well.. at least you understand it now, kids usually don't understand this stuff anyway. Oh man, that's really sat to hear, how people can just stay unaffected by your aegyo, how can they. Singing sounds like the way to go, maybe that'll work, you should try it out. I wouldn't want the aliens from Aliens vs. Predators either-- Zombie Aliens, maybe just a little extreme, but hey, why not? Almost everyone is good at acting as if they're fine these days, which is quite sad, if you think about it. How we hide behind the words 'I'm fine' whenever someone asks us. Bankers are just .. mh. I don't like them, and I think they don't like me either, call me paranoid but I think they all hate me. 
You’ve got a point. For example, say an apocalypse happens, money immediately means nothing but paper to burn for warmth. So perhaps I should start working on my bartering skills to get more bang for my buck items. I’m assuming it’ll be a skill that comes in handy. I can add it to my resume too. But I guess the modern version would be telling people I have good negotiation skills. I understand now, but younger me was very upset at not getting any ramyun. I even amped up the aegyo, but nope - he remained unaffected. Next time I try something like that I should just sing, people tend to be swayed by that. Aliens could be a lot easier to deal with, though. Unless the aliens that invade earth are the ones from the Alien franchise, if so - I want nothing to do with them. What about zombie aliens? Or would that be a little extreme? I love zombies, I’d just rather not have a zombie apocalypse. I don’t know what I’d do with that stench. Yeah, me too. Most of the time I’m not in a position to sleep, aka schedules so I just have to suck it up and put on a show. I’m pretty good at that. But aren’t most idols ( and people ) these days? Oh, that’s true. I get intimidated by people like that. But maybe that’s just me.
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ahvnq · 10 years
       She gave him a short glance, tilting her head slightly to the left as she poked her tongue out in thought, a soft hum leaving her lips. ❝ I.. don't really think so either. Humans, they are born.. being neutral, I'd say. And the people who surround them while they are young, teachers, parents, family.. they make them become either good or evil. When it comes to angels and demons all of that stuff .. uh - if it would exist - then maybe, maybe they are born .. or created either good or evil. ❞ Ahyoung shook her head about her own thoughts, a quiet laugh escaping from her lips as she shifted ger gaze away, gently nibbling on her lower lip, inhaling air deeply into her lungs. ❝ Mysterious L, hm. I just learned about good and evil, a little. And that maybe the devil is not soo bad after all.  ❞ Her words came out quietly, her tone serious as this was a rather serious topic, and already what she had said could give her away, but then again - what would he know about hunters, he wouldn't suspect that she had, in fact, met Lucifer once, or even twice, because which human would think the devil was real, except maybe religious people, but he didn't really seem like one of them. 
"What about inherently good and evil? Are we born good and bad?" Yoongi inquired as he brought the cup to his lips, brows raised in something akin to challenge. He’d never gotten to talk to his charges like this (well, prior to these past two years, he’d never gotten to talk to any humans before). That he could, the angel found it pretty incredible. "But you’re right, their choices do reflect on what ‘side’ they are." He found himself really chuckling at her thoughts on how people of faith might react, but there was only a hum of interest when she broke off suddenly. "As I said, it would be quite the thought. … But now you’ve really done yourself in," the angel pointed out, setting the cup down to prop his chin up with his hands. "What did you learn when you met this mystery L?" He’d have liked to ask who it was, because it wouldn’t have been impossible to meet the King of Hell, but to have made himself known to a human? What was this girl up to, exactly, Yoongi wondered as he tilted his head a little. 
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ahvnq · 10 years
       Never did she have such conversations these days, either she was talking to people about her normal life, which wasn't so normal after all, being a pornstar was frowned upon, so she mostly kept it secret if she could. And honestly speaking, most people she talked to, thought she was stupid, just because she used her body, and sex to get money. And the other part of her life, being a hunter and all, well, she couldn't openly say that she didn't think Lucifer was the bad guy, she was the one killing demons and all of that jazz. So she enjoyed this, talking to a complete stranger about this stuff. ❝ Truly good and truly evil? No, I don't believe in that, all good beings can turn evil and all evil beings can turn good, or they think what they do is good, depends.❞ She almost mumbled her words, lifting her shoulders into a nonchalant shrug as she listened to him speak once again, just giving him a few nods, not replying to it, simply because she didn't know what to say. ❝ I don't think he was, but if so, and it would come out.. due to whatever reason, all those catholics would probably choke, doubting what they have believed in, that Lucifer, the Devil was a prototype of them. It would be kinda funny too watch. But hey when I met L--❞ She cleared her throat, she was talking too much, talking too fast, almost something slipped from her lips. And she hoped he wouldn't question her last sentence. It's been too long since he has been talking to strangers, keeping secrets seemed harder than it should be.
At least this girl was open minded about the conversation, Yoongi mused to himself as she let his words sink in. Meanwhile, he took the moment to study her truly. She was beautiful, the angel would admit that much, but he wondered if she was guarded. It wasn’t as though he could ask, so instead he let his attention return to the present as she spoke, holding his cup between his hands. “Do you believe in truly good and truly evil?” the dark haired male asked absently, his lips quirking up. “And really, He didn’t create them so that they may battle. He gave them free will, and they chose to do so, because like Lucifer, they found that since they could, they might as well try to rise to the top. Back before the morals were refined to what they are today, this was easily justified. Empires slaughtered entire civilizations because their ideas didn’t coincide. Jesus was crucified because people in political power decided to try and make an example of him.” Yoongi shrugged absently as she laughed. “I wonder if maybe, Lucifer was like the prototype for a human. Wouldn’t that be something…” Of course it wasn’t so, the angel knew, but the idea was amusing. “What would people say to that? Too far left field?” His voice was deep as it was teasing the idea, almost chuckling at the absurdity of it.
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ahvnq · 10 years
         Calm, darling. You might get a heart attack. { -- she lets out a snort, crossing her arms above her chest as she keeps eyeing him, part of her amused, part of her just a little.. confused, not even sure if confused would be the right word. She doesn't reply, backing away a little as he shows her the phone screen, just letting him have his moment, or whatever. Now sheer amusement takes over, and she licks over her lips. A muffled laugh escapes from her lips and she gives his words a few nods, nice ass, big tits. Interesting. She wouldn't say this about herself, but she of course didn't mind hearing such things either. } You really need to.. calm down a little, you're screaming, you know. Camera girl, yes.. no, not really. The girl on front of the camera, yes. Kim Ahyoung, the actual pornstar. That's me. And now hush. 
WHAT THE FUCK. [ ` he exclaims out of pure surprise, ] Are you some kind of a fucking porn star?! What is this! [ ` his arms are flailing and his hands are making oddified gestures out of surprise of the moment; pushing the screen of his oversized phone at her face, further emphasizing his point. ] Why have I heard your name— because I’ve watched this company’s god damn videos— [ ` he exhales deeply, letting his eyes fall shut for a moment before engaging in some kind of zen moment; inhaling, exhaling, inhaling, exhaling. ] No. You can’t quite possibly be that Ahyoung. No— no that Ahyoung has a nice ass and some big tits— [ ` he shifts his gaze to check her out for a moment; degraded the moment that she fit the profile perfectly. ] This is a lie, right? Right? I’m looking at like, a camera girl or something— right. Not the actual porn star. RIGHT?
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ahvnq · 10 years
kyungxs said: 
[‘pops out from a corner’] Did I hear someone say Supernatural?
        Mhm! Yes, yes you did. Let's have a really serious conversation about this show while drinking some hot chocolate-- { -- she inhales deeply, rubbing the back of her neck softly. } I mean.. yes, you did hear me say Supernatural, and I am Ahyoung, by the way. 
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ahvnq · 10 years
        Will I ever not cry about Supernatural? .. Probably not, I love this show too much.
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