aichan12 · 4 years
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aichan12 · 4 years
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Anya making fun of little Lexa (idea by @gaytrashexe )
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aichan12 · 4 years
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“A Snowflake in Spring” fan art collection 1
NEVER EVER REPOST PLEASE! Please REBLOG or SHARE only. DeviantART : http://lorelei-lilyprincess.deviantart.com/ Pixiv : http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=6380174 Tumblr : http://lorelei-lilyprincess.tumblr.com/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LORELEILILYPRINCESS
Finally! My fan art collection for A Snowflake in Spring by Celery Sticks.
It’s from chapter 20 & 21. :) I’m not good at the anatomy thing at all… *embarrassed…* Sorry about that… :(
Thank you Cel for sharing one of your favorite scenes with me. And thank you for such a lovely and beautiful fanfic ever! I, as well as other fans, enjoyed when Elsa and Anna cuddle each other sooooo much! >////< Cute, cute, cute!!! Anyway, until next time! ^o^
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aichan12 · 4 years
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aichan12 · 5 years
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aichan12 · 5 years
WARNING: THIS AUDIO HAS BEEN EDITED TO BE UNFIT FOR GENERAL USE. CONTENTS CONTAIN SEXUAL THEMES OF THE CUTE INCESTUOUS LESBIAN TYPE. This is probably the silliest thing I will use my powers for.  Someone suggested it and I couldn’t resist.  Enjoy some audio frick fracking, you glorious pervs.  Also… A Sister More Like Me is coming, I swear. 
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aichan12 · 5 years
Anna Summers, PA by hmselsanna
Scars of a Façade by ATHPluver
With You by freudianslip13, In the Service of the Queen by Malthazar Lord of Shadows are one of my favorites! But sadly these were taken down. But I think a few of us have a copy of these. (I googled these and found epubs!)
Can you share a short list of your favorite Elsanna fanfics with us?
Uh boy, I’m a disaster with these things cause I never remember the titles!
Everybody knows my fav is thawing hearts ;) and I adore “an hysterical situation”.
I am starting to read more AU lately, like “backwards” and “Cold Comfort”
I’m sorry tho, I hope others can be more helpful, I never remember the titles and it’s hard for me to find good stuff again.
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aichan12 · 5 years
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Like parents, like daughters
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aichan12 · 5 years
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Frozen 2 (2019)
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aichan12 · 5 years
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New frozen 2 funko pop wave, credits to Yavandor on reddit
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aichan12 · 5 years
I am so ready.
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aichan12 · 5 years
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We Know Better
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aichan12 · 5 years
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Here’s a little fic from a prompt @hedakomjus sent me!!
The growl that escaped Clarke’s throat was otherworldly.
She’d gone straight from a 36 hour shift at the hospital to the airport. Her mother was getting married in three days. Thanks to the connecting flight Abby had insisted on booking for her trip, Clarke was stuck in some little airport thanks to a spontaneous thunderstorm.
Baltimore 3:00pm – Delayed Polis 3:15pm – Delayed Arkadia 4:00pm – Delayed Reagan International 4:25pm – Delayed
“You have got to be kidding me,” Clarke groaned as one flight after another was postponed. She whined, fighting the urge to stomp her feet. “I just want to sleep.”
She followed the directions given by the airline employees to the customer service desk. Thankfully, it was only a short walk from her gate.
When it was finally her turn to speak to the airline representative, she smiled as brightly as she could manage as she stepped forward.
“Hello,” She said.
“Name and flight number?” The representative demanded.
Blinking a few times, Clarke had to bite back her retort. She knew she needed to be nice. Being nice would get her where she wanted to go, being rude would find all the flights mysteriously full.
“Doctor Clarke Griffin, Skycrew Airlines flight 0319 to Arkadia Express Airport.”
The tapping on the keyboard grew more insistent.
The representative glanced up and pursed her lips. “We have a possible flight to TonDC Express at 8:30 tonight. And a connecting flight to Arkadia from there at 11 o’clock tonight.”
“Nothing to Arkadia directly?” Clarke asked with an easy smile.
“I’m afraid not Dr. Griffin,” The representative shrugged and studied the screen again. “This storm seems to be heading straight toward Arkadia. Any direct flights to Arkadia will be delayed until the morning.”
Clarke closed her eyes and sighed. Then she nodded and opened them again. “Is there space on that 8:30 flight?”
A few more taps. “There is.”
“Can you add me to the flight then?”
“It’s a business class seat.”
Biting her back another snapping retort, Clarke reached into her back pocket for her phone, knowing her credit card was stowed in her case. “That’s fine. How much?”
“No, ma’am.” The representative shook her head. “I’ll have to refund some money to your card. Or give you miles. Your seat on your next flight was first class.”
“You’re a beautiful woman,” Clarke said with a grin. “Do you know that?”
The representative blushed. “Thank you, ma’am.”
“Just give me the miles, please. I’ll find some what to use them.”
A few minutes later, Clarke was heading back toward her gate.
Clarke: (2:55p) My flight is delayed… All the flights are delayed.
Abby: (2:55p) Do you have any idea how long the delay will be?
Clarke: (2:56p) Hopefully I’ll be able to catch a flight to TonDC and then a connecting flight to Arkadia around 10. There’s a random storm here though so who knows. Lots of lightning.
Clarke: (2:56p) This is why I hate connecting flights!
Abby: (2:57p) I’m very sorry! But that was the flight that fit the schedule best!
Clarke: (2:58p) It’s fine. I’ll keep you posted.
She watched the three little dots appear and then disappear before reappearing a few more times.
Then her phone vibrated and a notification appeared on her screen.
Your Battery Is at 10%
“Of course.” Clarke sighed and rolled her eyes.
Clarke: (3:01p) My phone is at 10%. And my charger is in my checked bag.
Clarke: (3:01p) I’m going to turn it off until I know what’s going on with my flight. I’ll let you know!
She didn’t wait for her mother to response before turning off her phone. She stowed the device in the back pocket of her jeans and rubbed at her eyes. She knew she was delayed for at least four hours. Probably longer.
After rolling her neck, Clarke sighed and glanced around. Her eyes widened when she spotted the coffee stand.
After purchasing the biggest cup of coffee she could find and a bottle of water, she finally headed to her gate to situate herself for her long wait.
Just before her gate, she found her attention drawn to B12, the neighboring gate. There was a lone woman sitting in chairs, glasses perched on the end of her nose as she read a book. Her chestnut hair was pulled into several little braids, holding the rest back.
She found herself wishing she could see her eyes.
Clarke tried to urge her feet to move on, to continue on her way. But they just weren’t listening. Instead, they were carrying her closer to the woman.
As Clarke sank into a chair across from her, she noticed the book in her hands.
“Order of the Pheonix?” Clarke heard herself saying. When the woman jumped, obviously startled, Clarke smiled apologetically. “What’s your house?”
“Excuse me?”
“Hogwarts?” Clarke tilted her head and smiled as she gestured to the book. “Which house?”
The woman shifted the book to look at the front cover. “Right. Harry Potter.”
There was a brief silence before Clarke smiled again. “You don’t know your house?”
“No…” the woman blushed and placed her bookmark between the pages. “My sister just adopted a little girl. She’s obsessed with the movies and Anya, my sister, is reading her the books.”
“And you want to keep up?”
Nodding, the woman offered a shy small. “Yeah. I’ve never been an aunt before. I want to make sure I’m doing it right.”
“Well, I’d say you’re on the right track.” Clarke said. “But you’ll have to take the test. You have to know what house you’re in. Your niece will ask.”
“Tris is pretty inquisitive.” The woman nodded slowly. “I’m Lexa by the way.”
“Lexa. That’s…” Clarke’s head tilted again. “It fits you, I think.”
She smiled, biting her lip and dipping her head. “Thank you. Does your name fit you?”
“My name and my Hogwarts house both fit me. Absolutely.” Clarke answered.
Lexa grinned at the teasing. They both ignored the blush rising up her neck and onto her cheeks.
“Was your flight delayed?” Lexa asked, eager to shift the focus of the topic off of her herself.
“It was. I swear Arkadia is cursed. Either there’s some disaster there or I can’t fly in because of weather. There’s no winning!”
Lexa leaned forward, crossing her legs and leaning her elbows on her knees. “You’re going to Arkadia? I’m heading to Polis!”
“Oh!” Clarke brightened at the news. “You’ll only be an hour or two from me then! Are you going for business or personal?”
“Both.” Lexa answered.
“Oh. Some work and some play.” Clarke teased.
Nodding, Lexa chuckled. “I work in New York at a branch of my family’s business. Headquarters is at home in Polis. I was born and raised there. My parents and sister are still there.”
“I followed my mom into the family business too. She’s a cardiothoracic surgeon, I’m leaning more toward being a pediatrician.” Clarke responded. Then she arched a brow and smiled. “I’m in New York too by the way, at Columbia. One year of residency left.”
“I’m a lawyer,” Lexa replied. “I work at the same law firm my great-great-grandfather started. Anya does too. My dad still runs it all.”
“That’s impressive!” Clarke said.
Hours later, they were sitting side by side, laughing and talking like they had been friends for years. Clarke had her head thrown back as she was belly laughing at something Lexa had just said.
“I can’t believe we could have played against each other!” Clarke insisted when she finally caught her breath. “In high school and at university!”
“Not really though. I am a few years older than you.”
Clarke snorted and took a sip of her water. “I started varsity as a freshman. It’s possible.”
“There’s no way!” Lexa insisted. She shook her head before turning to meet Clarke’s eyes. “I’m pretty sure I’d remember you, even after all these years. No way I would forget you.”
A slight blush crept up Clarke’s cheeks. She licked her lips and nodded. “I know what you mean. I don’t think I’ll ever forget tonight.”
Silence fell between them for a moment before Lexa allowed her hand to slowly fall onto Clarke’s leg, just above her knee. She squeezed gently before she smiled again. “And if we’d have played, Penn would have kicked Cardinal ass!”
“As if that would ever be possible,” Clarke replied. Her hand slid over Lexa’s even when she laughed loudly.
“Did you ever get the call?” Lexa asked quietly.
“Once or twice.” Clarke nodded. She sat up and puffed out her chest. “I officially have one cap for the USWNT.”
Lexa smiled and winked. “Impressive. But I have three.”
“I do!” Lexa nodded. “And a goal!”
Clarke collapsed back in her chair. “Show off!”
“Nah.” Lexa shrugged and smiled. “It was a fluke. It was a pass from Pinoe and instinct kicked in.”
“Do you think they have a chance at the World Cup this summer?” Clarke asked, her fingers tracing patterns on the back of Lexa’s hand.
“With Ellis in control?” Lexa snorted and shook her head. “No way. She’s too caught up with Lloyd and trying to prove her own methods are the best.”
“Attention!” The loud speakers crackled to life for the first time in over an hour. “Flight 0214 to Polis International is now boarding. First Class passengers can now board the aircraft.”
Lexa sighed and glanced toward the windows at the airplane. “That’s me.”
“Fancy first class?”
“Only the best for me,” Lexa replied with a wink.
They stood and gathered all their things. Lexa smiled and took Clarke’s hand to shake it gently.
“You never actually told me your name.”
Smiling, she shrugged. “You distracted me. My name is Clarke. Clarke Griffin.”
“Nice to meet you…” Lexa’s eyes widened. “You missed your flight! They called your name over an hour ago!”
“I was busy.” Clarke shrugged. “Don’t worry about it, it was worth it.”
Shaking her head, Lexa sighed. Another call for First Class passengers rang through the airport.
“Can I give you my number?” She asked carefully. “I’d like to keep in touch.”
“I’d like that.” Clarke nodded. Pulling her phone from her pocket, she turned it on and handed it off.
Lexa typed in her number and sent herself a text before stowing her own phone. She handed Clarke’s back and smiled gently. Then she leaned in and pressed a kiss to Clarke’s cheek.
“It was nice to meet you, Clarke Griffin.” She said. “Thank you for being a creeper and talking to me.”
They share a brief hug, too brief for Clarke’s liking, before Lexa has to go. She walks backward down the gangway, smiling and waving until the door is closed between them.
After taking a moment to consider her options, Clarke decided to leave the airport and find a hotel room for the night. She managed to find a little market where she bought a charger for her nearly useless phone and settled in for the night.
She shot off a text to Abby, asking her to connect the airline and ask about her bags. She was already half asleep.
Then, she bit her lip and opened the new text conversation Lexa had started.
Lexa: (9:40p) You made my night. I’m so happy to have met you!
Clarke: (10:15p) It was so… fantastic meeting you! I don’t think I’ve laughed that much in years!
Clarke: (10:19p) I can’t stop thinking about you…
Clarke: (10:20p) I hope you had a good flight and made it to Anya’s safely. Goodnight, Lexa!
Just a couple hours later, just after midnight, Clarke’s phone woke her. She sat up in her plush hotel bed, looking around confusedly.
Then her phone lit up again, ringing out.
“Hello?” She husked as she answered it and held it to her ear.
“I’m sorry,” Lexa said softly. “I didn’t mean to wake you. I just wanted to let you know I landed just fine. And I’m at Anya’s now. Tris insisted on sleeping in the guest room with me.”
Clarke smiled as she sank back into the bed. “I’m happy to hear you’ve arrived okay. Thank you for letting me know.”
“How are you getting to Arkadia? Were you able to get a flight?”
“No. Well, I didn’t ask. I’m just going to rent a car.” Clarke yawned and shuffled further under the blankets. “It’s only a three hour drive I think. I’ll enjoy the alone time.”
“Maybe we can talk while you drive. Not the whole time, just… if you get bored,” Lexa whispered. “But maybe you should make sure you set a few alarms now? And get some sleep?”
Clarke yawns again. “I’ve set alarms already. Thank you for asking though. Goodnight, Lex.”
“Talk to you tomorrow.” Lexa replied. “Goodnight.”
The next morning came too quickly. Clarke smiled as she checked her phone, finding a text message from Lexa.
Lexa: (1:06a) I’m not reading too much into this right?
Clarke bit her lip and giggled. She rolled onto her stomach and tapped out a quick response.
Clarke: (8:32a) Not at all.
Within seconds, Lexa was responding.
Lexa: (8:32a) Can I take you to dinner while you’re in Arkadia? You’re only an hour or two away.
Lexa: (8:32a) I don’t really want to wait until we’re back in New York to see you again…
Clarke: (8:33a) You can definitely take me to dinner!
Clarke: (8:33a) What are you doing tonight?
A few days later, after two dinner dates and an early morning breakfast date, Lexa was Clarke’s date to Abby’s wedding. Lexa charmed all the guests and found herself nearly glued to Clarke’s side all night. She met Raven and knew instantly she had to introduce her to Anya.
Once they returned to the city, on the same flight once Lexa rearranged her plans, they spent the next year nearly inseparable. It took Lexa six months to convince Clarke to move in with her.
Six months after that, Clarke surprised Lexa with a trip to that little airport they met in. She bought two tickets to Polis, Tris had a recital they needed to attended, and made sure they had a layover there.
She laughed when Lexa’s smile grew as she recognized where they were heading.
It was nearly exactly a year to the day after they met when Clarke led Lexa to B12 and got down on one knee, asking her to spend the rest of their lives together.
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aichan12 · 5 years
Times Anna calls Elsa’s name out: 65 (29 in Frozen, 4 in Frozen Fever, 7 in Olaf’s Frozen Adventure, 25 in Frozen II)
Times Elsa calls Anna’s name out: 35 (18 in Frozen, 2 in Frozen Fever, 7 in Olaf’s Frozen Adventure, 8 in Frozen II)
Just wanted to make a compilation for myself because I like the way Anna’s name is pronounced by Elsa! Ended up compiling and counting how many times they call out for each other. I was surprised to realize Anna says her name so much; it’s adorable )’:
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aichan12 · 5 years
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Alycia Debnam-Carey Selects 1920s Hollywood Cottage
By James McClain February 10, 2020
Hollywood, Los Angeles, Calif. PRICE: $1.24 million
SIZE: 1,055 square feet, 2 bedrooms, 1.75 bathrooms
“Fear the Walking Dead” and “The 100” actor Alycia Debnam-Carey is fearlessly setting down some real estate roots in Tinseltown, walking herself into a centrally-located L.A. cottage that’s just minutes from Hollywood, WeHo, and an almost innumerable trove of trendy shops and restaurants. The Sydney, Australia native paid just over $1.2 million for her 1920s Spanish-style starter house, which spans a bit more than 1,000 square feet of living space with two bedrooms and two baths.
The petite casita is completely walled and surrounded by a tall hedge for celeb-style privacy, and features an attached one-car garage and one-car driveway for off-street parking — a welcome boon in this tightly-packed but pleasingly walkable neighborhood.
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aichan12 · 5 years
Frozen pre relase merchandise
First i want to say thanks to @hereisisa for let me use her tumblr to make this post, i have a lot of thing to say about frozen but no way to say them. this is a post i made with her permission
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 This is the book anna icy adventure relased in october 2013, more than a month before the movie premiere, this is one of two books relased before the movie, a sister more like me is the other.
what is so great about this book? well not much really, is the story of frozen from anna point of view, only anna, all the scenes where elsa is alone are not present. but is interesting how disney was going to handle frozen before becoming a succes. lets beggin
Like i say the book focus only on anna, so we only know what she knows 
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This is the first chapter, notice how start right in the coronation, dont have the flashback of the accident because her memories were changed, is sad how she dont have an explanation, elsa just shut anna away, still she believe elsa was a great sister ans was going to be a great queen. there is two things worth read from the first chapter
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Anna is the free spirit, she was the one who want to be free, this is something planned since the first drafts of frozen
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Anna only wanted to be with elsa again, nothing more, and elsa always have the attributes of a queen. but we already know this, i just want to make it clear again
The story dont change much compared to frozen, a little more dialogue and some scenes cut. except the chapter 7, this is where anna find elsa in the ice palace, and is very different from what we got.
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ELSA GIVES HER BLESSING TO ANNA WEDDING WITH HANS! this is something i have never seen in any book, deleted scene, cut song or anything, is something the writter of the book put with disney approval or she came with the idea alone? this is a new side of elsa to me, she actually tells anna what happened that night, was not ambiguous, anna know what happened, the issue is never adressed in any other book of frozen media. “elsa laughs, i feel different” she is laughing because of anna, she really loves her but is afraid. this chapter is worth the whole book, this is the reason i made this post
This is the last chapter, same ending
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I was not going to talk about the las chapter but after seeing the frozen 2 deleted scene “a place for our own” i think is worth 
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Anna have some sort of resentment to her parents “do what our parents probably should have done a long time again” but i live how BOTH tell the citizens about the powers, anna never see elsa as a witch, i would love to see more scenes of anna talking with elsa about them, this is the closet i have
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“elsa and i know who we really are”
“when i do fall, i know the people who love me will always help me up”
i know this book have nothing to do with frozen 2 but i love that lines, i think they fit so well with frozen and contradict more the separation
Like i say except for chapter 7 the book have not much interesting things. but have a lot of awsome drawings. draws never seen again in any other merchandise. the book have a lot but i will show some
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In conclusion what we can learn from this book? first of all disney have no idea how big frozen was going to be, this book is full of spoilers and nobody cares, was never leaked in any place and i never see someone make a post about this. i dont know why someone would buy this book back then in 2013, frozen have an horrible marketing, the trailer make it look like a filler movie, not the next relase from the company, the sisters were not the focus, was olaf, sven and the comedy. why this book focus more on anna than olaf? frozen crew want to focus on the sisters but the marketing team only want olaf? 
Another thing to notice, elsa barely appears, even if she is the person who move the plot anna is with no doubt the protagonist. back then anna and maybe elsa were going to be part of the disney preincess line, anna was just another “classic” disney princess, they think she was going to be the most popular character of the movie, like rapunzel, a good character but nothing special. then the movie was relased and elsa sudenlly become the marketing monster and nobody know how to handle the franshise since then. thankfully even when elsa is more popular than anna the subsecuent books will focus on both, elsa sell more dolls but the sisters sell more stories. 
If somebody is still reading i want to thank you, just to end this long post i want to make a comparison between how frozen merchandise pre relase was handled in comparisson to frozen 2. frozen 2 fool us believeing the sisters will be together, the books never have the ending with the separation, the spoilers were avoided. they know the separation was bad idea or they care about not having spoilers? who knows, i miss the days when frozen was relased, happier times
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By the way this is grand pabbie, i wonder when the books waas written or when pabbie got his final desing
THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS @trabucooo​ ! It’s amazing.
It’s beautiful to read how Anna and Elsa are described. Anna is far, far away from being Queen, and getting older doesn’t change that. She had a personality transplant!
There is a few line they used in the musical, the scene where Elsa sees Olaf for the first time, that “….and you’re alive?” I can hear it in Cassie Levy’s voice!
Anna thinking about real love after one kiss with K is omg so naive!
Now I understand better the writers’ pov, they don’t write for Elsa, it’s all about Anna. :/ I see this didn’t change much.
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aichan12 · 5 years
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