aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
“That’s fair enough I guess. My name’s Aidan, by the way. Aidan the not student.”
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aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
“It’s not so much the notebook, it’s really the attitude about the notebook that tipped me off. I haven’t seen it by the way.”
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aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
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aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
“If you’re a serial killer that explains the horrible smell coming from the dumpster behind our building.” Aidan raised an eyebrow, stifling laughter. “I’d love to keep you company and potentially be your next victim, but I’ve got some very important business to attend to.” he winked, zipping up the black hoodie that covered his pale arms. He was sort of lying, unless a blind date was considered business, but he wasn’t about to admit that to a stranger just because they shared a zip code.
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aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
“Sorry man, I totally understand. I was just unpacking and being a bit noisy.” Aidan answered sheepishly, ruffling his blonde hair between his pale fingers. Most of his neighbors probably knew that he had lived in the building for over a year, so admitting that he still had stuff in boxes was terribly embarrassing. His eyes darted to the sleepy eyed brunette’s at the mention of a party. He could probably sell enough to make that month’s rent if he was lucky tonight. Aidan nodded eagerly. “Yeah you can text me or something.”
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“Oi, oi, jesus christ can you keep it down. I’m trying to get my beauty sleep and you’re stomping around like a damn elephant. My head hurts and I have bags the size of China under my eyes, so can you please just chill? Oh while I have you, we should totally go to a party tonight, if you’d let me sleep so I can rest out this hangover.”
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aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
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“I’m not here to borrow a cup of sugar, actually could I use your shower? Mine’s acting up again and I don’t feel like washing my hair in ice cold water this morning. I’d be really grateful.”
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aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
“No. Never again.” Aidan cringed. It wasn’t that he had done poorly in school, in fact he was very interested in learning, but he had never lived in his own apartment with his own schedule before he moved to New York, and honestly he was learning more out of school than he ever had in it. “I thought I had the dropout look down by now.” 
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aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
“Do I look like a student?”
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aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
“Some things are better left unsaid if you ask me. I prefer to remain a mystery.” Aidan smiled, a deep crease appearing on his cheek. He wasn't a huge fan of dimples. Aidan always thought they made him look like a fifth grader, but it wasn't like he could force himself not to smile. “Nice to meet you, neighbour.”
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aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
Aidan was born in Montreal, Canada to Maryann and Gabriel Davies. His father a neurologist and his mother a trophy wife. He always felt out of place in private school and golf lessons, but it was written off as adolescent awkwardness and he stumbled through high school and into college somewhat smoothly. Before the end of his freshman year, he was contacted by a man who claimed to be his biological father. He didn’t believe him, at least not until his parents confirmed the story. They were too old to conceive children themselves and rich enough to afford a sperm donor. Later that summer he reconnected with his biological father, a middle school English teacher named Richard Allard. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and had retired to receive chemotherapy. Aidan knew his biological father for four months before his condition grew worse and he had to be hospitalized. 
When it became obvious that he was not going to live, he dropped out of college, emotionally unstable and broke. He moved to New York within the week, moving into the first apartment he could find. Because he was technically not an American citizen Aidan the only job he could find was pedaling stolen prescription drugs and weed. 
Aidan is stubborn and impulsive, and always seeking an adventure and new friends to drag into trouble with him. He has the ability to persuade others into joining his escapades too, which is where the best friendships are forged. In this way he is loyal and adventurous but also has the tendency to avoid responsibilities and run from commitment.
+ stubborn impulsive irresponsible
- persuasive adventurous loyal
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aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
open connections
Long lost siblings
Always hated each other, but found out they’re siblings
High school sweethearts
First love
First Kiss
Exes who hate each other
Exes who still love each other
Exes who ended in good terms
Exes who are still having sex
Cheating ex
Blind date (TAKEN BY: http://nglfab.tumblr.com/)
Hopelessly in love with each other, but too shy to admit it
Internet boyfriend/girlfriend
Secret boyfriend/girlfriend
Cheating relationship
Best friend’s brother/sister
A couple taking a break from their relationship
One night stand
Relationships that are purely physical
Boy/Girl next door
Complete opposites
In relationship with different people, but have feelings for each other
Relationship not approved by parents
On/Off relationship
Have been dating for years, but one person is falling out of love with the other
Lifelong friends
Best friends
Friends who are practically siblings
Friends you only run to when you need help/advice
Once friends, now enemies
Once enemies, now friends
Don’t trust each other, but are still “friends”
Friends with Benefits
Childhood friends
Family friends
Former best friends who haven’t talked/seen each other in years
Friends who grew apart
Internet friends
Drinking buddies
Party buddies
Friend of a friend
Aren’t friends anymore because they dated and it didn’t work out
Forced to be friends because of their social group/family
Not as close friends as they used to be
Mother/father figure
Recent Neighbours
Neighbours who have never talked
Share a lifechanging secret together
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aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
Hi guys! I’m Sofia. Sorry for my lack of activity recently, this wasn't what I hoped to start at this rp like. Just started my second semester  in college and finished training at my new job (STARBUCKS) so things seem to be winding down after the first week.
I’ll do replies every day when I’m at school. Message me to plot lovelies. 
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aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
“Me neither. Or animals because of that noise complaint.”
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“Long story short, I’m not allowed to have candles in my apartment anymore.”
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aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
“It’s mild.”
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So 2016 eh? I made myself a new years resolution as lame as that sounds, I was slightly intoxicated during this and somehow I still remember, anyway I made the decision to actually interact with you lot around here, whether I like you or not. So I guess, the weather ?
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aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
“So it’s safe to say you’re a huge nerd then?”
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Has anyone seen my notebook? It’s kind of like a whiteboard type of notebook, so I can use it for god knows how many years. – That was the plan, unless one of you decides to never give it back. In that case – you suck.
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aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
“Yeah I know what you mean. I’ve learned how to deal with people who are always under the influence.”
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“Bartending is kind of the worst and I’m honestly so close to just becoming one of those nature people that doesn’t believe in money and uses a barter system while they live off the land.”
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aidan-stfu-blog · 9 years
“I don’t go to the library generally.” 
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“Am I the only one who spends a concerning amount of time observing how much some people are freaking out in the library? You can so tell when they have a deadline for the next day.”
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