ailar023 · 7 days
A Small and Tall Collection | Chapter One | Snow Place Like Home
Winters are an unforgiving time, northern winters especially. Trees and vegetation are few and far between. Snow is thick and deep. When those delicate flakes begin to melt on one of those few warm days where the wind doesn’t pass right through your body, they create a sheet of slick ice which hides beneath the unassuming snow.
Any time spent outside could spell absolute disaster, but there were few options at this point - especially for her.
Ashlynn, pack on her back and desperation in her heart, had decided to brave the great outdoors out of pure necessity. Too many things were wrong that venturing into the frostbitten conditions outside of the safety of her home seemed like a better alternative.
As a Borrower, no one ever took moving lightly. It was a dangerous thing to attempt, especially because standing at a proud five inches flat made the world that much bigger. Everything - roots, bugs, animals, plants - could prove an impossible obstacle. Still, she had made the decision. There was no going back. How could she?
The thought of being captured and confirming whether or not she’d been seen was not on the agenda for today or any day in her future. There were other things too, but that was the last thing on her mind at the moment. Right now, there were higher priorities on her ever-growing laundry list to accomplish.
First and foremost? Finding shelter - a proper one.
As she pried her eyes open, the edges feeling as though they were covered in a light frost from the morning, she knew that colder weather was on the horizon and there was no chance she’d survive another night like the one before. Sleep tugged at her lids, begging her to return to the bliss of unconsciousness. It was a luxury she couldn’t afford. What little warmth existed between the blankets she’d managed to haul along with her weren’t going to be enough.
Even now, she could feel how her body shivered and ached as the cold seeped in through the most miniscule of gaps between her and the blankets around her. She dared not stretch, even though she desperately wanted to, in fear that the blankets had shifted in a way for her to break that precious seal between her and the cold followed by plunging her feet into the snow.
Waiting wouldn’t do any good.
It felt good to procrastinate the immense tasks set forth today, but it wouldn’t help her. Every moment she lingered in the coveted heat she’d created would only spell trouble later, especially if she didn’t find a suitable home by the time night set in.
Every scrap of clothing she owned already on her body, Ashlynn inhaled the warm air one last time before forcing her head out from under the blankets. The decision was necessary, but instantly regretted. The frigid air hit her like a slap in the face. The hard earned heat vaporized in an almost perceptible puff of air. The only good thing was that there were no bugs nestled next to her makeshift camp deep in the roots of a tree she’d managed to find.
Ashlynn hated bugs.
Too often she’d woken up with a daddy longlegs crawling over her to seek out the warmth of her body or one of those nasty little roaches skittering across the bottom of her blankets. The worst jump scare she’d received so far was a mouse that started creeping into her hiding place, too cold to be driven away by its fear.
Yes, a proper shelter was necessary, and Ashlynn intended to find one today as soon as possible.
She hoisted herself up out of her bed and rolled up her life-saving blankets and fastened them to the bottom of her pack before heaving it onto her shoulders. The gap in between the roots she’d found the night before allowed safe passage out. The sun, distant and cold, was shining bright through the naked branches of the tree high above her.
As Ashlynn surveyed her surroundings, a few things stood out to her. A fresh dusting of snow coated the ground, adding another inch or so to the already staggering three. She was basically at eye-level with the frozen flakes if she stood in the right spot, but that was common for a Borrower. Another thing she noticed was that the world seemed quiet and still. There were no noticeable signs of life.
No birds.
No rabbits or other small rodents.
No humans, and this was a good thing.
Knowing humans liked playing in fresh snow, Ashlynn felt like luck might actually be on her side for the time being. This was going to be a good day.
The Borrower moved swiftly across the trampled snow, noting how there was a subtle slickness to the ground as she stepped from tread mark to tread mark. This was going to be dangerous if she hit an ice patch, but did she dare slow down? At the moment, Ashlynn was standing what was essentially out in the open. There were houses to her left and right, but not close enough to make a successful mad dash to safety.
Injury wasn’t worth it.
“Just great,” she muttered as she forced herself to slow and walk closely near the piled up parts of the snowbank as a brace. Every step felt like a wobbly mess promising to make her slip and twist her ankles. Thankfully, she was as sure footed as a Borrower could be and managed to maneuver her way across the sidewalk and, finally, onto the road.
A human road seemed like an impossibly long distance to cover, especially with only her two feet and a heavy pack on her back. Even as she approached the road, a gentle breeze blew the thin layer of powdery snow across the way, making it look like the frozen tundra she’d seen once before on some kind of TV show she’d glimpsed years ago.
The beauty of the moment couldn’t be appreciated now. She looked to the left and then to the right before inhaling sharply and, relying on pure instinct, sprinted across the road. Between the furs on her body and with how small she knew she looked, any human who might’ve been looking out of the window at that precise moment might think she was some kind of squirrel or other household rodent.
At least, she was counting on it.
Ashlynn’s feet pounded hard and fast against the compacted snow. Each step she could’ve sworn that she could feel the ice trying to make her step slip. The snowbank was right in front of her. Fighting the frost and fatigue in her limbs, she pushed the last bit of energy she had to sprint up the foot tall snowbank in front of her and tumble over the ledge. She slid down the other side and, as luck would have it, spotted a baren hedge bush a mere ten feet away.
And next to that bush was the house she’d had her eye on from across the street.
Hopefully, this place would be a more welcome one than the others she’d visited, which immediately seemed to be the case as she noticed how the snow was compacted down and scraped away from some of the walkways. Ashlynn prayed silently that this was an indicator that the human inside liked spending time outside and would be leaving her alone inside the house.
The mere ten feet was a breeze to walk after so many days out in the elements and, soon after, Ashlynn found herself examining every crack and crevasse in hopes of finding a way inside of the towering walls above her. Perhaps it was sheer will and optimism, but as Ashlynn approached the walls by the bush, she found the smallest of openings and, even more exciting, felt a faint breeze of warm air brushing over her frozen cheeks.
The crack was only an inch or so wide and three inches tall, but that was more than enough for the miniscule woman. The Borrower slipped off her bag and set it to the side as she wiggled her way through the crack, forcing her head and shoulders in first before heaving the rest of her body through. The most difficult part was getting her bag through the gap, mostly because of the blankets and bobbles she’d attached to the outside because of the lack of room on the inside.
The moment she was inside, the relief of warmth began to seep into her joints and bones. Her body started to itch and ache, and she realized the warmth was probably the culprit. It was something that happened when she spent a lot of time outside in the frigid cold, though she wasn’t exactly sure why. All she really cared about now was the fact that she was going to be warm tonight.
Ashlynn fished through her pack, pulling out various items and borrowings, until she found her trusted hip lamp. The little light that was seeping in through the crack she’d entered through the house in certainly wasn’t enough light to see the labyrinth of walls and beams above her; and it certainly wasn’t going to be enough to see any pests she might have to fight off to claim this house as her home.
The light from her lamp glowed with its familiar yellow light and, just like that, Ashlynn could see the underside of the immense human dwelling. The first thing she noticed were the cobwebs and spare scraps of wood and brick that were laying all over on the ground. It was the perfect nest for dangerous things, especially because of the scraps of cloth and twig brush at the far end of the house, but she would have to worry about clearing all of that out during the spring if she decided to stay in this home.
Now was about finding her way inside. Ashlynn hoisted her pack back onto her back and followed along the floor joists until she spotted a tiny gap between the floor and where she stood on the ground. If Ashlynn had to guess, it looked like the house had merely settled and had separated ever so slightly from the main wall.
Bad for the homeowner, but good for her.
Ashlynn set down her pack and, retrieving her hook from the back left side, spun it around and let it fly through the air. The silver hook lodged somewhere high above, and Ashlynn was relieved when it didn’t come loose as she tugged. With a couple more tugs, she left her bag attached to the bottom of her string and hoisted herself up the line toward the tiny gap she’d managed to spot.
The gap proved no challenge for the Borrower, but her pack was a bit of another story. It was a punch to the gut, but Ashlynn quickly concluded once she’d heaved her pack through the tiny gap that she’d probably have to leave it behind as she explored her new environment. There was nothing worse than having a pack slow you down, especially if you were in a pinch.
Her brother had learned that the hard way…
But she couldn’t think about that now.
At least it’ll be safe here, Ashlynn thought to herself as she tied her bag up on a nearby nail head that hadn’t quite stuck completely into the wall and fished out her essentials including her pin, her thumb tack, hip lamp, and her borrowing bag. She’d also stripped off several layers of her heavy clothing to remain agile and limber, even though she shivered as she did so.
Cold was enemy number one in her eyes. Always had been. Always would be.
Before she left, she also brough a little bit of spare thread with her to tie or drop to help lead her back to her only possessions. Starting from scratch after the week and three days she’d endured going from place to place was the last thing she wanted.
She’d barely made it three steps when another realization hit her, and it was quickly becoming priority one – food.
After pulling out her essentials, Ashlynn realized she only had a tiny piece of cracker left in her food supply, and now that she was warming up her insides were thawing and reminding her that she needed more than that by the end of the day. She thankfully knew how to operate when hungry, but in her immediate memory Ashlynn couldn’t remember when she’d delved into her food bag last.
So, priorities set of finding a proper base and decent food, Ashlynn set out into the walls, unsure of what she was going to find.
Continue | Coming Soon
A Tall and Small Collection | Original Story
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ailar023 · 29 days
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i like it when this happens in ultraman
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ailar023 · 1 month
For my art and all random stuff I make… go here! This is where you get everything that’s worth viewing, and some that is rough around the edges. ok, most of it is the wip part of the projects. 
Here is where my fanfics and original stories are on AO3
Here are the fanfics only on Fanfiction
Here are the refined finished artwork pieces on Deviantart and some fics
If you like what you see and wanna support me, you can buy me a Kofi !
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ailar023 · 1 month
Chapter List of Still Subject To Change (SSTC)
Disclaimer! There will be Vore content on this blog!
this is a chapter list for my Vore story SSTC so it is easier to find and less scrolling is needed.
i will also put art/fanart links at the bottom!
Random vore day drawing
Height Chart
Fanart/writings and Asks
(for some reason i keep getting errors when trying to update these here, so i moved them)
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ailar023 · 2 months
Could we see the aftermath of James finding Tanner from that last story? What happens when he meets Oliver?
A loooot of emotions is what happens
Enjoy ^^
Word count: 3,560
First part
“Oliver? Can you hear me? Over.”
Oliver heard his friend's urgent voice coming through the walkie talkie he had placed off in the corner of the living room. James had come up with the idea a few weeks ago to make communicating easier because a phone was pretty inaccessible for Oliver to use whilst living in the woods. With the walkie talkie the batteries would only need replacing every year, and they were close enough that the signal was just fine.
He picked up his cup of tea as he walked over to the device, pressing on a button.
“I can. Is something wrong? Over.” He responded, releasing the button and blowing onto the hot tea to help it cool faster before braving himself to take a small sip. He hummed contentedly at the taste. The leaves he was using now were some of his best yet, and he planned to keep some to oxidise more so he could have a stronger batch in the future.
“I found a kid. A kid like— a borrower. He…you should get here quickly. He's asleep now, or passed out, or something— but he was scared of me. Come over. Over.” James seemed to stumble over his words, unsure of how to explain the situation briefly enough that Oliver would get here faster, but also with enough information for him to understand the urgency.
Oliver bristled at his words, standing up straighter and pressing the button again to respond.
“I'll be there in 5 minutes. Over.”
He released the button and immediately got moving, placing his tea cup back down on the wooden coffee table, grabbing his jacket and putting his boots on quickly before leaving the door and whistling for Gail.
The buzzard immediately swooped down and Oliver kept his arm raised, feeling the air hit him as he was suddenly being lifted by Gail’s talons. He swung himself up onto the saddle he had made and gave her an affectionate scratch at her head before whistling sharply, telling her where she needed to go.
James had opened his kitchen window so that Oliver would be able to enter easily rather than having to traverse through the tunnels in the walls. Gail landed on the windowsill and Oliver hopped off and quickly hopped down the short distance to the kitchen countertop.
James was already waiting there, but all of his attention was in his hands. Oliver could feel the nervous bobbing of his leg as he sat and waited, and he wasted no time running over.
“James? I'm here. Bring your hands closer so I can see his condition, and tell me what happened.” He commanded softly, worried about how James had come across the child and why he decided it was best to bring them to his home. He didn't think James was thoughtless enough to kidnap someone, so there must be a reason.
James nodded and lowered his cupped hands towards the kitchen counter, biting his lip anxiously as he looked between Oliver and the kid.
“I was taking Henry for a walk, but then Henry started barking and fussing about something down an alleyway. I thought I heard crying or something so I went to check it out— and this kid was there. He said his parents are dead, and he was just hanging out near a bin, and I didn't want to leave him there to freeze or get attacked by something— Poor kid feels like ice…” He explained.
Oliver climbed up onto Jame’s palms, approaching the boy to assess his condition only to freeze. Is it..? Oh god.
Although the boy looked slightly different, his build and size was almost the same as when he and Sammy had gone missing…which was concerning, since it had been three years and the boy had hardly grown. His dark curly hair was longer and matted, in desperate need of washing and brushing but clearly he had had no access to such thing for a very long time. He was dressed in a long t-shirt that came down to his knees, which seemed like it should have been white but it was so dirty that it was almost brown.
On what parts of his body were visible, there were scars which Oliver knew weren't there before. And although most borrowers were thinner from a lack of nutrition, Tanner did not have the build of a borrower at all; he looked as if he wouldn't even be able to carry his own weight, let alone climb something. If James hadn't found him…Oliver didn't think he would have lasted much longer.
“Tanner? Your…your cousin?” James breathed, holding very still, as if held in place by Oliver's shock.
Oliver swallowed and nodded slowly, beginning to lower himself to crouch beside the curled up boy. His hand reached out and gently brushed across his cheek, tears springing to his eyes when his fingers actually met skin. He's real. Oliver's hands shook as he inspected his little cousin for any visible new injuries, and he was relieved that James managed to not bruise him.
His parents are dead. That's what he told James? So that means…Aunt Charlie died. How long ago? Was it recent, or around the same time that Uncle Harris was killed? What happened? Is Sammy alive?
James watched silently, seeing how conflicted Oliver's eyes were. He was clearly processing a lot of things at one time; no doubt ecstatic about his cousin's return, whilst also being concerned about what he hsd endured. James knew that both of Oliver's cousins went missing… and if only one was here then…he was sure Oliver had a lot of emotions happening at the same time.
“I…I want to wake him up… but he…looks so peaceful…” Oliver uttered, conflicted. It had been years since he saw Tanner, and in those years he had only been able to picture his cousins suffering or dead. Now that all felt like a very distant memory, and he just wanted to watch the boy sleep in safety and comfort.
Oliver looked up at James again, and James just nodded, knowing exactly what he was asking. Oliver let out a small sigh of relief and settled down on Jame's hands, sitting against his thumb with his arms folded on top of his knees, watching Tanner and still having to keep reminding himself that this was really happening.
An hour had passed before Tanner began to stir. James had stayed still as promised, only moving a little in order to give Oliver some reassuring pats on the back as they waited. They had been mostly silent the entire time too, though James was certain that he had heard and seen Oliver cry at one point when everything had finally hit him.
As James felt the faint movements against his palm his fingers twitched inwards slightly, anxious about how the boy would react to being in his hands still. Now that he knew that this child was Oliver's cousin, the pressure to not scare him felt even more intense. He watched as the boy slowly sat up and yawned.
Then his eyes opened.
James’s breath hitched when his eyes met Tanner's, instinctively lowering his head in an attempt to loom less over the borrowers sat in his palms. He opened his mouth to say something, only for the child to speak first.
“O-oh… A-am I your pet now…?” He asked timidly, beginning to tremble, not having even seen Oliver sitting just a few inches away yet. James and Oliver were both taken aback by the question— and especially the way he asked it. He didn't sound surprised and he wasn't fighting; he was just asking.
“Kid…no. That's…” James trailed off, shaking his head quickly. Luckily Oliver stepped in, seeing that James was having trouble finding the right words.
He shuffled closer without standing up, wanting to be at Tanner's eye level when they spoke. Part of him was hesitating, his heart racing at the thought of doing or saying something wrong. He paused for just a moment when he saw Tanner's eyes; black like a void; but he continued despite the questions the sight gave him.
“It's alright. You're safe…” That was the first thing he wanted to make clear; having no idea what kind of experiences his cousin had had in the past three years so not wanting to presume he would understand that just by recognizing him. Oliver brought his hands forward carefully, keeping them palm up and low down, gently taking Tanner's shaky hands into his own. He offered a small sombre smile.
“Do you remember me..?” He asked, unsure of how much he would remember. Oliver moved out when Tanner was only 5 years old after all, and although he tried to visit regularly he was sure that he must still feel like a stranger. Oliver's thumbs ran over the back of his smaller hands as he waited patiently for a response.
Tanner stared at him for a few seconds, and Oliver wasn't sure if it was because he didn't recognize him or if he was in shock seeing him again…especially in the hands of a human. He simply kept a smile on his face and continued to hold his hands; grip soft enough that he could pull away at any time.
James was silent as he watched the interaction, trying his best to keep any twitching at bay. He hoped he would just fade into the background, practically holding his breath so that the boy would focus on Oliver instead.
“U-um…your name is Oliver…” Tanner finally responded, his words coming out slow and shaky. Oliver watched with concern as black tears began to gather in his eyes, unsure if that was normal or painful or what it meant— he had never seen or heard of such a condition and he couldn't take Tanner to a hospital.
“A-are you gonna save me..?” The younger borrower asked, hiccuping slightly as his fingers weakly gripped tighter onto Oliver's hands. His tone took on a more desperate edge and he moved a little closer to his cousin. “F-from the human?”
Tanner turned towards James, staring up at him with trepidation.
Oliver baulked at the question, his eyebrows furrowing and expression becoming a mixture of surprise and worry. He could feel James's hands shifting from beneath him and knew that he was uncomfortable; only staying put because of the two people seated in his palms.
Oliver cleared his throat and stood up slowly, gently pulling Tanner to his feet too.
“Let's step onto the countertop, okay?” The best way to get Tanner to understand that James wasn't a threat was to show that. Oliver could insist that he was a good human as much as he wanted, but in this case it was better not to argue without knowing how Tanner would react. He might only get upset at his insistence.
Tanner gave James a wary glance before following Oliver, clutching onto his arm now as he moved off of the giant hand and onto the cold granite. He shivered, partially missing the warmth of the human's hands but reminding himself of what those hands were capable of.
James relaxed once he no longer had to keep still, and slowly put his hands into his lap, glancing at Oliver for some sort of signal of what to do. Should he stay or go? It didn't take long for Oliver to tell him what to do.
He looked up at James, giving a slight nod.
“James? Would you make some miso soup for Tanner? Fetch a cup of water in the meantime. I'm sure he's thirsty.” Oliver chose miso soup because, although he would love to give Tanner all of the fruits the boy could ever wish for, his stomach was almost certainly empty. Citrus was bad for an empty stomach… Soup would be easy to digest and filling. Not to mention it would help warm him up.
Tanner watched as the human stood up and walked away, latching onto Oliver tighter at first before relaxing as he realised that the human was obeying. He wiped at his eyes and looked up at Oliver, a spark of curiosity in his timid gaze.
“The human l-listens to you..? Why?”
Oliver tilted his head down at the boy with a reassuring smile, crouching down again so he was closer to eye level.
“Well… James is a nice human. He's my friend… he'll listen to you too, if you ask him to do something.” He explained. Taking his eyes off of Tanner for a moment, he looked towards James and saw that he was walking back over with some water. He held up a hand to signal for him to stop and James was quick to listen. Oliver shot him a grateful smile before looking down at Tanner, who was tense and shaky all over again, staring in James's direction with an owlish gaze.
“Is it okay if he gets close and brings the water over here?” Oliver asked. As expected, Tanner shook his head, crouching down himself and huddling into Oliver's side. James had to strain to listen to the conversation and his heart stammered when he saw the kid shake his head. Even so…
“I'll leave the water over here then, see?” James assured, placing the small cup down on the counter beside him, a few feet away from the borrowers. He also placed down two tinier cups that he had bought for Oliver to be able to drink more comfortably when visiting. With that done, James moved away again to boil some water.
Tanner perked up ever so slightly as he watched, unsure if going over to the water was a trap or not. He looked to Oliver for guidance and followed slowly behind him as the man began to walk towards the water, a hand brushing over his head reassuringly. He craved that kind of touch. It had been so long… it still didn't feel as familiar as his sister's hand though.
He peered at the glass, reaching out and pressing his palm against it, seeing his faint reflection in it. That made him smile, leaning in closer and poking at it. It had been a while since he saw himself…he almost forgot what he looked like. His eyes were different and gave him a weird empty feeling when he looked into them, but everything else was at least vaguely familiar to him.
Oliver picked up one of the doll cups as Tanner began to pull faces at his reflection, slight amusement creeping into his expression and mixing with sadness. He exhaled slowly from his nose to regain his composure and steady his shaky hands, before reaching up and scooping some water into the cup he was holding. He then offered it to Tanner.
Tanner looked at the cup warily, then up at Oliver. His hands fidgeted nervously and messed with the edge of the gown he was in, seeming conflicted.
“S-Sammy always tastes stuff first… she says when someone that loves you does that it makes the food or water better for you. B-but um…she says it only works if you're older.” He explained, tapping his blackened fingers together.
Oliver felt an immense amount of hope hearing Tanner speak about his sister in the present-tense…and simultaneously his heart ached as he immediately understood the real reason why Sammy would be tasting it first; to test that it hadn't been tampered with. Still, he nodded, bringing the cup to his lips and taking the first sip.
Tanner's expression brightened seeing him do that, and once the cup was offered again he took it and drank it hungrily, finishing the cup in only seconds. Oliver took the cup back and repeated the process; filling it with water and taking a sip before handing it to Tanner.
He reminded the boy to slow down a bit, worried he may get himself sick drinking too quickly, and Tanner obliged. Soon enough the boy was no longer thirsty, wiping at his slightly damp mouth and smiling, seeming a bit more energetic now.
“Oliver? If the human listens to you, does that mean he'll let us go too?” He asked, having seated himself in Oliver's lap and hugging onto him now that he was done drinking. Oliver nodded, brushing a hand against his matted hair.
“Of course. James may have scared you before when he and Henry found you, but he was only worried about you. James told me he barked at you a little bit… That's my fault. He must have thought you would give him a treat, because that's what I do.” Oliver explained softly. “He's big, but he's very gentle… James and Henry.”
“I don't like dogs…” Tanner admitted sheepishly, shifting uncomfortably for a moment before looking up at Oliver. “A dog ate mum. Sammy tried to cover my eyes and my ears, but I heard a bit. She was saying no a lot and screaming, and the dog was growling, and then the bad man started shouting too. And Sammy cried all night when she thought I fell asleep, but I was only pretending..”
Oliver let out a shuddery breath, keeping any tears in as Tanner confessed those details to him so calmly. He could tell by how Tanner was holding him tighter that it was uncomfortable for him to talk about, but at the same time, Tanner had been exposed to so much violence at such a young age that he likely didn't understand how alarming it was for someone else to hear about that memory.
He could remember when he had been similar; randomly saying to his aunt and uncle about what his father's body had looked like, or what his mother said to him, or the way his sister had been so silent… It had been his first time being out of that environment, and whenever a memory or association would spring to his mind it felt compulsive to say it.
This was a normal and healthy way for Tanner to start processing those kinds of events, but that didn't make it any easier for Oliver to listen to. He hugged Tanner a little closer, not wanting to cry because he didn't want Tanner to hesitate when sharing these feelings.
James had finished making the miso soup, and cut the tofu into extra tiny pieces (though he was sure they were still hand-sized to the borrowers) before mixing that in. He poured the soup into a small bowl and took some tiny doll bowls out of the drawer he kept Oliver's things in. He walked over but stopped a few feet away again looking down at Tanner. He offered a sheepish smile.
“Can I come closer?” He asked.
Tanner stared back at him for a while, seeming to actually think about it. Even so, James was expecting a no, and was just hoping that he might get a yes. He didn't want to be seen as a monster…
To his surprise though, the boy nodded. James perked up and tried not to get too excited about the opportunity, still walking slowly over and setting the bowl down next to the water cup. He set the doll bowls down too, smiled as he silently celebrated, and then walked back over to the bigger bowl he made for himself. Picking that bowl up, he brought it over, and hesitated to come too close again.
“Is it alright if I sit and eat nearby?” He checked, just in case. Tanner was still curled into Oliver as the older borrower scooped some of the soup into the tiny bowls, picking out a piece of tofu too. The boy looked a bit less afraid now, and seemed to be curious but wary. James was once again happy to see the nod he got in response, beaming at the boy who seemed a little taken aback by the expression.
James set his bowl down and moved a stool over, sitting down close but not too close to the borrowers. He watched with mild confusion as Oliver took a bite of the tofu and a sip of the soup before giving it to Tanner, but shrugged it off as he dipped his spoon into the bowl, blowing on it gently to cool it down.
He saw from the corner of his eyes that Tanner was still watching, blowing onto his bowl to mimic his action, and James had to fight the urge to chuckle. He swallowed down his spoonful before noticing that Oliver wasn't eating.
“Not hungry, mate?” He asked, not particularly concerned but just wondering. There had been plenty of times that Oliver didn't eat when he visited, so it wasn't out of the ordinary. Oliver nodded with a polite smile.
“I ate before leaving my burrow.” He lied. In reality, Oliver wasn't sure if he'd be able to keep it all down after what Tanner had just spoken about. He was content to simply watch his cousin get his fill instead, his hands clasped together in his lap to hide how they were trembling.
It was peaceful at that moment. Oliver continued to think over all the possibilities of what may have happened to his cousins, but all he knew for certain was that as soon as he found the human responsible…
He would kill them himself.
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ailar023 · 2 months
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A giant trueform!Cas with two Winchesters on his head~
They’re all stuck in Purgatory and Castiel is just randomly walking around in his true size while Sam and Dean are more or less terrified the entire time :D
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ailar023 · 2 months
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Dean is a lone boy whose younger brother died in a fire. His father left quickly after the incident and Dean was stuck with a grieving mother who found solace in alcohol and occasional pickups.
Getting harassed in school and bullied by happy students with intact families, Dean oftentimes finds himself fleeing into the nearby woods to escape his dire life. 
A little boy cries in need and the big forest listens.
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ailar023 · 3 months
Bitten- Part II
Back to back posting ? Its more likely than you think! Can't keep you guys waiting too long 💕 I've been having so much fun with this AU while trying to actually get ahead with Bite Me
In this part we see that though the dynamic might have changed, these two most certainly have not.
Taglist: @smallsday @ratcatcher0325 @not-a-space-alien @bittykimmy13 @naive-bias
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First Part
Next Part: Tuesday!
Word count: 2030
CW: Nudity (non-explicit), Adult language
Aedes, thought June, was indescribably fucking hot. 
Her heart pounded in her chest as if it were dying to throw itself at him. A wash of emotions swirling in her chest as she stares up at the man in front of her. 
What the fuck is going on? This has to be a dream, right? A wildly vivid dream brought on by a guilty conscience? Her eyes wander, catching sight of his … lack of clothing. 
Perhaps this was a different kind of dream.
“June…” his whisper came as a low rumble. June’s breath caught in her throat, heat rising to her face as if she were a kettle reaching its boiling point- though, thankfully, she refrained from screaming. Since when did he know her name? 
At her non response, his brows knit together, the massive landscape of his face shifting to that of concern. A shiver ran down her spine at his gaze, so overwhelmingly locked on her. It was… stripping in a way, seeming to take so much of her in that it left her feeling bare.
It took her brain an awkward second to realize that the feeling was not exclusive to her mind. June Murphy sat there, in a bed that seemed like it could have hosted a football game, let alone her, completely and utterly bare naked. 
Aedes watches June as her hands, so unfathomably small, grip her blanket and slowly pull it to her chest.
His brain freezes at that last word.
Her… naked chest. 
Heat rising to scorch his cheeks, Aedes turns his head, a muffled noise escaping him as all at once the awe and strangeness of the situation evaporates- like a fog being lifted by the heat of the rising sun, or in his case, the heat of his rising embarrassment. Gaze averted, his mind races. 
Just what exactly was going on? He’d avoided seeing her, let alone speaking to her since… they met… a meeting he certainly wasn’t keen on revisiting… Yet now, in the unprecedented strangeness of whatever the fuck was going on, it was clear he couldn’t just go back to avoiding her.
Aedes swallows, a nervous lump forming in his throat at the thought of just how he was supposed to navigate something like this. 
Should he apologize? 
Did he even have something to apologize for? 
She was the one who defiled his pride. 
She was the one who poisoned his mind with whatever sickness she’d put him through. 
Sure he’d yelled at her, insulted her, but -  His ears perk up at the sound of her voice, far softer than he could have anticipated.
Far softer than he liked.
“Did… did you do this to me?” 
Aedes’ eyes widen, his rising frustrations deflating in an instant. She thinks I've done this? 
Stunned, Aedes slowly shakes his head. 
“No. I…” His voice trails off. Even with her mostly covered by the blanket, Aedes can barely look at her. The sight of her shaking filled him with guilt, seemingly for his very existence. Even as he averts his gaze, he doesn’t miss how her heart hammers in her chest. Aedes grits his teeth. 
He hates this. 
“Here.” His voice nearly cracks, words sticking awkwardly in his throat. Aedes stands, though his heart fills with lead upon hearing June’s gasp. 
God, he hates this so much.  
June Murphy, however bizarre and terrifying the situation, could not say she hated it.  
Perhaps, five minutes from now, when the reality of the situation sunk in… maybe then she would hate it. Maybe then she’d be completely and utterly terrified. 
But at this moment in time her mind was completely and utterly occupied with the very large, very handsome, and very naked vampire man who’d turned to rummage around her room.
Why? She had no idea, and frankly- she wasn’t sure her mind had the capacity to care. 
She would panic later. 
Aedes turned back, seemingly a little more aware of his lack of modesty as he made an awkward attempt to cover himself as he reapproached. Again, he kneels down, his piercing gazing locking June in place for the briefest moment, before he turns his head away, not wanting to look at her like this. Slowly brings his hand to her. In it, his shirt, now embarrassingly small. It was uncanny to see his clothes like this… to imagine what he had looked like in them... What he had looked like to her.  
She doesn’t take it. 
It doesn’t take Aedes long to reason why.
My hands… His throat constricted at the realization of what his hands, blackened and clawed, must look like at her size. Why would she take anything from hands like mine? 
Before he can pull his hand back, June speaks.
“Thank you.” Her voice, far too soft for his liking, is all the warning he has before he’s met with the strangest sensation. A shiver runs down his spine as he feels her touch, warm and feather light, take the shirt from his hand. 
“I’m sorry,” Aedes begins, still averting his gaze, his hand moving to hide his teeth as he spoke, “That's the only clothing I have to offer-”
His apology is interrupted by a sound Aedes had not anticipated. 
June laughed. 
“Oh no- You’ll have to forgive me, but I think I have even less I can offer in the clothing department.”
Aedes remained frozen in place- stunned. She was laughing?
How could she be laughing?
His ears twitch, faint sounds of fabric being shifted and slid against soft skin pricking at his senses. Slowly, he turns back, a look of confusion on his face. He wants to ask her why she’s not panicking- Why hasn't she hid from him? He wants to ask her a whole myriad of questions, but at the sight of her sitting there in his shirt, the only sound that manages to escape him is a sharp inhale. 
It was a peculiar sight, seeing his clothes too large for her frame. His shirt hung loosely on her, hanging off her figure in a way that somehow seemed more lewd than her bare form. Ears hot, Aedes swallowed- quickly excusing himself to route through her wardrobe. 
“You really don’t know what's happening?”
In lieu of speaking, Aedes, clad in June’s loosest pair of baby blue shorts and what was supposed to be an oversized t-shirt, shook his head. He’d heard smallfolk talk of legends, of human blood giving his kind power but those were… vague superstitions? Or at least, he’d always assumed so- just some overly mystified explanation of his nature. 
Sitting on the floor beside June’s bed, Aedes frowned. He’d been drinking blood all his life and nothing more abnormal than a full stomach and some blood drunk thoughts had ever occurred. 
Just what exactly was going on?
Here he sat a hundred times the height he’d been the night before, and there she sat- magnitudes smaller.
His frown only deepened.
Had he…? He couldn’t have…
Aedes rests his head on the bed, trying desperately to grasp at a situation that, even now, seemed far too big for him to handle. He eyed June, her once imposing frame now dwarfed by her surroundings, the pillow she leaned against threatening to swallow her whole. 
Serves her right. He thought bitterly, his eyes lingering on her hands. Though he couldn’t ignore the itch that persisted at the back of his mind, an itch that gnawed at whatever mental fortitude he’d summoned to banish it from his conscious thought.
You’re lying. 
Aedes sighed, as if he could somehow expel the invasive thought from his mind. He didn’t miss the way his breath ruffled her hair- nor did he like it. 
She has no knowledge of the way my world works… She’ll trust humans-
Worse yet- she trusted him- at least enough to stay put. Once again, Aedes’ scowl deepens. 
How would she live like this?
How would he? 
His size was what allowed him to feed unnoticed. Like taking a sip from a lake- a way for him to hunt without killing. As meager as his stature had been, he’d had his stealth, his ease of access… he'd had plenty- his feedings a relative bounty every time.
Aedes chest tightens, a groan threatening to push past his lips. He runs his hands through his hair, trying and failing to ignore the growing sense of unease. 
How would he feed like this?
Brow furrowed, his ears flicked in agitation.  This was bad. 
This was dangerous. 
He was dangerous. 
Was this his life now? Aedes bites his lip, only to quickly cover his mouth a moment later, lest she see his teeth as she was. So close to being human, to having some shred of humanity- no longer something that could be seen as a pest, yet now someone that could be seen as something far worse. He tries in vain to swallow the growing panic rising in his chest.
He wouldn’t be seen as something worse, because he would be worse. He- 
As he stared daggers into the comforter, Aedes caught movement from the corner of his eye. 
June stood. 
Aedes froze. 
She walked towards him. 
He didn’t even breathe. 
As June moved closer and closer still, Aedes remained motionless, a deer caught in the headlights of a, very small, oncoming car. As she draws mere inches from his face, Aedes moves to pull back, but instead is stopped, the soft hum of her voice anchoring him in place like a leash around his neck. 
“Stay still.”
So he did. 
Ears folded back, he stayed, unmoving, as she brought herself so close to his face his eyes wouldn’t focus. So close he breathed her in on every inhale- sweet cream and carnal spice. So close if he so chose to, he could taste such a luxury. 
“You’re not… afraid of me?” His voice is low- hesitant even. 
Her touch makes him flinch. Gentle, as if he were still mere inches tall, June brushes back the stray hairs his frustrated mussing had garnered. She hums thoughtfully, and he finds himself wishing that sound would once again rattle his bones. 
“Should I be?” Her voice didn’t carry a hint of doubt. Though concerned, her voice felt …warm. 
Aedes hesitates for a moment.
“... yes.”
He wanted to lie- like she did. To tell her she would be safe with him. That he wouldn't hurt her. Yet he couldn’t bear to entertain this sad little fantasy where he pretended not to hear the way her heart raced, or see the way her hands shook- and selfishly, he couldn’t bear waiting for her foolish bravado to run out, lest he start believing he was anything but what nature had made him to be. He knew what he was- A monster.
It was time she learned that too. 
If this illusion had to be broken, it would be on his terms. 
June swallowed, biting her lip as his head, like a monument come to life, rose from where he rested it on the bed and closed the nearly nonexistent distance between them. He tilted his head just so, the way one does when leaning in to steal a kiss. Her knees felt weak, as did her resolve. As he moves closer, his nose brushes past her side, slowly, until it was his lips brushed up her frame. The wash of his breath as his lips part sends a shiver down her spine, a shiver that only grows as very large, very inhumane, teeth were revealed.  
“Don’t be foolish.” He whispered, voice silky and stern, lips brushing intimately against her body as he spoke, “Do you not think I’m tempted?” 
There's a pause, his question hanging heavy in the air before his lips pull back into a sneer, teeth bared as he adds, “I could have you in a single bite.”
June inhales, breath shakey as her thoughts run wild. Before she can even contemplate a response, she's already speaking, the words seeming to fall from her lips as easily as breathing. 
“So bite me then.”
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ailar023 · 3 months
Master List
A bit late on this, but here's more or less everything I've posted on here thus far
G/T Stories (sfw):
I'm always watching you (Pt. 1)
Jarred (Pt. 1, Pt. 2)
Pinned Down
Sweet Nothings
A Drunken Giant (Pt. 1)
Just a Taste (Pt. 1)
Tipped Off
Not a Mouse (Pt. 1)
G/T Prompts/Thoughts:
G/T Thoughts
A Teasing Giant
Pinning Board
Stuck Tiny
G/T Fear Play
Master List/AO3 Account
G/T nsfw:
A Helping Hand
Filled to the Brim
G/T Fearplay be hittin' different
Me being me
(Good idea @therealavs XD)
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ailar023 · 4 months
Meet the OCs - Brothers Apart AU
A summary of original characters that are featured in and originated from AU I've cowritten with @brothersapart's @nightmares06. The original Brothers Apart is a Supernatural g/t AU, and my contributions add in characters from the BBC's Sherlock.
Supernatural belongs to the CW, Sherlock to the BBC, adapted from Arthur Conan Doyle's stories, The Borrowers to Mary Norton, and these OCs to me!
Stan Baker - The Unexpected Good Boi
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art by the wonderful @quackghost
Stan is playful, selfless, and protective. He cares deeply for others, especially his loved ones and those who cannot easily defend themselves. His combat experience and low-key paranoia give him excellent reflexes, and he's honestly a bit of a g/t nerd who doesn't have the context for that (def one of the most self-insert aspects of him). At the end of the day, he's just a big softie, in the 'looks like a cinnamon roll and is one but will kill you if necessary' way.
Though he wasn't the first OC of mine introduced in the Brothers Consulted story, "A Burglary at Baker Street", Stan stole my heart the second he hit the page. He was meant to be a plot device, never to be seen again, and he decided he deserves to be an actual character. Who was I to argue? I mean, lookit him! Complete and total charmer.
Unlike Zepheera, who is always my emotional support borrower, I can play around with Stan's Situations™️ a lot more freely. Oftentimes he's a human, like in Brothers Consulted. In AU like Brothers Chosen, he's a born and bred borrower. I've even got a size-shifter AU for him!
Mark and Anita Bend - Power Twins
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art by quackghost
Mark and Anita are twins, and victims of terrible circumstance in Brothers Consulted. Mark is the heart of the pair, trusting and friendly and happy to make friends. His problem is he's not the most tactful, which is where his sister comes in; the self-established more thoughtful and responsible one. Anita is the brains, thinking everything through before acting.
The one thing they share perfectly is a strong devotion to and protectiveness for one another. They would do absolutely anything to keep the other out of danger. A fact that is easily exploited, unfortunately. They're all they've got in a world set against them.
Nathan Sullivan - Stan's Partner
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Pride photo by the lovely @abookishweasel
Nate is the yang to Stan's yin. He keeps his excitable partner grounded, and rolls with all the incredible things that happen in their lives. Whether he's a teacher as a human or a curious drifter as a borrower, Nathan always has a deep love of learning and will do what he can to be in an environment where he can keep discovering new things. He's also a passionate home cook, and keeps Stan and their German shepherd Juno very happy at home.
Where there is Stan, there must also be a Nate. Like Stan, I love to play around with Nate's size and background from story to story. So far he's appeared as a human, though I've written one short with him as a borrower, in which he and a young Stan met as kiddos.
Stan's Brothers
Stan Baker is the youngest of five brothers, who basically raised him. They have yet to show up in proper BAU, but they've shown up more often in the size-shifter AU as they help their baby bro in distress.
The oldest, Simon, stepped up to lead the household when their parents were no longer in the picture. He worked hard to make sure his brothers could live the best lives possible, and couldn't be more proud of them all. He's incredibly chill and approaches everything with a calm and clear head. If Simon freaks out, you know it's all gone pear-shaped.
Dylan, the second oldest, holds the most fight in him apart from Stan. His scholastic track leaned towards the athletic, and he has the bigger temper of the bunch, especially when it comes to his loved ones being messed with. He taught his younger brothers how to hold their own in a fight when they were kids, and very nearly joined the British army as an adult before changing his mind.
Seamus Baker is the know-it-all middle child. He mellows out of them with age, but certainly had pedantic tendencies as a kid. Studies were a major aspect of his youth, as well as making sure his brothers were all keeping in some kind of order. He seems humorless compared to his boisterous brothers, but his funny bone is just harder to tickle.
And Levi is the one just older than Stan, a sweetheart who only wants everyone to get along. He's on the chill side of the spectrum, like Simon, but he's got too much energy to keep it up all the time. He's also the most creative of the brothers, and is most likely to end up with a career in the arts.
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Adult Simon (left) and kid Levi (right) by the lovely @rainyday-deer
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Young Simon with shrunk Stan by quackghost
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ailar023 · 4 months
Disclaimer, I have not looked up everything on this list and most of it was suggested from others. I cannot promise the accuracy of the content. Suggestions for the list are more than welcome, leave a comment on the post for people to browse through after checking to see if its on the list already :)
I’ll be editing and adding to it here and there, so some reblogs of the post might be outdated. I suggest clicking on the source /main post to get the newest version. The old outdated list can be found here.
7 deadly sins
A bug's life
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (some episodes)
Adventure time
Alice in Wonderland
Alvin and the chipmunks
Amour de poshe (the girl in his pocket)
Animorphs: #24
Ant bully
Ant man (1 and 2)
Archies weird mysteries (one ep)
Army of darkness
Art Attack
Arthur and the Invisibles
Athena complex (webcomic)
Attack of the 50 foot cheerleader.
Attack of the 50 Foot Woman
Attack of the puppet people
Barbie and the nut cracker
barbie movies (look up specifics)
Barbie Thumbelina
Beatle juice
Big man japan
Bottle Fairy
Bramble the mountain king. (video game)
Brave little tailor (mickey mouse)
Bugs life?
Captain America: Civil War
Card captor sakura (one ep and some scenes)
Christmas Stories: The Tin Soldier is a good one.
Clifford the big red dog
Cuphead: Don’t deal with the Devil (mostly with certain bosses)
Darby o’gill and the little people
David the Gnome
Dr cyclops
Dr who (one ep: into the dalek)
Dragon ball
Dungeon meshi (a few chapters)
Ella Enchanted
Elusive people.(video game)
Ernest and Celestine (more of a mini-giant/doll-sized tiny size dynamic)
Fairytale: a true story (1997)
Fantastic Planet
Fantastic voyage
Final space episode 5
Frame arms girl.
Futurama (some episodes)
Gelias and the giant
Gen V
George shrinks
Gods of Egypt
Grandpa in my pocket
Gravity falls (one episode)
Grounded (video game)
Guardians of the Galaxy (vol. 2 more so than the first one)
Gulliver's Children (webtoon)
Gullivers travels (1939, 1977, 2010) as a well as a mini-tv series
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child: Aladdin
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child: Season 2, Episode 2 thumbelina
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child: The shoemaker and the elves
Help I shrunk my friends
Help I shrunk my parents
Help I shrunk my teacher
Here come the littles
Honey I blew up the kid
Honey I shrunk the audience ride at Disneyland
Honey I shrunk the kids
Hornby sets
How to Keep a Mummy ( Miira no Kaikata)
Inch high private eye
Invincible (Some episodes)
It takes two (game)
Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story
Jack the giant slayer
Jackie Chan Adventures (one episode)
Jaimes and the giant peach
Jitsu wa watashi wa (mostly the 4th episode)
Journey 2 The Mysterious Island
King kong
Kubo and the two strings
Land of the giants
Lilo and Stitch the series (two episodes)
Little (Grrl) 
little nightmares 1 and 2 (game)
Lord of the rings
Macross sequel shows (-anime-)
Mars attacks!
Mickey and the bean stalk
Micro Machines
Micro Ventures
Militsioner (Video game)
Minami-Kun no Koibito (2015)
Minish cap (video game)
Modest Heroes Kanini and Kanino (Short film)
Monster (video game)
Monsters Vs Aliens
My hero Academia (some episodes)
My Little Lover
My Miniature Manual (webtoon)
My Monster Secret (specifically one character)
natsume yuujinchou
Night at the Museum
Nils holgersson
Ok Ko! lets be Heroes season 3 episode 9 Planet Vacation
One Punch Man (some episodes)
Onward (a few scenes)
Osmosis Jones
Ozzy and Drix
Pans labyrinth
Paper mario sticker star (Video game, two levels)
Peter pan
Pikmin 1, 2, and 3 (game)
Pokemon sun/moon anime second season (one ep)
Rainbow Magic
Rick n morty (one episode)
Robotech (-comic series; new ones-)
Robotech (season one/The Macross Saga) (-anime-)
Robotech Remix (-comic series-)
Super Danganronpa 2 (video game, final boss)
Shadow of the colossus (video game)
Small blessings (webcomic)
Small Lands Survive The Wilds (Video game)
Small soldiers (1998)
Smurfs lost village
Spirit of wonder: The shrinking of miss China
SpongeBob SquarePants (the wumbo episode)
Steven universe
Stormlight Archive (-book series; has tiny fae people-)
Strange days at blake holesy high (one episode)
Strange magic
Stuart Little
Sugar apple fairy tale.
Super giant robot brothers.
Tales to Astonish (comics)
Ted Hughes
Tentacular. (video game)
The 3 worlds of gulliver
The 7th voyage of sinbad
The amazing colossal man
The bee movie
The bfg 1989
The borrowers (1973, 1993 1997, 2011)
The Borrowers (Arrietty)
The Borrowers exhibition at the Hancock Museum
The Boys (some episodes)
The dwarf and the giant 1901
The Fantastic Planet
The hobbit
The hulk
The incredible shrinking man
The incredible shrinking woman
The Indian in the cupboard
The iron giant
The iron man
The Journey.
The Last Guardian (video game)
The Last of the Huggermuggers by Christopher Pearse Cranch
The Little Bits
The magic school bus
The nut cracker
The owl house (one episode)
The phantom planet
The Rescuers
The return of the Borrowers 1992 and 1993 tv series
The Secret of Nimh
The secret world of Arrietty
The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde
The simsons (one episode)
The storyteller (one ep)
The Suspicion and #42
The Sword in the Stone
The tale of the princess kaguya
The ultimate avengers (1 & 2)
Time loader. (video game)
Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue
Tinkerbell and The Pirate Fairy
Tinkerbell movies
Tinykin. (video game)
Tom and Jerry
Tomb thumb
Townsmen VR. (video game)
Toy story
Transformers (old series)
Troll hunter
Troll in central park...??
Trolls band together
Ultraman cosmos
Unravel. Porcelain tales. (video game)
Valkyrie Drive Mermaid (one episode.)
Village of the giants
Violet Goes to The Beach (webtoon)
VR Giants. (video game)
We’re Back! A dinosaur story
When the Dolls Woke (book)
Wild Kratts
Wild, wild planet
Wrath of the Titans (one scene)
Wreck it ralph
Yarn (video game)
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ailar023 · 5 months
Not a Mouse Pt. 1
And here's a lil' drabble from a giant's POV this time; Unintentional Fear Play, here we come! :333
Of all the times for the power to go out, it just had to be in the middle of the night right after Jack was sure he'd seen what had to be a mouse ducking behind his toaster.
Yeah, he'd wandered into the kitchen for a late night snack - unusual for him already, since he tended to go to bed early - and he'd snagged a couple pop-tarts from the counter 'cause he didn't want to bother with anything requiring more prep than they would. Then, as one does, he'd looked up as he headed to the toaster. Only, he did so just in time to see something dart behind the stainless steel appliance. Something had had definitely been too big to be any kind of bug. Which meant that it was probably a mouse - or worse, a rat.
To make matters even more terrible than they were quickly summing up to be, Jack didn't have time to do more than inhale in shock before a thunderous boom practically shook the house along with an accompanying crack of thunder, and all the lights went out, pitching the world into darkness.
He blinked rapidly, trying to get his eyes to adjust to the sudden loss of light while unconsciously shifting into a defensive position, his still sealed pop-tart held up like a weapon.
He quickly compartmentalized. One, the power was out, and by the loud crash nearby, it probably wouldn't be turning back on anytime soon. Two, there was a rodent in his kitchen.
As if to reinforce his thoughts, his ears pricked at the sound of a tiny, barely audible scuff, and he squinted his eyes in the direction of the sound, his brows furrowing low on his forehead when he realized it was from the same direction where he'd last seen his intruder, undeniably confirming its existence.
There was no way he was gonna be able to go back to bed while knowing that he had a damn rat in his apartment. Just the thought of it crawling all over his stuff, getting into his food, crawling over him while he slept - eugh. He shuddered in revulsion.
Hey, alright, he didn't have anything against mice or rats, not in general, but wild ones were known for being prime disease carriers for a reason: because they were. So he was very much against having one of the things in his home.
There was another little noise - it was sort of sharp and almost like a barely-there breath - and Jack steeled himself as he realized what he'd have to do.
He'd have to catch it - and fast. Before it had the chance to get away and do whatever it was that rats did after finding a home to inhabit. Like invite its little rat friends over or have a hundred baby rats in his walls. Yeah. No thank you.
Fumbling around in the dark (which was thankfully not completely pitch black to him anymore as his eyes finally began to adjust), Jack grabbed one of the plastic food containers from the drying rack at his side, simultaneously dropping his pop-tarts back onto the counter.
The Tupperware was rectangular and of a decent size. He was sure the rat would fit comfortably inside once he caught it.
What he would do with it after he caught it? Well... he'd figure that out then.
Clutching the container tight in his hands, he crept closer to the soft little scuffling sounds that he was able to better pick up on as he approached his invader, and the noises seemed to pick up in their urgency the closer he got. His muscles tensed in preparation as he scoured the near-darkness for any little figure out of place, his heartbeat picking up its pace in his chest with both nerves and thready anticipation.
He roved his eyes over the countertop, and -
A small blob of shadow - smaller than he'd been expecting - moved, and he reacted. His arms came down from above his head to slam the lidless Tupperware container down over of the thing, and he almost winced at the sound of the plastic slamming hard against the countertop.
In the exact same instant, a sharp, piercing cry cut through the air, and for the life of him, he couldn't help but think it sounded far less like a squeak and disturbingly more like a high-pitched, terrified scream.
Dun Dun DUuuun.... Pt 2 ya think?
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ailar023 · 5 months
Finding Strength MasterPost
Tamius has life made. The human of the house is a Borrower's dream! Forgetful, slow, and regularly out of the house. Life couldn't be any easier- that is until a series of snap decisions leaves him tagging along with her to her regular 4:00 pm outing and he has some big revelations.
If you'd like to be added to the taglist, feel free to DM or comment!
1: Banana Pancakes and Other Errors in Judgment
2: A Concussion Sounds Reasonable (Friday)
3: (Coming soon)
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ailar023 · 5 months
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“How is little Angeline doing?” The doctor asked the strange giant as he groped about in the bag for his tools.
Joe kicked the lancet over to the doctor’s hand, his heart hammering in his chest.
A safe place to be: Part 9 of @fireflywritesgt
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ailar023 · 5 months
Doodle’s Ko Fi Page. 
Announcement Regarding Updates
WARNING: This story contains occasional violence and gore including the discussion of  infanticide and the consumption of humans by giants. Please be warned that there are discussions and themes of death, genocide, war, as well as PTSD. 
And there is a lot of cursing. 
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ailar023 · 5 months
Not a Mouse Pt. 1
And here's a lil' drabble from a giant's POV this time; Unintentional Fear Play, here we come! :333
Of all the times for the power to go out, it just had to be in the middle of the night right after Jack was sure he'd seen what had to be a mouse ducking behind his toaster.
Yeah, he'd wandered into the kitchen for a late night snack - unusual for him already, since he tended to go to bed early - and he'd snagged a couple pop-tarts from the counter 'cause he didn't want to bother with anything requiring more prep than they would. Then, as one does, he'd looked up as he headed to the toaster. Only, he did so just in time to see something dart behind the stainless steel appliance. Something had had definitely been too big to be any kind of bug. Which meant that it was probably a mouse - or worse, a rat.
To make matters even more terrible than they were quickly summing up to be, Jack didn't have time to do more than inhale in shock before a thunderous boom practically shook the house along with an accompanying crack of thunder, and all the lights went out, pitching the world into darkness.
He blinked rapidly, trying to get his eyes to adjust to the sudden loss of light while unconsciously shifting into a defensive position, his still sealed pop-tart held up like a weapon.
He quickly compartmentalized. One, the power was out, and by the loud crash nearby, it probably wouldn't be turning back on anytime soon. Two, there was a rodent in his kitchen.
As if to reinforce his thoughts, his ears pricked at the sound of a tiny, barely audible scuff, and he squinted his eyes in the direction of the sound, his brows furrowing low on his forehead when he realized it was from the same direction where he'd last seen his intruder, undeniably confirming its existence.
There was no way he was gonna be able to go back to bed while knowing that he had a damn rat in his apartment. Just the thought of it crawling all over his stuff, getting into his food, crawling over him while he slept - eugh. He shuddered in revulsion.
Hey, alright, he didn't have anything against mice or rats, not in general, but wild ones were known for being prime disease carriers for a reason: because they were. So he was very much against having one of the things in his home.
There was another little noise - it was sort of sharp and almost like a barely-there breath - and Jack steeled himself as he realized what he'd have to do.
He'd have to catch it - and fast. Before it had the chance to get away and do whatever it was that rats did after finding a home to inhabit. Like invite its little rat friends over or have a hundred baby rats in his walls. Yeah. No thank you.
Fumbling around in the dark (which was thankfully not completely pitch black to him anymore as his eyes finally began to adjust), Jack grabbed one of the plastic food containers from the drying rack at his side, simultaneously dropping his pop-tarts back onto the counter.
The Tupperware was rectangular and of a decent size. He was sure the rat would fit comfortably inside once he caught it.
What he would do with it after he caught it? Well... he'd figure that out then.
Clutching the container tight in his hands, he crept closer to the soft little scuffling sounds that he was able to better pick up on as he approached his invader, and the noises seemed to pick up in their urgency the closer he got. His muscles tensed in preparation as he scoured the near-darkness for any little figure out of place, his heartbeat picking up its pace in his chest with both nerves and thready anticipation.
He roved his eyes over the countertop, and -
A small blob of shadow - smaller than he'd been expecting - moved, and he reacted. His arms came down from above his head to slam the lidless Tupperware container down over of the thing, and he almost winced at the sound of the plastic slamming hard against the countertop.
In the exact same instant, a sharp, piercing cry cut through the air, and for the life of him, he couldn't help but think it sounded far less like a squeak and disturbingly more like a high-pitched, terrified scream.
Dun Dun DUuuun.... Pt 2 ya think?
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ailar023 · 7 months
Just found an epic new gt webcomic! Check it out!!
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