aillah · 3 months
Why the hell does he even have an instagram anymore? It was more interesting when he interacted with fans. Geez! Now it’s just boring.
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aillah · 1 year
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This headline!!! Whether he wants to retire or not, this will surely have some offers drying up.
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aillah · 1 year
Red Pill Youtubers are celebrating Chris landing a "26 year old Hottie".
How long until he appears on Fox News?
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aillah · 1 year
White male middle-aged celebrity sounding absolutely tone deaf in an interview, as if he has no idea what's going on in the world around him or even in the fucking industry he's in (if you're not a famous multi-millionaire)?
Yeah, that tracks.
Get a fucking grip, dude. You're out here complaining about working too much and how you just want to watch fucking paint dry while your legit COLLEAGUES are picketing to try to raise wages.
It's giving disgusting privilege and the fact I ever believed this dude to be an ally for any kind of minority or oppressed people is laughable at this point because he clearly has no idea about anything going on outside the tip of his fucking nose. I'm willing to bet those tweets that got him so well-liked in the first place were faked. Definitely not written by the same guy doing that insanely tone deaf interview.
And please, get a better wig next time. You look ridiculous and pathetic. This is all I will be saying about this. And I will be unfollowing some people, at least if you're posting the pictures because, what?? Absolutely not. Pass.
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aillah · 1 year
THIS! 👆🏾
I can’t believe the lack of self awareness needed to look at the world today, the struggles of 99% of your fellow citizens, including the various strikes in his own industry and saying “meh I don’t wanna do this anymore. I just want to sit at home with my millions and smoke a joint with my girlfriend and my supremely present dog.” He is really something. If I was a producer and I saw this mediocre man say I don’t care about acting and “it’s not something I couldn’t live without” I would let him know that he has one less worry cause we will not be employing him on future projects. Wild statements coming from maybe one of the most replaceable actors I’ve seen in a while. I’d hire about 5-10 other actors off the top of my head for any role he’s even being considered for. Most of while are lower cost, higher reward.
Also, raise your hand if you think he could put together an IKEA a bookshelf much less have some sort of furniture workshop. He’s been saying that crap for years and I have yet to see even a rudimentary side table produced. “I can’t believe I’m 42” he said, and, buddy, me neither.
Honestly, this interview was a lot of self-indulgent tripe. And, you know, most of his past interviews have been, too, it's just at the time he seemed to have more charisma to get us to overlook it.
But this one was just really, really ill thought out with the state of the current ongoing strikes. All self-awareness seemed lacking.
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aillah · 2 years
I think what is not being understood with some of the younger girls and I’m sure most women, went through this phase in your 20s is that he’s literally telling you he only sees you good enough for sex. He does not believe you’re capable of/nor does he want a relationship with you, so he picks 20 something girls that will accept that treatment.
If the girls want to hook up with him and expect nothing else it’s great, but the narrative that he would actually take someone in that early stage of their life into a serious relationship is just a fairytale. He won’t even claim his PR relationship. He’s telling you what he values, and it’s not a girl in her 20’s.
Many men choose younger women because they’re not hip to the game yet. So either way it’s not only a commentary on him but it’s a commentary how he views women in their 20s as disposable and easy sex.
It’s completely not a good look and I feel sorry for the girls. They may think they’re gaming him but trust and believe he is fully aware of what’s happening and has a long term plan for them.
It’s going to take a miracle for him to deserve a the FS sideways described, but he’s only just a stereotypical guy. I hope people aren’t under the impression that their other favors even their exes/current relationship didn’t do this. It’s very common.
Please also remember Sideways is just sharing what she sees. It may not match your ideal sense of what Chris is, but Chris is who he is whether you want to believe her readings or not. You don’t even have to believe what he says just look at his actions. If you wanted a relationship and he had met someone he felt deserved it he probably married. That’s just it. He hasn’t and so until that happens if it happens, he will continue messing around with girls that are easy and easy out literally.
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aillah · 2 years
Welp. There you have it folks. 😆🧜🏻‍♀️
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aillah · 2 years
This is the first time he publicly acknowledge a girlfriend since Jessica Biel, who, back at the time, was more famous than him.
All the times we saw Minka and Js was pap walks. He could have claimed they on twitter, but he didn't. I don't blame them for calling the paps if your SO disrespect you using the excuse of privacy when they just don't want to come out with you.
A middle age man dating someone so much younger (almost half of his age) just displays his immaturity and fragile masculinity. The point is, it was normalized in society. Especially on uber privileged man like him. He doesn't have to grow the fuck up.
Did he ever show jenny on his insta or Alba is the first one?
This is the first time he’s done anything like THIS with an SO. 🧜🏻‍♀️
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aillah · 2 years
Honestly? I think its real and that he’s taking a page from the Taika Playbook of How to Get the Internet to Accept Your Younger Girlfriend. Never publicly comment on it, but show moments where the audience goes “oh, ok. Yeah. This makes sense seeing then together.” I saw a lot of people against TW’s relationship with RO slowly come around to “ok, they’re kinda cute”. Its a smart method. Which also puts me in the “its real” camp.
Here’s a theory I’m just going to throw out there…I don’t wonder if they haven’t seen all the comments doubting the relationship, calling it PR, calling out how they’ve never seen seen together outside of the pap walk and Disney and this was his way of giving haters the middle finger and saying “here’s the evidence!” I could be wrong, but the thought at least crossed my mind 🦎
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aillah · 2 years
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You guys remember this article?
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"His mom definitely adores her."
Mama Lisa not only checked all the comments about nunemployed on Chris' latest post but also liked one comment calling Alba a racist!
You're welcome!
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@guardthatpantene @thembsblog @thebostonhottie @mybestfriendteera
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aillah · 2 years
Ask any asian people who speaks multiple languages they never consider it as even a thing.// This a very common thing, white people consider accents and languages classy, smart and associated with higher class, but only when it comes to white Europeans, immigrants and their kids hace accents and speaks 2 o 3 languages and that’s always used to measure their intelligence, because an accent it’s only considered smart if it’s from a white country, someone from South America Or Africa can be very fluid in english, but because of their accents people immediately assume that they either dont know english or that they are dumb, and act like they can’t understand them, but if someone from France has basic english it’s considered smart and sophisticated, and all of the sudden they can understand then and find a way to communicate. Very classist and racist, how many other actors/ actresses in hw are multilingual, and nobody makes a big deal of that, but some white girl say “Hola” and all of the sudden she’s cultured 🙄🥱
There was a lot of classism written into that profile of her, tbh.
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aillah · 2 years
Sorry but the fact that He is blocking people on Twitter and not deleting horrible messages on insta tells me that it’s him and not a team, cause why wouldn’t the clean up on both platforms.
He probably pissed people calling out his toxic masculinity
Went to check the comments under his SMA out of curiousity, and saw this
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To the person who posted it and the 11 that agreed, is everything alright at home?
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aillah · 2 years
https://youtube.com/shorts/s9tmycaeSNQ?feature=share you know actors do nothing . You guys should watch this youtube short . Reminded me of how ab got tried after one work and here is someone who is so popular in bollywood saying the reality of an actors life . Some time I just see a interview by ab and ce and to me it just seems both of them are so tone deaf and privileged that they both forgotten how to be down to earth .
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aillah · 2 years
See the replies under this.
His fans are not going anywhere. He still has thousands of ass lickers.
But LOL @ the one person in the comments saying that he's been single for four years because of us. They made us the villains even when he and Jenny broke up. Like as if he gives two shits about what his fans think!
His relationships fail? Blame his fans, and not the man himself. Like seriously, wtf. They never hold him accountable, not even for his own actions.
When I tell y'all they give second hand embarrassment...
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Literally, who did Jenny drag on her book? His fans? No, she dragged Chris for the gaslighting and toxic behaviour he pulled while they dated.
Also, being single for 4 years because of fans? This man is a fuckboy. He has been single because he wanted to mess around before deciding to settle down. His IG on 2020/2021 is a physical evidence. Sorry to break their hearts, but Chris is no victim by the way his situation turned out to be. You get what you look for (dating life wise).
The fact that they used a screenshot of a hate account, instead of the other big number of actual fan accounts (not including me) he blocked is hilarious. It stinks how they want to manipulate the views from locals.
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aillah · 2 years
Look, colonization, immigration and slavery. Most of Latin america are people of color, of course. And Brazil is no different, it is the blackest country outside of Africa, black and brown are around 60% of population, yet the most famous Brazilian actors and actresses are WHITE. Alba's father is European descendant who immigrated to Brazil, just like Gisele Bundchen's from south of the country. Their ethnicity will always be white with just Brazilian nationality. Actually, it would be a more intelligent move if she tries the Brazilian's telenovelas. The audience is huge and furious. We have plenty of Portuguese actors uber famous here because of them...
But she wants to make it in Hollywood...🎶
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Are they pushing for the Latina image? wtf? The fact that her father is from a Latino American country does not make her a woman of color, tons of white people live in literally every country in Latino America due to colonization and later immigration. I have relatives that were born in Brazil because their grandparents immigrated there, they are as white as my Spanish raised in Europe self. And that girl is as white as we are.
She has a Latin name, and that might be all they need for the veneer of diversity.
It’s possible they think people are that dumb.
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aillah · 2 years
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Does he need the money though? This is a huge hit to his reputation. Maybe the simplest explanation is love
No, the simplest explanation is: business.
This is not about his money, or her money. This is about the business' money. When you get down to simple brass tacks, people inside the Hollywood entertainment machine are cogs in an epic wheel. The business does not see them as people, or individuals, it sees them as pieces to be used and moved about in a way that will reap the most dividends. He's been in this machine for 22 years, being cultivated and groomed as a certain commodity for the dividends his commodity brings. She's more new to the machine, but it's starting to figure out what commodity it wishes to make out of her.
Now, remember, the business has money tied up in both of them right now. And the business wants to see its ROI. Do you think his team just randomly decided to get SMA this year? No. It's part of a longer narrative of helping the business get its ROI. I fully believe that narrative includes forward thinking about rebranding him for Ghosted, which requires the more romantic partner look, while also still retaining some of those tried and true "internet boyfriend" PR points for Red One branding, which is going to be a family film. So, the business sees a two-birds, one-stone solution: take a situationship, tweak the narrative for mass consumption, and trot it out to the public in advance. Even if they've called it off before his projects release, then they still have what looks like a lovey-dovey storyline to write into the articles next year. It helps them fend off the image of a 41 y.o. bachelor that people might side-eye, especially if some of his less savory escapades from the past two years start getting out more widely.
This is not crisis management PR we're seeing. This is pre-planned, pre-arranged narrative plotting. We know that SMA selections are made in the summer before they happen, thanks to Michael B. Jordan being frank in interviews, so we can start looking at when wheels would have started spinning about the run-up to his announcement. So, start thinking, start pinpointing when things started looking less organic, more inauthentic. (Note: yes, I do believe they fucking, I just don't believe the veneer being given the depth of the relationship. Perhaps if he had never burned that final bridge with Minka, we'd be seeing her yet again this year, lol.)
So, yes, is he taking a hit right now? Sure. But let's also remember that our view of what's happening to him is incredibly myopic because we sit within this niche fandom fishbowl. The business has a grander view that sees all the avenues of branding and sale that we're not looking at.
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aillah · 2 years
Hey!!! Is your DM open?
I guess.
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