ailuronymy · 2 years
Ailuronymy (2012-2022) -- one year on.
Hello, everyone! It’s been quite a while. I hope you’re all doing well. As of March 1st, it’s been a year since this blog’s askbox shut and I continued to work away behind the scenes on a downloadable pdf guidebook version of the resources here + some brand-new bonus content.
As much as I’d like to say this project is ready to share, it’s very much not yet. For a variety of reasons -- which I’m happy to say have mostly been really great changes for me, including an awesome new job in the arts, a finished full draft of my PhD dissertation, and buying my first home with my partner, among other things that have kept me very busy these last twelve months -- my life hasn’t allowed much time at all to dedicate to working on this guidebook.
The project isn’t abandoned and it’s something I’d like to see through to the end and share with you all eventually. However, I can’t accurate estimate when that will be right now. I’m sorry to anyone disappointed by this news, but I hope the results will ultimately be worth the wait!
This roadmap will only be updated when there are significant updates worth reporting for those keenly following along. Until the next time, take care!
- Grey.
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ailuronymy · 2 years
Roadmap outline (as of September 1st, approx).
Hello, everyone. Due to a series of personal reasons, development on the guidebook has been paused since the last update. As such, the outline for the next few months will be picking up where the last outline left off in June. On a happy note, however, I’ll be investing in a second monitor for my workstation in the near future, which will speed things up considerably once I’ve got time to work on the project. 
Next roadmap outline will be in early December. Thank you all for your support and patience. Take care! 
Ailuronymy guidebook’s roadmap.
Hello, everyone! As it’s been nearly three months already since Ailuronymy’s askbox closed, I thought it was time for a little update re: progress of the much-awaited guidebook version of the archive. This post will be updated every three months (give or take a few days) so that the curious can keep up with how things are developing over on this side of the screen. 
Roadmap outline (as of June 1st, approx).
Majority of written content transferred: in other words, the archive (the most valuable content of this blog) has been archived elsewhere, as a back-up/as raw content to be sorted and edited. For the curious, the total wordcount is over 500k words. 
Volumes/chapters outlined: still in-progress, but mostly done. Given the immense amount of material (and often thematically overlapping material), there’s been an interesting challenge in trying to figure out how best to categorise and organise the content so that the entire work can be navigated easily and reads coherently as a reference text. This stage is the rough outline, bundling certain topics together in an approximate way and trying out some different ideas.
Detailed chapter order: not yet started–once the general outline of the entire text is complete, the exact order of these chapters will be determined. At the same time, the working table of contents will be drawn up.
Detailed chapter layout: not yet started–once the general outline of the entire text is complete, the exact order of entries for each chapter will be determined. This process is likely to take some time and will probably last for the next few months at least, since I have to fit it in around everything else in my life. 
The next stages (achieved and projected) will be recapped in the next update!  
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ailuronymy · 2 years
Ailuronymy guidebook’s roadmap.
Hello, everyone! As it’s been nearly three months already since Ailuronymy’s askbox closed, I thought it was time for a little update re: progress of the much-awaited guidebook version of the archive. This post will be updated every three months (give or take a few days) so that the curious can keep up with how things are developing over on this side of the screen. 
Roadmap outline (as of June 1st, approx).
Majority of written content transferred: in other words, the archive (the most valuable content of this blog) has been archived elsewhere, as a back-up/as raw content to be sorted and edited. For the curious, the total wordcount is over 500k words. 
Volumes/chapters outlined: still in-progress, but mostly done. Given the immense amount of material (and often thematically overlapping material), there’s been an interesting challenge in trying to figure out how best to categorise and organise the content so that the entire work can be navigated easily and reads coherently as a reference text. This stage is the rough outline, bundling certain topics together in an approximate way and trying out some different ideas.
Detailed chapter order: not yet started--once the general outline of the entire text is complete, the exact order of these chapters will be determined. At the same time, the working table of contents will be drawn up.
Detailed chapter layout: not yet started--once the general outline of the entire text is complete, the exact order of entries for each chapter will be determined. This process is likely to take some time and will probably last for the next few months at least, since I have to fit it in around everything else in my life. 
The next stages (achieved and projected) will be recapped in the next update!  
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ailuronymy · 3 years
Thank you.
Dear readers of Ailuronymy--past, present, and future,
Thank you. It has been the greatest pleasure to answer your questions and think about this series with you. It brings me a lot of pride to know that so many of you have found this blog to be a welcoming, kind space over the years and a genuine source of help and inspiration. 
From extremely humble, clumsy beginnings, this blog has grown to be something very special to me and, I hope, to many of you as well. I’ve learned a lot through my time here and I couldn’t be more grateful for that. 
I am especially grateful to all of you. Your support for this blog, your excellent questions, your enthusiasm over the years, your care for me, and your thoughtful, kind way of interacting with both me and others made Ailuronymy not only possible, but a truly pleasant and calm place to be. For every angry or rude ask or comment I received (which, I have to say, were surprisingly few all things considered), there were easily a hundred lovely ones from you to drown it out. 
I’ve had the honour of being here while many of you grew up, from little teens first exploring online fandom to fully grown adults with exciting futures ahead of you. I’ve always felt very protective of Ailuronymy’s readers, and not long after starting the blog, I realised that I had a responsibility to you. I hoped to model good behaviour and compassion and a sensible approach to writing and fiction--and while I know for a fact there were times where I was very inadequate on every front, it makes me so proud to have heard that this blog has had a positive impact on your lives. 
In that kind of embarrassing older relative way, it’s hard for me not to see you all fondly as my little Ruddles, even though you have by now surely outgrown that nickname. For the last decade, you have been a field of marigolds in my mind, and I have thought of you as “the kids”, the same way I would with any gaggle of students I was teaching. 
I will miss running this blog, and your questions and--although in many ways, we’ve never quite met--I will miss you. Whether you were silently reading along, or writing in, I am so glad that you were here. 
I want the absolute best for all of you and I hope you take good care of yourself. <3 
- Grey.
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ailuronymy · 3 years
Notice: Ailuronymy is now closed.
After ten phenomenal years of fun asks and interesting discussions and over 500,000 words, Ailuronymy’s ask-box is now closed. The writer, Grey, has retired from answering questions here so that he can dedicate his time to other exciting projects. 
Please take a moment to read this important FAQ post.
Will Ailuronymy be deleted? 
No. This blog will remain as it is for as long as tumblr is extant. You are welcome to use it, quote it, reblog from it, etc. etc., but please understand that the ask-box will not reopen and replying on posts will not receive a response. 
What can I use from Ailuronymy?
You’re welcome to take inspiration from anything shared on Ailuronymy and apply it in your own writing. However, I would appreciate if you cite this blog as your inspiration and share a link wherever you post your stories or quote from this blog. Even though Ailuronymy isn’t actively running anymore, it is still a resource and it’s nice to be cited for the work I have done. Thank you. 
Is there an archive version of Ailuronymy?
Grey is currently working on a free pdf guidebook version of Ailuronymy, which will be edited to include only the best and most useful and interesting aspect of the blog. This pdf will be available for download in the future, but an exact date is not yet specified. As this is a major undertaking for one person, please be patient. 
For updates on the development and the launch of this guidebook, follow Ailuronymy or check this post occasionally over the coming year. All important notices regarding this project will be posted here. 
Is there some way to contact Ailuronymy’s writer?
If you need to get in touch with Grey for any reason, you are welcome to send him an IM here on Ailuronymy. However, please be aware that a response is not necessarily guaranteed and may not be timely, as this blog will not be attentively checked. 
Where can I keep up with Grey + his other work? 
You can find him @solacefruit on tumblr and AO3. 
Will you miss us?
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ailuronymy · 3 years
Bye Grey, I'll miss ailuronymy but I know you've done everything you could here. I wish you the best in all your future encounters
Thank you. I am so grateful that something that started more or less by accident found such a thoughtful, kind audience in all of you. The support Ailuronymy has received over these ten years has been deeply appreciated, always. 
Take care! <3
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ailuronymy · 3 years
I have this distinct memory of sneaking off into the bathroom to check Tumblr on my phone back in high school because I had sent you an ask and I was waiting on the edge of my seat to see if you had answered it. Thank you for many wonderful years of content, and I hope you find happiness with whatever's next!
Hello there! Thank you so much for writing in to tell me, this is such a lovely little moment and a sweet memory. I’m so glad to know this blog has been bringing you joy and excitement and fun content for so long! Take care. <3
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ailuronymy · 3 years
I'll really miss this blog. It's amazing how long you've been running it and how many resources you've provided. I'm not really interested in Warriors much anymore, but this has definitely been a part of my childhood and I still check it every couple of months. Once the pdf is done, I'll certainly be downloading. Good luck in whatever else you have planned!
Hello there! I’m really touched that you still care and check in on the blog, even after you’ve moved on from Warriors as a series. 
It’s so nice to know that, even though Ailuronymy started as--and still is--very much a product of fandom, this blog has its own value independent of that. I think that’s particularly special for something so rooted in discussions of a preexisting text and it makes me proud to hear it. Thank you for writing in to let me know. <3
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ailuronymy · 3 years
Is there a separate blog where we can keep up w your works, Gray?
Hello there! Thank you for asking, that’s very sweet of you. 
The best place to keep up with me going forward is @solacefruit here on tumblr. I’m not super active there at the moment due to work and other priorities, but I’m hoping to find more time to write and chatter there occasionally this year. Feel free to follow or just check in every once in a while if following’s not your thing, I really don’t mind. <3
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ailuronymy · 3 years
hi grey! i can’t even begin to find the right words for how much ailuronymy has meant to me, and just how much it’s added to my life over the years. it’s the reason i started using tumblr way back in early 2012! i came into your blog as a 13 year old curious about traditional naming, referencing your naming guide for all my oc’s, but my experiences here became so much more than that. as a kid, i definitely looked up to you (i thought you were very cool; still do!), and this blog was genuinely enlightening to me.
the critique you shared on the misogyny and ableism in the writing of warriors stuck with me from a young age and really opened my eyes; i started being very critical of that in writing. i wouldn’t realize i was disabled until years later, but when i did, i remembered that you were always on my side in that way—you stood up for us. i remember you once said that weed (heh) wasn’t a valid prefix because the plants may be “weeds” to us, but they’re still individual species of plants, and now here i am, memorizing plants i see out in nature, plant identifier app always at the ready and checking out books about flora! i probably would have always thought of them as weeds without you. once upon a time, it was ailuronymy, too, that introduced me to messybeast, where i dove head first into a special interest in cat coat and eye color genetics that ive had ever since! i look at the world through such a different lens than i would have otherwise, and it truly enriches it.
a long time ago, you commented on someone’s submission saying that there was no such thing as “biologically male” or “biologically female” and that anatomy is not inherently gendered. as someone who had just realized they were trans, and had never heard someone say that before, that just... changed everything to me. it was a game changer for my dysphoria, and something that still comforts me 8 years later. i never let anyone use those words to refer to me again. as a trans person, you made me feel supported—like you were always in our corner. someone that i had respected and looked up to for years stood up for me, and i felt seen.
and while i’m not much of a writer myself, i’ve always loved hearing what you have to say about the subject. if anything ever did inspire me to write, it was the advice and thoughts you shared about it here. you’re one of my favorite writers! the warrior cats fics you’ve written had a profound impact on me emotionally and i wish the books themselves could come close. i remember enjoying the tallstar’s revenge one so much, having not read the book, that i decided it would stay as the definitive version of it in my mind simply because i adored the worldbuilding. your interpretation of the warrior cats universe will always be a joy to read, because there is so much careful consideration behind it. it really comes through on the page, and you can feel it.
all this to say: thank you, grey, for all of the love you’ve poured into this blog. i wanted to tell you the impact you’ve had on my life, with even the most casual things you’ve said. it has all mattered to me, and it always will. it’s hard to say goodbye, but i’m excited to see where you go next, and i’ll happily be following solacefruit! you’re an inspiring and delightful presence in this world, and i know i would be the luckiest student ever if i had you as a teacher.
It was difficult to know how to reply to this message, because it’s one of those times where it feels like I can’t do justice in a simple “thank you”--but there’s also no way to really capture everything that I would like to say, so: thank you. 
There is so much here that I’m grateful you’ve shared with me. I am so glad I could be a supportive voice for you in times when that was something you needed, and I’m glad that what I’ve said here resonated with you and brought you solace and comfort and insight into your own experience. 
I’ve always tried to do what I thought was right by people here. And I think I often missed the mark, and made mistakes, and there’s a lot I wish I could redo in ways that were more inclusive and kind to begin with. But I am very very glad that, despite all my own imperfections during my time running this blog, that I was able to do so much right by you. That alone would make ten years of work worth it. 
I’m very proud of you. Being “different” in any way is an incredible act of courage, but not one that many people--queer people, disabled people, people of colour--get to ever opt out of. You have to be brave because if you want to exist, that’s what it takes. But I still think it’s something that should be recognised and honoured, and I am so glad that you’ve been able to discover so much about what brings you joy during your time reading Ailuronymy. It’s really something wonderful to know that this blog contributed in some small way to you becoming the person you are.
Thank you for telling me. Take great care of yourself. <3
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ailuronymy · 3 years
Thank you so much for everything you’ve done, with this blog and for the fandom. I don’t really feel like I can put it into words. The way you’ve always been ready to answer questions, but with the attitude of “it’s your story, so you’ll have to decide what rules work for you”. I’ve become so much more curious and inspired thanks to this. Why are things the way they are? What makes that work? What would happen if it worked differently?
Thank you for helping me learn I love aspects of both traditionalist and lyrical naming, and why. Thank you for helping me name some of my OCs.
Thank you for the years of work you’ve put in, and the years of learning I’ve gained (and will continue to have).
Thank you. This is really what I hoped to be, and it warms my heart a great deal to know that I’ve been able to be a source of inspiration for you. I hope you continue to be curious, and ask interesting questions, and look at stories and the world with a desire to understand how it all works. 
It’s particularly lovely to know that you use a range of naming styles, but still enjoy Ailuronymy. That’s a big compliment, and I’m glad you were able to find things and thoughts of value here. Take care! <3
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ailuronymy · 3 years
i'm so glad i found your blog years ago. i consider it to have been foundational in developing my critical and creative mind for worldbuilding, both for existing and original settings, and i think actually funnily enough your mentions of conlanging, even in a "that's not what this blog is about" sense, gave me a name for the concept and led me to that rabbit hole which is now one of my favorite hobbies :) thanks so much for everything, ailuronymy has meant so much to all of us.
This is so fantastic to hear, I am so glad you were able to connect with something that’s now so important to you through this blog. Honestly, conlangs are so interesting to me, and something I’d love to spend more time working on--but who knows. Maybe in the future. 
I hope you continue to have fun being creative and making wonderful things. Take care! <3
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ailuronymy · 3 years
Hi. I just wanted to check that tumblr didn't eat my 'one last tale from a silly generator' ask?
Hello there! Thank you for writing in, but that’s one tradition I’m glad Ailuronymy’s left in the past. As goofy as the names often were, I think this blog became a way better and more welcoming place once we stopped making fun of names and only talked about what we loved instead. 
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ailuronymy · 3 years
This blog has been the biggest inspiration to me for years, I started a warriors blog because of it, I started studying cat genetics because of it and I started my own clan ocs because of it. I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for creating this blog and allowing me to grow into the person I am today. I can't posibly explain with words how much this blog means to me and how much it has shaped me. Thank you, you will be dearly missed.
This is such a beautiful message to receive. It really gets to me--in a good way!--hearing such lovely things said about the work I’ve done, and it means an awful lot. 
My loftiest dream for Ailuronymy was that it would be fun chill space to encourage creativity and constructive critical thinking, and give people inspiration and new ways to explore world-building and culture and all the things that I find so wonderful and exciting about xenofiction and fantasy, using Warriors as kind of a gateway to those interesting discussions. There’s no real way to articulate how it feels to know that that’s more or less what I’ve achieved in the end. 
I’m honoured that you think I contributed to who you are today. But please don’t sell yourself short. I might have said things that resonated with you, but it was you who listened and wanted to grow and learn. What’s really exciting to me is that you have a whole lifetime ahead to continue doing that, and pass on what you know to other people as well. That’s special and brings me a lot of joy to think about. That’s what any good teacher always hopes for. 
Take care of yourself, and keep doing the things you love. <3
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ailuronymy · 3 years
I will miss your blog. It's one that I've been following for years, even on my old blog. 💜💜💜
I'm going to miss it too. But I think it's better to have loved and lost, and all that. Besides, I'm hoping Ailuronymy won't be lost and will remain here, both as a blog and as a downloadable pdf guidebook, for anyone who wants it in the future.
Thank you for being here for so long. And thank you so much for sending in those fanfiction recommendations, it's so great to see so many interesting, creative stories getting shared. Take care. <3
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ailuronymy · 3 years
Fic Recs 4/4
This author is great at writing OCs. This fic has a WindClan kit that is held hostage in RiverClan until WindClan can produce enough catmint. However, no one has catmint. Petalpaw has to learn to be a medicine cat in a different clan, and deal with her conflicted feelings and loyalties.
Love What is Mortal
Neat fic with amazing art that looks at the afterlife after OOTS. There’s trouble in StarClan, and Hollyleaf is chased into the Dark Forest while Sorreltail has to discover the truth behind Honeyfern’s recent disappearance. Shows the politics in both StarClan and the Dark Forest, and the complicated cats in each.
Trope - Evil Med Cat
Red Pearls
Another OC fic. In this one ShadowClan’s medicine cat is secretly killing cats, and her apprentice, Brightfur, has to try to stop her.
Warriors: Path of Stars [TNP Rewrite]
My favourite abandoned fic. A very good TNP rewrite that I still think about. Does some really interesting things.
Leafstar’s Home for Misfit and/or Wayward Warriors
Funny take on SkyClan at the lake, and the problems they have. Shows some cultural differences between SkyClan and the other Clans, and is a fun read.
saccharine tithes of love and glory
mallowstep (fencesandfrogs)
In this series, apprentice seers receive some training, then are sent to another Clan to finish the rest. It’s done to prevent conflict between Clans, and ensure that the seer doesn’t have loyalties to any specific Clan or cat. A really interesting AU with great worldbuilding.
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ailuronymy · 3 years
Fic Recs 3/4
make a mighty sound
I know it’s your fic, but I really love it. The worldbuilding, the characterization, and the relationships.
Fire and Water: Book One - Into the Wild
By: Hissing Willows
Very nice RiverClan!Firestar AU. Fleshes out background characters, looks at the consequences of Thistleclaw being ThunderClan leader, and more. Provides plots that aren’t just a rehashing of the books, and is a great read. Gives characters new dimensions and shows how they’d react to these changes.
Brighter Fires
Starts as an AU where Bluestar dies and Fireheart flees to WindClan. Great characterization, worldbuilding, and plots.
Into the Wilderness
addershine, foxstride (sbzpruiosnejre)
Rewrite that has a POV in each Clan. Makes each clan unique, and has been looking at the consequences of Brokenstar’s rule. Still on the first fic, and I am excited to see where it goes.
Ties that Bind
Very good TNP rewrite. It’s still in progress, and I am very excited to see where it goes. It makes you question what will happen next, and has a great take on the relationships.
may there be no sadness of farewell
mallowstep (fencesandfrogs)
An AU where Squirrelflight gets her nine lives before “Bramblestar” awakens. Becomes a conflict between the two ThunderClan leaders, and the choices that have to be made.
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