airi-kimisawa · 5 years
Analyzing Aristo’s Behaviour Part 4: Getting Assblasted, Playing The Victim, and “Being Grateful”
So, there must have been a mistake, right? Maybe Aristo was having a bad day or something. I mean, surely she isn’t really that petty that she wou-
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Really now. You had to come cry to your Twitter followers? ...Over a comment that you disagreed with? 
Seriously, how old are you?! XD
Now, that’s definitely something I would except a 13-year old girl would do, not a 20-something-year old, over-dedicated fanfiction writer! Or better yet, maybe that’s exactly what 20-something over-dedicated fanfiction writer would do! Have you ever read that Zelda fanfiction My Inner Life by Link’s Queen? That was written by another 20-something, over-dedicated fanfiction writer and look how that turned out! At the very least, Link’s Queen has grown and even laughs about how obsessed she was with Link and how god awful her Zelda fanfictions were.
And well... Aristo hasn’t gotten to that point in her life. ( ̄_ ̄|||)
Anyway, let’s see what others had to say about the poll.
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First of all, PokeProtector AKA Travis, god bless you. You are actually one of the more sane Aristo supporters I’ve seen and gave a reasonable response. I honestly wish I could shake your hand and give you a bro hug.
Of course, Aristo couldn’t just say “thank you” or “yeah, you’re right” and just had to pretend to put on a hard-ass front and act like you were teaching me a lesson. Lol okay so if I was so “insignificant in your life” then why did you continue to respond to me for the whole 8 hours? Who’s the real fool here, the one who started the exchange harmlessly or the one who couldn’t keep her confrontation boner down and just had to be a smartass instead of just explaining herself?
Yeah, you proved a point alright. A point that you’re the fucking fool. Now dance for me, you peasant.
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“Hahaha! They didn’t know the full context because I thought playing the victim and dragging the conversation out by accusing her of different shit that I, myself, was doing would be a lot more fun! Oh, but poor me for wasting the 8 hours that I could be spending fingering myself to my fictional boyfriends! T_T”
And if you think I’m being harsh, I’m not the one who dedicated 3 years of my fucking life to writing a wish-fulfillment fanfiction. And not getting a profit for it. E.L James = 1, AristoMuse = 0
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Mm. Okay, no. That is not the full story. That can be found in [Part 3]. But for those who want a somewhat quick summary between Aristo (A) and I (M):
A: Makes post complaining about fans sending her ideas
M: Tells her to let them have their fun and be grateful that she’s getting praised at all
A: Acts passive-aggressive and accuses me of doing such
M: Calls her out on her bullshit and restates my first point
A: Tells me I’m criticizing her, tries to argue that I was being passive-aggressive. Follows up with “Oh no, how dare I not like a thing.”
M: Questions her sanity.
A: “Lmao you’re hilarious”
M: “Lol I wasn’t the one who got defensive when someone who was apparently “passive-aggressive” decided to dish the same energy you gave out”
A: Partially explains context, but complains that I don’t understand the full context. Calls me immature, despite the fact that she wrote a 200-chaptered fucking fanfiction that’s nothing more than just Persona 5 word-for-word.
M: Explains to whiteknight that other artists have received hate and gotten doxxed for what they draw or write.
A: Cries that I’m telling the truth about her shitty behaviour. Puts her problems before a fellow friend’s who experienced trauma. “How mature of you”. Finally gives me full context.
So yeah, that’s about as quick as I can give it, but I highly recommend you take a look at Part 3 for the full details. And my final comment on that post, before Aristo pussied out, fled to her Twitter and deleted it on dA, said that “had you just outright explain the context from the get-go, there would have been no argument”. That’s your own damn fucking fault that your fingers got so sore that you couldn’t masturbate that night. Be mad, bitch.
-Mod Minato
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airi-kimisawa · 5 years
Analyzing Aristo’s Behaviour Part 3: The Truth Is Finally Revealed!
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Could it be...? Oh, at long last! The context will be given right here! But before we get there, let’s take a look at her responses piece by piece:
“leave them alone” the point is that they won’t leave -me- alone kinda like what you’re doing now. 
Oh good, I was hoping you would add another smartass comment to satisfy your bitch quota. Are you done? Again, really unnecessary and, well, that’s kinda not helping your case if you want me to believe that you’re as “innocent” as you say. Continue...
No one forced you to comment this nor to engage me in this meaningless conversation. I was trying to be courteous because you’re commenting on my posts.
For once, you are correct on one half - and wrong on the other. Firstly, you are correct; no one forced me to comment on this. Just like how no one forced you and your personal asslickers to respond to me. On the other half, the conversation became meaningless right after your first response, specifically your first two sentences. Also
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If this was you “trying to be courteous”, you were raised in the wrong fucking society. Go back to the fucking boondocks where you got that from. A small sliver of me hopes you’re better than this.
I think the one being immature is you because you’re the one forcing this argument to continue to satisfy whatever moral high ground you think you have when you don’t even know what exactly those “fans” sent me. Again your problem seems to be criticizing based on missing context and filling it in yourself. I don’t know why you’re not understanding and making -me- to be the problem here.
So... How about you explain what the fans would send you so we’d be on the same page? You think that might help? If you see that I’m not “cooperating” with you because I’m not getting the full context, maybe, well this is just a guess but, maybe give me the motherfucking context then.
Do you think that might be the reason why I’m filling it in myself? Or do you just sit on your ass all day and play these stupid ass games so that it’s vague enough for people to misunderstand and for you to get away with being a snobby bitch? That’s like presenting a complicated calculus equation without teaching me the method and then shaming me for doing it wrong.
Terrible math joke aside, the whiteknight P1Bres returns to battle for his fair lady, but I will not post his comment simply because he echoed what the last whiteknight said (”Do you even write?), so including that, and a part of my response that answers it (”I do write...”) would just be a huge waste of time. 
So, to summarize, after Bres rambles on about how he’s a good friend of Aristo (who doesn’t say b e  g r a t e f u l *★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★* 。) and how disheartening it is to not have someone constantly giving you asspats for your work, I say:
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No additional comments needed. I just flat out admitted that her post implied narcissism and ungratefulness. Aristo, remember, implied. And now, the real moment that you’ve all been waiting for here comes...
The Full Context!
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And there we have it, ladies and gentlemen.  After about 5 fucking hours of her bullshit, the context has finally been given! And to tell you the truth, I did feel sympathy for her at this point. I really did. Let’s break her comment down, for one last time...
But before I do, let me just get this out of the way. The context of her saying I said “triggered”, was from the previous comment I made right before “Yes, I write. I draw too, in fact.”:
Why is “be grateful” such a triggering pair of words for you? It’s actually becoming comical.
Okay, I was a douche. I’ll admit it. I hang around with some good-hearted, yet pretty offensive individuals, not gonna lie. We insult each other, call each other derogatory terms, playfully punch each other a little hard too on the shoulder, you name it. We’re basically like the Three Stooges. But at the end of it all, we burst into laughter and give each other bear hugs. That’s just how we are. 
Our philosophy is that the more you laugh at dark humor, the less that there is to stress you out and the more you can enjoy life. I understand not everyone is like that, but Aristo, please understand that when I used “triggered” (although distastefully), it was meant to be in an ironic sense. I wasn’t actually trying to attack your friend (hell, I didn’t even know he went through trauma) and I should have been more careful about my word choice. That was honestly on me.
Okay, now let’s begin.
Making me out to be the bad guy because I’m a living breathing person with feelings. Nice.
You know, fuck you. No really, actually fuck off with that shit. You know damn well why I called you out and it’s not because you’re a “living, breathing person”, you little shit. It’s because you’re a 20-something year-old woman who doesn’t take criticism against your shitty personality well unless it’s spoon-fed to you from a bowl of sugar. Are you even in your 20′s? Well, I’m going to assume that because you drew anatomically incorrect porn with your character and a cross-dressing Akira that you’re at least between the ages of 20-26. So, fuck off with the pity party and act like your goddamn age.
And some fucking friend you are to put your petty-ass problems before the actual problems of your own goddamn traumatized friend having an offensive term used against them. An accident on my part, yes, but the fact that you mentioned your problem of being “criticized for no reason” before mentioning the “trigger” issue just proves my point right there about how fucking conceited you are. That’s like “yeah, I’m being treated like the bad guy just because I’m a person with feelings!! ...Oh, and I guess I should mention that my friend may have gotten flashbacks from something traumatic in his life, but still, my feelings!”
Next chunk.
What I said in my original post is “I understand that a lot of people have envisioned themselves as a apart of the Phantom Thieves, myself included, but unless someone asks or reaches out to you about your own fantasies, maybe don’t butter them up to someone just to use them as your own fantasy idea dumpster.”
As in, people message me to compliment me on my story, and when I say thank you, they think that means I give them ESSAYS of their own fic ideas, and ask me for help on every decision they want to make in their story. They SPAM me. I have multiple people do this to me. I’m trying to be nice, but it’s hard when the other person doesn’t respect me as a person with their own time and obligations.
Spending time harassing another author for their advice rather than spending that time writing is not productive to their dream goal.
See, after explaining it thoroughly, now I understand your struggle. That really does extremely annoying and I can imagine it being difficult for you satisfy your fans while also trying accomplish your own goals. And I guess I should appreciate the fact that you are trying your best to encourage people to post their own ideas online... Good job.
And concerning the last sentence of the second paragraph, I actually agree! That was an excellent point. I’m genuinely proud of you! (o゜▽゜)o☆
Telling someone to “be grateful” is a threatening statement.
Aaaand...You just lost your credibility. No, Aristo, simply telling someone to “be grateful” is NOT a threatening statement. Typically a threat has to be a statement of an intention to inflict pain or damage.  Meaning, in order for it be considered a threat, I’d have follow it up with some sort of hostile consequence.  Now if I said, “You’d better be grateful or else your fans are going to come after you and they’ll have your head on a pike.” THEN it would be an actual threat. So by your logic, I suppose “count your blessings” and “thank your lucky stars that didn’t happen!” is a threat? You’d think that an author of a fucking 600,000-word novel would at least have taken a glance at a dictionary before assuming dumb shit like this.
I am grateful for having so many people support me, but I don’t appreciate people using me, and most of the people “using” me aren’t even aware that they’re being malicious, hence, the original post.
That’s it. That’s literally it.
See? Was that so hard? Now imagine if you would have just said that right from the get-go. There would have been no argument. I would have said “oh I see, I’m really sorry to hear that. I misunderstood the original meaning, but thank you for explaining it to me. I hope these people spamming you get a chance to see this.” and then there would have been peace. Nice, huh? We could have had that, but instead you wanted to act petty and make bullshit accusations and look where that got us. I’m making a documentation of all of the disrespectful shit you said and you made several Twitter posts about me that were out of context to try to get some sympathy. Since I’m nice, I think I’ll fill them in with proper context, as well! :)
Part 4 we will take a dive into Aristo’s Twitter posts! Until next time! \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
-Mod Minato
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airi-kimisawa · 5 years
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p5 …but if the sexes… were SWAPPED
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airi-kimisawa · 5 years
Reblog to show your support for NSFW Artists, who deserve better than having their art censored/removed because of a badly thoughtout idea
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airi-kimisawa · 5 years
NSFW will be tagged as #lemon sorta NSFW is #Lime Weird fet shit/ extreme NSFW is #orange reblog to spread awareness that we’re back on the citrus scale
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airi-kimisawa · 5 years
Let's take the time to appreciate all the consistently present Yasogami High students who aren't important enough to have actual names:
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Keep reading
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airi-kimisawa · 5 years
People: “you know what would be great? If atlus remade p3 with the HD models from the dancing game or now that they are with Sega use the huge location/translation team to make a good translation of the first two games.”Altus “you know what would be great? If we remade a game that’s not even 3 years old on the same system but like with a new social link or two.”
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airi-kimisawa · 5 years
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💖 Lovers Arcana 💖
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airi-kimisawa · 5 years
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We stan!!!!
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chaotic good
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airi-kimisawa · 5 years
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i’m sure i’ve missed a few things, but i can’t stand to look at it any longer. i present to you: the good, the bad, and the ugly of tumblr throughout the decade
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airi-kimisawa · 5 years
Analyzing Aristo’s Behaviour Part 2.5: Oh Fuck Not Another Whiteknight
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I dreaded getting to this part of the conservation... Agh
Okay, I’m going to break this down and give my thoughts as I go.
First things first, have you ever written anything in your life besides these half-assed posts? Written a fanfic or book? No? Then you have no place to talk.
Don’t you love when people almost always gravitate to the whole “If you can’t do better, then shut up!” notion? I, myself, never thought I would get it, but I’ve heard it so many times before that’s getting really old. For fuck’s sake, this is how you make your grand entrance?
Your words are really empty. You say “oh, just ignore them” or “oh boo hoo leave them alone”.  Are you saying that writers shouldn’t be allowed to voice legitimate complaints?
“Your words are really empty” pfffft what are you a bloody child?? 
You act like you’re trying to mimic what your disappointed parent told you to tell your bullies the next time they pick on you. Oh, I’m so hurt  o(TヘTo)
Through all of that though, there is a legitimate question I can answer. And that is no, I wasn’t saying that writers shouldn’t be able to voice their complaints. Even if I didn’t have that much context, I am still entitled to voice my own opinions, myself. The fact that all these cuckolds essentially keep denying my right to do so because I don’t lick the shit out of Aristo’s ass alongside them only makes them much more fucking disgusting.
If I got one or two legitimate reviews and then 16 reviews that just said “keep update” or “good fic” then I have every right to roast these sons of bitches and complain about it, especially if happens on a consistent basis and starts to unmotivate[sic].
This fucking line right here. Oh boy, get fucking ready.
I’m not even going to address the fact that he didn’t add context to Aristo’s post. Nope... But since I mentioned it: he didn’t.
Firstly, like my response to him, I’m going to assume that these comments that he receives that don’t reach his 800+ word count like he wants them are positive. Listen, you have every right to express your opinion, but like I said prior, I also have that right. To call your fans “sons of bitches” for not sending you a fucking novella of a review is downright fucking excessive. People just don’t have that kind of time anymore. If I wrote a long-ass comment for every fanfiction, YouTube video, or whatever I liked, I’d be wasting so much daylight that could go towards something more productive. Not everyone is an unintelligent recluse like you; some people actually have lives outside of the internet. 
If you have a certain standard that your fans have to meet for you to feel appreciated, then you shouldn’t be a content creator. Period.
And believe it or not, I’ve gotten tons of comments that you mentioned and what does that do for me? Nothing more than make me feel appreciated that people actually liked my work to enough to say something about it. Has anyone ever told you that it’s the little things that count?
Again, this was based off of this simp’s comment and not the original context. (I will get to it in the next part, don’t worry).
The only one that says Aeon [Arcana] is for godlike entities is the fucking wiki. 
Right. Because the Aeon Arcana was established exclusively in the Persona universe (it doesn’t exist in the original tarot deck), you can really only find that information in the Persona wiki. Not unless you can find another source, and if you do, go ahead and link it.
And guess what, even if was for godlike entities THIS IS FANFICTION BITCH!! AND IN FANFICTION WE COULD DO WHATEVER THE FUCK WE WANT!!!
What exactly were you trying to fucking argue here?? That you didn’t read other half of my comment before you chimped out? Note that he was referring from another conversation that I had, concerning Airi, which I’ll link back to here when I get a chance. I have more to say about that topic, but that’s for another time.
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And just like that, he was never heard from again...
-Mod Minato
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airi-kimisawa · 5 years
Analyzing Aristo’s Behaviour Part 2: Enter The Whiteknight
Of course, no “true artiste” is without their fellow whiteknights mounted on their pearly white steed. I wasn’t surprised that her whiteknights are equally as thickheaded, if not more than the Elegant Aristo herself. Birds of a feather flock together... Anyhow, let’s jump to right where we last left off.
Aristo tries to pull a reversal after I asked her salty-ass if she was okay. She tried to be all like “lmao you’re hilarious”, but I immediately retorted that she’s just as laughable considering how her attitude was thrown right back at her. In other words:
Aristo: *is passive-aggressive*
Me: *passive-aggressive back*
Aristo: OMG you are so passive-aggressive I can’t ??
And now, here comes Sir Moronic The Dull-Witted!
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Behold his valiance, peasant.
Oh boy what a hoot I had. See, not only did he just just appear a whole hour later after my response, but he even accused me of harassing her when all I did initially was give her advice and be a bit blunt about it. That’s quite a statement, especially since I was nowhere near as aggressive as these two gits think I was (I say as I refer to them as “gits” lmao). I hate to be the one to point fingers, but I shall say this once more, Aristo was the one who responded with hostility for no fucking reason.��
Get a life instead of attacking a stranger and telling her to be grateful for comments hat do nothing to help her grow...
Considering the fact that I explicitly stated in the last post that I had no context, how about instead of piggy-backing off of Aristo’s bullshit, you could actually do me a favor and give me the context of the post. Oh wait, that would imply independent thinking and for you to stop suckling off of Aristo’s dried up tits, which you seem to lack the ability to do. Never mind.
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Ah so now you decided to acknowledge my advice when it’s the most convenient for you. Also, fucking hell, aren’t you the most paranoid bimbo I’ve ever met. I didn’t “target” you. In fact, I didn’t think much would happen after I initially made that comment. Especially at this caliber. Literally, the only reason why I continued to respond is because, say it with me kids, 
You fail to understand that you were passive-aggressive towards me for absolutely no reason and tried to shift all the blame on me, you daft cunt. 
And seeing that inspired me to capture all of your lovely phrases. I’m making sure to get plenty of your good side! 📸
Oh and don’t worry, after this gets posted, everyone will see your ridiculous shit too! So smile~! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
Besides, you’re posting this publicly; anyone can join in and see just how ridiculous you’re being.
*gasp* W-Was that passive-aggression?! Oh Aristo, you silly girl! You can’t do that! Passive-aggression is apparently one of the seven deadly sins after all! Right after Lust and Pride... Two other things you just so happened to be familiar with. (¬‿¬)
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I actually had to remind myself that I was dealing with a psycho bitch. If you just saw the argument at this point, you would have thought that I committed an actual fucking sin by the way she was talking to me. God fucking damn.
There was another one of Aristo’s whiteknights that I wanted to talk about, but boy, I have a fuck ton to say about him. I guess that’ll be a Part 2.5. As for him, be grateful that I’m making you’re own goddamn post.
-Mod Minato
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airi-kimisawa · 5 years
Female Character: *Everybody is immediately drawn to her for no discernible reason*
Female Character: *Extremely powerful compared to all of the other characters within the story; there’s no reason as to how she became so powerful*
Female Character: *For some reason is able to quickly pick up new skills in a period of time comparable to a genius; no explanation for this too.*
Female Character:  *has virtually no weaknesses except she’s clumsy teehee :)*
Person: Isn’t this kind of a mary-sue?
Tumblr: why do misogynists like to invalidate strong female characters???????????
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airi-kimisawa · 5 years
Analyzing Aristo’s Behaviour Part 1: “Help! I’m Being Threatened!!”
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(I will be bolding some keywords and phrases, in case Aristo wants to take things out of context. If you’re reading this, this is for you, baby <3 )
Being a former Persona 5 fan myself, I’ve known about AristoMercu or AristoMuse for a couple of years now. Like her, I also had a P5 FC (who, ironically, I also shipped with Joker), but I have since retired her from numerous reasons. Lost interest in the game (drew closer to the older Persona titles), focusing more on my real life relationship, etc. Even when I used my FC, I didn’t do too much with her aside from making a few couple sketches and some, uh, d e l i c i o u s  drabbles ^^;
Er... Anyway, Aristo is different. She wrote not one, but four fanfictions that are apart of her “Breaking The Chains” series (she mistakenly wrote that there were 5 parts. Apparently she hates the number 3 lol). One of them being “The World is Ours”, the fic that drew a lot of her fans in. In fact, the website TV Tropes recommended it on their P5 page, with one person even saying it’s “highly recommended”. Hoo boy. I won’t go into my personal opinions right now, but it is important to note that her fanfiction is pretty famous amongst the Persona 5 community.
That being said, a couple days ago, I saw Aristo’s formerly most recent journal/post (she deleted it) that she made about her said fans:
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Upon first reading it, I was getting the impression that Aristo was a bit of a snob. I understand that might not have been her intention, but how I read it, it seemed like she was criticizing those who compliment her fanfiction because they also have their own ideas to share.
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Oop! There it is! The funny line! Haha “be grateful”! XD
But in all seriousness, what the fuck? What was with all the hostility? Sure, even if I was way off, the passive-aggressiveness on your end was very sudden and unnecessarily rude. Yes, I did come across blunt, but am I wrong? 
Are you not well-known? Are you not well-liked? Are you not an inspiration to many? So, aside from “be grateful”, what part of the comment rubbed you the wrong way? 
All of those things are true. At the very least, you should have taken that part as a compliment, but instead you decided to bitch at me for something (at the very end, mind you) that shouldn’t have been taken that seriously. However, you should expect fans to want to share their ideas. That was my interpretation of what I read and keep in mind, I did not know the full context of this post.
Rather than snapping at me like, you should have clarified the situation so that I can make a better judgement. Let’s continue...
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Once again, I restate my original point about ignoring the comments that bother her (seemed like something I shouldn’t have to tell a grown woman, but alas), not before calling her out on being passive-aggressive herself. Bitch, I can play this petty game too.
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Well, no. I didn’t comment with the sole intent to criticize you. I only commented because I initially thought that you weren’t being fair to your fanbase. And I just wanted to say something about it. 
So, am I not allowed to have an opinion about you without you trying jump on my ass about it? This is right about now where I’m actually criticizing you because you’re blowing this shit way out of proportion. Perhaps, I should use your words: Oh no, how dare I not like a thing. The “thing” being your excessive leaps and bounds to conclusions.
Is she okay? I’ll answer my own question: No. If she read my first comment as being passive-aggressive and as me criticizing her, she is not okay.
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Aww look she’s getting angry! Can’t you tell? This is part where she tries to fool me and pretends to laugh at me! Such a common behaviourial trait for people like her... Do you smell the Dalias in the air? (hint, hint) ^^
Honey, you have nothing to laugh at because you’re an absolute mess. You were trying so hard to turn what was meant to be some cordial advice into a threat. And for what? What were you trying to accomplish, may I ask? Trying to mask your ratchet-ass attitude with blame-shifting? Oh believe me, I know I can be bad, but at least I can admit my negative tendencies, unlike you. No use lying about it.
[Part 2] I’ll be covering the other half of the conversation.
-Mod Minato
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airi-kimisawa · 5 years
I was throwing about an idea in my head of a story about a mary sue/gary stu after the story ends. This character appears in this story, is literally perfect from the word go and everyone loves them, they get all these storybreaking powers and artifacts and then they go and beat up the big bad, like it was no trouble at all!
And then? Story’s over, the world moves on. All those perfect skills they instantly knew? Almost forgotten, and when they do pull them off they’re never as flawless as they used to be. The people they met only once but were instantly liked by? Just kinda drift away or stop talking to them. The powers and artifacts? Lost, or just not as useful day to day as they were against the big bad.
I had to stop and really re-examine the ideas I was working with and the mary sue/gary stu in general after I realized I was basically outlining the literary equivalent of a “gifted kid” burnout
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airi-kimisawa · 5 years
An Introduction
Well, hi~ 
This is my first official post for my blog, so I apologize if it's a little underwhelming. Today, I'll be going a little more in-depth of what the blog is all about. Despite this being a Mary Sue blog, I will be providing constructive criticism as best I can. I'm all open to any and all thoughts, concerns, or what ever you have for me. By the way, call me Minato :)
You are free to agree or disagree with me at any time, however do not go and harass the artist by any means. And with that, as promised, I'll be revealing who I will be talking about on this blog...
Airi Kimisawa
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For those of you who are unaware, Airi Kimisawa is a pretty well-known Persona 5 fan character created by AristoMercu, AristoMuse, or just Aristo. Aristo is also writing a fanfiction (that is still in progress) called “The World Is Ours”, which is essentially the story of Persona 5, but with Airi added as Akira Kurusu/Joker's love interest. As of right now, the fic is at about 600,000 words with roughly 108 chapters, so it is pretty long, but I do plan to take a look at it in the future. 
With all due respect, I do love her artwork. In fact, I think she has a very nice art style! She's also very talented cosplayer too. Her attitude, however, is absolute shit and that honestly takes away from her beautiful skills. Way too often will she twist the story to make herself out to be the victim in any situation possible and come off as a bratty little bitch. The original intent for this blog was to provide constructive critique to the character Airi Kimisawa and how Aristo could improve her, but now, because of a few exchanges I had with her, I decided to critique the artist Aristo’s behaviour too... Oh sorry, this time, I mean criticize her behaviour. Be grateful~ ;)
-Mod Minato
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airi-kimisawa · 5 years
So cute!! I wished Sega would have made another Billy Hatcher. It’s such an underrated game <3
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Good Morning! ☀️
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