aishathetaurus · 2 years
I feel like there's a large group of people that feel like Luke and June aren't gonna be together in the end... and she's probably gonna end up with Nick... I wanna know what in the show has led you to believe this?
I, personally, don't care who June ends up with, because I don't think her relationship has much to do with the storyline. Whether she's with Nick or Luke... her story remains the same. Regardless of who she's with her story is still: "I must save Hannah and I've been through so much I desperately need to heal." So, it just doesn't matter to me, because no man is gonna change June's reality.
I just don't understand how people are gathering enough information to say one is better than the other for her. Realistically, we know nothing about Nick and Luke... All we know about Nick is that he's a literal Nazi and Luke is a cheater. Outside of that, not much has been shown to us about either one.
Nick is a Nazi that's the reason why June was enslaved and raped. Luke is a cheater that left his ex wife so he can cheat on June in peace, which is probably the reason June was forced into being a handmaid anyway. I will say... one of these is A LOT worse than other other, but nonetheless... neither are that great. So, I don't understand why there are so many people that are pro Nick or pro Luke... they both suck. June deserves better than both of them?
Personally, if I had to pick, I'd pick a cheater before I ever pick a Nazi... But I have no bias towards either. That's just my personal morals. I'd kill myself before letting myself fall in love with a Nazi. I think being a cheater is a far more forgivable than a Nazi.
Nonethless, I don't get why there's such polarized opinions? Especially when the show is barely about romantic relationships? I won't lie, considering Nick is a Nazi, its a bit confusing seeing so many people pro-Nick, but that's as far as my thoughts go.
Actually, I have other thoughts... like how I don't think June could really consent towards someone that's holding her captive, but I feel like if I get into that it would come off as if I had some sort of bias, but I don't... I think I'm pointing out the obvious, but people rarely tend to treat that info as if saying someone is a Nazi is biased. I think saying someone is a Nazi when they are is a pretty unbiased opinion.
Clearly, the love between all of them is complicated and I'll leave it at that.
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
Its so interesting how they are so many alive black serial killers but its not talked about the same way you'd talk about other serial killers because the people they're killing are usually gang members or criminals
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
Before, I thought everyone was being harsh towards June, but now I've come to realize June is, rightfully, unhinged meanwhile everyone else around her is acting normally. I used to think Rita and Moira were being harsh and not understanding that her trauma just reads differently than theirs, but nah... June is a little nuts and its okay.
I get it though. Her showing signs of feeling bad for Serena and being upset with Luke despite them being on the same page on her in particular... its really fucking odd. She went from both of them agreeing to kill her the next time they see her and having passionate sex to really confirm it (lol), to being upset Luke is doing what he can to make that happen even slightly... but I get it.
Regardless, she's consistently the most unhinged person in the room. Its interesting how trauma affects people differently. However, I cannot stress this enough... I get it. If I was her, I would wanna move to New Bethlehem too if it meant seeing my baby. As a viewer, I'm just also able to see the whole situation and recognize how insane that is. You gotta be extremely desperate and naive to trust Gilead. Especially since Lawrence can't seem to make an promises to June besides "we'll let you see Hannah sometimes."
It was nice seeing June have a moment of clarity and reminding Serena and the audience that they're not friends and she never forgave her. Last episode had people acting kinda delusional about their possible friendship, so this was a nice reminder of reality. She can feel bad for her and her child, while also feeling not much for her. Both are possible.
Anyway, its good that June has the support system around her. She's not well. Idk if they can stop her, but its good to have them. Luke is right... there's no way they can take a kidnapped baby, Nichole, back to Gilead... There's no way... June's idea of them going back as a family isn't logical at all...
Also, the idea that June, someone forced into sex slavery, abandoned her child... To even believe that... despite all the obvious evidence that that's not what happened... June is unwell.
It made me so sad hearing Luke say "we're never gonna be enough for you, are we?" because I really don't think they will be. Its not that Luke and everyone has let go of Hannah and their lost loved ones... its just... acceptance. What can they really do? They are regular people trying to navigate through life the best they can... they literally cannot do all the things June wants them to do. Its not possible.
The end was the perfect ending for this episode and I hope it works out... With everything I just said, I think Hannah coming back will the only thing that'll help June. Like I said, she's unwell. Has been this entire time. Idk why it was this episode that made it click for me? Either way, I hope this changes everything and it actually happens.
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
we need another season of law & order svu but like... this time I really do not want them to use current real life situations to create their story. It was very weird and triggering seeing the past two summers' protests rewritten for tv entertainment? What about pulling old and random stories like they used to???
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
This incest shit is killing me...
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
I'm not Arab so I an't comment too much on this... while I'm sure the scenario happens in real life to time... the cousin fucking incest storyline in Ramy is sickening. Its 2022. People aren't fucking their cousins like that in these kinds of cultures anymore? I'm not Arab, but I think I can confidentially say that???
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
Sound on
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
Nick and June belong together in a sense... However, its hard to really say, you know, since... them being two trauma bonded people coming together under extreme circumstances is their reality. Is June in love with Nick the same way or more than she loved Luke? Its hard to say. Maybe if their relationship developed under like... normal circumstances it would be clear, but they didn't so its not.
There's not much to say about Osblaine besides that. I think any other analysis of their relationship is odd. I feel like people tend to ignore the circumstances they met in, and the dynamic between a handmaid and an eye that led the army that created Gilead. I get it though... their connection is undeniable... and also blinding.
Not saying they aren't the more ideal couple... Its just... hard to say? Its so interesting seeing people so hellbent on them being a couple with all things considered. I believe their love is only circumstantial. But you know... who is to say if they met in pre-Gilead America or in Canada they'd feel the same... Maybe they would've. Maybe they wouldn't have. Its not like we'll ever know considering they met when June was a slave in a system Nick created.
Also the fact Nick is a literal Nazi and June was locked inside of his open space concentration camp...? Its like hearing about a slave falling in love with her slave master... Is it really love when consent isn't possible to give in those kind of situations?
The answer is no btw by definition it's all rape. Nick raped June. Multiple times. Every time. Even if June seemingly consented... its rape. How does a slave really consent towards sex with their literal master? They can't. They don't. This isn't a hot take btw... this exact situation has happened many times throughout American slavery and its labeled as rape every time. You cannot consent to someone that owns you or is capable of owning you, no matter how sure you feel about it and how much consent you express. Do you really think when slaves fell in love with their owners we're looking back on that history and labeling it a consentual relationship? Have your own opinion, but try to be honest. Historians would violently disagree with you if you say yes btw.
Anyway, I figured I would just share my thoughts. This isn't a pro or anti Osblaine post... just... saying what should be obvious.
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
I said this in a much longer post, but I wanted to dedicate a post to it... but a lot of y'all's hatred towards Luke is just racism. You're racist.
The show's refusal to address race and y'all's obsession with Nick being with June is having an effect on y'all. I mean, you were racist before ever seeing the show, probably, but the show's refusal to just say it outright isn't helping. Its touched on in the book, but not so much in the show or movie... I'll solely address the lack of understanding towards Luke's circumstances and just... leave the whole Osblaine thing alone.
In the book, the racism is just as clear as the misogny. JUST as clear. You barely see black people (and nonwhite people in general, but I'm talking about black people and the book actually touches specifically on black people as well) in this setting simply because in Gilead black people are not allowed unless their ovaries are promising. Black women didn't become handmaids. They were just killed or sent to the colonies, and if they were lucky maybe they'd get to be a Martha. Its silly and naive to think the gendered slavery or horrids stopped at just forcing women to be bastardized surrogates when there's room for so much more horrendous realities, whether it was shown on screen or not. This isn't something you had to read the book to get a grasp on. Its just... heavily implied either way. This isn't saying much because there were few, but most black women we've seen on screen at once is when we saw Unwomen...
Some of us have noticed the few times the show has hinted to how race is being handled and how it affects everything. To some of us, even without those hints, its obvious... The racism of it all is implied actually. Its so implied, it almost, doesn't need to said. However, to most of you? You're oblivious, so it should've been said. Over and over, actually.
Luke is doing the best he can in a system that was literally built to go against him. Even the current system, where the focus is mainly on women, is built against him despite the fact he's a man... he's still black. Imagine the fear of living as black man of America... Now take all the worst parts of America and put them into their own country... Now imagine the fear navigating that... Imagine what the level of fear does to you... Again, this isn't something you'd have to read the book to wrap your head around... There's a lot of pressure on Luke not only as a man, but as a black person and he's clearly just very very scared, as he should be.
With all things considered, he's doing great. He's been doing great this entire time. He didn't ruin anything this episode, nor has he ever. He did what needed to be done. He didn't need permission or extra context. He has never had the time or space to pause, consider context, and be gentle with his wrongdoers the way people like June or Serena has... This being a hard time for women, doesn't erase the reality of how black people are treated. In fact, with so much freedom to treat people however, it just heightens the racism towards black people. Again, not necessarily something you needed to read the book to grasp.
Either way, Serena is a literal war criminal and a serial rapist that stepped foot out of her allowed space. Whether he called or not, immigration was coming for her ass, and he did the right thing by speeding up the process.
After being kidnapped AGAIN... calling immigration and the police on the woman that helped enslave, imprison, and rape his wife was the only option... How do you see that and then still rage? What else was he supposed to do? What are your expectations of him? Not just in this episode or the last, but this whole time... What the hell was he supposed to do as a black man? Try to save her and stick out like a sore black thumb and end up getting himself and June killed?? He's not Nick. There was no helping her. The anger literally doesn't make sense and its getting to the point I have to assume its simply racism.
The inability to understand his circumstances... How harshly he's judged... yeah...
Luke was just as "useless" in the book and 1990's movie, yet its only when it comes to the show, where he's portrayed as a black man, do I see any commentary on how truly "worthless" he is. Its interesting.
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
Thinking about how The Handmaids Tale refuses to address race and has created a massively racist fandom. To a lesser extent it was the same with Schmigadoon, although I blame the creators of that show way less, as it was a 6 episode show set in a fantasy world - and they did try to touch on it, just perhaps not enough. But it was absolutely another fandom that hated it's black romantic leads.
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
This episode... First of all, I predicted, like a lot of us, this kind of episode. She was feeling contractions in the last episodes, so of course she's gives birth in this one.
Usually I have a thinkpiece after every episode (and I'll still manage to write one regardless), but I don't even know what to say? June is far more forgiving and graceful than I'll ever be.
If I was June, with everything she went through, I would've left Serena for dead. I can't imagine leaving the baby as they're an innocent party, but I would've let Serena die.
Serena was so worried about the Wheelers finding her she didn't think about immigration coming after her ass the second she stepped foot in that hospital... I didn't either. It seemed obvious as soon as Luke said he called them. Of course, she would have to deal with immigration whether Luke called them or not. She left the little area that was considered Gilead, so of course, there's consequences. Its not like as a citizen of Gilead she was ever allowed to roam free.
A part of me expected she'll be able to seek refuge, but her staying in that... embassy/fertility clinic/with the Wheelers was her only hope. This reality makes far more sense than the one I imaged... There's no way Canada would ever accept a literal war criminal in their graces... especially when they're exiting and entering the country illegally when she's barely welcomed in the country in the first place. Besides, when seeking refuge they ask "will you be prosecuted for being a woman?" and as a wife, a widow with a baby to be specific, I don't think she could've answered honestly? She would've had to lie to access the refugee status. Which would've been silly considering who is she is and how wives are treated is generally known, at least amongst those who put in the time and energy to study Gilead and government officials.
Anyway, hearing that her child being taken from her would've been good enough for me. Luke did the right thing calling immigration. I also understand why June was looking at the situation confused on how to feel. Its complicated. All of this is partially Serena's fault, but she was so a woman in Gilead... its complicated. I kinda get it.
Though the killing of Commander Putnam was pleasing... I will say this is one of the better episodes so far. Everything felt so subtle and calm, but so much was said and represented in this one episode. The level of empathy... unbelievable... astonishing. I think the child's name being Noah is foreshadowing. Maybe his birth and the situation Serena is in will be what brings these two countries together, possibly for the worst. Anyway, the way they were able to make Serena having her baby taken away into a sad horrible moment after there was so much hope... wow...
Also, I'm predicting some Luke hate for this episode... just like any episode where Luke shows up... I genuinely feel like the show's refusal to truly address race in all of this has led to a harsh and kinda racist fandom. I think a lot of you, who I'm assuming are mostly white women, have no idea what kind of fear Luke, a black American man, must be living through during all of this.... Keep in mind, Gilead is racist. Its been hinted a few times in the show, but in the book... Gilead is violently racist... Black and nonwhite women aren't wanted as handmaids. They're killed or sent to the colonies. I feel like that's implied whether it was touched on in the show or not, but it must be said. There are so few black men in the show, because they're just killed. Do you understand?
He called immigration, because it was the right thing to do. He didn't come in and ruin everything because that's just what he does. He was doing the right thing based on the information he had, and even if he had more information he still did the right thing. He has never had the time or space to be gentle with his wrongdoers the way someone like June or Serena has... This being a hard time for women, doesn't erase the reality of how black people are treated. Imagine the reality black handmaids are going through. More than one reality can be true at once. Women being treated like slaves doesn't change the fact the country Gildead was built on was built on race based slavery. The hints are few and far inbetween, but the show has made is clear the nonwhite people are still not welcomed in Gilead. They casually glossed over a family requesting only white handmaids a few season back. Racism is still a thing. Brutality based on race didn't change. Luke is doing everything he can in a world that was literally built to be against him. He's doing great.
Obviously, there was context there that would show that the situation isn't what he thought it was, but why the fuck would he pause and consider the possible context when the woman that helped imprison, enslave, and rape his wife is literally sitting around waiting to be plucked? He did the right thing. Get a grip.
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
Bad use of dogs
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Good use of dogs
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
The amount of political posts you find when you search handmaids tale is a lot... It feels... odd and disingenious for people to compare our current situation to handmaids tale? I don't think being held down and raped periodically and sometimes spontaneously is the same as being denied abortion and certain birth control?
I think its kinda extreme comparison?
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aishathetaurus · 2 years
I do anything to be where I was a year ago when I first discovered The Handmaid's Tale... To start a show with 3/4 seasons already on streaming services is a blessing. Catching up and being forced to wait a week between every episode is devastating damn near...
The wait between episodes for season five is A LOT for me. The cliff hangers at the end of every episode is becoming insane.
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