aixin8008 · 7 months
rose quartz
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aixin8008 · 2 years
The internet archive is under attack
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The internet archive is so important it’s sooo important to archive digital data to preserve it if you can throw a couple of dollars their way to support them then please do so. Don’t let greedy people and individuals take away the internet archive!
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aixin8008 · 3 years
gay tumblr artists only personality quiz: what color do u use to sketch before u outline
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aixin8008 · 3 years
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aixin8008 · 3 years
I think what’s important to remember about fatphobia is that it’s most damning consequences (the brutal abuse and death of fat people) serve to reinforce its structuring logics (that fat people are always and already dying / evidence of societal&personal decline).
the work of undoing fatphobia thus is both pointing out the hypocrisy of a medical industry that has the audacity to call fat people an “epidemic” while actively hastening their deaths, AND about understanding the broader discourses of blame and unworthiness that allow institutions to commit murder while swearing that victims did it to themselves.
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aixin8008 · 3 years
i think it's important to get deeply emotionally unironically involved in a bad piece of media whilst fully aware that it objectively sucks ass. like for your health or whatever
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aixin8008 · 3 years
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little silly aa animal crossing things I didn’t finish
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aixin8008 · 3 years
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“Just you and me, Commander.” done for patreon november ❤︎
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aixin8008 · 3 years
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aixin8008 · 3 years
happy out of touch thursday
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aixin8008 · 3 years
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Various Blocktobers in the Midst of a Move
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aixin8008 · 3 years
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aixin8008 · 3 years
Challenging Fatphobic Language in Writing: Some Alternative Vocabularies
So I’m currently working on a short story for an explicitly fat-positive anthology, and it’s making me realize just how little language I have readily at hand for describing large bodies in positive terms! 
Putting aside for a moment the whole debate over HAES and fat positivity and everything else – and if you clown on this post, I’m simply going to block you, that’s not what we’re here for – sometimes you just want to write a story with a fat person in it and you need some adjectives/descriptive language that isn’t overtly gross and/or fetishistic. 
Well, I’ve got you, fam. I have compiled this handy list of descriptive terms and phrases for describing big bodies with positive connotations.
Why am I doing this? 
Because this:
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And this: 
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And frankly, we all deserve better. So let’s go. 
Positive (and Neutral) Adjectives for Fatness
Movement Verbs Evoking Fatness
Some Points to Keep In Mind
A big part of challenging fatphobia in writing is inverting or subverting stereotypes. Here are a few lazy/played-out tropes and things to think about: 
Fat = Greedy I think we can all agree at this point that there are better ways to show greed – such as excessive wealth, entitlement, selfishness, and so forth. There is really no need to use fatness or gluttony as a metaphor for these concepts. Just write your greedy character doing greedy things and resist the urge to make them also be fat. If you need a strong visual metaphor, go for opulence and wealth instead. 
Fat = Gross  A ton of media, especially horror, loves making fat people slovenly, smelly, covered in food stains, farting and belching, etc. etc. So if you want a more positive representation, just presenting the character as clean, well-dressed, tidy, etc. actually goes a very long way. Consider playing against type by making your fat character dapper or fastidious about other elements of their appearance, like their hair, or wearing very nice custom-fitted clothes (or even just “dressing up” a bit more than everyone else). 
Fat = Out of Shape Yes, absolutely, many fat people are also out of shape couch potatoes. But so are a lot of skinny people. And fat people absolutely can be athletic – go google “fat athletes” for several lists of them if you don’t believe me! Sure, you probably won’t find a ton of fat long-distance runners, but you’ll definitely find plenty of hefty weight lifters, fighters, folks with physical jobs, etc. A lot of super muscular people are also carrying extra fat, and that is in fact way more common and natural than the super-defined, well-cut muscles you see on TV. Keep that in mind the next time you’re writing an army of strong hand-to-hand combatants – they’re likely to be physically big, not in a bulging muscle He-Man way but more of an “absolute unit” way. Keep in mind, too, that even regular folks packing extra pounds will often tend to be a lot stronger (on account of spending every day carrying extra weight!) You can be fat and graceful, fat and strong, fat and with endurance. Just something to keep in mind. 
Fat = Pig  Pigs have a reputation for being huge, dirty, smelly, garbage-eating slobby creatures, and “disgusting fat pig” and “porker” and their ilk have been insults against big people for a long time. Of course, in reality pigs are also super smart, highly social (and fucking terrifying) but that’s not usually waht gets invoked when people think of them! Really, avoiding animal language when talking about people is often a good idea (since animal comparisons can be dehumanizing), but if you are going to evoke an animal, go with something else. Like a seal (super cute, very graceful in its natural environment) or a bear (big and solid and intimidating) or a bull elk (thick and majestic). 
Fat = Ugly  Fat people can be beautiful. I mean, sure, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and inner beauty is a thing and all that – but that’s not what I’m talking about. I mean that fat bodies are great! They’re warm and soft and huggable. They’re big and solid and comforting. They can be strong and protective. They can be super-feminine and curvy. Cute as a button or powerful and demanding with their presence. 
Obviously dismantling fatphobia is a whole big (ha, ha) topic all on its own, and there’s a ton more to think about. But this is at least something to get you started! 
Context matters a whole lot in description – words can be positive or negative based on how they’re utilized! But these are at least some terms intended to be a bit less loaded with negative baggage than those often used in less flattering descriptions. 
Have you read a book with a fat character who had a great or interesting description? Please reblog, I’d love to see how other authors have handled it! 
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aixin8008 · 3 years
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There are things that we think are in a way because of the form and what defines it is the invisible substance to the human eye. Illustration by Heather Penn on Inprnt.
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aixin8008 · 3 years
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Its fun for me just to grab a, Food;
Plus my loved ones got my grati, Tude
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aixin8008 · 3 years
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Rudy the Werewolf (my OC)
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aixin8008 · 3 years
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caught up on commissions and reopening them soon!
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