aizuafu · 6 years
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Goodnight Electric 
Electronic / Synth-pop trio from Jakarta lived on One Hour Set at Loubelle Bandung on April 14th 2018. Here, you can take a look more at their performance on:
Photoset (on Flickr)
IG Post
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Stage Photography Nikon D3200 + Nikkor AfS DX 35 mm/1.8 Bandung. 2018.
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aizuafu · 6 years
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The celebrated indie rock group from Bandung played wildly at Bandung Convention Center on March 16th 2018. Here, you can take a look more at their performance on:
Photoset (on Flickr)
IG Post
Stage Photography Nikon D3200 + Nikkor AfS DX 35 mm/1.8 Bandung. 2018.
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aizuafu · 6 years
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Kelompok Penerbang Roket (KPR)
70′s rock trio from Jakarta attacked Bandung Convention Center on March 16th 2018. Here, you can take a look more at their performance on:
Photoset (on Flickr)
IG Post
Stage Photography Nikon D3200 + Nikkor AfS DX 35 mm/1.8 Bandung. 2018.
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aizuafu · 6 years
I thought I was procrastinating...
Okie menyarankan saya untuk memulai aktivitas dengan 20 menit melakukan hal yang menyakitkan bagi otak saya: menulis. 
Sebelumnya, mungkin saya hanya malas karena selalu menunda membuat laporan, presentasi, abstrak, menulis blog, hingga menulis motivation letter. Alhasil, tulisan selesai di ujung deadline. 
Tapi saya heran sih, saya tidak pernah menunda untuk mengolah foto atau melakukan post-produksi.
Hal pertama yang saya lakukan saat tiba di rumah setelah memotret sesuatu adalah memindahkan gambar dari kamera ke laptop dan melakukan post-produksi. Apalagi bila saya sehabis memotret konser, semalam apapun tiba di rumah, saya selalu sempatkan memindahkan foto ke laptop, minimal melihat hasil fotonya. Bila yang tertangkap memuaskan hati, biasanya akan saya langsung proses di Lightroom sampai mata saya terasa pedas. Walaupun sumbit fotonya  masih lama atau upload-nya nanti-nanti.
Saya masih ingat euphoria yang dirasakan setelah memotret performance Kelompok Penerbang Roket karena saya tahu hasilnya memuaskan. selama perjalanan pulang saya sudah terbayang harus melakukan post-produksi seperti apa. Dan saya tidak bisa menunggu hingga esok hari untuk melakukannya, bahkan saya tidak bisa menunggu hingga pagi hari.
So, I guess, it’s not about being lazy. Mungkin benar adanya, menulis itu menyakitkan. Seperti kalau mau olahraga lari. Niatnya saja sudah susah, dilanjutkan 3 menit awal berlari terasa menyiksa banget. Jadi, kenapa kita menunda pekerjaan tertentu? Menurut si Okie, melakukan pekerjaan yang tidak disukai atau dirasa sulit sehingga kita terus menundanya ada kaitannya dengan bagian otak yang merasakan sakit. Jadi, kita menundanya agar otak tidak merasa ‘kesakitan’. 20 menit adalah waktu pemanasan bagi otak agar dapat melakukan hal yang kita hindari dengan lebih kontinyu. Tentunya 20 menit tersebut harus bebas distraksi.  
Tetap sih, 20 menit menulis itu... waktu yang panjang.
Bandung. Feb. 2018.
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aizuafu · 7 years
My Indonesia City & Street Lightroom Preset
Salut mes amis !! 
In my older post about the usage of urban presets in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, I already tried to apply the preset on my photos. Every preset has uniqueness as similar as the city that named after the preset. For example, if you apply urban-London preset on your photo, it will reduce the color vibrancy and the contrast. The effect will be shown as foggy or cloudy on your photo, just like London city.
Nowadays, I like to capture more about the vibes of Indonesian cities. People, culture, street vendor, the informality, and how they interact in the public space. Therefore, I create my own Indonesia City & Street preset based on the atmosphere of Indonesia cities. I created 2 presets: Gloomy Bandung and Hot Jakarta.
1. Hot Jakarta Preset
Jakarta is capital city of Indonesia. It’s urbanized and global city. Jakarta always leaves a bittersweet taste to me as the city is so dynamic yet chaotic. The temperature is super hot since the location is by the sea. The air is polluted, so you just can capture the clear blue sky before 6.30 a.m. in the morning, except on the weekend. Oh poor citizen.
By the way, base on the description I want show you how hot it is. That why I increased the saturation (just a little) and brought up the colors: orange, green, and blue. Also, I pressed the black clip a little, as the result was crispy-clear tone. The example is bellow.
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The photo was taken in the morning, around 9 a.m. on the weekend. You can see the different. The tone is sharp. As I increased the saturation and luminance of orange color, I got shiny and sweaty tone on the basketball players’ skin.
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You could sense the hotness of the atmosphere from the yellowish grasses.
 2. Gloomy Bandung Preset
Bandung is just 3 hours from Jakarta by train. Surrounded by mountain, Bandung’s climate is breezy but comfortable. During rainy season, the atmosphere is gloomy and cloudy. It’s like sunshine never come. That become the idea of the preset: gloomy.
Contrast with Jakarta preset, the tone is doffed and soft, but still with the strong color (that’s my style, strong-warm color). I decreased white clip, highlight, and vibrance to reduce the light (not to be under exposure).  Yet, the blue color is strong in this tone. I brought up red color and purple tilt to make it balance and warm. The example is bellow.
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<< Yes, this photo has bad composition :( >> I captured that in the morning in the end of dry season, around 9 a.m. The weather was comfortable, around 25o C. See, the tone changes from clear to doff. Skin tone changes from yellowish to reddish. Green and yellow are (a little bit) desaturated.
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The mood would change from shiny to gloomy, but the colors are still pop up.
You can apply well these presets on the normal/overexposure photos. Or, you can apply first and fix your exposure problem.
You may download the preset here.   <<yessss, you’re welcome ;) >>
Import the presets to your Adobe Photoshop Lightroom preset deck. Et voila…enjoy !!
Please kindly visit my photos work on: 
Suggestions and constructive critics are much welcome.
Thank you//merci//terima kasih//
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aizuafu · 7 years
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Original drawing for music single artwork from Senartogok x Jason Ranti. Inspiration from both Chinese food: red pork and Balinese food: roasted pork / babi guling. :) 
Drawing pen and water color on paper 2017.
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aizuafu · 7 years
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Poor Boy
Pencil and water color on paper. 2017
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aizuafu · 7 years
Patria o muerte!
Che Guevara’s speech at UN 1964
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Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara died on October 9, 1967. He was executed.
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aizuafu · 7 years
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Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara Jun. 14 1928 - Oct. 9 1967
Water color on paper. 2017.
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aizuafu · 7 years
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Refugees Coffee
What is your hampers? Mine is aromatic Indonesian coffee that freshly ground and roasted by Refugees camp And awesomely stored inside (customized & requested) Pink Floyd’s Atom Heart Mother tin can. Choose your fav. variety of coffee: Sunda aromanis, Toraja, Karo, Temanggung, Bali, Flores, they have all from western part to eastern part of Indonesia.  Mine are Toraja (Sulawesi) and Karo (Sumatra). Different flavor, after taste, and very pleasurable aroma.
You can order and bring it home or drink it directly and enjoy North Bandung fresh air.
(Go check their https://www.instagram.com/refugees.camp/ or http://refugees.camp/ )
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aizuafu · 7 years
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Eid al-Fitr
Eid Mubarak. To be at the moment is the hardest thing. Forgiving the past and changing for future. Seize the day. Nikon D3200 Bandung, Indonesia 2017
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aizuafu · 7 years
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The City that Never Sleep
Bandung old town and it’s city square during Eid night. Never stop pulsing. Never leave it’s glory since Dutch colonial era.
Nikon D3200 Bandung, Indonesia. 2017.
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aizuafu · 7 years
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Beneath The Tea, There Is Modernism
This modern style mountain resort hides beneath the tea garden dunes. Plus, the green facade make them blend with the environment. 
Canon A2500 pocket cam. The Tea Garden Resort, Subang, Indonesia. 2017.
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aizuafu · 7 years
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A Crowd for Ladies
From folk to punk. From hardcore to electronic-dub. Ladies deserve a cool gig.
Nikon D3200 Lady Fest 2017. at Spasial Gudang Selatan, Bandung, Indonesia. 2017
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aizuafu · 7 years
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In The Speed of Music
Can you feel the ambient ?
Nikon D3200 Post-rock night Walk to The Garage VII at Spasial Gudang Selatan, Bandung, Indonesia. 2017.
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aizuafu · 7 years
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The Lunatic
Water color and ink on paper. 2017.
Drawing is one way to unleash the depression and anxiety.  I really want to pull out my eye with my own finger.  And wish to know the truth behind the complexity of my mind. Is it the curse or the gift?
“Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine.” (Pink Floyd - Shine on You Crazy Diamond)
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aizuafu · 7 years
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Pink Vader
The brightest enemy in the galaxy. And i like it.
Doodle on paper.
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