akaigoonfacilityslogs · 5 months
[ #001 - Akai ]
Entity name;
- Akai
- Neutral
- Boss Akaigoon
Appearance Description;
Large red fluffy bipedal dragon with four sets of arms and four eyes. Ears simillar to that of a goat's and ram-like horns.
Mostly keeps to himself in the crystal cave section of the facility, usually calm and just watches unless attacked by any means. Nice to hang out with. Though he seems cautious of people wearing our facility's protection gear. Especially other Akaigoons that wear them. Not the most social creature either.
Akai is the first Akaigoon, as to why he is their species' namesake. The rest share genetic material with him. He appears to be able to comprehend and speak some English though perhaps not enough just yet.
We use the DNA of Akai to aid in the creation of other Akaigoons, however, perhaps there will be a day we don't need to extract said DNA.
Possibly only one of the Boss Akaigoons without Minions.
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akaigoonfacilityslogs · 5 months
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The Puddle Akaigoons really enjoy breaching containment, which is already pretty difficult to stop due to their slippiness, and preforming pranks on our Facility Workers. Unfortunately for us, they don't exactly seem to realize how dangerous it could be for said workers and themselves as they continue to pretend to be drinkable liquids.
Make sure to check your drinks before consumption. If anything's off or there's a slimy texture you should leave it alone and alert nearby facility members of the tainted liquid. Puddle Akaigoons do not have a scent so if a drink with a noticeable smell suddenly becomes scentless you can count on there being some sort of creature having replaced it.
Do not drink any strange liquids or anything that has been left out for a while. If you must leave your drink, make sure that there's another facility member on stand-by watching it. Covering the drink won't always help as the Puddles can open and uncover bottles and cups.
Consumption of the Akaigoon will lead to the liquification of internal organs and transfur aswell as the death of said Akaigoon. All in all, bad times all around.
Watch and Check your drinks!
Signed, Facility Head Researcher / Facility Founder Phobia.
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akaigoonfacilityslogs · 7 months
[ #000: Beginning Log. ]
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Greetings, this would be the first log on the computers. I am Phobia, the Head Researcher and Founder of the Akaigoon Facility ( name pending. )
This is a project to study the behaviors of these goo-beasts and to see if they could truly intergrade into society as a whole, human and beast alike, hand-in-paw.
We as a whole recognize the true potential of these beasts, and if we are able to complete this goal we believe that the world as a whole will benefit.
The following information is generated by our computers to help those reading to better navigate these logs and files and get situated.
#Info Logs: Informational Posts
#Safe Goon Logs: Info Sheets of Akaigoons deemed Passive.
#Neutral Goon Logs: Info Sheets of Akaigoons deemed Neutral.
#Dangerous Goon Logs: Info Sheets of Akaigoons that are Agressive or otherwise Dangerous.
#Miniboss Goon Logs: Info Sheets of Akaigoons powerful enough to consider " Minibosses "
#Boss Goon Logs: Info Sheets of Akaigoons powerful enough to consider " Bosses "
#QnA: The questions and answer messages.
#Outside Content: Content and info coming from outside the facility.
#Misc: Logs / Messages that don't fit into a specific group.
#Warning Messages: Things to be cautious of here in the facility.
[ more can be added. ]
The Aplkins are not to be eaten. You will not be fired, however, you will be judged.
Racists, Abelists, Homophobes, Transphobes, Z00s and M4Ps ( and their supporters ), NSFW, etc are forbidden from viewing these logs. Any employees caught being one of these things will be terminated on the spot and blacklisted.
Try not to act too weird towards the Akaigoons.
[ more can and will be added if seen fit. ]
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