akairyuubousou · 9 years
☆ squints did i already send one or..
No... No you didn’t...
Koharu... Didn’t have much of an opinion on Wire other than YuudokuWIRE wasn’t his real name. (YuudokuFAIYA!) and that he was basically trash for letting Najwa die in his place without putting up a fight to have anyone else executed.
There’s nothing worse in her opinion, than self-sacrifice. No wait. That’s betrayal. She dislikes both of them, but she considers Wire to have betrayed Najwa by letting her die when he knew very well what the consequences would be. If he had lived longer, Koharu would have eagerly framed him. Why let him live? Too bad Julia wouldn’t let her kill him... Sometimes she just doesn’t understand that girl.
Threat: 3
Opinion: 0
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akairyuubousou · 9 years
☆ !
Ooooooh Malachi. 
Did you know Koharu almost gave you immunity? You almost murdered Lucian because Koharu thought it might be funny to give you immunity? But she didn’t want to risk Squad trying to attack Malachi. 
But let’s get started.
Koharu considered Malachi to be trash. There was no use to keeping him around other than to use him as a scapegoat later. After he held Hiyuu Hostage? She really hoped he wouldn’t be murdered so that he could be executed if Yuu killed. This is also part of the reason she tried framing him when she murdered Rie.
At the end of the day, she didn’t consider Malachi much of a wild card. He was predictable as he would do what he found interesting, which was usually whatever was the most disruptive at the time.
It’s easy enough to say that Malachi was the person Koharu despised most on the entire ship.
Threat: 6/10
Opinion: 0/10 - Scum of the Earth.
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akairyuubousou · 9 years
☆ !!!!
I don’t have an intro for this one. Honestly? Koharu’s opinion of Noelle wasn’t very high, but she wouldn’t tell her that. She knew Noelle was smart and good at gathering evidence, but at the same time, she was able to tell that Noelle was literally no threat to her. 
Sure, Noelle was part of squad, and so Koharu considered her her ally, but she didn’t consider Noelle very useful aside from her loyalty. Sure. Noelle helped her out in the trial, and so Koharu respected her for that, and Noelle helped with the Bina case, but because of the way she died, Koharu could only consider her stupid. 
Her only real problem with Noelle’s death was the effect it had on Julia. thanks koharu.
Threat level: 2/10
Opinion: 2/10
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akairyuubousou · 9 years
☆ for Lucian, from the real vampire to the fakey fake bullshit vampire.
For the record, had they had more interactions, Koharu would have had a relatively high opinion of Lucian. 
Koharu never went out of her way to insult Lucian in trials because, quite frankly, 1 it was never worth her time, and 2, the stuff he knew was actually pretty cool in her opinion and she would have wanted to learn more of it. She might have crushed on Lucian at some point had Julia not happened. 
As for her entry in her notebook for lucian, he rated a 5 on her threat scale... Effectively making him one of the people she considered the most threatening to her. The reason for this, however, isn’t obvious. She considered Lucian to be a wild card. Even moreso than Malachi, because with Malachi, there was some level of prediction that she could make, however with Lucian, his crazy stories every trial were so out there, and he told them so consistently at trials, that eventually they would become his alibi, a predicted behavior for him- She expected others to start ignoring him whenever he told his stories, so she made sure to keep an eye on him.
During lucian’s murder trial, she voted Hiyuu because if Hiyuu didn’t do it, she figured Lucian would confess. In her mind, it had to be one of the two.
Threat: 5/10
Opinion: 3/10
A shame she didnt really get to know him.
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akairyuubousou · 9 years
After looking back through Koharu’s notes that she took up through after Janet died, her opinion of Bina really hasn’t changed.
“To be completely honest, I’m not threatened by her at all. I highly doubt she will be a very valuable asset in trials.”
This was her entry for Bina. And on a scale of 1-10 of how threatened Koharu felt by Bina, Bina scored a 0. The absolute lowest of everyone she included. On the bright side, this meant that Koharu probably would never have picked her as a victim, but it wouldn’t stop her from condemning her to death in a trial.
Because she died so early, this opinion really didn’t change very much, but for the most part I’d call her opinion towards Bina pure Neutral. 
[0/10] Threatwise
[0/10] Opinionwise. 
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akairyuubousou · 9 years
Send in a ☆ to see what my muses opinion of you is!
Yeah, it’s that time.
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akairyuubousou · 9 years
I can’t believe Leon Kuwata is a fucking murderer.
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akairyuubousou · 9 years
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i spent longer on this than i feel comfortable admitting.
blatantly traced from the original, which his here!
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akairyuubousou · 9 years
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akairyuubousou · 9 years
Hmm? Did he almost call her Koharu there? Huh. Not like she really cared, but the fact that he had bothered to correct himself was weird in itself. Whatever though. If he wanted to call her Amashiro that was his call. Not like they were on casual terms anyway.
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“Eh, whatcha exploring?”
She decided to begin with before considering the rest of his comments. No ways out, no surprise there. 
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“What makes you think it will be difficult? Of course it will be difficult, but don’t you want to fight those odds? I’d be up for it if you wanted to plan something!”
As for the map and treasure... Well, she hadn’t expected a positive response to that. But it would have been interesting if he actually did have something. Hell, that kinda sucked.
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“I might have some stuff if you want to look at it that way, but it’s nothing really damning. I found some schematics in the basement when that opened up, but I’m not sure what they mean. As for anything else, well~ I might have something, but I’m not sure how much of that I should be sharing quite yet, or who I should be sharing it with, for that matter.”
She shrugged and smiled cheekily. Of course, she was obviously dangling the information in front of his face, but there was no way to prove if she actually had any. But hell, if she had to take a guess... she could probably get some information out of him. 
Chapter Four | Execution Reaction and Beyond! | Ichigo Sukeeru [CLOSED: Koharu]
Ichigo watched the execution with mild interest. It was a sign of respect, the least he could offer before Bina perished before his eyes on the screen hanging above him. His eyes lowered to the piece of broken heel sitting on the podium before him. Ichigo gave it a stern look of contempt before flicking it off the podium and toward the center of the courtroom. A taser… He still couldn’t believe he mixed that up. Shoes were stupid anyway. With a sharp turn on his heel, Ichigo faced the elevator and made his exit.
He didn’t feel like sleeping despite feeling exhausted from running around and digging for clues and evidence. Ichigo knew if he succumb to rest, he’d only be troubled by more dreams. He told himself he didn’t need it, he could push through and explore other parts of the ship instead. Maybe checking out the fourth floor would distract him.
What he didn’t expect was for someone to call out to him. He was already in a haze of his own thoughts, so when a voice called out and said, “Yo, Sukeeru-san! Whatcha up to? Mind if I bother you for a bit? You found anything cool here yet? Ways to get out? Mastermind information? Signs of Mutiny? Map to sunken treasuuuuure~?” He could only turn around to face the source of the voice with a confused and slightly dumbfounded expression. He recognized the person speaking to him was Koharu, and after another moment of feeling ‘abuh?’ Ichigo snapped out of it like he just woke up. It didn’t click right away that she was speaking to him or actually directing questions to him. It took an extra beat for him to finally get it, and the realization showed on his face.
“Oh! Hello Ko-.. Amashiro-san.” His mind replayed the questions she posed for him, “Yeah I don’t mind I was just exploring a bit. I haven’t found any ways to get out. I think a mutiny against Monobear would be very difficult. No cool treasure maps yet and no information about a mastermind.” He definitely stumbled over his words a few times as he replied to Koharu. His voice grew harder after making a verbal error as if it would feign as confidence.
He was certainly out of it.
“What about you? Have you made any progress on any of that… stuff?”
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akairyuubousou · 9 years
Downsukeeruing expectations | Koharu | Chapter 4 | [Re: Execution Reaction] [Closed: Ichigo]
Koharu didn’t care much for the outcome of the trial. She didn’t care much for Bina at all for that matter, and while she had tried to give Bina a chance to prove she was useful to her, she hadn’t even taken it. Seriously. How do you get anywhere if you don’t take chances. So needless to say, she didn’t care at all to watch the execution, and instead ignored it. 
Was there anybody here that actually wanted to try fighting the odds?
“Seriously. What the hell is even the point of killing for your memories if you’re just going to throw your life away afterwards?”
She said quietly, probably only the people around her could hear her unless someone in the room had Super High School Level Hearing. 
But what was she going to do now? Spend some time with Julia, to be completely honest. Seriously? Was that even a question that needed to be asked?
But after that? _________________________________
It was a time much later that day, and Koharu had decided it was time to chill on the fourth floor. But was there really anywhere to chill up here? At least the second floor had the internet cafe and the library… 
Was there even anything to do on this ship?! Maybe she was just bad at not having internet. So instead she just opted to chill out on the balcony overlooking the garden.
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Those were her thoughts on the state of current events of nothing doing. Of course, there was the game of mutual killing, and if you called that boring, well. That was just asking to be killed.
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“There’s nothing to do on this damned boat!!!”
She stretched and yawned as she exclaimed. Was that even physically possible? 
Luckily for her though, she heard somebody nearby. She wasn’t absorbed in anything like the first time somebody walked up on her, so she actually noticed. But were they even walking up on her? She’d have to turn around and look.
Taking a bored glance over her shoulder. That guy… He was Sukeeru, right? That was his name. She didn’t know anything about him. 
Well, bothering him was better than doing nothing. After a deep breath, she pushed herself off the balcony railing and turned around.
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“Yo, Sukeeru-san! Whatcha up to? Mind if I bother you for a bit? You found anything cool here yet? Ways to get out? Mastermind information? Signs of Mutiny? Map to sunken treasuuuuure~?”
Her staggering amount of questions was a complete one eighty from her bored personality before. But honestly, she was just asking whatever came to mind, and on top of that, Sukeeru knew only as much about her as she knew about him, she could play this off however she wanted to.
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akairyuubousou · 9 years
Lick her? I hardly Know her! | Chapter 3 | Koharu | [Re: Yuu, Attn: Bina]
Well, that investigation sucked for Koharu. Zero Evidence get! Yay!!!!
Aside from what she had been told, Koharu didn’t have anything new to bring to the table, so she had planned on staying quiet for most of the trial. At least take some time to judge things. Specifically, judge people and their actions. Unfortunately, one of the people she had planned on observing for the course of the trial fell asleep immediately, leaving her with a look of obvious irritation on her face.
There was no value in that. Did she seriously plan on- 
Whatever. There wasn’t any reason to focus on that, especially with Yuu Sagara screaming in her defense. And Hanazawa’s accusation? If anything that definitely confirmed two of her previous original opinions. Looks like trial two was an outlier after all.
She really wanted to yell at Yuu. Tell him to shut up, tell him to pay attention to the facts… But that wasn’t the right option here, and it seemed like Julia had at least come to the same conclusion she had once Itsuki had accused Bina. Well, there were two ways to solve this, from what she figured. Basically, there was unresolved evidence, and solving that would clear the case.
That was option one, and was easier said than done. Actually, it was pretty easily done at this point. But first…
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“Alright, Sagara-san. Let’s assume you’re right for a moment and Meier didn’t do it. It is a possibility after all, and we should analyze all of them.”
With that, she stepped away from her podium and began walking towards Bina’s.
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“From what Julia told me, she actually spoke with Meier during the investigation, and that Meier had a white powder on her face. When asked about it she said—”
Koharu moves over to Bina’s podium and investigates her closely as she speaks, but as she takes a closer look at Bina’s face, she notices something off…
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“The powder… is still here…”
She thought Bina would have washed it off after talking to Julia. What on earth… Whatever, she could make use of this. Someone had to take the risk, after all. Koharu wipes some of the powder off of Bina’s face onto her finger and after a short pause, tastes it.
… 1 second…
… 2 seconds…
The look on her face contorts, and she smacks her lips slowly. Cheesy crust that was horrible.
And that, kiddies, is why you don’t chew non-chewables.
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She smacks her lips again. Damn, it was going to take some work to get that taste out of her mouth.
“That is not flour, sorry Sagara-san, I tried, but she’s the culprit.”
With that she returned to her podium.
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akairyuubousou · 9 years
Bomb Defused | Koharu | Chapter 3 | [Body Reveal]
Waking up that morning was… Awkward… to say the least. For one, she was in a room she didn’t normally sleep in, that was enough to throw her off… Secondly, she couldn’t quite get out of bed until the others had left the room. 
Ugh. Why? Why did sleeping with any clothes on have to be so uncomfortable? Why did she let Julia put her clothes on the floor? This was almost embarrassing. Eventually, she sat up in the bed, holding up the sheet to cover herself as she glared at the other two in the room, with a look that said “Can’t you see my bare shoulders right now? Please leave.”
Eventually, they must have gotten the hint, because they left, and Koharu was able to get dressed and make her way out of the room. Before making her way to the kitchen, she made a pit stop in her own room, stashing something away before heading downstairs.
To be completely honest, she wasn’t surprised by the corpse. Well, she knew there was a body because that’s what the announcement said. But as for who she saw… Well. He had it coming. Damn, was it cold in here.
Well, as much as she didn’t particularly want to bother finding WIRE’s killer, It was in her own rational self-interest to at least know who did it. Well, she already had a list of innocents, and that was plenty to start with. 
Well, time to get to investigating.
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akairyuubousou · 9 years
A Floating Cruise Ship In The Middle of Nowhere | Koharu | Chapter 3 | [Open/Motive Reaction]
Initially upon hearing the motive, Koharu didn’t think much of it. Lose memories of the people she cared about? What effect could that possibly have? Could she ever say she actually cared about anybody before? Maybe. Probably. Yeah, she definitely did care about some people from her past. But did her memories on them matter?
The more she thought about it, the more she came to realize that thinking for too long on this motive was a bad idea. It was really obvious in hindsight, honestly.
What would happen if she forgot her parents? Would she just forget them, or would she lose all her knowledge and experience pertaining to them as well? 
What about all the opponent’s she’d ever faced? Would she forget their contributions to her success? Or would they be there as a blur? Did they even matter?
“What purpose does being a Mahjong Champion serve if I don’t remember how I got there……”
She accidentally said aloud. Shit. She shook it off. It wasn’t like her expression had changed much anyway. It was like she was subconsciously keeping a poker face up. Expressionless. Unchanging…
She hated it. This was so much different than Mahjong, but using that facade here wouldn’t end well. Shit. She took a deep breath before. Right. It wasn’t good to keep thinking about this… She needed a distraction, at least for a little bit.
And with a deep breath, she turned around and stormed off. Where was she going? Probably the arcade or the internet cafe or something if you want to follow her.
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akairyuubousou · 9 years
The more she went about hunting down food, the more she remembered... Oh right, she doesn’t know how to cook anything that isn’t simple... That... Didn’t leave her many options, luckily, noodles was still one of those options. Just not anything fance. 
“Eh, that’s a shame. I’ve done a couple of things though...”
She turns to look at Yuu.
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“I’m not going to divulge that much, because I think Julia is planning something and I’d rather not repeat myself too much, but I think I can mention what I found downstairs.”
Koharu ends up grabbing a cup ramen and throwing that in the microwave. Thanks Koharu. Stay classy.
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“Basically, there isn’t much down there that might help us figure out who’s behind this that I found, unless schematics can lead us to the mastermind, of course.”
But she didn’t know how that would help. 
Hey, Yuu there, Hey, Listen! | Koharu | Chapter 3 | [Closed: Yuu]
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akairyuubousou · 9 years
Man, look at this guy and his hella anime merch. Too bad she didn’t care much for slice of life animes. 
“I’m doing fine, some people aren’t taking things as well as others though. I mean, after that mess? Who wouldn’t?”
She shrugs. She probably shouldn’t be bringing the trial up but whatever. 
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“But yeah, I’m feeling a bit hungry. Haven’t eaten much yet, just got done checking out the basement, or, at least whatever parts I thought might prove to help find a way out. Couldn’t get into the Question Mark room, unfortunately.”
She walked with him into the restaurant. A bowl of noodles sounded good right about now... And probably would help him with whatever problem he was having. 
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“You learned anything new about our situation?”
She figured she might as well kick off some conversation as they got their food, right?
Hey, Yuu there, Hey, Listen! | Koharu | Chapter 3 | [Closed: Yuu]
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akairyuubousou · 9 years
Hey, Yuu there, Hey, Listen! | Koharu | Chapter 3 | [Closed: Yuu]
It was the day after the trial. 
Koharu had done some investigations of the new areas, but hadn’t really figured out anything new from it. She probably oughta investigate them a bit more. Now what was she going to do? It was a bit early to call it quits, and she kinda had failed checking out the third floor areas for anything when they opened up… 
As she rode the elevator up, she decided to stop on the first floor. She wasn’t sure why, just instinct? Whatever. She stuck her hands in her hoodie pockets and walked out, heading for the staircase when. Was that Yuu Narukami Sagara? 
She did want to speak with him a bit… What was he up to? Looked like he might be going to get something to eat? Good idea… She should probably eat something too… Kill two birds with one stone? She liked it.
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“Hey, Sagara-san!”
She called out to him before running out to catch up with him.\
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“Whatcha doin? Mind if I join you for a bit? I have some things I’d like to talk to you about, if that’s alright?”
And a good number of things it was, perhaps she could consider not bombarding him with ten million questions right off the bat first though…
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