akamsheating · 4 years
Keeping Cool in the Summer
It will soon be summer and your residence will be getting plenty toasty. But, what really makes sweat bead on your brow is the thought of buying a new air conditioner unit to survive the summer. How can you possibly know what to ask your HVAC contractor, which air conditioning system to buy, and how it will affect your energy bill? Then, what if you live in an apartment building that has a restriction on window units.
Check out Air Conditioner Repair Edmonton.
Well, don’t break a sweat, because we have got all the information right here.
The key to comfortable and cost-effective cooling is to find the AC unit that fits your space. If you choose a unit that is too small, it will be constantly running to keep up with the rising heat. If you have a unit that is too powerful the room will cool … read full article...
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akamsheating · 5 years
5 Important Steps to Cut Propane and Natural Gas Use
Here are some important steps that you can take in order to cut down on the amount of energy used and lower your utility bills when heating your home.
1. Turn down the thermostat to 68-degrees. In fact, for each degree heat is lowered when you are in the 60-70 range, you are saving up to 5% on your heating costs. Make sure you wear warm clothes such as a sweater and lower the thermostat to sixty-eight degrees during the days and evenings. This should be done only if your health permits it. Set the thermostat to 55 degrees at night or when you are leaving the house for a long period of time. This will help you save up to 20% on your energy bills. Note: heat pumps need to be set back 2-degrees to avoid unneeded use of backup strip heating.
2. Clean or replace the filters … read full article...
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akamsheating · 5 years
Most Common Roofing Problems
One of the most important tasks as a homeowner is taking good care of your roofing. Many people tend to forget about their roofing because it is not something you see every time you get out of the house. Some homeowners think they can easily spot a roofing problem.
This is not the case. Some experts usually miss out on spotting roofing problems. Before you can be good at spotting roofing problems, you need to be trained, have the skills and experience with roofing. It is important to identify the problem with your roofing early so you can have it fixed before it becomes more serious and compromise the structural integrity of your roofing and even home.
Below are some of the most common roofing problems.
Lack of Maintenance – You should always have a roof inspection done once a year. Your roofing should also be inspected by a … read full article...
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akamsheating · 5 years
Common Tumble Dryer Problems And Solutions
A tumble drier is one of the most essential daily-use appliances in your home. If you make use of a tumble drier on a daily basis, here are some of the more common appliance failures you may be faced with and a few tips for carrying out checks.  If these don’t work, you may have to call a professional repair company such as Scottsdale Appliance Repair Pros.
The dryer does not heat up
Whether you have a gas or electric tumble dryer, the first thing to check is whether the dryer door has been opened mid-cycle by someone.  The second thing to check is the laundry load as overloading may prevent the dryer from heating up effectively.  If everything is okay so far, try re-setting the dryer by pressing the reset button until an audible clicking sound is heard. A red reset button is normally located either inside or … read full article...
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akamsheating · 6 years
Inexpensive Ways to Free Up a Clogged Toilet When Your Plunger Doesn’t Work
There are few things in life around your home that are more inconvenient than a plugged up drain on your toilet; this is especially true if you did not notice your toilet was backed up until after you just got rid of last night’s dinner. You have been conditioned that the plunger you keep handy will always cure this problem but low and behold that is not the case today. Before you start to scream and throw things, here are some inexpensive and handy ways other than using the plunger that may get your clogged toilet drain flowing again.
1. Use a Homemade drain cleaner
That baking soda and bottle of vinegar that are just sitting in your cupboard make an excellent and inexpensive homemade drain cleaner when the two are combined. You do this by adding 1 cup of baking soda along with two cups of vinegar directly into … read full article...
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akamsheating · 6 years
HVAC Basics – Understanding How Your HVAC System Works
There are no more frequently found systems in homes that are used to heat and cool them than HVAC units. Yet surprisingly most people do not even have the faintest idea of how these systems work. There is a lot more too them than just flicking a switch and then feeling hot or cold air coming out of your vents. Here is a quick little overview of the basics of how your HVAC system works.
The foundation for the cooling aspect of HVAC systems was laid all the way back in 1851 when the first refrigeration machine was invented. It was not until 1902 that the first air conditioner for home comfort was put into use. Once combined with the aspect of heating, these two then formed what was to soon become the widely popular HVAC (heating – ventilation – air conditioning) system.
HVAC systems provide heat during the cooler … read full article...
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akamsheating · 6 years
Defense Against Pollutants
White platelets are the main line of defense in our body. In the HVAC business, consistent upkeep is additionally the primary thing we have to would on the off chance that we like to shield our HVAC frameworks from having framework disappointments and glitches. Nonetheless, besides simply keeping up your hardware, it is additionally vital to watch out for signals that may show that there is for sure some kind of problem with your unit.
Slow increments in our service bills are barely noticeable if the expansion is moderately little, particularly on the off chance that it is a couple of pennies. These increments, in any case, can really turn out to be large as it gradually gathers into more serious issues later on. This is because of the way that it happens gradually and over a significant lot of time making it troublesome for us to understand that our … read full article...
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akamsheating · 6 years
Car Cooling and Geothermal Heating
A cooling system is a system that keeps the air cool and dry. Fluid is used to transfer heat from one place to another and is used in industries to cool down hot water before using it as a coolant. It has six main parts, namely: the engine, a radiator, a water pump, a cooling fan, hoses, and a thermostat to monitor the temperature of the machine. Some of the fuel energy is converted into heat during the combustion process and the water pump transfers this heat is to the coolant being circulated through the engine.
Cooling systems have a variety of uses. One of which has something to do with car cooling systems. There are two types of cooling systems found on cars: liquid-cooled and air-cooled. Fluid inside a cooling system of liquid-cooled cars is being circulated through pipes and passageways installed in the engine of the car. The … read full article...
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akamsheating · 6 years
Combat Indoor Air Pollution
Most people spend a lot of time in the comforts of their homes at any particular time of the day. These days indoor air quality is a must since it brings up some concerns. It is said that air pollution is more likely to have higher rates found indoor compared to that of outdoors. Since we spend a lot of time being indoors, many are looking for available products that could help decrease and clean up the air in the interior space. Such options are like that of IAQ monitors.
IAQ stands for Indoor Air Quality. IAQ monitors detect the air around the interior of the space and identify the level of pollution we humans are exposed to. IAQ helps us in determining whether we should do something to improve the air we breathe from indoors or if we should change or clean the filters of our HVAC systems. … read full article...
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akamsheating · 6 years
High Dampness and Its Effects
High dampness can make you feel either hot and sticky or cool and sticky and make your home smell a bit strange too. When we cut down the temperature of the air and invest in cooling to fight that “sticky” feeling, the results are “cold and sodden.”
Most of us think high humidity happens just in the midst of the pre-summer months, frankly, the most essential conditions of the year to address humidity issues is during spring and fall when temperatures are immediate (circulating air through and cooling isn’t required) and outside dampness levels are high. Entire House Ventilating Dehumidifiers address these clumsy conditions suitably and will make your home pleasant all year round.
As demonstrated by the Environmental Protection Agency, for most extraordinary comfort, indoor relative dampness (RH) should be kept up in the region of 35% and a half. Indoor sogginess can’t be sufficiently or adequately controlled with … read full article...
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akamsheating · 6 years
How to Troubleshoot a Furnace
Working around furnaces is not for everybody. Doing regular system maintenance can help you avoid these issues, but the time will come when even the most efficient furnace will break down.
The most common problem is a dirty filter.  issues concerning the use of filters are often due to a lack of maintenance. You can end up with clogged filters due to the buildup of dust and dirt. Simply have them cleaned or replaced on a monthly basis to ensure your furnace works at its optimum condition. If you fail to do this, you’ll soon notice that you and your family often get sick and remain sick for a longer period of time.
See the full story at Bulldog Heating & Cooling Peterborough.
Here are some common furnace issues homeowners often face and how to troubleshoot them:
Lack of maintenance – is probably the main reason why homeowners face… read full article...
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