akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
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akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
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akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
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akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
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Rocky Rickaby x GN!Reader
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> Requested by @d144-catzie | A bit shorter and messier than I'd like it to be, schoolwork got in the way :P
PROMPT: Rocky is in a close friendship with the reader that looks more like a couple at first, and has the beginning buds of a romantic relationship.
Rocky has a tendency to be extremely clingy and attached from the minute he meets you, especially so if he finds himself attracted and crushing on you. He ends up finding every excuse he can to spend some quality time with you, be it skipping out on work at his own expense and following you around at your heels like a stray pup, or dragging you along by your scruff on his chaotic escapades- He's constantly craving your presence, and he'll scrape together any opportunity he can to get it.
Rocky just adores both giving and recieving physical affection, and it's fit to make him burst with excitement nearly every time without fail. He tends to avoid things like chaste kisses and handholding in fear of seeming too forward, but he's more than open to ruffling your hair, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, patting your back or walking by your side with your elbows interlocked. Maybe he sneaks a hand on your waist or your hip as you're walking together, or hugs you for just a little longer than what might be considered platonic, but nothing too drastic. When he hugs you, he totally does the thing where he sways you side to side or lifts you up and spins you around.
He tries to talk you into getting some kind of matching article of clothing with him; matching neckties with your initials on them, matching bracelets he can wear under his sleeve or lapel pins he can wear alongside his Lackadaisy pin, he really isn't picky. Though, doesn't have the money to afford to buy you something of the quality he thinks you deserve, so it's probably going to be handmade. ...Or stolen. One of the two.
It's a fun pastime of his to tell you long, over-exagerrated stories of his life- including anything during his youth, adolescence, his time spent travelling around the states in search of work, and earlier years spent working for Lackadaisy with Zib's band. His storytelling skills are nothing short of grand and over-the-top, and he'd be ecstatic to ramble on to you over a shared platter of pancakes or a brisk walk through St. Louis if you'll let him. Fair warning, you're not going to be able to shut him up.
It's often he'll invite you over to Lackadaisy to watch him play his violin, and if not there, he just takes you to a nice, secluded area where he can show you without interruption. Most of what he plays is upbeat, spritely instrumentals or brief little tunes, but every once in a while he'll work up the confidence to sing you a ballad with vague lyrics that seem to apply to you a bit too well.
Similarly to how he calls Calvin Freckle, Ivy Miss Pepper, and Mitzi Miss M, he can't help but come up with a fun, sweet little nickname to call you, mainly serving to take the place of the more romantic terms of endearment he wishes he could call you without coming on too strong. But for now, what he's chosen works.
There's a 100% chance that Rocky's going to try and sweet-talk his way into staying with you in your home instead of continuing to live in his car. He'll beg and whine and plead and hug you tight once you finally give in, agreeing to crash on the living room couch. Though, if you aren't careful enough, he's probably going to end up sleeping in your bed one way or another. Oh well!
If you're able and willing, Rocky takes to teaching you how to play the violin. In all honesty, he makes a pretty shitty teacher, but he tries his damn hardest to help you with the very basics at the least. He also can't help but use it as an opportunity to be close with you, laying his hands over yours as he guides you into playing the right notes and holding the violin in the right position, peppering words of praise an encouragement all throughout.
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Other notes: I struggled to keep this one not overly romantic, but still close and fluffy enough to stick to the prompt, this should be fine. I'm also probably going to keep to a range of 8-15 bulletpoints moving forward to speed up the time it takes to get to each post and keep me from burning myself out lol
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akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
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GAH! okay, don’t be intimidated Squidward, just try to imagine him in his human form…
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akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
my wife humiliating others, how cute🥰
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akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
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akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
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yeah yeah lore drop or whatever anyway FIT SWAP!!!!!!
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akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ HEADCANNONS: Going on a Road Trip with Kyle, Kenny, Stan, and Butters (Separately) ✧.*
✧.* tags: college au, road trips, ✧.* Charactions: kyle broflovski, stan marsh, kenny mccormick, butters scotch a/n: I drove home to visit family this weekend and the 5 hours drive always drags. so i made up driving buddies to pass the time lol masterlist
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He definitely drives. Not because he prefers driving but because he refuses the thought of someone else being in control of the car that isn’t his mom (sheila is def a crazy driver but he’s desensitized)
He’s a good driver though. ALWAYS uses a turn signal, even if there isn’t a car behind you
“Kyle we haven’t seen anyone for 20 minutes, why are you using your blinker to change lanes”
“Well i thought i saw headlights in my rearview”
“That’s the stoplight we just passed-”
I feel like he’d love a good road trip. Airports are too stressful and driving means you can chit chat and get actual food and not hear a baby screaming for 3 hours
He’s got at least 5 episodes downloaded depending on the genre you want
Like listening to commentary or informative podcasts so you guys can talk about them together
“So I downloaded a podcast about the history of Jeoprady and a few episodes of a JK Rowling audio- documentary- thing.”
“Have I told you that you are the best person ever” 
“Yeah, but you could tell me again”
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Blasting music! Head out the window! Going 85 on a 55 back road! Let him in the car!
Prefers to be a passenger so he can be silly without risking the car crashing
He always has to stop for snacks at the beginning so you can munch on the way (and because gas station snacks are the absolute best) 
“Corn nuts?”
“Muddie Buddies?”
“Double check”
He’s got a mega playlist full of both of your favorite car jams that he updates regularly 
Definitely a ton of Black Eyed Peas
And some tyler the creator too probably
If you’re going on a longer trip, he is OUT after 4 hours
Absolutely drooling, head turned to a weird angle that’ll give him a huge crick in the neck once he’s up, but god DAMN is a restful
He’s up in 45 minutes and ready to party some more
If you’re driving through the night, he likes to stop and pull to the side of the road so you can look at the stars
And so he can piss
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Give him aux or he will cry
Whereas kenny knows the difference between car vibe music and home vibe music, stan does not
Bro definitely put every fall out boy song EVER on there
Which like, you’re not complaining. 
He probably likes to switch drivers every few hours so you both can take a break and enjoy the drive.
He prefers being the passenger though, he likes staring out the window and unfocusing his eyes so everything blurs together
Probably enjoys flights a bit more honestly
“I mean, it’s like 2 hours and you’re there!”
“2 hours + 1 for getting to the airport + 2 for getting through security + 1 for waiting to board + 1 for landing” 
“Yeah and??? You don’t have to drive??”
Randy probably had a shit ton of frequent flier miles for some reasons so the marshs were a flying family for sure. 
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Passenger princess.
Give him a blanket PLEASE
Whenever you stop for gas, he finds the BEST trinkets
“Look at this air freshener I found! It smells like honeysuckle! Can we put it in the car for the rest of the drive?” 
Likes to having music playing low so it’s just in the background while you guys talk
Definitely brings mad libs
“Okay can i have an adjective”
“Uh,,, Smelly >:)”
Bro starts GIGGLING 
He’d like to go on the drive just to play road trip games with you
Doesn’t know how pumping gas works
“YN!! You have to stop the gas!”
“What do you mean butters, the tank isn’t full”
“But it’ll overflow if you just let it keep going!”
The sweetest driving buddy ever
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akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
HI this is my thousand word ramble about Rocky and his relationship with other characters and my thoughts in general. I'm normal about Lackadaisy I promise.
Calvin and Rocky are cousins that grew up together, with Rocky being 5 years older. The mini comics all make it seem like he spent most of his time there and later he says “it was home more than home was.” (Lackadaisy Breakdown). The cousins wrote to each other while Rocky was traveling around and Calvin kept them all inside a box instead of throwing them away. Aunt Nina tells Rocky "[Calvin]'s the only one in all o’ creation who'd follow you" (Lackadaisy Somersault) so they're clearly extremely close. Calvin lies to his mother several times to keep Rocky out of trouble, even when it's about something illegal. Despite his moral compass and the fact that he almost went into law enforcement, he's working with Lackadaisy and regularly shooting at people presumably just because Rocky wants him to (and because Ivy's there... but in the beginning it was for Rocky). They strike me as having more of a sibling relationship than a cousin one due to growing up so close.
Aunt Nina
Nina does not have a very high opinion of Rocky and she makes this very clear. She trusts him not to get Calvin into too much trouble but she doesn't let him stick around when he stops by. He’s under no illusions that he’s welcome at her house (Lackadaisy Somersault) and he tells Ivy that “[his face]’s only abided in small doses” at Nina’s house. He starts telling Ivy there was a small family tragedy and "it had an author... and with already ink-stained hands, i signed my name on it" which means that something bad happened and he either was to blame or took the blame and that is the reason he left Missouri, "so time could dull my fresh reminder face." (Lackadaisy Breakdown). My guess is that this family tragedy had something to do with his mother because his father was alive at least a little bit after he left because he was sending letters and stopped (Lackadaisy Correspondence) his mother is only mentioned once, in Lackadaisy Breakdown, described as “chasing Red Death” Red Death is not a real sickness and its instead from Edgar Allen Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death. This could mean that his mother had some sort of bloody sickness. My guess is tuberculosis. It was one of the biggest causes of death in the early 1900’s and one of its most well known symptoms is coughing up blood. Sorry this is supposed to be about Nina and I kind of went off the rails there. Anyway I don’t think Nina hates Rocky at all; she still does his laundry and lets him visit and lets him drag Calvin around. But she doesn’t trust him and makes sure he knows that.
Some people seem to think Rocky has a crush on Mitzi, and him threatening Wick certainly gives the impression but I heavily disagree and I think he sees her more as a mother figure. He clearly looks up to her and seeks her approval constantly; he goes out while extremely injured and hiding that injury from her (Lackadaisy Deliria) presumably because he realizes that the pig farmers' attack on Lackadaisy was his fault and he really wants to fix it. His behavior towards Wick strikes me more as a child really not wanting a step parent. As the audience, I know that Wick is basically incapable of evil (he has killed once and it was a duck and it still haunts him) and Mitzi is the one taking advantage of their relationship, but from Rocky's perspective Mitzi is just an innocent widow looking for companionship and Wick is a weird rich sleazeball. I honestly don't think Rocky is aware of Mitzi's own sleaziness, and if he is he’s ignoring it to the best of his ability. but Mitzi likes having Rocky around. Every time she's upset over something and Rocky starts joking around she immediately starts smiling more (Lackadaisy Proposition, Lackadaisy Haggersnash). She’s undeniably fond of him, despite his many shenanigans.
Okay this one is a little bit more out there. “But Rotten!” You may argue, “Rocky doesn’t actually know Mordecai! They only interact like once outside the mini comics!” Yes dear reader but consider this: they have so many parallels. They are opposites on the surface; Rocky is silly, Mordecai is serious. But looking closer they have a few things in common. Mainly: TRAINS!!!!!!!!! They both have recurring train motifs and it makes me insane. For Mordecai he met Atlas on a train (Lackadaisy Thaumaturgy), and for Rocky he has a drawing of one on one of the letters he sent to Calvin (Lackadaisy Correspondence) and he said his father worked on the railroad (Lackadaisy Breakdown). In relation to the trains, they both left home at a young age and wrote letters home. They also both seem to have a habit of gaining enemies; when Atlas met Mordecai he was running from people (Lackadaisy Bookkeeper) and Rocky’s… everything makes making enemies extremely easy for him. These two have PARALLELS and I need everyone to know!!!!!
This last section is about Rocky himself! First off, to state the obvious: Rocky is extremely impulsive, he doesn’t seem to think about the consequences of his actions whatsoever and it gets him into all sorts of trouble all the time. He’s not oblivious though; in Lackadaisy Posterity he immediately jumps to the conclusion that he ruined something, he just didn’t remember it. Rocky puts on a show of being confident and sure of himself but the moment his walls are torn down in the Posterity and Breakdown pages he’s calling himself a horrible person. He is extremely aware of how other people feel about him; even though his exclamation of “they tolerate me” in Lackadaisy Palaver is framed as a joke, it feels pretty real. A lot of people don’t like Rocky and he knows this. I don’t remember where I was going with this. Just know that I’m obsessed with Rocky and I’m thinking about him always.
In conclusion
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akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
Seeing so many newcomers hopping onto Lackadaisy and getting super into the characters have been a very neat thing to witness in real time. Especially seeing super newbies responses to Rocky CHAOTIC nature in the pilot, like being completely either thrown off by him compared to how he's first introduced with his poetry episode intro. Or being annoyed by him due to Rocky being too much or liking his high mad lad energy.
I can maybe slightly get why some might find Rocky a little annoying or think he's way too much. Even in-universe others see Rocky as being a loon or unbearable to deal with.
But there's a lot more to Rocky character that I love and find him just so interesting, sure while he is eccentric and can be impulsive or just this force of chaos. He is also someone that got a lot of deep seated pain about him, like parts of his story / background is pretty sad. I mean the dude sleeps in his car!? Rocky character always reminds me of those type of characters who on the surface is happy-go-lucky or have this optimistic cheery disposition about them...but if you look deeper into them they got either this hidden darkness or overall very painful side to them that they kept inside and rarely showcases. Except under certain circumstances.
But Yea Rocky got so much more to him.
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akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
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bug lady
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akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
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this week i’ve seen more rain in southern california than i have in many years. today it poured so much there were flood warnings in my area and i was so excited i took a walk in the pouring rain. It was very inspiring
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akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
episode 6 N icons?
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the ending of this episode destroyed me
🤖 n icons from episode 6 !!
💀 like / reblog if you save or use.
🩸 credit not necessary, but greatly appreciated !!
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akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
Speculation post on who’s going to die in Lackadaisy
Rocky: Rocky collects death flags like ants collect breadcrumbs on a picnic. He has an uncomfortable amount of river and drowning symbolism and his whole character arc/thematic purpose seems to be a downward spiral, which in all fairness almost every character has because this is what this story seems to be about.
Viktor: Old, already frail, and constantly trying to protect Pepper who is diving headfirst into trouble for no real reason. But also killing the heavy on the “good” side raises the stakes.
Freckle: I can see Freckle surviving if he’s willing to face Rocky and their shared trauma and finally cut ties with him or just confront him in any way. His death could be used as the event horizon that finally slaps Rocky and Pepper properly in the face. That being said, he might live into a fate worse than death.
Ivy: If she dies, Freckle and/or Victor break, but her character arc doesn’t seem to be heading that way. Whatever she looses along the way will probably be heavy, though.
Serafine and/or Nico: If one of them dies but the other survives then prepare the boss music because the other will go berserk. However, if either of them dies the other may also fall soon after, or maybe they’ll die together. Still, Tracy could surprise us and flesh them out to a point that they’ll survive.
Zib: Zib can die, probably to teach Mitzi a lesson about how clinging to the past will make you lose you present and to take away her one voice of reason that can at least make her consider a better path, but I will riot.
Asa: Talks big when dealing with Mitzi but is desperate to hide something, which means he’s likely a pawn to whoever killed or arranged to kill Atlas in the first place. If that higher power decides to cut their mercy, then it’s down to swim with the fishes with him. Or maybe Mordecai will turn on him depending on what he finds.
Wick: Alive or dead, he is not coming unscathed from this.
Mitzi: If she dies, it will probably be at the very end when the prohibition era is over and all she did was for nothing or she can die somewhere at the start of the third act when everything has spiraled out of control.
Dom Drago: If he, probably the most competent and powerful voice of reason in this story, gets killed then the shit officially hits the fan. Also I’ll riot.
Mordecai: Like Norman Reedus and Peter Dinklage, he has Fan Favorite Syndrome, meaning that he Cannot Die or the fandom will Riot.
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akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
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Maybe Steven Universe wasn’t the best show to watch
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akane-aoi-archive · 1 year
Roark "Rocky" Rickaby Appreciation Post. 💙🎻🥞
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