akihiko-usami · 4 years
Dang.. I would do him good👌🏻
Imagine Victor going down on Usagi tho holy shit
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akihiko-usami · 4 years
Usagi is a bottom, pass it on
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akihiko-usami · 6 years
When I went to the JR SIH Thanks Party I only bought the new clearfile and the cashier was confused like “only that??? are u sure?”
you bet I am, I don’t think I need that damn junjou wine 
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akihiko-usami · 6 years
I just remembered I got a message that my post with the Misaki-Ritsu hair swap was disrespectful against Nakamura and I still don’t know why lmao
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akihiko-usami · 6 years
Pardon me .. But i was wondering if you know from where can i buy the JR new magazine from japan because I'm going to Tokyo on 4 September and all i know is the name of the manga place there which is Akihabara 😙 thank you
You can buy the Emerald magazine pretty much anywhere you want. I’d recommend going to Ikebukuro’s Animate! It’s the biggest Animate and should still have a lot of copies of the Emerald magazine, maybe even the special versions!The Animate in Shibuya should also work and is selling special mechandise from the Junjou/Sekakoi Gallery back in May!! It’s not much but worth a look!The Animate in Shinjuku is also pretty good.Akihabara’s Animate should also work but is catering more towards men’s taste in manga… I’m not sure if they’re selling all the BL magazines tbh.And in general, I’d recommend Ikebukuro over anything else if you like Boys Love! Ikebukuro is a special and magical place!!
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akihiko-usami · 6 years
Anyways ;)))
I’m sorry if any of you thought this was legit, it’s just when I saw the new Thanks Party artwork the same-face-syndrome of Nakamura’s just got too much for me, so I had to swap their hairstyles and voilà~ if I gave it more effort you could totally think Ritsu and Misaki are the same characters.
Can Nakamura please just... try..? to make her characters a bit more diverse? Is that too much?
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akihiko-usami · 6 years
Remember when people flipped their shit because Takano apparently was in JR 3′s opening when it was obviously just good ol’ Ijuuin?
I’m still not over that.
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akihiko-usami · 6 years
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akihiko-usami · 6 years
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If anyone ever wanted Misaki’s or Ritsu’s hair, here you go.
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akihiko-usami · 6 years
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Why is Ijuin here with Miskai?? And why is Ricchan celebrating with Akihito san? Are they cheating on each other!!!!
Just what the hell is going on here?? Someone explain please :x I’m not up to date with the mangas...
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akihiko-usami · 7 years
Do you like to see akihiko as a uke 😍
In general? Hell yeah. But I can’t really imagine him bottoming for Misaki to be honest. I’ve read many fanfictions depicting top!Misaki but it never really did it for me.
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akihiko-usami · 7 years
Thank you for over 400 followers, I don’t even post that much?? but thanks!
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(have this hot and gorgeous Usagi gif that I didn’t make)
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akihiko-usami · 7 years
Misaki totally owns a The☆Kan itabag, pass it on.
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akihiko-usami · 7 years
If Misaki and Akihiko were to marry, who do you think would adopt the others name?
I personally prefer “Takahashi Akihiko” 高橋秋彦.
To be honest, I can’t imagine Akihiko wanting Misaki to join his hated family and adopt his name (also 宇佐見美咲 “Usami Misaki” is just....nah, that mi-mi really irritates me xD)
So, imagine Akihiko being accepted into Misaki’s small family. And Akihiko would probably be more than happy with “Takahashi” because it’s a pretty common name (3rd place right after Satô and Suzuki) and he freaking loves commoner’s stuff. And it’d probably piss off Fuyuhiko so hard, Akihiko would do it just for the lulz.
What do you guys think :D ?
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akihiko-usami · 8 years
What is Akihiko hiding from Misaki?
I’ve been wondering about this since forever. What is so bad about his past that he can’t tell his boyfriend about it? Considering how understanding and not-judging Misaki is, does Akihiko not trust him enough? Or is it really that bad that he starts panicking when thinking that maybe Fuyuhiko told Misaki something?
What are your thoughts about this?
My thoughts under the cut:
So, like I said I’ve been wondering about that for so long now!
I don’t think it’s got anything to do with his tutor that did stuff to Akihiko like Misaki said in chapter 1, which Akihiko confirmed who was seemingly pretty chill about it.
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Like, that tutor thing wouldn’t surprise anyone (and we know, Nakamura loves messing with us *cough* Sumi *cough*) so I’ve been thinking...
Fuyuhiko obviously bullies Misaki because he wants to protect his son from being hurt, since Akihiko is pretty obviously a very sensitive person. But isn’t that a bit... extreme? (Like we all thought “wtf Fuyuhiko, just stay away!!1!”) In the Onsen chapter, Fuyuhiko tells Akihiko that “he doesn’t want him to get hurt so badly again” <- ‘again’ meaning that something rather hurtful happened to Akihiko and he apparently hardly recovered from it.
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My theory is that Usagi was or still is suicidal.
And his father doesn’t want to risk losing his son for good because of some 19 year-old kid, who isn’t serious about this relationship. I could understand Fuyuhiko’s extreme measures to scare Misaki off if that was the case (doesn’t mean I think it’s okay, obv) and Akihiko’s unnerved reaction when thinking Misaki knows something from Fuyuhiko that he shouldn’t.
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We should also keep in mind how allergic Akihiko reacts to his family whenever Misaki mentions them or he knows that one of his family members were in contact with Misaki. This may also be a reason why he doesn’t talk at all about his family or past with Misaki (maybe thinking “If he doesn’t know anything he won’t find out in the first place nor ask questions”).
Another scene that supports my theory is the famous demo-date-confession-chapter.
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(the translation is kinda off, but you get the deal) In the Ferris wheel, Akihiko tells Misaki that his family knows stuff about him that he’s afraid would make Misaki break up with him if he knew. Akihiko is known for being uncertain of Misaki’s feelings but that’s again rather... extreme? Why would Misaki break up after all they’ve been through and accepting all of Akihiko’s flaws already? While I think Akihiko suffering from depression is rather canon, it’s just not heavy enough in my opinion to cause Akihiko to think that way. Maybe he’s paranoid that Misaki will think “Teddy bears, okay, but suicidal? You’re sick, man.” or something like that (totally OOC Misaki but you get my point).
Another thing I want to mention is how dependent he is on Misaki. Jealousy and possessiveness, okay. But Akihiko is terrified of losing Misaki, almost like Misaki is his lifeline and his hope for a brighter future. While he did tell Mizuki that even if Misaki left him, he’d eventually get over it, I can’t believe that after chapter 39/40.
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He even says “I can’t let you go / don’t leave me alone” and that just doesn’t seem like he could bear Misaki leaving him at all (also look at Misaki’s face there in the 2nd panel, he’s probably just as worried as we were when Akihiko acted that way). Maybe he’s just telling himself that he got better and maybe Fuyuhiko’s worries aren’t as misplaced as we thought.
This is kinda my theory in short... I gotta be honest, I can’t imagine that it’d be easy to tell your loved ones “oh hey I was or still am pretty suicidal” just like that. I’d probably never mention it, since it’s a thing of the past (which Akihiko probably thinks as well). Maybe Akihiko actually thinks of himself as some disgusting person because of his mental state and believes Misaki couldn’t love him anymore if he knew about his weakest side?
I just really love Akihiko and want him to be happy. :(
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akihiko-usami · 8 years
(Since it’s Tanabata today... exp: “ In Japan, people generally celebrate this day by writing wishes (...) on small pieces of paper, and hanging them on bamboo”)
Imagine Misaki secretly writing on his paper that he always wants to be with Usagi. Takahiro sees it and Misaki goes into panic-mode until Takahiro says...
“aw you’re such a good friend, Misaki :)”
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akihiko-usami · 8 years
do you ever rp as usagi-san? or would you be willing to?
I’m sorry but I’ve never done that before nor do I think I’d be good at it. :/
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